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投稿者 竹中半兵衛 日時 2004 年 11 月 13 日 09:22:28:0iYhrg5rK5QpI


Subject: [aml 41808] Re: [aml 41799] Fwd: 米軍、ファルージャで化学兵器使用(islamonline)
From: "OHTA, Mitsumasa"
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 23:33:29 +0900
Seq: 41808






Asia Times Online
Nov 12, 2004

A thousand Fallujahs
By Pepe Escobar

In an explosive accusation - and not substantiated - an Iraqi doctor who
requested anonymity has told al-Quds Press that "the US occupation troops
are gassing resistance fighters and confronting them with internationally
banned chemical weapons". The Washington Post has confirmed that US troops
are firing white-phosphorus rounds that create a screen of fire impervious
to water.


WITH THE TROOPS(←これは従軍取材ということか。本文の内容からしてそうだろう。)

Boston Globe
Advancing forces meet an eerie stillness
By Anne Barnard, Globe Staff | November 9, 2004


Gregory's Bradley smashed the gate of an empty house and his soldiers took
over the three-story building to survey the surrounding area. On the roof,
embers of white phosphorus glowed in the dark, from the flares fired by the
advancing forces that snaked down from the sky like the tentacles of an
octopus. The air was filled with acrid chemical smoke.


Laws of War Violations and the Use of Weapons on the Israel-Lebanon Border
Human Rights Watch Arms Project
Human Rights Watch/Middle East
Human Rights Watch


According to military experts, white phosphorus ammunition can have a
devastating effect if it is used in the anti-personnel role. In addition to
the toxicity of the
smoke, burning fragments can stick to the skin and clothing to cause severe
burns, and fragments of unburnt phosphorus can become buried in wounds until
they are exposed during subsequent treatment....[W]hite phosphorus is widely
used in shells, mortar bombs and grenades throughout the world. This
reflects not only its excellent smoke-producing qualities but also, it must
be acknowledged, its secondary anti-personnel role.



アラブの声ML 齊藤力二朗

----- Original Message -----
From: "hagitani ryo"
To: ; ;
<2002costarica@freeml.com>; ; ;
; <""@w3sa.netlaputa.com>
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2004 11:48 AM
Subject: [aml 41799] Fwd: 米軍、ファルージャで化学兵器使用(islamonline)

> hagitaniです
> [aml 41798] 米軍、ファルージャで化学兵器使用(islamonline)
> toshimaru oguraさんのメッセージを転送します。
> 記事をやや詳しく伝えるため、重要なところにだけ訳をつけます。
> ============================================
> 小倉です。Islamonlineに抵抗勢力側からの情報として、米軍が化学兵器を
> 使用しているという記事が掲載されています。ある種の神経ガスのようで
> す。詳細は不明ですが、かなり厳しい市街戦を想定していた米軍が報道管制
> のもとで、違法な武器を使用したとしても不思議ではない。(劣化ウラン弾
> などの前例がいくらでもある)もし、これが事実であれば見逃せない犯罪行
> 為であることはいうまでもありません。
> ================================
> US Troops Reportedly Gassing Fallujah
> http://www.islamonline.org/English/News/2004-11/10/article05.shtml
> イスラムオンライン記事
> FALLUJAH, November 10 (IslamOnline.net & News Agencies) - US troops are
> reportedly using chemical weapons and poisonous gas in its large-scale
> offensive
> on the Iraqi resistance bastion of Fallujah, a grim reminder of Saddam
> Hussein's
> alleged gassing of the Kurds in 1988.
> 米軍がファルージャで毒ガスを使っているとのことである。
> "The US occupation troops are gassing resistance fighters and
> confronting
> them
> with internationally-banned chemical weapons," resistance sources told
> Al-Quds
> Press Wednesday, November 10.
> レジスタンス側が、11月10日に、アル・クッズ(新聞名)に伝えた。
> The fatal weapons led to the deaths of tens of innocent civilians, whose
> bodies
> litter sidewalks and streets, they added.
> この武器によって死んだ歩道に民間人の遺骸が散乱している。
> "They use chemical weapons out of despair and helplessness in the
> face of the
> steadfast and fierce resistance put up by Fallujah people, who drove US
> troops
> out of several districts, hoisting proudly Iraqi flags on them.
> Resistance
> has
> also managed to destroy and set fire to a large number of US tanks and
> vehicles.
> 「市民の抵抗で、米軍は一部の地区から撃退され、市民はそこにイラク国旗を立てて
> いるので、手段に窮した米軍が毒ガスをつかったのだ。多数の米軍タンク、車両が破
> 壊され、焼かれた」
> "The US troops have sprayed chemical and nerve gases on resistance
> fighters,
> turning them hysteric in a heartbreaking scene," an Iraqi doctor, who
> requested
> anonymity, told Al-Quds Press.
> 「米軍は化学的な神経性のガスをイラク人に噴霧した。イラク人はこの光景にヒステ
> リー状態に陥った」とあるイラク人医師は匿名でアル・クッズに伝えている。
> "Some Fallujah residents have been further burnt beyond treatment by
> poisonous
> gases," added resistance fighters, who took part in Golan battles,
> northwest
> of
> Fallujah.
> レジスタンス・メンバーによると、ガスで治癒不能のやけどを負った市民もいる。
> In August last year, the United States admitted dropping the
> internationally-banned incendiary weapon of napalm on Iraq, despite
> earlier
> denials by the Pentagon that the "horrible" weapon had not been used
> in the
> three-week invasion of Iraq.
> 昨年8月、米国は、国際的に禁止されているナパーム弾を使ったことを認めたが、こ
> れは、ペンタゴンがそれまで否認していたことだった。
> After the offensive on Iraq ended on April 9 last year, Iraqis began to
> complain
> about unexploded cluster bombs that still litter their cities.
> Media Blackout
> イラクではメディアは管制を受けており、アルジャジーラは閉鎖、従軍(埋込)報道
> 陣は米軍の思いのまま。
> The sources said that the media blackout, the banning of Al-Jazeera
> satellite
> channel and subjective embedded journalists played well into the
> hands of the
> US
> military.
> "Therefore, US troops opted for using internationally banned weapons to
> soften
> the praiseworthy resistance of Fallujah people.
> "More and more, the US military edits and censors reports sent by
> embedded
> journalists to their respective newspapers and news agencies," the
> sources
> added.
> Iraqi Defense Minister Hazem Al-Shaalan had said Tuesday, November
> 9, would
> be
> decisive.
> イラクのハゼム・アル・シャーラン国防相は11月9日が決定的な日になると語った
> 。
> "Al-Shaalan declaration meant nothing but the use of chemical
> weapons and
> poisonous gases to down Fallujah fighters," observers told Al-Quds
> Press.
> これは、毒ガス使用を意味したにちがいない、と、消息通はアル・クッズに語ってい
> る。
> The reported gassing stands as a grim reminder of Saddam Hussein's
> alleged
> gassing of the Kurdish community in the northern city of Halbja in 1988.
> While the West insisted that Saddam was the one behind the heinous
> attack,
> the
> ousted president pointed fingers at the then Iranian regime.

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