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16歳の少女絞首刑 純潔を守らなかった罪で。(イラン)【BBC放送、豪州のテレビから】
投稿者 東京音頭 日時 2006 年 8 月 15 日 22:47:27: lg2/OnhcbNSWg


処刑されたのは、Atefa Sahaeeleh という少女。 イランのネカという都市で起きた。


Atefa には、貞節違反の前科がある。少年のふたりっきりで、車にいたため、数百回の鞭打ちの刑に処された。
シャリア法が適用されるイランでは、性的行為に同意した とみなされる年齢は9歳で、男性と関係すれば、誘惑者と見なされる。

Atefa の件では、検察側が故意に記録を改ざんし、彼女を22歳、つまり 死刑を適用できる年齢にし、処刑させたという。

この事件は、イギリスBBC政策のドキュメンタリー番組 「ワイルド ピクチャー」によって報道された。BBCは、事件の真相を探る為秘密裏にイランの ネカに入り、近所の人や家族にインタビューを試みた。イラン政府は、この取材を歓迎せず、何回も取材を設定しなければならなかった。


この記事は、オーストラリアの国営放送 ABCの番組紹介の記事から書きました。
そして、多くの人が 残酷なイスラム教徒から女性やこどもを解放するための正義の戦いを支持するのです。


Execution of a Teenage Girl

Reporter: ex Wild Pictures for BBC

Broadcast: 07/08/2006

Not long after dawn on August 15, 2004 a teenage girl was dragged through a town square in the Iranian provincial city of Neka, past a crowd of people to the spot where a mobile crane had been converted into a makeshift gallows. Atefah Sahaaleh was 16 years old. She was hanged that morning for crimes against chastity.

Her sin, according to Iran’s moral police, was that she was involved in a sexual relationship. For this she was convicted with her death sentence approved by an appeal court in Tehran.

Those who knew Atefah Sahaaleh decribe her as a normal if needy teenager. Her mother had died in a car crash when she was young, after which her father descended into drug addiction. She lived with, cooked and cleaned for grandparents who otherwise ignored her. A psychologist’s report says she was desperately looking for love.

She had previous convictions for crimes against chastity – behaviour like being alone in a car with a boy. For these she had received a hundred lashes. At the age of thirteen a relationship began with a much older taxi driver. He may have been a predator working on a young woman without a reputation she could defend. He may have offered affection. Certainly in Australia a 50-year-old man having sex with a young teenager would be guilty of statutory rape. Under Sharia law in Iran where the age of consent for girls is nine years old the woman is assumed to be the temptress.

In Atefah Sahaaleh’s case the judge took a personal dislike against her. Authorities manipulated the records to make it look like she was 22 years old - old enough under the Iranian system to execute.

This disturbing story is told in a documentary made for the BBC by Wild Pictures. It was produced covertly by examining documents then travelling secretly to Neka and interviewing the girl’s father, neighbours, friends and others. Several sequences and interviews have had to be re-enacted because Iranian authorities do not welcome inquiry into such cases. Nevertheless it is not a solitary example. Iran comes second only to China in its record for executing its citizens. It is a country where capital offences extend not only to serious crimes of violence or crimes against the state, but to crimes against chastity.

"Execution of a Teenage Girl" - on Four Corners, 8.30 pm Monday 7 August, ABC TV

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