★阿修羅♪ > Ψ空耳の丘Ψ49 > 169.html
投稿者 不動明王 日時 2007 年 5 月 19 日 00:20:27: Wge0l2yvbkAIg





Greetings, dear Hearts! We return with more interesting goings-on to discuss with you! Our program to break the deadlocks, which have recently been frustrating all those involved, is now reaching some eventful milestones. A great deal of necessary movement in the international banking field has occurred, which promises that the deliveries are close to being manifested. Our representatives inform us that many important breakthroughs have been achieved very recently, which, coupled with what we are doing in Washington D.C. to promote a swift and legal regime change, indicate that first contact will shortly return to its former fast-track status. Here, we remind our Earth allies that their many similar programs are being integrated into these most crucial procedures. Our intent is to prepare your world for a number of surprises. As we often note, first contact has become combined with an elaborate prelude that is now sliding into place. Further, those persons involved in these changes are being prepared for their momentous duties.
こんにちは、あなた!我々は、あなたと話し合うより面白い事件とともに帰ります! 関係する人々全てを最近失望させていた行き詰まりを打破する我々の計画は、現在多少の盛り沢山なマイルストーンに達しています。国際的な銀行業務分野の多くの必要な動向は起こりました。そして、それは配達が明らかにされる寸前であると約束します。我々の代表は多くの重要な進歩がごく最近収められたことを我々に知らせてきました。そして、それは、我々がすみやかに法的に政権交代を促進するためにワシントンD.C.でしていることに結合して、最初の接触が以前のように早く世界に公表されるような状況にまもなく戻ることを示しています。ここでは、我々は彼らの多くの類似したプログラムがこれらの最も重要な手順に融和していると我々の地球同盟者に思い出させます。我々の意図は、あなたの世界にいくつかの思いがけないことを準備することです。我々がしばしば注意しているように、最初の接触は現在その位置にきちんとすべりこんでいる凝った序曲と結合されました。さらに、これらの変化に関係するそれらの人々は、彼らの重大な任務の覚悟ができています。
To change the direction of an entire global society, and at the speed that is required, is a truly colossal undertaking. A huge number of people have to be primed and many sound agendas ready to roll. And yet these factors now stand ready. The training is being expedited by special technologies and aided by the large body of intelligence that we alluded to last week. This new data is demonstrating to our Earth allies just how sneaky and reprehensible this last dark cabal really is! Remember that this group controls most major players in your present reality. As the playwright for new global scenarios, the darkside has maintained an illusory stage production that has masqueraded successfully as events of substance. Our intelligence is able to blow the lid off this charade. Our Earth allies were astonished by these discoveries and have proposed valuable people to be trained by us. As our joint projects move forward, it is critical that what is meant to occur in the next timeframe comes off as planned.
地球上の全ての社会の方向を必要される速度で変えることは、本当に巨大な仕事です。膨大な数の人々は満たされて、多くのしっかりした課題でそれぞれの務めをはたす準備ができていなければなりません。そしてこれらの要因は、今や準備ができています。トレーニングは特別なテクノロジーによって促進されていて、我々が先週触れた諜報の大きな量によって助けられています。この新しいデータは、我々の地球同盟者に、ちょうどこの最後の暗い秘密グループが本当にどれくらいこそこそしてふとどきかについて示しています! このグループがあなたの現在の現実において大部分の一流プレーヤーを制御しているのを思い出してください。新しい世界的なシナリオのための脚本家として、暗黒サイドはうまく実質のイベントに仮装した幻影的なステージ生産を維持しました。我々の知性は、この見せかけのふたを吹きとばすことができます。我々の地球同盟者はこれらの発見に驚いて、大切な人々が我々によって訓練されることを提案しました。我々の共同プロジェクトが前進したので、次の時間枠で起こることになっていることが計画どおり到来することが重要です。

We are working on numerous items of interest to first contact, the most important of which is a suitable US regime change. The new transitional government most assuredly needs to be devoted to moving America back from the brink of some massive disasters, all of which have been carefully put in place by the last four administrations. The agendas they followed include forging a single North American Union under one government; weakening the US economy severely; outsourcing the key elements of the economy; and sabotaging the US dollar. On top of this is an accelerating drive to institute policies designed to remove the Constitution further and further from legitimacy and to substitute a plethora of statute-based legal codes. When we began diplomatic dealings with your top officials, we had to become conversant with these trends so that we could work with our Earth allies to create a template for returning the US regime to its constitutional roots. Today, this operation contains all the necessary steps for doing this.

On a more general note, the endemic corruption and wholesale covert theft indulged in by most governments on your world need to be turned around. Election and appointment to government positions are supposed to be an immense privilege predicated on honor and merit. Instead, ruthlessness and self-interest seem to be the prime qualifications for high office on your world, and very few men and women of honor are to be found in positions of real influence. All too often those who possess merely great economic and financial resources rule the roost. To correct this our Earth allies have put into play a means to transform this sorry situation; the new form of governance they are preparing has a great many screens to prevent a repetition of the degradation of the past, the most important safeguard being your direct involvement in government. Another stipulation is the re-chartering of corporations into special limited public partnerships, as these entities have a wide social and ecological impact on their communities. These companies need to be geared toward responding both locally and globally to a variety of social and environmental moral imperatives.

At the top of our agenda is the distribution of a massive prosperity drive. This project creates a truly global abundance as vast funds are funneled out to reach every person on this globe. Humanity, for the first time in recent history, will be free of the burden imposed by lack and limitation. With freedom comes responsibility, and one of the prime duties is for you all to become government watchdogs. This requires the use of the Internet and other technologies that can unite you into large, democratic interest groups. This body politic can also push for the end to the "UFO" cover-up. This world of prosperity is far different from the one you now know. To begin with, it is much more peaceful and cooperative; true harmony among nations can only happen when scarcity and need are not fomenting aggression born out of desperation. Also, the amount of sharing and cross-cultural acceptance will immensely increase.

A world released from the need for conflict is ready to embrace its cultural and racial diversity. A form of technology, at present suppressed, is to become widely available to you; this device is designed to "put you inside the head" of the one you are speaking to. This interphase unit instantaneously translates language and cultural nuances, making your words completely comprehensible to the other party, and visa versa. Thus, conversation goes to a whole new level of exchange. Further, entire networks of speakers can be simultaneously interphased with one another. As you can imagine, this can result in a huge surge of understanding and appreciation for each other and your many varied cultures as the linguistic barriers that divided you melt away.

Your future is about cooperation and a worldwide coming together. The event of our open arrival is a waypoint along the road that is making you into, first, a planetary human and, ultimately, a galactic one. Our projects simply form part of Heaven's greater momentum to achieve this divine goal. Your present systems are breaking down as the last dark cabal and its adherents work feverishly to prevent the inevitable uplifting. Nevertheless, your divine future is unstoppable. Thus, your present world is meant to crumble and to do so in the very near future. Our part is to do what is necessary to see that this occurs as planned. Your part is to accept this, to remain positive, and to know that first contact draws closer. What we are doing is designed to make this possible.

The privilege that Heaven confers on us is one we do not take lightly. What we are currently engaged upon is now moving forward at a most wonderful pace. Our first contact team is divided into many components, the most essential of which is the one that looks after you. Our medical teams and our liaison with the various aspects of our Earth allies are dedicated to getting this mission thrust quickly into the final stage of open, manifested contact with you. Likewise, our many fleets of observation scout craft work to prepare Mother Earth for the final grand event. Our senior staff is similarly preparing to deliver the broadcasts that mark the opening stages of actual contact. Our entire mission is focused on bringing our technology and our personnel to your shores as swiftly as possible. Together, We are truly Victorious!
天が我々に授ける特権は、我々が軽視していないものです。我々が現在取り組んでいることは、現在とても素晴らしいペースで前進しています。我々の最初の接触チームは多くの構成要素に分けられます。そして、それの最も多くの要点はあなたの世話をする人です。我々の医学チームと我々の地球同盟者のいろいろな面との我々の接触は、この任務を速くあなたとの開いた、明らかにされた接触の最終的なステージに押し込ませることに専念します。同様に、観察スカウト航空機の我々の多くの編隊は、最終的な壮大なイベントのために聖なる地球を準備することに取り組んでいます。我々の係長は、同じように実際の接触の始めのステージをマークする放送を加える準備をしています。我々の全任務は、できるだけ速くあなたの岸に我々のテクノロジーと我々の人員を連れてくることに集中します。一緒に、We は本当にVictoriousです!

Today, we discussed some of the projects we have undertaken to assist our Earth allies in assuring the people of Earth that the necessary pre-contact changes come off as Heaven so intends. Know that we are doing everything necessary to ensure your great victory. We now take our leave. Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)
今日、我々は、必要な接触以前の変化が、天がそう意図すれば地上に実現することを我々の地球同盟者が人々に保証するのを援助するため、我々が引き受けたプロジェクトのいくつかを議論しました。我々があなたの大勝を確実にするのに必要なすべてをしているということを知っていてください。我々は、現在我々の休暇をとります。天の永久のSupplyと無限のAbundanceが本当にそうであるHeartsのあなたのHeartにおいて、敬具ということを知っていてください!Selamat Majon!Selamat Kasitaram!(Sirian、喜んでください!そして、天国のような愛と喜びで幸せにしてください!)


Selamat Balik! We return, dear Ones, with more to tell you! Everywhere, your world is progressing toward the great transformation that we have been talking about. This need for change has created a massive interest among you in spiritual matters. These pursuits are just the beginnings of a journey that all of you have in some way begun in earnest. This search for new spiritual identity is moving Earth's peoples through huge upheavals, which are leading to a state of affairs where the spiritual revolution we have long described can actually become feasible. We watch your last dark cabal maneuvering to make the most of this burgeoning situation. Our Earth allies, likewise, gather strength from this development. Presently, your world is going through a period of enormous distress. It is also the time when the dark's machinations are, at long last, to backfire on them, thus leaving an opening for the Light. Grabbing the opportunity, our Earth allies can finally challenge the dark ones head on and defeat them and their global minions.
Selamat Balik!我々は答えます、親愛なるOnesはより多くであなたに言います!至る所で、あなたの世界は、我々が話していた大きな変化の方へ進歩しています。変化のこの必要は、精神的な問題であなたの大きい関心をつくりました。これらの趣味は、あなた全員が本格的にどうにか開始した旅行のまさに始まりです。新しい精神的なアイデンティティのこの検索は大きな大変動を通して地球の民族を動かしています。そして、それは我々が長く解説した精神的な革命が実は可能になることができる状況に至っています。我々は、あなたの最後の暗い秘密グループがこの伸びゆく状況を最大限に活用するために操作しているのを見ます。我々の地球同盟者は、同様に、この発展から強さを集めます。現在、あなたの世界は、巨大な苦悩の期間を経験しています。暗闇の陰謀が、とうとう、彼らには逆効果となることになっている時でもあります。このように、光には好機会が待っています。この機会を手に入れて、我々の地球同盟者は、最終的に人が向かう暗闇に疑問を呈することができて、彼らと彼らの全世界の手下を破ることができます。
This ongoing time of change is linked to the primal struggle happening in the secret places where Spirit and the dark have fought one another for eons. As this confrontation reaches its crescendo, the amount of pre-change chaos likewise rises. These conditions are at a point where something has to give. The pressure upon Mother Earth, the dark, and the Light to manifest a new reality is unrelenting. Thus the immediate future is pregnant with the potential for the emergence of a series of critical events. Among these is the absolute requirement that the present US regime be replaced; another is the need to reform the current creaking global economic and banking system. Without these reforms, a great economic collapse with devastating consequences in financial, political, and cultural arenas looms on your horizon. To prevent this, we have put into operation a number of projects designed to support and accelerate the changes that can forestall this impending calamity.

This catastrophe does not only concern the various institutions that hold together your global society; they also involve Mother Earth and your present spiritual and consciousness shift. To look at what is taking place on your planet and then to give mundane "climate-change" reasons to explain away the immensity of what is happening is quite ludicrous. You and Mother Earth are a single, entwined entity that together make up this reality, and yet your philosophies have long ignored this connection. This is not only a fact of science; it is also a matter of the heart and of consciousness. Your reality is transforming, and doing so at a rate unheard of in recent natural history. Despite knowing about this, your political leaders have conspired to keep the lid on the momentous changes now afoot and their implications for each one of you and your global society. Because of what is happening here, we have stationed a Science & Exploration fleet in your solar system for some decades now. However, as you know, our purpose is not mere observation, but also involves a full-fledged first contact mission.

First contact with your planet has at times seemed an unlikely proposition, as the state of your world would not normally qualify you for such a transformative event. Nevertheless, Heaven made it clear that this is an exceptional case and a wholly divine undertaking. As we began our initial diplomatic approaches here, we came in contact with beings who, despite their positions of authority on your world, were as reliable as the Anchara Alliance diplomats whom we had dealt with over the millennia. This was most disconcerting. Nevertheless, we persevered, gathering and applying wisdom from these encounters, until now we stand on the very brink of open first contact with you. Along the way, we also met a number of most enlightening groups and individuals who were very willing to aid us in our mission. All of this brings us to the present, and the final stage of what we are here to do. You are now facing an event of great consequence, one that brings an end of your present realities and introduces you to great new challenges and responsibilities.
あなたの世界の情勢がそのようなtransformativeなイベントのためにあなたに通常資格を与えなくて、あなたの惑星との最初の接触は時々ありそうもない提案のようでした。それでも、天はこれが特別なケースとまったく神の仕事であることを明らかにしました。我々が我々の最初の外交的なアプローチをここで開始したので、我々は、あなたの世界についての彼らの権威ある位置にもかかわらず、我々が千年紀にわたって仕事をしたAnchara Alliance外交官と同じくらい信頼できる存在と接触しました。これは、最も混乱させました。それでも、我々があなたとの開いた最初の接触のまさしくそのふちの上に立つまで、これらの遭遇から知恵を得て、適用して、我々は貫きました。途中で、我々も非常に我々の任務で我々を援助する気があった多数の大部分の啓蒙的なグループと個人に会いました。これの全ては現在と我々がするために何でここであるかという最終的なステージに我々を連れてきます。Youは現在、非常に重大なイベント、あなたの現在の現実の終わらせて、あなたにすばらしい新しいチャレンジと責任をもたらすものへと向かっています。

Our experiences with your world have taught us that a simple uncloaking of our fleet followed by an impromptu mass landing would be most unwise. Thus began the first of many projects to educate ourselves about your unique cultures with the purpose of eventually being able to carry out our divine task. We detailed a large crew of volunteers from our fleet to gather information from many places around the globe over the past two decades. Their reports, together with those of our liaison and diplomatic corps, have given us a working template of the way your society operates and an idea of how to proceed to accomplish our mission. Our evolving cooperation with your enlightened groups has forged the present joint game plan that is now moving quite swiftly forward. We are in contact with many on your world who desire our free and open presence among you. They are at the core of what we are now engaged upon.

Most of these individuals are very powerful figures indeed. Their willingness to cooperate with our mission is most encouraging. First contact requires that certain arrangements be in place, and this is now done. The next series of objectives is also in progress. Then, we can begin a massive operation to secure the essential ingredients that make first contact inevitable. Generally speaking, we are pleased with how things are going, but the speed of accomplishing each successive step leaves much to be desired. Your last dark cabal seems bent on resistance to the end, and yet, despite this, we can see how our projects are weaving together to obtain the victory that we long to embrace.

As our various projects progress, we closely watch our Earth allies work to remove, within the due process of law, the present US regime. This particular operation, because of the many legal requirements and nuances, as well as the perfidy of the current administration, is going slowly. Many plans have already been attempted, but failed. The current strategy now underway is one the Earth allies have full confidence in, and they insist it is to yield the results we all seek. Meanwhile, the dangerous direction your world is headed in persists. Against this background, our Earth allies maintain their course and wait anxiously for what is shortly to transpire. And so the grand push to remove the present US regime is indeed underway!

As you can see, much is happening behind the scenes and in secret on your world. Concurrently, your continuing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual transformation is getting to a point where the collective prerogatives of this reality force a new one to manifest. It is this certainty that also drives our efforts to carry out an open first contact with you. Heaven has forged a master plan, which is intended to reveal the divine plan. This divine plan decrees that you are destined to return to your natural state of full consciousness. The last part of this process involves not decades, but a much shorter timeframe. To this end, we see clearly how Heaven is moving you at her designated speed down a path that is to result both in your return to full consciousness and, along the way, in our accomplishing our equally divinely prescribed first contact mission with you. Remember that Together, We are indeed Victorious!
ご覧の通り、多くはあなたの世界上で、舞台裏で、そして、秘密裡に起こっています。並行して、あなたの継続的な身体的で、精神的で、感情的で、霊的な変化は、この現実の総体的な特権が新しいものとして現れることを強制する点に着いています。また、あなたとの開いた最初の接触を行う我々の努力をドライブするのは、この確実性です。天国はマスタープランを作り上げました。そして、それは神の計画を明らかにすることを目的とします。この神の計画は、完全な意識をもつ存在としてあなたが本来の姿に戻る運命にあると定めています。この過程の最後の部分は、数十年でなく、非常により短い時間枠を含みます。このためには、我々は天がどのように完全な意識へのあなたの復帰において、そして、ずっと方法で、我々があなたと我々の等しくこの上なく定められた最初の接触任務を達成する際に終わることになっている経路の下に彼女の指定の速度であなたを動かしているかについて、明らかに見ます。そのTogetherを忘れないでください、We は本当にVictoriousです!

Today, we continued our discussion of first contact and what is being done to ensure that it happens. Our efforts and those of our Earth allies are destined to be successful. Your contribution in this is to maintain your positive focus and to prepare yourself for what Heaven and the Creator have in store for you; namely, full consciousness and reunion with your spiritual and space families! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)
今日、我々は最初の接触に関する我々の議論とそれが起こることを確実とするためにされていることを続けました。我々の地球同盟者の我々の努力とそれらは、成功している運命にあります。これのあなたの貢献は、あなたのポジティブな焦点を維持して、天と創造主があなたを待ち構えているようにするものの覚悟をすることです;すなわち、あなたの精神的でスペース家族による完全な意識と親睦会!天の永久のSupplyと無限のAbundanceが本当にそうである HeartsのあなたのHeartにおいて、敬具ということを知っていてください!Selamat Majon!Selamat Kasitaram!(Sirian、喜んでください!そして、天国のような愛と喜びで幸せにしてください!)


Selamat Balik! We return, dear Hearts, with more to say about first contact. The current situation on your world is a balancing act between the last dark cabal and our Earth allies. At present, our Earth allies are in the midst of a worldwide putsch, which is intended to topple the last remaining minions of the dark. In the last few weeks, a number of issues have been agreed to between these two groups. What has been causing untold delays is the dark ones' scallywag morality; whatever can be done surreptitiously to undermine any agreement, they have done. The list of those behaving deceitfully in these matters grows longer by the day! To move these actions forward, we have dispatched a number of liaison personnel to referee these events and solve any potential difficulties that may arise. We are providing our Earth allies with intelligence and advice with the intention of ending the impasse that, in our opinion, has held sway on your world for far too long. Your global society needs to be transformed swiftly and the present dilemma does not bode well for this to happen as fast as we desire.
Selamat Balik!親愛なるHearts、我々はファーストコンタクトについてより多くのことを言うために戻ってきました。あなたの世界の上の現在の状況は、最後の暗い秘密グループと我々の地球同盟者の間の平衡行動です。現時点では、我々の地球盟友は世界的な反乱の最中にいます。そして、それは暗闇の最後の残りの手下を倒すことを目的としています。最近数週間の間に、いくつかの問題は、これら2つのグループの間で同意されました。口で言い表せない遅れを引き起こしていたことは、暗いものの腕白道徳です;たとえ何がどんな合意でも徐々にむしばむためにこっそりとされることができて、彼らはしました。これらの問題で欺いてふるまっているそれらのリストは、日決めでより長くなります! 前にこれらの行動を動かすために、我々は何人かの連携人員をこれらのイベントを仲裁して、起こるかもしれないどんな潜在的困難でも解くように派遣しました。我々の意見ではあまりにも長びいているあなたの世界の支配者たちの行き詰まりを我々は終える意図で、我々の地球同盟者に知性とアドバイスを提供しています。あなたの世界的な社会は速く変わる必要があります。そして、現在のジレンマは、我々が希望するほど速く起こるためのこれにとって良い前兆ではありません。
The overall progress is indeed commendable. However, the process of change on your world, while greatly accelerated, is still below the levels considered normal for an immediate pre-contact environment. These circumstances put pressure on us to do more than is usual to bring your world into compliance with the massive first contact planned. Thus, we have instituted a series of plans, which we touched on in our last message. This new thrust allows our representatives on your world to be more proactive in ensuring that what is required gets done. This implies two things: First, we need to break the impasse mentioned above. Second, we need to become a more engaged participant in the operations set up by our Earth allies. A number of contingency plans are in place, and early indications suggest that our initial proposals are doing a lot of good in moving a whole range of matters forward. It is not often that this degree of coaxing has been approved for carrying out a first contact procedure. And so this particular mission continues to live up to its most unorthodox nature.

As we develop operational alternatives, we are also involved in assimilating data concerning you and using this to move first contact to its final stage: the landings. This can be tricky. We want to involve in this process all those of you who are using your abilities, contacts, and resources to get our existence formally acknowledged, and, indeed, much is quietly being done to move this forward. Of course, what is needed goes far beyond this and requires a much quicker pace than the present one. We watch as the many tentacles of the dark squash any attempt to reveal the truth, which proves once again that only the substitution of the present regime by a friendlier one can resolve this insuperable obstacle. We have a number of tricks up our sleeve if current conditions stay as unviable as at present. We are also learning much about the degree of deceit extant on your world. All told, we know we require a strategy, which promotes contact while simultaneously transforming the present impasse into a formula for mutual success.

To this end, we have given our secret and overt on-planet operatives a veritable panoply of strategies. The strange, sloppy way that your dark ones operate means that we can use their modus operandi to flush them out of their present position of strength. Their arrogance and overt malfeasance can thus be used against them, culminating in a metaphoric situation of being "hoist with their own petard." A maxim from your world that fits this circumstance is: "When handed lemons, make lemonade." Many crises on your world are currently awakening the populace and can be developed into a variety of preconditions for the removal of the present US regime. We are all about to be proved experts in the variety of techniques at our disposal for skinning the proverbial cat!

The first step is to complete an updated and all-inclusive dossier of the dark cabal and its primary objectives. We need a complete profile of each member and a full list of their weaknesses and predispositions. Using this, we can do a thorough rundown of strategy options with a view to ascertaining the most effective one for our goals. This last cabal has grown quite panic-stricken over recent attempts to unseat them, and a series of new protective devices are currently in place. We need to come up with fresh insights on ways to make the most of this new intelligence. We also intend to extend our range of options to take in all possible routes to victory. This impasse poses a difficulty that nonetheless contains within it the seeds of its solution. These investigations of ours are merely another avenue of approach for creating the preconditions for first contact. The escalating lawlessness on your world reaches a point where a greater degree of intervention becomes necessary.

This rising chaos is the smokescreen behind which this unconscionable group is hiding. The dark cabal is still convinced that, eventually, this chaos can become an asset, compelling our Earth allies to act hastily and imprudently enough to come a cropper. It is the intention of the dark to lure the Earth allies into making an ill-considered thrust that can be turned into a defeat for the Light. This strategy is clear to us, as is the reasoning behind it. Our plan is to counter this possible move and let the dark fall into an abyss of its own making. Once the cabal is weakened and has "fallen on its own sword," we can then set up our Earth allies for victory. We can only impart the bare outlines of our strategy to you at this point, as success depends on keeping all details in the most stringent secrecy.

As we continue down the path toward first contact, it becomes obvious that getting there is much more challenging than could ever have been foreseen. From this, you can see that your frustrations are equally mirrored by our experiences and actions on your behalf. Our intent, as ever, is to make first contact a reality as soon as divinely possible, and we are more than willing, literally, to move Heaven and Earth to achieve this goal. It is not as easy as many of you sometimes image for us to sit up here, far removed from your world and looking down on all that is happening to you. You deserve so much better than the suffering and trials that daily surround you. We take your problems fully into consideration as we wrestle with the situations imposed on us by the nature of the customs, morals (or lack of!), and perceptions that govern your global society.

First contact does not operate in a vacuum. We must reconcile myriad unique factors: fears, beliefs, realities. First contact is more than merely descending upon you in a vast drove of ships! Rather, we are preparing ourselves, as is Heaven to complete a huge shift in your consciousness. This is being done in Love and within the purview of the divine plan. Such an action needs a very special grand strategy, and this is what we are devising for first contact. Such an elaborate operation requires, from time to time, a certain amount of "tweaking" of details, and this is one of those times. Yet, regardless of what phase we reach, the goal remains crystal clear: first contact is inevitable and is each day a step closer to happening. Remember that Together, We are indeed Victorious!
最初の接触は、孤立して動きません。我々は、無数の独特の要因を調停しなければなりません:恐れ、信条、現実。最初の接触は、単に船の巨大な家畜の群れであなたを襲うだけであること以上です!むしろ、我々は我々自身を準備しています。そして、そのことはあなたの意識の大きな変動を完了する天です。これは、 Loveで、そして、神の計画の範囲の中でされています。そのような行動は非常に特別な壮大な戦略を必要とします、そして、これは我々が最初の接触のために考案しているものです。そのような精巧な活動は、時々、詳細の「つまむ」ことの特定の量を必要とします、そして、これはそれらの時間のうちの1つです。それでも、我々がどんな段階に達するかに関係なく、ゴールは非常に明瞭なままです:最初の接触は必然的で、毎日、1歩、起こるより寸前です。その Togetherを忘れないでください、Weは本当にVictoriousです!

Today, we carried on with our discussion of the ins and outs of first contact. We explained what is delaying it and how we intend to compensate for this "bump in the road." Our desire is to complete this first contact mission as soon as divinely possible. We now take our leave. Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)
今日、我々は最初の接触の特徴に関する我々の議論を続けました。我々は、何がそれを遅らせているかについて説明しました、そして、我々がこれを補償するつもりであるように、「道でぶつかってください。」、この上なく可能であるとすぐに、Our欲求はこの最初の接触任務を完了することになっています。我々は、現在我々の休暇をとります。天の永久のSupplyと無限のAbundanceが本当にそうであるHeartsのあなたのHeartにおいて、敬具ということを知っていてください!Selamat Majon!Selamat Kasitaram!(Sirian、喜んでください!そして、天国のような愛と喜びで幸せにしてください!)


Selamat Jarin! We come again with more to tell you. Your world remains in flux. Many things are happening that alter the way the daily goals turn out. This constant change makes it difficult at times to give a substantive analysis of what actually occurred. Such volatility can become quite an obstacle; nevertheless, the movement of our Earth allies has been only forward. We anticipate that you are quite close to receiving your much-deserved prosperity. In addition, those in charge of ousting the present US regime are moving ever closer to achieving their hard-won victory. This seemingly unending struggle is nearly over due to the large numbers of key administrative personnel who daily join the ranks of the Earth allies. This operation is the resolution to everything else that is happening on a global basis. We are monitoring all this very carefully and are happy at the progress being made. The battle to overthrow the last dark cabal is getting to a stage where the final signed documents required sweeping away this miserable government can be procured.
Selamat Jarin! 我々は、あなたに言うために、より多くとともに再び来ます。あなたの世界は、流動的なままです。多くのものは、毎日のゴールがなる方法を変える出来事です。この安定した変化は、時々、何が実際に起こったかという実質的な分析をすることを難しくします。そのような不安定性は、相当な障害になることができます。それでも、我々の地球同盟者の動きは、前進だけありました。我々は、あなたが全くあなたの非常に値された繁栄を受ける寸前のことを予期します。そのうえ、現在の米体制を追い出すことの担当のそれらは、彼らのやっと手に入れた勝利を成し遂げることのより近くに、これまでに動いています。この一見果てしない闘いは、毎日地球同盟者と歩調を合わせる重要な管理者のかなりの数のために、ほとんど終わっています。この活動は、世界的な基礎の上で起こっている他の全ての解答です。我々は非常に慎重にこういうことをモニターしていて、作られている進歩で幸せです。最後の暗い秘密グループを倒そうとする戦いは、最終的に署名された文書がこの哀れな政府を一掃することが手に入れられることを義務づけたステージに着いています。
This particular struggle is only one of many that are being waged across your planet. Do remember that what is occurring is a grand war to end this regime's control of you in a legal and benign manner. In effect, our Earth allies are both legislating and adjudicating a new path for America and the world. During the course of this operation, a new, true financial and currency system was salvaged from the fiat, virtual world of the dark. Moreover, an immense debt annulment mechanism was created as well as an end to the present global illegal fractional banking system, which is to be replaced by a true local and national system. These things transform banking from an important political asset to a more proper economic resource. These reforms required a great many careful negotiations and the alignment of important global governmental authority on the side of our Earth allies. All this is now done, and what remains is a final chess game with the dark, in which this last cabal and its minions keep falling in and out of our checkmate. The fall of the dark, a most welcome event, can come at any moment!

This point brings us to what we are currently up to. At present, we are engaged in a broad-scale mission to garner the last pieces needed to end the chicanery that is the present US regime. We have watched for years, as these poor fools somehow remain able to stay just a little ahead of our Earth allies. The general feeling is that this advantage is now swiftly crumbling. We have been able to narrow this gap and put our Earth allies in a position to end the madness that fully pervades this illegal government. Moreover, we have used our good offices to help our friends follow the movements of secret funds, which this last cabal is always moving around the planet. Tracking these funds has enormously increased the ability of our side to stop these illegal movements in their tracks and keep the dark from succeeding in the many dire shenanigans that they cook up from time to time. These actions keep the pressure on them and permit our Earth allies to stay in a near-checkmate situation with them.

On other fronts, we monitor Mother Earth and assist her by seeing that the mounting pressures between tectonic plates are properly relieved. This procedure has greatly increased the number of six-plus-magnitude earthquakes measured by your world's seismologists. We are equally active in your planet's upper atmosphere: Here, we are "balancing" the stability of a number of layers that affect the amount of radiation leaking into your planet's surface area. This work is maintaining a degree of stability for your world as you move quickly to the brink of first contact. To us, first contact is the grand watershed that begins your actual transformation into fully conscious Beings of Light. This divine moment is something that the dark dearly wishes to delay, and it is our divine purpose to see that this magnificent moment goes off as planned. Hence, we are involved in a number of contingency plans, which unabashedly ensure your success!

The main contingency plan concerns how to rid this world of the pestilence that is the dark cabal. We have informed our Earth allies of these strategies and have received a number of "thumbs-up" indications from some members of this diverse coalition. These positive comments moved our planners to draw up a series of more detailed plans based on the highly instructive intelligence that we possess. Armed with this, we began, some weeks ago; to set up the steps required to carry out these plans. This led, in turn, to our starting this process in earnest. So far we have stayed "below the radar" and allowed the scenarios of our Earth allies to come to fruition. Our objective is simply to see that those things happen that result in bringing down the dark's puppet show. We have at our disposal a choice of strategies for accomplishing this end; the critical element is to wait for the right moment to deploy the winning move.

We wish to point out that your success is quite close at hand. Only a few last factors remain before the doors to your riches and your new, fully conscious reality is unlocked. We are proud of your ability to stay focused in a world where unusual, devilish distractions are commonplace. We applaud you, especially given your frustration at how long this much-promised transformation has taken to manifest. Today we can tell you that the many things being done by our Earth allies, and now also by us, make the extraordinary changes very close to happening. It is easy to proclaim this from a place far removed from your everyday world, but we say to you that, one way or another, your reality is very close to an immense change for the better. This change is to bring us to your shores.

First contact is something that we are fully committed to. We intend to bring it about shortly, either as a result of our own efforts or those of our Earth allies. The question is simply which party is to be primarily responsible for its completion. Either way, the goal is to achieve first contact as quickly as possible. We have set aside some time for you to put your various issues in order before our arrival, while nevertheless bearing in mind the prime imperative of the hour; namely, that first contact is inevitable. Our fleet is working diligently within certain restrictions laid down by us regarding what is to be done to "force" this event into occurring. Our intent is to transform this present reality into one that is more prepared to accept our coming. This is now our major objective. As noted, we are currently doing whatever is necessary to bring about this wondrous event.

Everywhere, your planet demonstrates that she is in the throes of a grand transition into the Light. This operation has brought us to your shores in great numbers. We are not here merely to observe you but to intervene formally under the aegis of the Divine. This commitment has now reached the point where we need to do what is necessary to stage a mass first contact. Your planet cannot for much longer stay within the chaos into which the dark has thrown her. The time arrives for something different, which shifts your world and this entire solar system to the Light. Traversing great galactic distances to assemble our fleet here was not done on a whim; we came to bring enormous change and the time for this has arrived. In accordance with this pledge, we are doing much that we can only hint at. Just know that a divine action for first contact has begun!

Today, we continued our discussion about the great changes going on here on planet Earth and the closeness of first contact. The dark does not have much longer to mess around with its delaying tactics and display its arrogance and total distain for its fate. Rather, the time comes for the Divine to transform this reality. We now take our leave. Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)
今日、我々は惑星地球と最初の接触の近さの上でここに上がっている大きな変化に関する我々の議論を続けました。暗闇は、それほどより長くその遅れている戦術をいじくる必要はなくて、その傲慢を示す必要はなくて、その運命のためのdistainとなる必要はありません。むしろ、時間はこの現実を変えるために、神のために来ます。我々は、現在、我々の休暇をとります。天の永久のSupplyと無限のAbundanceが本当にそうであるHeartsのあなたの Heartにおいて、敬具ということを知っていてください!Selamat Majon!Selamat Kasitaram!(Sirian、喜んでください!そして、天国のような愛と喜びで幸せにしてください!)

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