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某英国ブログへの投稿  バブル経済の演出と自作自演テロ
投稿者 戦争屋は嫌いだ 日時 2006 年 10 月 26 日 18:49:42: d/vusjnSYDx0.


余談だが、例のプロパガンダ映画「FLIGHT93」と「World Trade Center」は英国で公開されたが極度の不入りに泣いているようだ。FLIGHT93の方は早々と安売りDVDが発売されているし、World Trade Centerの方は主演男優としてニコラス・ケイジまで動員して大宣伝攻勢をかけたにもかかわらず公開1週間後にはもう1日2回の上映(人気の高い映画は朝から晩まで6回くらいは上映する)になっていた。ボロボロの興行成績だったに違いない。やはり大衆はそれほど馬鹿ではないので、インチキプロパガンダ映画はもういいかげんにせいよ、というのが本音のようだ。


What we are witnessing is a con of the grandest scale, all intended to 'optimize' the profit of the banks and financial insititutions ultimately owned by just a few extremely wealthy families, connected to, or in control of central banks (yes, including the Bank of Japan through the family connection of its sucessive governors), by staging assets bubble and its eventual collapse into which trillions of hard-earned money of the common men will be mercilessly sucked, where manipulation of information through major media also under their control plays the most crucial role.

Hard core of their maneuvre is staging 'clash of civilizations' by conducting 'false flag terrorist operations' such as 911 and 7/7 which incidentally took place the day after London was voted to be the venue for 2012 Olympics; how marvelously benevolent and considerate of them not to do the atrocity the day before, to blow this great opportunity for the UK economy. Also remember both events 'happened to have taken place' on the very day when anti-terrorists excercise was being conducted.

And what about the man who executed poor Nick Berg wearing gold ring on his finger which is strictly banned in Inslam. What about the Arab-disguised British special forces soldiers arrested in a car packed with plastic explosive by Iraqi police, and the panick that followed, even deploying tanks to bust the prison walls to free those apparent false-flag terroritst. British media kept silence, but the world will never forget nor forgive.

Ignorant and ill-informed millions are driven like a herd of lamb to the slaugher, to the death of their civil liberty, to make 'their' job easy. After everything is over, they would certainly say "how silly we were", quite like they said, "why did we do such a silly war like Vietnam with benefit to none" Yes it was of benefit to none, but those war mongers and financiers, making trillions.

I can tolerate greed as economic stimuli to a degree, but certainly not to this excess.

Thankfully, a reputable American professor of theology is blowing whistle loud enough to draw attention of the most stubborn and naive.

Just have a look.


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