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イスラエル国防軍(IDF)は、なぜレバノンで敗れたか(Counter Punch)
投稿者 gataro 日時 2006 年 8 月 20 日 10:28:04: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw

ソースは8月17日付“Counter Punch”です。

Why the IDF Lost in Lebanon



With today's cease-fire in Lebanon, the second Hezbollah-Israeli War is temporarily in remission. So far, Israel has been beaten.

レバノンでの今日の停戦で、第2回ヒズボラ−イスラエル戦争は、一時的に休止状態となる。 これまでのところイスラエルは負けている。

The magnitude of the defeat is considerable. Israel appears to have lost at every level-strategic, operational and tactical. Nothing she tried worked. Air power failed, as it always does against an enemy who doesn't have to maneuver operationally, or even move tactically for the most part. The attempts to blockade Lebanon and thus cut off Hezbollah's resupply failed; her caches proved ample. Most seriously, the ground assault into Lebanon failed. Israel took little ground and paid heavily in casualties for that. More, she cannot hold what she has taken; if she is not forced to withdraw by diplomacy, Hezbollah will push her out, as it did once before. The alternative is a bleeding ulcer that never heals.

敗北の大きさは相当なものだ。イスラエルは、あらゆるレベルで ― 戦略上も、作戦上も、そして戦術上も ― 負けたように見える。イスラエルの試みは何も機能しなかった。空軍でしくじった。作戦上策略を用いる必要もなく、あるいはほとんどの場合戦術上も移動する必要さえない敵に対して、空軍は常に失敗するのだ。レバノンを封鎖して、ヒズボラの補給を止めるという試みは、失敗した。ヒズボラの貯蔵庫は潤沢だとわかった。最も深刻なのは、レバノンへの地上攻撃が失敗したことだ。イスラエルはほとんど地上作戦をとらず、そのため重大な犠牲を支払った。さらにイスラエルは獲得したものも保持できない。もしイスラエルが外交上撤退を強いられたら、過去にも以前そうだったが、ヒズボラがイスラエルを押し出すだろう。決して治癒することのない出血性潰瘍を選ぶしかないのだ。

But these failures only begin to measure the magnitude of Israel's defeat. While Hezbollah's leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, is now an Islamic hero, Olmert has become a boiled brisket in the piranha pool that is Israeli politics. The cease-fire in Lebanon will allow camera crews to broadcast the extent of the destruction to the world, with further damage to Israel's image. Israel's "wall" strategy for dealing with the Palestinians has been undone; Hamas rockets can fly over a wall as easily as Hezbollah rockets have flown over Israel's northern border.


Most importantly, an Islamic Fourth Generation entity, Hezbollah, will now point the way throughout the Arab and larger Islamic world to a future in which Israel can be defeated. That will have vast ramifications, and not for Israel alone. Hundreds of millions of Moslems will believe that the same Fourth Generation war that defeated hated Israel can beat equally-hated America, its "coalitions" and its allied Arab and Moslem regimes. Future events seem more likely to confirm that belief than to undermine it.


The cease-fire in Lebanon will last only briefly, its life probably measured in days if not in hours. Neither Israel nor Hezbollah has genuinely accepted it. The notion that the Lebanese Army and a rag-tag U.N. force will disarm Hezbollah is absurd even by the usual low standard of diplomatic fictions. The bombing and the rocketing may stop briefly, but Israel has already announced a campaign of assassination against Hezbollah leaders, while every Israeli soldier in Lebanon will remain a target of Hezbollah.


Unfortunately for states generally, Israel appears to have no good options when hostilities recommence. It can continue to grind forward on the ground in southern Lebanon, paying bitterly for each foot of ground, and perhaps eventually denying Hezbollah some of its rocket-launching sites. But it cannot hold what it takes. It may strive for a more robust U.N. force, but what country wants to fight Hezbollah? Any occupier of southern Lebanon that is not there with Hezbollah's permission will face the same guerrilla war Israel already fought and lost. Most probably, Israel will escalate by taking the war to Syria or Iran, and what will be a strategy of desperation. That too will fail, after it plunges the whole region into a war the outcome of which will be catastrophic for the United States as well as for Israel.

一般的に国家にとって残念なことだが、 紛争が再開するときにはイスラエルには良い選択がないように見える。南レバノンで地面を前へ前へとごしごし削り取り続けていくことはできる。そして地面1フィートごとにひどい代償を払って、おそらく結局はヒズボラからロケット発射基地のいくつかを奪うことになるだろう。しかし、獲得したものを確保することはできないのだ。もっと強力な国連軍を求めるかもしれないが、どこの国がヒズボラと戦いたがるだろう?ヒズボラの許可を得てそこにいるのではない、南レバノンのどんな占拠者もが、すでにイスラエルが戦い、敗れたのと同じゲリラ戦に直面することになるだろう。きっとイスラエルは、シリアあるいはイランへの戦争へ、そしてやけくその戦略にしかならない戦争へ、拡大していくだろう。それも失敗することだろう、イスラエルにとってだけでなくアメリカ合衆国にとっても破滅的な結果となる戦争に全地域を巻き込んだ後に。

Before that disastrous denouement, my Fourth Generation crystal ball suggests the following events are likely:


o Again, a near-term resumption of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah, with Israel succeeding no better than it has to date. In the past, the IDF has been brilliant at pulling rabbits out of hats, but this time someone else seems to occupy all the rabbit holes.

・ またもイスラエルが日を定めるだけで事が運ぶ、イスラエルとヒズボラ間の間近に迫った紛争再開。過去には、イスラエル国防軍(IDF)がウサギを帽子から引き出す業(わざ)で見事だったが、今度は他の誰かさんがうさぎの穴を全部占拠しているようなのだ。

o A fracturing of Lebanon, with a collapse of the weak Lebanese state and very possibly a return to civil war there (which was always the probable result of Syria's departure).

・ 弱いレバノン国家が崩壊しほぼ決まってレバノン内戦に逆戻りする、レバノンの分割(ありそうなのは常にシリアが乗り出すという結果だった)。

o A rise of Syrian and Iranian influence generally, matched by a fall of American influence. If Israel and America were clever, Syria's comeback could offer a diplomatic opportunity of a deal in which Syria changed sides in return for a peace treaty with Israel that included the return of all lands. The crystal ball says that opportunity will be spurned.

・ シリアとイランの影響力が一般的に増大し、それにともないアメリカの影響力が降下する。 イスラエルとアメリカが賢明ならば、シリアの復帰によって、(イスラエルからの)全領土の返還を含む平和条約と引き換えにした、外交交渉の機会を提示することが可能なのだが。水晶球は、その機会ははねつけられる、と言っている。

o A vast strengthening of Islamic 4GW elements everywhere.

・ 至る所でイスラム第4世代戦争(The Fourth Generation War = 4GW)集団が猛烈に強くなる。

o Finally and perhaps most discouragingly, a continued inability of state militaries everywhere, including those of Israel and the United States, to come to grips with Fourth Generation War. Inability may be too kind of a word; refusal is perhaps more accurate.

・ 結局のところ、それもおそらくは最もがっくりくることだが、第4世代戦争に真剣に取り組むために、イスラエルとアメリカ合衆国を含め、至るところで国家軍隊が絶えず無力化していく。無力と言う言葉は柔らかすぎるかもしれない:拒絶の方が、おそらくもっと正確だろう。

Are there any brighter prospects? Not unless Israel changes its fundamental policy. Even in the unlikely event that the cease-fire in Lebanon holds and Lebanese Army and U.N. forces do wander into southern Lebanon, that would buy but a bit of time. Israel only has a long-term future if it can reach a mutually acceptable accommodation with its neighbors. So long as those neighbors are states, a policy of pursuing such an accommodation may have some chance of success. But as the rise of Fourth Generation elements such as Hezbollah and Hamas weaken and in time replace those states, the possibility will disappear. Unfortunately, Israeli politics appear to be moving away from such a course rather than toward it.


For America, the question is whether Washington will continue to demand that we go down with the Israeli ship.


William S. Lind, expressing his own personal opinion, is Director for the Center for Cultural Conservatism for the Free Congress Foundation.

August 17, 2006  
Why the IDF Lost in Lebanon

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