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投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2005 年 10 月 28 日 11:56:17: CjMHiEP28ibKM

★阿修羅♪  戦争11」掲示板に、「ニューヨークのラビ、『イスラエル国家の平和的解体』を求める 」と題する投稿があった。

 この「ラビ」(私はユダヤ教の「法師」と訳す)は、Neturei Kartaという宗派に属している。「偽」イスラエル建国の動きの初期から、ユダヤ人国家の建設に反対し続けてきたユダヤ教の正統派の系統である。

 ユダヤ教の法師や宗派の動きに関して、私自身は、昨年、以下の2つの通信を送っている。後者はNeturei Kartaである。


 ところが、中東史が専門の某教授(まだ見込みがありそうなので、実名は記さない)は、私の意見と質問に答えて、この宗派、Neturei Kartaを、いとも簡単に「少数派です」と分類してくれたのである。「無視せよ」と言わんばかりの調子だあったので、呆れてしまった。




★阿修羅♪  戦争11  
ニューヨークのラビ、『イスラエル国家の平和的解体』を求める 投稿者 ドメル将軍 日時 2002 年 5 月 07 日 01:54:24:


NY Rabbi Requests 'Peaceful Dismantling Of The Israeli State'

From Neturei Karta International, New York info@netureikarta.org


MONSEY, New York - "Is human life so cheap that we refuse to consider alternatives?"

asked Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss at a press conference here this morning, announcing Neturei Karta International's participation in the Palestine Activist Forum's protest against the "Salute to Israel Day Parade."

"All human life is sacred. The lives of both the Palestinian and Jewish people are both dear to our mutual Creator.Continued stubborn loyalty to the clearly discredited dream of Zionism, endangers both our peoples."
The rabbi maintained that his organization is interested in offering an alternative to Zionism.

He stated, Zionism has always had a disregard for life.
We will stand with our Palestinian friends out of loyalty to the deepest values of Judaism (Jews are forbidden to live exile and have their own state and certainly forbidden to oppress another nation, steal their land etc.) and also out of fear for the safety of world wide Jewry.There is a limit to the dangers that Zionism be allowed to drag our people."
NKI, which seeks the peaceful dismantling of the Israeli state, has experienced an upsurge of support from Jewish and Gentile sources during the recent Intifada and subsequent Israeli invasion.
"We demand the establishment of a Palestinian state over the entire Holy Land.
In the interim Jews should unilaterally leave the occupied territories.
The danger there is inestimable and clearly violates Torah law and basic morality."
The Rabbi said that his organization hoped to "keep open the channels of positive communication with many Palestinians and Muslims around the world.It is a far more effective way to pursue peace than the hatred spewed forth by some Jewish self appointed representatives."
"The Creator wants us to "sanctify His name and sanctify human existence. By joining us on Sunday all Jews can show their true image of Judaism and by so doing, show their solidarity with human suffering."


 イギリスのユダヤ人のユダヤ教法師(ラビ)が、イスラエルの「植民地主義」政策 を批判して、イギリスのユダヤ人社会で激怒を買い、「相克」(at odds)の状況を呈 している。


British Jews at odds after rabbi criticises Israel's 'colonialism' policies
By Andrew Johnson
28 October 2001
Leading members of Britain's Jewish community are locked in an angry dispute over Israel's role in the international crisis.
A prominent liberal, Rabbi Dr David Goldberg, has provoked consternation by describing Israel as the "last colonial power in the world", a "fact" which had left many Jews questioning their unconditional support of the country.
An passionate argument has followed, with the pages of the Jewish Chronicle carrying demands that he has no right to criticise Israel in the current climate. Another liberal, Rabbi Dr Sidney Brichto, wrote in the paper that those who disagree with Israeli policy should "keep their feelings to themselves".
"When leading Jews start criticising the behaviour of the Israeli government it gives the green light for those who are not friends of Israel," he said.
Former Labour shadow minister Gerald Kaufman, a lifelong supporter of Israel, entered the debate with a statement that he would never visit the country again because its current policies "make me despair".
The writer A N Wilson followed up by openly questioning the right of Israel to exist because "it never was a state". His comments drew a passionate response from Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, the chief rabbi of Britain, who said Israel existed because "for a thousand years Jews had been persecuted in Christian Europe, from the first crusade to Hitler's Final Solution".
But yesterday, speaking to The Independent on Sunday, Rabbi Goldberg, senior rabbi at the Liberal Jewish Synagogue in St John's Wood, London, repeated his criticisms of Israel and defended his right to speak out. He said:
"We are perhaps the most critical people on Earth of each other and of ourselves, yet when it comes to Israel it is a golden calf and all our critical faculties go. It is probably due to a great deal of insecurity from the Holocaust.
But I no longer think we can invoke the Holocaust as our justification. I think the moral goodwill we had has all been used up.
Nothing we say here is as open or as honest or as critical as what they say in Israel itself. In Israel you get killed for your views, but people still speak out. That gives me hope.
"I do find it extraordinary that people should question the right of Israel to exist. I feel it is going to rain flesh and blood for a while, but then a Palestinian state will emerge.
It will then be in Palestinian self-interest to live in peace with Israel and to deal with their own extremists. I have no doubt that will happen.''
His views were backed by members of his congregation. Speaking at Kiddush, an after-synagogue gathering, Bob Kirk from south London said:
"This is a question of ethics. If you think something is wrong you have to be able to speak out about it.''
Another long-serving member of the synagogue, who asked not to be named, said:
"If Israel or any other country including the UK has a policy with which I disagree with I must feel at liberty to say so.''
And Rabbi John Rayner, Rabbi Goldberg's predecessor at the synagogue, said:
"It is a misplaced sense of solidarity that leads people to stifle debate but stifling debate is a totalitarian tactic.''
A spokesman for the Board of Deputies of British Jews, an umbrella group uniting Britain's Jewish community, said they did not share Rabbi Goldberg's views but he had every right to speak out.
The spokesman said:
"We are not in the habit of slapping down individuals who express an opinion. He is within his rights to speak his mind."  



「私は、これを、画期的で、長く待ち望んだ、強い印象的を与える、心を揺さぶる、 感動的な、相手の側からの呼び掛けと受け取る」

 これに対して、アラブ人記者は、以下のように記した返信で情報の受領を確認して きた。

「これは確かに大ニュースだ。さらに細部の情報とアラブ側情報源の反応を探る努力 をする。」(This is really big news. I will try to get more details and reactions from Arab sources)



 簡略に解説すると、題名は、「イギリスのユダヤ教徒の組織がシオニスト国家の解 体を呼び掛ける」である。

 ユダヤ教徒、キリスト教徒、イスラム教徒、政治家などによる「テロ」についての国際会議の場で、ユダヤ教徒の組織、Neturei Kartaの代表が、「ユダヤ人とアラブ 人がアラブの法律の下に共生する」こと求めて、私が「偽」イスラエルと呼ぶ「シオ ニスト国家」の解体を呼び掛けたのである。

From: "Jim Bowery" jabowery@wwc.com
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 20:01:47 -0800
To: jacobandesau@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [jacobandesau] British Jewish Group Calls For Dismantlement Of The Zionist State
I just received the following from a correspondant:
British Jewish Group Calls For Dismantlement Of The Zionist State
LONDON (IRNA) - Representatives of a Jewish religious group has called for the dismantlement of Israel as the root cause of tension and violence in the Middle East.
The Neturei Karta representatives made the call at a one-day international conference on terrorism attended by Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious leaders and politicians here Tuesday.
A member of the group, J. Konig, elaborating on his statements at the conference told IRNA:
"I want to see the dismantlement of the state and the peaceful coexistence of Jews with Arabs and the Arab rule."
He added: "Like we live everywhere, like we live in London, like we live in any part of the world, we just want to be citizens, we don't want to be rulers."
Another member of the group regretted the bad image' the Israeli government has created of the Jews and caused world people to have a wrong impression of Judaism.
Rabbi Grohman, a Netuei Karta leader, elaborated on the establishment of the Zionist regime and said it was behind spread of corruption among a number of Jews.
Condemning any act of violence which leads to loss of life of innocent people, he considered establishment of Zionist government in the occupied Palestine as a factor for outbreak of disputes between Muslims and Jews.
He added that before the establishment of the Zionist regime, Muslims, Christians and Jews lived in peace in the Palestine region.
Neturei Karta has a considerable number of followers in Britain.
Meanwhile, Rabbai Hershal Gluck, chairman of the Muslim-Jewish forum of the UK, in his speech titled "looking at the past through the prism of the future", condemned terrorism as a phenomenon about destroying innocent lives.
"Too many mothers have cried for the loss of their children, and too many children for their parents," he said, stressing: "It is high time to look at what divides us. It is time to call an end to the cycle."
Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious leaders discussed the topic of terrorism in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks on American targets in New York and Washington.
The one-day international conference was sponsored by the Institute of Islamic Studies affiliated to the Islamic Center of Britain. Speakers including religious personalities, politicians, university professors and intellectuals from Britain, the United States and Iran expressed their viewpoints regarding terrorism and the current conflicts in Afghanistan and the Middle East.
Help stop the CYCLE of VIOLENCE in the Middle East (and elsewhere)!!
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 最後に、何故、私が「画期的で、長く待ち望んだ、強い印象的を与える、心を揺さぶる、感動的な」などという大袈裟な表現をしたのかを、証拠を示して説明する。私は、今から六年半前に、「ホロコーストは嘘」と確信し、主張し、偽善系左翼小児病 患者たちからの激しい罵倒の嵐をも覚悟して出版した拙著『アウシュヴィッツの争点』の終章の最後に、ユダヤ人のシオニストに関して、次のように記していたのであった。

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