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『911 ボーイングを捜せ』原作者ヴォンクライストの挨拶
投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2006 年 4 月 11 日 16:41:05: CjMHiEP28ibKM

『911 ボーイングを捜せ』原作者ヴォンクライストの挨拶

日時 2006年4月15日(土)午後1:00〜5:00
場所 明治大学駿河台校舎・研究棟第9会議室(2階)
JR 御茶ノ水駅下車 徒歩5分
論者 きくちゆみ(作家・翻訳家、平和運動家)
 テーマ 「本当のテロリストは誰か?−報道されない9.11事件の最新情報を
『ボーイングを捜せ』米パワーアワー製作「911 PLANE IN SITE」日本語版上映
資料・通信代 500円 

顧問 岩田 弘、岩田昌征、内田 弘、生方 卓、岡本磐男、塩川喜信、田中正
司、(廣松 渉、栗木安延)
主催 現代史研究会、(共催)アソシエ21、御茶の水書房、社会評論社
連絡先 042-384-9007研究会事務局、03-3814-3861社会評論社
Thank you for watching 9/11 In Plane Site. Before I address the people of Japan I first of all want to thank Gen Morita, who I met in July of this year, and it was through him that I met Yumi.

『911 ボーイングを捜せ』を観て下さりありがとうございます。日本のみなさまにご挨拶する前に、まず今年(2004年当時)7月に会った森田玄にお礼を言いたいと思います。彼を通してきくちゆみと出会いました。

Yumi, I owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude, as do the people of Japan... because it is through your efforts and Gen's efforts that this documentary film has now been presented to the Japanese people. And I regret that I had to decline your invitation to come and visit your beautiful country. I am sure you all realize that the political climate here in the United States is not the best that it could be. And with the impending Bush administration, now we know we will have four more years, I am sure you understand my hesitancy of leaving the borders of our country and then, trying to return.


Considering the fact that the volatile nature of the information of this film would definitely make me and everybody around me a‘classified as a person of interest.' I am sure you would understand the difficulty that I might experience in trying to return to my home country.


At this time I want to point out that I realize that our countries are vastly different. We have a different history, a different culture, we have different governments. But the most important thing that we do have in common is our love of peace. The American people don't want war. Unfortunately, the mainstream media and our government would have you and the world believe otherwise.


They are controlled and they do have an agenda, and they obviously will do anything to force their agenda on the American people and indeed the rest of the world.


And despite the fact that we do have these differences, and people of the world also have differences, the one thing as I mentioned, the love of peace, and the love of humanity, is the one thing that I think we all need to focus upon. Our world has become so much smaller in the past 50 years and so many things have changed. And as I mentioned, now that the election here in the United States is over, many had hoped that maybe George Bush would have been thrown out of office. But that didn't happen. And to be quite honest with you I didn't think it would happen.


Our election system in this country has for some years been controlled. Now some folks would say that that is a conspiracy theory. But the work of many researchers, like James Collier who authored a book entitled “Vote Scam” proved years ago that our voting system has been corrupted for quite some time. And it's funny because now more and more Americans are starting to realize this. And yet, when we stop and look at other countries in this world, that work under a ‘democracy,’it's amazing that bloody revolutions are kicked off in other countries for so much less than what is occurring in our country today.


And I really hope that someday, someday soon, I will be able to come and visit your country. I would have liked nothing more, than to have met you all, face to face, shaking your hands and giving some of you hugs. Because we do have so much in common. And this one thing that we all love is threatened by the very people that claim to want peace. And yet through their actions, they demonstrate, time and time again that their agenda is war.


As I mentioned in the video, there is an entity that seems to have taken over not just our country's government but many country's government. And that is the‘corporation.’ Corporations know no allegiance to any country. Their sole desire is profit. It is not progress, it is not people, it is not what is right. It is what is profitable.


It is funny, because when you see somebody, that has a lust for food, we may call them a glutton. If we someone that has a lust for sex we call them a pervert. But in today's society, when we see somebody with a lust for money and power, well, somehow we call them successful.


Unless this mind-set is changed, not just in our country but around the world, then our entire civilization, no matter what corner of the globe that you live on, is truly in jeopardy.


The release of this film has created quite a controversy, for understandable reasons. Some are trying to debunk it, discredit it, somehow bring it down. None the less, I think that what you‘ve seen, with the video footage and the photographic evidence, screams that there are questions that we as Americans, and you as Japanese, and indeed everywhere in the world, we all demand to have these answers, because our lives are in jeopardy. We now face a possible threat of global thermonuclear annihilation.


George Bush, time and time again, goes on television and talks about a possible preemptive strike... whether it be in Iran or North Korea or anywhere else that they may have an agenda.


The people of this country are now just beginning to realize that there is a distinct possibility that other countries may be looking towards the United States and considering a preemptive strike. This I am sure you realize, would result in circumstances that nobody wants to entertain. And it is because of the release of this film and because of the people of this country now beginning to question the motives of our government, that I beg you all for help. I beg you all to reach across the Pacific Ocean, to the American people, through your companies, through your corporations.


Let your voice be heard that peace must prevail. At any cost. At the cost of the fall of some oil company maybe or some other company that may profit from building and manufacturing weapons of war. I am sure I don't have to tell the people of Japan about the horrors of war and the possibility of nuclear war.


We certainly don't want this for any people, not our people, not your people, not the people of Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan, or anywhere for that matter. Our leaders must come to realize that peace must be the priority. And the cost is too, is too great to even imagine. Sure we all want to live comfortably. We all want TV sets, nice cars, a nice home. But at what cost? It seems that our leaders have a short term goal. They don't care that their children, or their children‘s children or their children‘s, children‘s children may be slaves. They simply are concerned about their own present pleasure. Again, this is suicide.


And I certainly hope, that through the spread of the word of this documentary film, more and more people will realize, exactly what kind of evil we are dealing with.


Again I thank Gen, again I thank Yumi, and most of all I thank you, the people of Japan for taking the time to watch this documentary and I only hope you will do everything you can to tell everyone you know, what you know.


I'm Dave Vonkleist, thank you very much.


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