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投稿者 white 日時 2005 年 9 月 16 日 19:25:38: QYBiAyr6jr5Ac

(回答先: イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2005/09/15 投稿者 white 日時 2005 年 9 月 16 日 19:21:58)


  家宅捜索を行なうため民家に押し入ったアメリカ軍の将校が56歳の女性al-Hajjah Umm Khattabを銃を使って殺害する
   この家宅捜索は毎週定期的に行なわれているもので,事件の経緯は家の中にいたal-Hajjah Umm Khattabが
   al-Hajjah Umm Khattabは家の中に入ってきたこの将校の顔に唾を吐きつけていき将校を侮辱,
   これに怒った将校がal-Hajjah Umm Khattabに銃を4発発射して殺害していく。


US Officer Shoots 56-Year-Old Iraqi Woman To Death In Her Home
Sep 16, 2005
By Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice; Edited For Publication By JUS

US forces shot and killed a 56-year-old Iraqi woman when they invaded her home to search it Thursday morning. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in Hit reported the chilcren of al-Hajjah Umm Khattab as saying that US forces on Thursday morning raided their neighborhood as they habitually do on their searches every week or so. メThey stormed our family home,モ Umm Khattabユs sons said, メwhen the three of us were off at work.モ

メOur mother asked the officer to wait a second before entering so that the women in the house could put on their veils and scarves,モ the sons said. メBut the officer refused, and he and his troops just burst into the house by force, pushing our mother, al-Hajjah Umm Khattab, aside. She responded by spitting in the officerユs face and insulting him and he shot her four times in the chest, killing her instantly.モ

The correspondent reported medical sources in Ramadi Hospital as saying that four bullets had lodged in the body of al-Hajjah Umm Khattab. Witnesses said that they hear the sound of gunfire from inside her house, but said they couldnユt get into her house to see what had happened until the American troops had gone. They said, though, that the US soldiers left the house hastily and at great speed after the shooting. 

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