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投稿者 バルセロナより愛を込めて 日時 2005 年 7 月 23 日 19:27:38: SO0fHq1bYvRzo
作戦自体は Suzannah作戦(スザンナ・オペレーション)という名前がついていたんですね。まあ、ラヴォン事件のほうが通りが良さそうだ。
Lavon Affair
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The Lavon Affair refers to a widespread political scandal in Israel that followed an Israeli covert operation in Egypt known as Operation Suzannah. It led to the resignation of several Israeli officials and politicians, and ultimately to the retirement of David Ben-Gurion from active political life.
It became known as the Lavon Affair or cryptically as the Unfortunate Affair (Hebrew: ???? ???? HaEsek HaBish), after the Israeli defense minister Pinchas Lavon, who was forced to resign because of the incident.
その事件は、イスラエルの防衛大臣 Pinchas Lavon(この人はその出来事のために辞職することを強いられた)の名前にちなんでLavon事件という名前で呼ばれ、ヘブライ語では「不運な事件」と呼ばれています。
Contents [hide]
1 Operation Suzannah
2 Political aftermath
3 Legacy
4 See also
5 External links
6 Footnotes
Operation Suzannah
In the early 1950s the United States began pressuring the British to withdraw from the Suez Canal and leave Egypt, and the U.K. eventually signed a treaty with Egypt to do so. Israel was strongly opposed to the British withdrawal, as it feared that it would remove a moderating effect on Nasser's military ambitions, especially toward Israel, but diplomatic methods failed to sway the British. In the summer of 1954 Colonel Benyamin Gibli, the chief of Israel's army intelligence, intiated Operation Suzannah in order to reverse that decision. The plan called for bombing British and American facilities in Egypt, with the intent that they would be attributed to the Egyptian government, in order to demonstrate its "irresponsibility".
1954年の夏に、Benyamin Gibli大佐(イスラエルの陸軍情報部のチーフ)はその決定を撤回させるためにSuzannah作戦を立案した。
Operatives had been recruited several years before, when the Israeli intelligence officer Avram Dar arrived in Cairo under a British cover. He had recruited several Egyptian Jews who had previously been active in illegal emigration activities and trained them for covert operations.
イスラエルの情報将校Avram Darが英国の庇護の下でカイロに着いた時、作戦要員はすでに数年前にリクルートされていた。
On July 2, a post office in Alexandria was firebombed, and on July 14, the U.S. Information Agency libraries in Alexandria and Cairo, and a British-owned theater were bombed. The bombs themselves were homemade, consisting of bags containing acid placed over nitroglycerine. The bombs were inserted into books, and placed on the shelves of the libraries just before closing time. Several hours later, as the acid ate through the bags, the bombs would explode. They did little damage to the targets and caused no injuries or deaths. Egyptian authorities arrested one suspect, Robert Dassa, when his bomb accidentally ignited prematurely in his pocket. Having searched his apartment, they found incriminating evidence and names of accomplices to the operation. Several suspects were arrested, including Egyptian Jews and undercover Israelis.
7月2日に、アレキサンドリアの郵便局が firebomb(焼夷弾?)で攻撃された。
容疑者の一人(Robert Dassa)の爆弾が彼のポケットの中で偶然に時期尚早に点火した時、エジプトの当局は彼を逮捕した。
Israeli authorities reacted with outrage at the accusation, though there was much uncertainty among senior officials as it came to light that the operation had been authorized by Colonel Dar. The trial against those arrested lasted until January 27, 1955, when two of the accused (Moshe Marzouk and Shmuel Azar) were condemned to execution by hanging, and the rest received lengthy prison terms. Two suspects had committed suicide in prison, and another (Israeli agent Avraham Seidenberg alias Paul Frank) had managed to escape.
作戦が Dar大佐によって認可されたことが明るみに出たとともに、不確実ではあるが数人の上級職員の罪名が取りざたされると、イスラエルの政府当局は憤慨で反応した。
逮捕者に対する公判は1955年1月27日まで続き、被告(Moshe MarzoukおよびShmuel Azar)のうちの2人は絞首刑になり、
2人の容疑者が刑務所で自殺し、別のもの(イスラエルのエージェント Avraham Seidenberg別名Paul Frank)は釈放された(escape?、逃走した?)。
The trial was criticized as a show trial, and there were allegations of torture against suspects.
Political aftermath
In meetings with prime minister Moshe Sharett, secretary of defense Pinchas Lavon denied any knowledge of the operation.
When intelligence chief Gibli contradicted Lavon, Sharrett commissioned a board of inquiry consisting of Israeli Supreme Court Justice Isaac Olshan and the first chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces, Yaakov Dori that was unable to find conclusive evidence that Lavon had authorized the operation. Lavon tried to fix the blame on Shimon Peres, who was the secretary general of the defense ministry, and Glibi for insubordination and criminal negligence. Sharett resolved the dilemma by siding with Peres, after which Lavon resigned. Former prime minister David Ben-Gurion succeeded Lavon as minister of defense.
Moshe Sharett首相との会合で、国防長官Pinchas Lavonは作戦についてのどんな知識も否定した。
Gibli情報大佐がLavonと対立したので、Sharrettはイスラエル最高裁判事Isaac Olshanおよびイスラエル防衛軍の最初の首席補佐官であるYaakov Doriから成る調査委員会に調査を委任した。
Lavonは、Shimon Peres(この人は国防省の事務局長だった)およびGlibiに不従順と犯罪的過失への非難を振り向けさせようとした。
In April of 1960, a review of minutes from the inquiry found inconsistencies and possibly a fraudulent document in Gilbi's original testimony that seemed to support Lavon's account of events. During this time, it also came to light that Seidenberg (the Israeli agent running Operation Suzannah in Egypt), had committed perjury during the original inquiry. Seidenberg was also suspected of betraying the group to Egyptian authorities; though the charges were never proven, he was eventually sentenced to a jail term of 10 years. Ben-Gurion scheduled closed hearings with a new board of inquiry chaired by Chaim Cohen, a supreme court justice.
ベン・グリオンは、Chaim Cohen最高裁判所判事を長とする新しい調査委員会によって審問を終了させようと予定した。
This inquiry found that the perjury indeed had been committed, and that Lavon had not authorized the operation. Sharett and Levi Eshkol tried to issue a statement that would placate both Lavon and those who had opposed him. Ben-Gurion refused to accept the compromise and viewed it as a divisive play within the Mapai party. After another investigative committee sided with the Cohen inquiry, Ben-Gurion resigned from his post as defense minister. This led to the expulsion of Lavon from the Histadrut labor union and an early call for new elections which changed the political structure in Israel.
SharettおよびLevi Eshkolは、Lavonとその反対者の両方を懐柔する声明を発表しようとした。
It should be noted that the specifics of Operation Suzannah were not public at the time of the political upheaval.
While Israeli concerns about Nasser's military ambitions turned out to have some merit, Operation Suzannah and the Lavon Affair turned out to be disastrous for Israel in several ways:
The Egyptian government used the trial as a pretext for a series of efforts to punish Egyptian Jews culminating in 1956 when, following the Suez Crisis, 25,000 Jews were expelled by Egypt and at least 1,000 ended up in prisons and detention camps.
Israel lost significant standing and credibility in its relations with the United Kingdom and the United States that would take years to repair.
The tactics of the operation led to deep-seated suspicion of Israeli intelligence methods that persists to this day in various conspiracy theories about agent provocateur and false flag operations authorized by Israel.
The political aftermath caused considerable political turmoil in Israel that affected the effectiveness of its government.
See also
History of Israel (under "Lavon affair")
Moshe Marzouk
External links
The Lavon Affair - Israel and Terror in Egypt
Excerpts from David Hirst's book: The Gun and the Olive Branch
About the Lavon affair
The Lavon Affair by Doron Geller, Jewish Virtual Library
Note 1: Benny Morris, Righteous Victims, p. 282
Categories: U.S.-Israeli relations | Arab-Israeli conflict | Espionage | History of Egypt
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