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投稿者 バルセロナより愛を込めて 日時 2004 年 3 月 03 日 11:01:51:SO0fHq1bYvRzo

(回答先: 「米軍に拉致された」出国のハイチ前大統領が主張【パウエルは「根拠がなくばかげている」】読売 投稿者 HAARP 日時 2004 年 3 月 03 日 01:52:54)








Revelión 2004年3月2日


およそ3時間ほど前、弁護士でありジャン・ベルトラン・アリスティド夫人でもあるMildred Trouillotが中央アフリカ国から我々に電話をしてきました。そして我々に次のようなことを告げました。昨日の朝、アメリカ大使フォウリーが海兵隊員と共に自宅に現れて、海兵隊は彼らに銃口を突きつけ手錠をかけた。大使は「すぐにこの国から出て行かなければぶっ殺す(carnageという言葉が使われた)」と彼らに言った。そして、電話をかける時間すら与えずにすぐに空港に連れて行った、と。今日、エル・パイス紙の編集長はアリスティドがハイチから逃げたと説明しています。実際は押し入られ放り出されたのです。この行為は、主権国家の大統領を殺さなかったことを除いては、パラシオ・デ・モネダでのアジェンデに対して以上の蛮行です。


先週の土曜日にあなた方が特集で書いたように、「反乱者」には多くの前科者たちが含まれています。彼らがCIAによって資金を渡され組織されたことは広く伝えられています。(The Nationはそのことを確証するナイルン(Nairn)によって書かれた多くの記事を載せています。)同時に、これらの「反乱者」たちがハイチの「野党」の軍事組織であることも伝えられています。去る11月22日に、デゥバリェ時代の旗を憎んでいたハイチ北部でこれらの過激派たちの会合が開かれました。多くの会見で、これらのテロリストのリーダーたちは、彼らの唯一の目的はアリスティドを倒すことである、と、しかし他から来た命令に応えているのだ、と説明しました。「他から」とは? 「野党」からでしょうか、それとも外国の政府からでしょうか?

私が野党の言葉を引用するのは、実際には選挙で8%の得票率で選ばれた異なった400以上のグループを代表しているからです。彼らの唯一の共通課題はアリスティドの辞任でした。さらに、この「野党」はアンドレ・アパイド(André Apaid)に指導されていたのですが、彼はアメリカ人(ニューヨーク生まれのレバノン系)でハイチ国籍をもっておらず、しかしハイチに15もの工場を持ちアメリカの中で膨大な商業利権を持っているからです。アリスティドが、日給1.6ドルの最低賃金を上げたいと思った時、アパイドと重役たちは反対し最低賃金は上がりませんでした。重要なデータがあります。ハイチは非常に安い労働力の源泉であり、きちんとした会社を作ることなくたっぷりと利益を稼げる周辺国を手に入れることに興味を持つアメリカという最高の天国の一つから離れていないことです。






A Spanish professor close friend to Aristide writes a letter which was not published in El País denouncing that marines to the encañonado president of Haiti and newlywed removed from their residence (complete letter)

Revelión 2004-03-02

Hello XXXXXXXXXXXXX: I finish of dejarte a message in the answering machine. The 12 of January of 2003 you published in the Country an article to us on Haiti, "Punishment to poorest of America", written by Paul Farmer and my. Since then, and of long before, we have followed newspaper the situation of Haiti and the campaign of disinformation sent from the present government of the United States and from the European Union.

Three hours before, Mildred Trouillot, lawyer and woman of Jean-Bertrand Aristide, called to us from the Central African Republic. She told us that yesterday in the morning Foley ambassador of the United States appeared in his residence surrounded by a group of Marines that aimed to them with their arms and they handcuffed to them. The ambassador said to them that if did not go away immediately of the country, there would be a slaughter ("carnage" was the word that it used). Took it to the airport immediately afterwards, without not even having time to make a call. The editorial of today of the Country explains that Aristide fled from Haiti. In fact it was kidnapped and expelled. The facts remember more to those of Beyond in the Palace of the Currency, unless in the case of they yesterday did not kill the president of a sovereign country.

A disinformation example is that almost all the press publishes that Aristide won in fraudulent elections. As it explains our article of the last year, the elections that the "Haitian opposition" considered fraudulent were the legislative ones of May of 2000. But the international community accepted the presidential elections of November of 2000, by that Aristide won with 65% of electoral participation and 92% of the vote. Juan Jesus Aznárez was one of the so many journalists who omitted that when Aristide retook the presidency it asked for the seven senators of his party, chosen by simple majority in May of 2000 but who they did not celebrate one second return, that they resigned to his position, thing that did (the eighth senator was of one of the so many grupúsculos of the "opposition"). The European Union and the United States used the pretext of these senators, although they resigned, to block the promised aid to the Government of Haiti to reconstruct the country after the blow from 1991 to 1994. The article that you published the last year to us was one of first in denouncing the blockade of the aid. The rest of the press remained shut up, until this month when by chance all the international press began to explain that due to the fraudulent elections of Aristide the international community vió forced to block the aid to the government. In fact, Aristide was put in a corner since it assumed the presidency in February of 2001, and had very little maneuver of action to create and to reinforce, to crosscurrent, the institutions that were going to allow the democracy in Haiti. Many of articles published in the Country east month and written by Aznárez are full of factuales errors, which leads inevitably to serious errors of interpretation.

As you wrote in the editorial of last Saturday, the "rebels" have many criminal antecedents. Widely he is documented that was financed and formed by the company (The Nation has several articles written by Nairn that confirms it). Also he is documented that these "rebels" are the military arm of the "Haitian opposition": the 22 of last November were a meeting between both factions in the north of Haiti where the flags of the time of the Duvalier waved. In several interviews, the leaders of these terrorists explain that its only objective was to arrest Aristide, but who respond to the orders of others. Of the "Haitian opposition"? Of a foreign government?

I put comiles to the word opposition because in fact they represent more than 400 different groups, chosen by 8% of the electorate, whose only common platform was the destitution of Aristide. And because this "opposition" is led by André Apaid, citizen of the United States (of Lebanese origin born in New York) and without Haitian nationality, but owner of fifteen factories in Haiti and with great commercial interests in the United States. When Aristide wanted to raise the minimum wage, that is of 1.60 dollars of the United States per day, Apaid and the elite that represent was against and the minimum wage did not increase. One is an important data, because Haiti is a source of manual labor baratísima and so little distance of the United States that is one of the best paradises for those who are interested in obtaining substantial margins of benefit without creating worthy job.

It would enchant to continue speaking to me with you of this subject, and I hope that the Country contributes to clarify the facts.

Very been thankful,

Arachu Castro

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