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トニー・ブレア、次は「国際テロ・サミット」を計画中(英の「Sky News」より)
投稿者 Sun Shine 日時 2005 年 7 月 20 日 22:25:13: edtzBi/ieTlqA





Tony Blair is considering hosting an international conference for countries affected by terrorism.

He said the aim of the summit would be "to try and root out" extremist teaching.

Mr Blair said that more than 20 countries have been affected by al Qaeda since 1993.

And on the subject of extremists living in the UK, he told Parliament: "It is very important that people understand that we are a tolerant and decent country but the rights that we give people here should not be abused."

The Home Secretary, Charles Clarke, has also spoken to MPs about new laws to deal with radical clerics.

Mr Blair and Mr Clarke were speaking after a hardline Muslim cleric blamed the London terror attacks on British people.

On Monday, Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed said: "The British people did not make enough effort to stop its own government committing its own atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan."

He told the London Evening Standard: "They showed Tony Blair full support when they elected him Prime Minister again even after he waged the latest war against Iraq."

And the Syrian father-of-seven continued: "I blame the British government and I blame the British people. They are the ones who should be blamed.

"The British government has said, 'You are with us or with terrorism'. I don't think that is the way forward."

Bakri moved to the UK in 1985 after being deported from Saudi Arabia because of his membership of a banned group.
Last Updated: 13:23 UK, Wednesday July 20, 2005

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