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【大統領批判で罪?どこの国の話?】ブッシュへの侮辱で起訴 ワタダ中尉【平和志向法律屋 「DANZO」】
投稿者 傍観者A 日時 2006 年 7 月 08 日 02:28:05: ebe9fDsQ1Z63o

ブッシュへの侮辱で起訴 ワタダ中尉



7月5日、米国陸軍中尉アーレン・K・ワタダ中尉は、軍事司法統一法典の3カ条、すなわち、移動不参加(第87条)、上官に対する侮辱2件(第88条)−特に G. W.ブッシュ大統領に対する−、そして、将校・紳士にあるまじき不作法行為3件(第133条)によって、正式に起訴された。この6件の起訴全てに高等軍法会議で有罪となれば、ワタダ中尉は7年以上の陸軍刑務所入りを言い渡されることも有り得る。

これまでの第88条に関わる訴追は、ほとんどが南北戦争と第一次世界大戦時のものであり、知られている直近の訴追は1965年だった(ハウ対米国)。ハウ小尉はベトナム戦争に反対していた。(訳者註:ヘンリー・ハウ(Henry Howe)少尉が米軍基地へのデモに私服でプラカードを掲げて参加し、軍法会議に掛けられ重労働2年に処せられた。おだやかな政治的意思表示にたいしては罰が厳しすぎるというのが、大方の評価だった)














1) ワタダ中尉を処罰させないこと
2) 不法な戦争と占領への参加を拒否することによって、国際法、軍法、アメリカ合州国法を遵守しているワタダ中尉たちにたいして、膨大な市民による支援を形成すること
3) 無法なイラク戦争と占領を非合法化すること。
4) 不法な戦争と占領を拒否する者を訴追したり、不法なイラク戦争と占領を継続することが、社会的にも、政治的にも、経済的にも大きな代償を払わねばできないような状況を作ること
Army charges Lt. Watada with contempt towards president; Faces over seven years military prison
Refusing illegal war and occupation is not a crime!

International day of action and mass mobilization at Fort Lewis, Washington

National education and action campaign underway

On July 5, U.S. Army First Lt. Ehren K. Watada was formally charged with three articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: two counts of contempt towards officials (Article 88) - specifically President G. W. Bush, three counts of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman (Article 133), and one count of missing movement (Article 87). If convicted of all six charges by a general court-martial, Lt. Watada could be sentenced to over seven years in a military prison.

Lt. Watada’s lawyer, Eric Seitz, said: "We expected the missing movement charge, but we are somewhat astounded by the contempt and conduct unbecoming charges. These additional charges open up the substance of Lt. Watada's statements for review and raise important First Amendment issues. We are delighted that the Army has given us the opportunity to litigate these questions."

Most previous prosecutions of Article 88 took place during the Civil War and World War I, and the last known prosecution was in 1965 (Howe vs. U.S.). Lt. Henry Howe protested U.S. foriegn policy during the Vietnam War.

Even before Lt. Watada refused to ship out to Iraq on June 22, the Army was focusing their investigation on his speech. The formal charges confirm that the Army’s primary objective is silencing Lt. Watada’s dissent.

National education and action campaign responds

We are asking you and your organization to do what you can to make support for U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ehren K. Watada a priority in the coming weeks and months.

We believe that Lt Watada’s stand offers a historic opportunity to assert our power to challenge and end the illegal war and occupation and to support the courageous soldiers and officers who fulfill their commitment to refuse illegal orders to participate in illegal war, occupation and war crimes. We intend to make Lt Watada’s stand count as a significant step towards a better, just and more peaceful world.

International day of action; Mass mobilization at Ft. Lewis

Friends and Family of Lt. Watada is calling for an international mobilization of support the day before Lt. Watada is scheduled to be court marshaled – possibly sometime in September.

We are asking groups to begin planning demonstrations, rallies, marches, vigils and/or educational events at appropriate sites in your community (federal buildings, military recruiting centers, highly visible intersections, etc.).

Groups and individuals in the Pacific Northwest, and friends that can travel, are asked to converge at Fort Lewis (south of Seattle/Tacoma, north of Olympia) for the actual court martial and a series of educational events and actions prior.

Illegal war and occupation education and action campaign

We are asking supporters to make a concerted effort in the coming months to educate their groups, networks and community about Lt. Watada’s stand and about the illegality of the war and occupation of Iraq.

This could include articles in newsletters, on websites, letters to the editor, guest editorials, teach-ins, video screenings, etc.

We will send out updates and post information on the website with education ideas, resources (videos, ideas for teach-ins, down-loadable educational materials, etc), and more in coming days and weeks.

Goals for the Lt. Watada support campaign

These are the goals that are guiding the support campaign for Lt. Ehren Watada.

1) No punishment for Lt. Watada.

2) Build mass public support for Lt Watada and others who uphold international, military, and US law by refusing to participate in illegal war and occupation.

3) De-legitimize the illegal Iraq war and occupation.

4) Create a social, political and economic cost to prosecuting illegal war and occupation refusers and to continuing the illegal Iraq war and occupation.

2006.07.08 01:15 | イラク戦争 | トラックバック(0) | コメント(0)

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