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安倍氏の「敵基地攻撃」発言 / “近隣諸国怒らせる” / 米紙社説(しんぶん赤旗)【ボストン・グローブ紙の英文社説付】
投稿者 gataro 日時 2006 年 7 月 19 日 13:15:14: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw







Losing Asian allies
July 17, 2006

HAWKS IN THE Bush administration may have thought they were applying irresistible pressure on North Korea's dictator Kim Jong Il by refusing to conduct direct, give-and-take negotiations on the North's nuclear program and by enforcing banking restrictions to punish Kim's regime for its counterfeiting and money-laundering operations. But in the aftermath of the North's missile launches on July 4, President Bush's refusal to explore a deal with Pyongyang appears to be backfiring. Not only does the North's stockpile of processed plutonium for nuclear weapons continue to grow. Relations among America's principal Asia allies -- relations that Bush's predecessors had cultivated with great care -- are coming unraveled.

The most evident clash is that between Japan and South Korea. Japan's leaders, it is true, have more reason than their neighbors to be anxious about North Korea's missiles since the six short- and medium-range missiles tested successfully were all headed toward Japan. Nevertheless, the reactions of Japanese politicians were of a kind to raise hackles in countries where imperial Japan's depredations have not faded from memory.

The front-runner to succeed Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi of Japan this fall, Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe, made a statement that may have played well with a domestic audience growing accustomed to a new tone of assertive nationalism but could only revive old resentments in both Korea and China. "If we accept that there is no other option to prevent a missile attack, there is an argument that attacking missile bases would be within the legal right of self-defense," Abe declared. In so doing, he was broaching concepts certain to anger Japan's neighbors.

Not only was he asserting that Japan's pacifist constitution permits a "self-defense" attack on North Korean missile launch pads, but also that Japan might conduct a preemptive military action against its neighbor.

South Korea's response was hardly subtle. President Roh Moo-hyun issued a statement calling Japanese leaders "arrogant and reckless." The South Korean president's spokesman said: "It is a serious development that Japanese cabinet ministers have made a series of comments that justify a possible preemptive strike and the use of military power. . . . It has unveiled Japan's expansionist nature."

China thus far has been much more restrained, but Beijing's worries about resurgent Japanese nationalism are no less acute than South Korea's. And the longer Bush refuses to test North Korea's professed willingness to cede its nuclear and missile programs for the right price, the more stress will be applied to relations among America's principal allies and commercial partners in east Asia.

© Copyright 2006 Globe Newspaper Company.

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