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投稿者 バルセロナより愛を込めて 日時 2006 年 6 月 19 日 01:29:39: SO0fHq1bYvRzo

(回答先: 朝日【9・11後の健康被害救済訴え 救急・警察・建設関係者】 投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2006 年 6 月 18 日 23:42:37)


Air Masks at Issue in Claims of 9/11 Illnesses


These respirators are now at the center of a federal lawsuit filed on behalf of more than 8,000 firefighters, police officers and private workers who say they were exposed to toxic substances at or near ground zero that have made them sick or may eventually do so. While residents and office workers in the area also suffered ill effects, the work crews at the site who had the greatest exposure are thought to have sustained the greatest harm.
Firefighter Doyle, now 51 and retired with mild asthma, a recurring cough and other work-related problems, said that the firefighters never thought for a second of refusing to work without respirators, but they did wonder when they were going to be available. Records produced in the lawsuit indicate that the Fire Department put in an order with the city for 5,000 P100 Organic Vapor/Acid Gas half-face masks, which cost less than $50 each, and 10,000 replacement filter cartridges on Sept. 28. But the order was not processed for almost two months.
Such delays remain a sore point. "Firefighters worked during the 9/11 rescue operation with little or no respiratory protection, and anyone who claims differently is lying," said Stephen J. Cassidy, president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association. "The department further failed to supply anything but particle masks to its workers until much later."



9/11 Cough - More Than Just "Asthma" Indeed


What in the world could Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration possibly be thinking in appealing a deputy mayor's workman's compensation case to cover his doctors' costs in order to care for his 9/11-related illness? Wouldn't ya think that, knowing what they know, (wink wink) at the very, very least Bloomberg's office would pay his doctors handsomely to treat his "asthma" and provide top-knotch, skilled 24/7 nursing care to keep Mr. Washington comfortable - not to mention, uh, very calm, sedate, and, primarily... quiet?
Penny-wise and pound foolish, oh Mr. Mayor. When deathly sick Deputy Mayors talk, Mr. Bloomberg, no doubt the press will be listening to his words - between the coughs, that is.
With highly radioactive levels found at the Pentagon on 9/11 (www.rense.com/general67?) what would make anyone think any differently about the air surrounding Ground Zero?
Ten bucks it's not asbestos, computer part fragments, and concrete powder dust alone that's making this NYC Deputy Mayor sicker than sick by this, uh NYC "mystery" disease. What do you want to make a bet that no physician has ever been encouraged to order (or, rather been allowed to order) a special test using a mass spectrometer to test for the presence of Airborne Uranium Particulates on the Deputy Mayor (or on any of the thousands of other New York residents and workers who are succumbing to this "mysterious" disease, for that matter)?


High-Ranking Army Officer - Missile Hit Pentagon
Radiation Expert Claims High-Radiation Readings Near Pentagon After 9/11 Indicates Depleted Uranium Used


Two high profile radiation experts concur Pentagon strike involved use of a missile. Also Geiger counter readings right after the attack shows high levels of radiation 12 miles away from Pentagon crash site.
A radiation expert and high-ranking Army Major, who once headed the military's depleted uranium project, both contend the Pentagon was hit by missile, not a commercial jetliner, adding high radiation readings after the strike indicate depleted uranium also may have been used.
"I'm not an explosives or crash site expert, but I am highly knowledgeable in causes and effects related to nuclear radiation contamination. What happened at the Pentagon is highly suspicious, leading me to believe a missile with a depleted uranium warhead may have been used," said radiation expert Leuren Moret in a telephone conversation this week from her Berkeley, CA home.


ペンタゴンで劣化ウランを弾頭につけたミサイルなどが用いられた可能性は十分にあるでしょう。どうやら「航空機燃料の火事」に水をジャンジャンぶっかけているようで、劣化ウランの飛沫を洗い流しているんじゃないのか?と疑いたくなります。WTCでも、ひょっとして使用された可能性のあるミサイル(例の「ポッド」から発射された?)に劣化ウランが弾頭として使われた、という可能性が無いわけではないでしょう。(あるいは「夢のウルトラ小型水爆」? でもこれで中性子が出たとしても一瞬ですので、後片付けの作業員などには関係ないはずですが・・・。)


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