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投稿者 gataro 日時 2006 年 9 月 17 日 22:57:34: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw

(回答先: Re: test 投稿者 gataro 日時 2006 年 9 月 13 日 15:24:59)

Weekend Edition September 16 / 17, 2006
週末版       2006年9月16/17日

Ethos of the Destroyers  The American Military's Cult of Cruelty  By ROBERT FISK
破壊者の精神        アメリカ軍の虐待礼賛 ロバート・フィスク

In the week that George Bush took to fantasising that his blood-soaked “war on terror” would lead the 21st century into a

“shining age of human liberty” I went through my mail bag to find a frightening letter addressed to me by an American

veteran whose son is serving as a lieutenant colonel and medical doctor with US forces in Baghdad. Put simply, my American

friend believes the change of military creed under the Bush administration--from that of “soldier” to that of "warrior"--is

encouraging American troops to commit atrocities.




From Abu Ghraib to Guantanamo to Bagram, to the battlefields of Iraq and to the "black" prisons of the CIA, humiliation and

beatings, rape, anal rape and murder have now become so commonplace that each new outrage is creeping into the inside pages

of our newspapers. My reporting notebooks are full of Afghan and Iraqi complaints of torture and beatings from August 2002,

and then from 2003 to the present point. How, I keep asking myself, did this happen? Obviously, the trail leads to the top.

But where did this cult of cruelty begin?





So first, here's the official US Army "Soldier's Creed", originally drawn up to prevent anymore Vietnam atrocities:

"I am an American soldier.
I am a member of the United States Army--a protector of the greatest nation on earth. Because I am proud of the uniform I

wear, I will always act in ways creditable to the military service and the nation that it is sworn to guard ...
No matter what situation I am in, I will never do anything for pleasure, profit or personal safety, which will disgrace my

uniform, my unit or my country.
I will use every means I have, even beyond the line of duty, to restrain my Army comrades from actions, disgraceful to

themselves and the uniform.
I am proud of my country and it's flag.
I will try to make the people of this nation proud of the service I represent for I am an American soldier."



Now here's the new version of what is called the "Warrior Ethos":

I am an American soldier.
I am a warrior and a member of a team. I serve the people of the Unites States and live the Army values.
I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.
I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I always maintain my

arms, my equipment and myself.
I am an expert and I am a professional. I stand ready to deploy, engage and destroy the enemies of the United States of

America in close combat. I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.
I am an American soldier.



Like most Europeans--and an awful lot of Americans--I was quite unaware of this ferocious “code” for US armed forces,

although it's not hard to see how it fits in with Bush's rantings. I'm tempted to point this out in detail, but my American

veteran did so with such eloquence in his letter to me that the response should come in his words: “The Warrior Creed,” he

wrote, “allows no end to any conflict accept total destruction of the ‘enemy’. It allows no defeat ... and does not allow

one ever to stop fighting (lending itself to the idea of the ‘long war’). It says nothing about following orders, it says 

nothing about obeying laws or showing restraint. It says nothing about dishonourable actions...".
大部分のヨーロッパ人 ― それともの凄くたくさんのアメリカ人 ― と同じく、私はアメリカ軍のこの凶暴な「決まり」をまったく知らな






Each day now, I come across new examples of American military cruelty in Iraq and Afgha-nistan. Here, for example, is Army

Specialist Tony Lagouranis, part of an American mobile interrogation team working with US marines, interviewed by Amy Goodman

on the American Democracy Now! programme describing a 2004 operation in Babel, outside Baghdad: "Every time Force Recon went

on a raid, they would bring back prisoners who were bruised, with broken bones, sometimes with burns. They were pretty brutal

to these guys. And I would ask the prisoners what happened, how they received these wounds. And they would tell me that it

was after their capture, while they were subdued, while they were handcuffed and they were being questioned by the Force

Recon Marines ... One guy was forced to sit on an exhaust pipe of a Humvee ... he had a giant blister, third-degree burns on

the back of his leg."

Lagouranis, whose story is powerfully recalled in Goodman's new book, Static, reported this brutality to a Marine major and a

colonel-lawyer from the US Judge Advocate General's Office. "But they just wouldn't listen, you know? They wanted numbers.

They wanted numbers of terrorists apprehended ... so they could brief that to the general."

The stories of barbarity grow by the week, sometimes by the day. In Canada, an American military deserter appealed for

refugee status and a serving comrade gave evidence that when US forces saw babies lying in the road in Fallujah--

outrageously, it appears, insurgents sometimes placed them there to force the Americans to halt and face ambush--they were

under orders to drive over the children without stopping.
残虐物語は、週毎に大きくなる、時には日毎に大きくなることも。カナダでは、アメリカ軍の脱走兵が難民の地位を訴え出たり、アメリカ軍が赤ちゃんをファルージャの路上に横になっているのを見ても ― 非道なことに、反乱軍が時にはアメリカ軍を止めて待ち伏せを食わせるために赤ちゃんを置くのでそう見えて ― 止まらないで子供たち轢いてすすめの命令を受けていたと、ある兵士は証言した。

Which is what happens when you always "place the mission first" when you are going to "destroy"--rather than defeat--your

enemies. As my American vet put it: "the activities in American military prisons and the hundreds of reported incidents

against civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere are not aberrations--they are part of what the US military, according to

the ethos, is intended to be. Many other armies behave in a worse fashion than the US Army. But those armies don't claim to

be the "good guys" ... I think we need... a military composed of soldiers, not warriors."
あなたの敵を ― 打ち負かすよりはむしろ ― 「破壊」しに行く時に、常に「任務を第一とする」ならば、そうしたことが起こるのだ。私のアメリカ退役軍人が語ったのだ:「アメリカ軍の収容所での活動とイラク、アフガニスタンその他で報告される民間人に対する何百もの事件は逸脱行為ではないのだ ― それらはアメリカ軍が、その精神によれば、『良い奴』であろうとするものの一面だ。アメリカ軍以上に間違ったやり方でふるまう軍隊は他にもたくさんある。しかし、それらの軍隊は、(自分が)『良い奴』であるとは主張はしない。…私は、戦士ではなく、兵士から成る軍隊が必要だと思う。」

Winston Churchill understood military honour. "In defeat, defiance," he advised Britons in the Second World War. "In victory,

magnanimity." Not any more. According to George W Bush this week "the safety of America depends on the outcome of the battle

in the streets of Baghdad" because we are only in the "early hours of this struggle between tyranny and freedom".
ウィンストンチャーチルは、軍の名誉を理解した。「敗北のなかで、抵抗を」と、彼は第2次世界大戦において英国人に助言した。「勝利のなかで、雅量を」 それ以上のものは何もない。今週のジョージ・W.ブッシュによれば「アメリカの安全はバグダッドの通りでの戦いの結果にかかっている」なぜなら我々は「圧政と自由の間のこの戦いの初期」にいるにすぎないからだ。

I suppose, in the end, we are supposed to lead the 21st century into a shining age of human liberty in the dungeons of

"black" prisons, under the fists of US Marines, on the exhaust pipes of Humvees. We are warriors, we are Samurai. We draw the

sword. We will destroy. Which is exactly what Osama bin Laden said.
結局は、私は思うのだが、「暗黒の」収容所の地下牢の中で、アメリカ海兵隊の拳の下で、軍用車両の排気管の上で、21世紀を「人間の自由が輝く時代」に導くのだろう。我々は戦士で、サムイライだ。我々は剣を抜く。我々は破壊する。 それはまさしくウサマ・ビン・ラディンが言ったことだ。

Ethos of the DestroyersThe American Military's Cult of Cruelty

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