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(後半):Re: 神聖な神話と教義としてのホロコースト
投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2007 年 4 月 24 日 16:48:44: CjMHiEP28ibKM

(回答先: 神聖な神話と教義としてのホロコースト(前半) 投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2007 年 4 月 23 日 22:37:47)

So let's get things perfectly straight. The French government defends a man who insults the Islamic religion, despite the fact that his statements are offensive to millions of Muslims. Indeed, they defended his right to freedom of speech in a well publicized statement and offer him police protection as well. Yet, this same French government allows a French professor to be removed from his university chair, orders probes into his comments, and gives him suspended jail sentences because of his Holocaust revisionist beliefs. This clearly falsifies Prime Minister Dominque de Villepin hypocritical claim that France is "democracy where everyone has the right to express his views freely, while respecting others" One has the right to insult and attack the Islamic religion, but Holocaust revisionists are not allowed to freely express their viewpoints.

The pattern is the same in all of these cases. Western governments and mass media outlets did not censor and openly condemn these attacks upon God and religion, despite the fact that they are offensive to millions of Christians and Muslims. The mass media openly promoted these publications, and Western governments were silent. Additionally, in the case of the attack upon Islam in France by Robert Redeker, the government even offered support.

Yet, when President Ahmadinejad convened a conference that questioned the veracity of the Holocaust doctrine, Western governments and media giants joined in chorus to loudly and vehemently condemn him. In the Iranian leader's own words: "If someone in their country denies God, nobody says anything. But if somebody rejects the Massacre of the Jews, the Zionist loudspeakers and the governments in the pay of Zionism start to scream." And scream they did! This in itself vindicated the claim of President Ahmadinejad that Western power elites have raised the Holocaust ideology above God and religion.

A "theocracy" is a form of government in which society's rulers claim their authority to rule has been given to them directly by a Deity.41 Under a theocratic form of government, the concept of God and religion is given the status of "not-criticizable" or "not-disprovable." The concept of God is to be accepted without question...period. Anyone who does not accept the existence of God, or attempts to disprove God's existence, is, by definition, "evil and immoral," and is subject to severe persecution. In theocratic societies, the existence of God is not a matter of debate.

A similar statement could be made for the Holocaust ideology in current Western society; it is not a matter of dispute. Expressing a dictum that stands firm in the Western media and academia, Holocaust historian Deborah Lipstadt has authoritatively declared: "The existence of the Holocaust [is] not a matter of debate."42

Holocaust historian Raul Hilberg claimed that in fourth century Europe "the Christian religion was not one of many religions, but the true religion, the only one. Those who were not in its fold were either ignorant or in error."43 In our society, the Holocaust doctrine is not one of many interpretations, but the true interpretation, the only one. Those who are not in its fold are, by definition, ignorant and evil Nazis, anti-Semites, and deluded fanatics.44

Throughout the United States and much of Europe, the Holocaust ideology has attained the status that the concept of God has in theocratic societies. It is to be accepted without question, a priori. And anyone who questions it or rejects it risks being censored, severely persecuted or imprisoned.

In early 1979, in France's most respected newspaper, Le Monde, 34 historians issued a manifesto in support of the Holocaust ideology. The concluding paragraph asserts that mass gassings of Jews did take place and that no one can deny their existence without committing an outrage on the truth: "The question of how technically such a mass murder was possible should not be raised. It was technically possible because it occurred. This is the necessary starting point for all historical investigations of the subject. It has fallen to us to recall that point with due simplicity: there is not nor can there be a debate over the existence of the gas chambers."45

Once again, in a theocratic society, God's existence is self-evident and must be accepted, a priori...period! In our society, the existence of the "Nazi gas chambers" is "self-evident" and must be accepted, a priori.

Not only has the Holocaust doctrine been raised above God and religion, it has also been raised above science itself, for it can no longer be objectively examined by critics. Iran offered to send a team of experts to Poland to examine the evidence for the alleged Holocaust.46 The plan was immediately rejected by Polish officials. "Under no circumstances should we permit this," insisted Polish Foreign Minister Stefan Miller. "This is beyond all imaginable norms that such a thing is discussed," he added.47

Once again, this behavior lends even more credence to Ahmadinejad's claims. He stated: "They have fabricated a legend under the name of the Massacre of the Jews."

By refusing to allow the Iranians to come and evaluate the evidence, Poland is lending credence to his claim that at least some of the evidence for the Holocaust is indeed fabricated, and Western governments are afraid that he will expose this to the world. But just as importantly, by refusing skeptics the right to question the evidence, the Holocaust doctrine has been placed beyond the pale of scientific analysis.

Karl Popper, a prominent philosopher of science, proposed that a statement (a theory, a conjecture) has the status of belonging to the empirical sciences if, and only if, it is potentially falsifiable.48 If the Holocaust cannot be questioned nor debated and its evidence cannot be evaluated by skeptics, and it must be blindly accepted as a "fact," then it is not falsifiable. If it is not falsifiable, then it is not a scientific theory. By making the Holocaust doctrine non-falsifiable, Western power elites have made it into a self-perpetuating, quasi-religious dogma.

The evolutionary psychologist, Professor Kevin MacDonald, points out that certain 20th-century intellectual movements dominated by Jews have developed a distinct flavor of authoritarianism. For example, the Psychoanalytic Movement was founded by mostly Jews, and it remained "a highly authoritarian movement in which group boundaries are rigidly maintained and in which heretics are expelled."49

Historical Jewish culture has been characterized by being authoritarian and collectivist. Professor MacDonald explains: "The precedence of community control over individual behavior, a fundamental feature of a collectivist type of society, is a highly salient feature of mainstream Judaism"50 Jewish groups have projected this cultural trait into the Holocaust doctrine. It is a highly authoritarian ideology that brooks no dissent and persecutes heretics. All throughout the so-called "free West" people can suffer severe persecution or even a prison term for simply questioning it.

Fred Leuchter, at one time the foremost expert in the United States on gas chamber technology, had his career destroyed and marriage ruined because he published a report that shows the so-called "Auschwitz gas chambers" never existed. German scientist Germar Rudolf and Revisionist activist Ernst Zundel are presently in German prisons for rejecting the Holocaust ideology. British historian David Irving spent thirteen months in an Austrian prison for allegedly violating "Holocaust denial laws." In numerous countries throughout Europe, one can end up in prison for years for rejecting the Holocaust ideology. Jewish groups were behind the creation and implementation of these oppressive laws.51

VI. The Holocaust as Sacred Myth

At the postwar Nuremberg Tribunal, the Allies alleged that the Germans exterminated four million people at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. Until 1990, a memorial plaque at Auschwitz read: 'Four Million People Suffered and Died Here at the Hands of the Nazi Murderers Between the Years 1940 and 1945.'"52 During a June 1979 visit to the camp, Pope John Paul II stood before this memorial and prayed for and blessed the four million victims.53

In July 1990, the Polish government's Auschwitz State Museum, along with Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust center, conceded that the four million figure was a gross exaggeration, and references to it were accordingly removed from the Auschwitz monument. Israeli and Polish officials announced a tentative revised toll of at least 1.1 million dead, about 90 percent being Jews from almost every country in Europe.54

As previously noted, the claim that the Germans exterminated four million people at Auschwitz is now admitted to be a deliberate myth and a politically inspired falsehood.55

In his speech at the conference, Revisionist diplomat Dr. Frederick Toben rightly pointed out that, once again, John Paul's successor, Pope Benedict XVI, blessed the alleged 1.5 million victims, which shows that there is indeed a concerted effort to elevate the Holocaust ideology to the status of "sacred myth."56

In a political sense, here is how "myth" is defined: "Any false belief that is (a) of symbolic importance in the emotional life of the believer, (b) based in a need to believe rather than in rational conviction, (c) associated with stories that are accepted not as history (or not on historical evidence), but as illustrations or parables, (d) endowed with a 壮acred quality, which it can confer on the social relations, institutions or political arrangements associated with it, so granting them an air of legitimacy."57

In regard to the politically inspired falsehood that four million people were murdered at Auschwitz, here is how the late Pope John Paul II proposed it is to be used. In the words of the New York Times: "His voice going hoarse on the sixth day of the visit to his native Poland, the Pope asked that all his listeners commit themselves to the care of human beings and the oppressed, in testimony for the four million...including two and a half million Jews...who died in the camps he could see from the raised altar platform."58

Notice how the false "four million murdered" figure fits the criteria for "myth." It is a demonstrably false belief that had taken on a symbolic importance in the emotional life of people. The Pope proposed that it should be a motivating force for social action. The four million figure was not based in rational analysis, but rather in a "need to believe" for an ulterior political reason. And finally, the four million falsehood was endowed by the Pope himself with a 壮acred quality, which it can confer on the social relations, institutions or political arrangements associated with it, so granting them an air of legitimacy.

To the Time's credit, they did point out how the Holocaust ideology, inclusive of the four million falsehood, granted an air of legitimacy to the political arrangements in the year of 1979: "[P]oland's suffering at the hands of Nazi Germany is still viewed as a source of unity, and the country's liberation by the Red Army is regarded as the imprint of the legitimacy of the country's Marxist leadership."59

The "four million murdered at Auschwitz" figure is gone, and Poland's Marxist leadership has been consigned to the dustbin of history. But the need to believe in the Auschwitz mythos survives. It has been "revised" to lend an air of legitimacy to contemporary sociopolitical interests.

Professor van Pelt revealed reasons why Poland has a vested interest in promoting the Holocaust ideology. In 1947, the Polish government enacted a law that commemorated the martyrdom of Poland and other nations at the Auschwitz concentration camp.60 Elsewhere, he wrote: "As relations between the East and West deteriorated after the war, with the largest part of Germany becoming part of NATO and with that country refusing to recognize the legitimacy of postwar Polish annexation of the former German territories of East Prussia, Pomerania, and Silesia, the number of victims became a political issue. The communist rulers of Poland were unwilling to give an inch on their claims against Germany as long as the Bonn government did not recognize the territorial integrity of the People's Republic of Poland, and therefore they continued to maintain, as a matter of policy, that 4 million people had been killed in Auschwitz."61

Whether or not the Polish position vis--vis the disputed territories is legitimate or not, Polish authorities still have an ulterior vested interest in promoting the Holocaust ideology. Not only does it serve as a cornerstone of Polish nationalism, but it provides a "safeguard" against any future German demand that Poland give back the disputed territories to Germany. Imprisoned Holocaust revisionist scientist Germar Rudolf summed it up perfectly when he wrote; "Many Poles fear in their hearts that the post-war state of Poland stands and falls with Auschwitz."62

Surely, there are also non-Jewish interests and governments behind the promotion of the Holocaust ideology. The late revisionist historian, Charles Weber, stated it thusly: "As corrosive, divisive and destructive as the 'Holocaust' material and extermination thesis are, we must certainly not consider Jews exclusively responsible for their continued propagation."63

Consider the case of Russia. Here is the statement of the Russian representative to the United Nations in regard to the recent United Nations Resolution condemning "Holocaust denial: "[T]he Red Army had freed the Auschwitz death camp, one of the largest. The memory of the heroism of the Soviet soldiers and the many millions of victims in his country could never reconcile itself with those of 'opportunistic political interest' who sought to distort the significance of that history."64

Clearly, the Holocaust ideology casts the Russian people in the role of "heroic liberators." Any repudiation of the doctrine would very well shine the spotlight on the crimes, genocide and oppression of the Stalinist regime, with the end result being the demolition of a pillar of Russian patriotic ideology, and the world-wide realization that Stalinist Communism that came from Russia was a more oppressive and evil system than Nazism ever was. Even the bitter intellectual opponent of Holocaust revisionism, Deborah Lipstadt, admits that Stalin killed more people than Hitler ever did.65

Once again, Revisionist Charles Weber stated it thusly: "The 'Holocaust' material has proved to be a useful supplement in a number of other Soviet propaganda efforts, including the Nuremberg 'trials' and the obliterating by contrast of the awareness of many crimes of the Soviet Union against other nations, such as the Katyn massacres."66

UN Russian Federation representative Vitaly Churkin hinted that this is what is behind Russia's support of the recent United Nations Resolution condemning "Holocaust denial": "[M]ember States were bound to include in that condemnation attempts to revise the history of the Second World War and the merits of those who took up arms to fight the Nazis. Any attempt to make heroic the henchmen of fascism must be rejected."67

Non-Jewish American and British power elites also have a vested interest in promoting the Holocaust ideology. As historian Jeffrey Herf recently revealed in his study, The Jewish Enemy, the Holocaust ideology paints the American and British in a good and ethical light, and thus "justifies" their entire war effort against Germany.

As Herf makes clear, one of the important characteristics of mass propaganda is that it appeals to stark contrasts between good and evil. The Holocaust doctrine fills the bill perfectly. He wrote: "Reports of the Final Solution [the Nazi attempt to exterminate the Jews during WWII] underscored the stark moral dichotomy between Nazi Germany and its allies, on the one hand, and the United Nations [Americans, British, etc.,] on the other. They reinforced the Allies conviction that this was a war between freedom and tyranny, good and evil, civilization and barbarism."68

In a formal declaration reflecting the official view of the United States government, it was stated: "The 1945 defeat of Nazi Germany by the U.S. and its allies finally put a stop to dictator Adolph Hitler's campaign of genocide."69

In a word, take away the Holocaust ideology and one important "justification" of the American and British war effort against Germany is consigned to the dustbin of history. Americans and Britons will start asking uncomfortable questions, such as: why did we go to war with Germany? Maybe we should not have gone to war with Germany, and maybe it was a huge error to be allied with the murderous Stalinist regime?

VIII. The Holocaust Ideology and Israel

The greatest beneficiary of the Holocaust ideology is undoubtedly the state of Israel and the power elites that ardently support political Zionism. As was revealed in the February 4, 2005 issue of The Jerusalem Post, the Holocaust doctrine forms the ideological foundation of Israel: "The tragedy of the Holocaust was a major impetus in the reestablishment of the Jewish people's home, in its ancient land, noted [Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan] Shalom in [a speech to the United Nations]."70

In May of 2003, expressing a cornerstone of American foreign policy, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice told Israel's daily Yediot Aharonot that the "security of Israel is the key to the security of the world."71

If the security of Israel is the key to the security of the world, and since the Holocaust ideology is upholding Israel, then it follows that by upholding the Holocaust ideology you are upholding the security of the world. By discrediting the Holocaust ideology, you are threatening the security of the world...so thinks the pro-Zionist wing of the American National Security establishment. This is most certainly one reason why the US government put forth a formal declaration condemning Holocaust revisionism.72

At the date of this writing, the US and/or Israel are on the verge of carrying out a military strike against Iran. Here is how the Forward, the US'smost important Jewish newspaper, described the situation: "The looming war against Iran is a different story. This time, Jerusalem's role is not fantasy. Israel's sense of alarm has been at the center of the story from the get-go. Both the Washington Post and the New Yorker reported this week that Israeli strategists and intelligence experts were playing a serious role in building support for war. President Bush himself said in Cleveland last month that Israel's safety was a central concern, if not the main one, in assessing the Iranian threat."73

If there is a military strike against Iran, one can predict that the Holocaust ideology will be used to "justify" it. After all, the US and Israel have to prevent "another Holocaust."

IX. The Holocaust Ideology and Marxist Theory

What historian Jeffrey Herf reveals in his study is no surprise. The Holocaust ideology "justifies" and "legitimizes" the massive restitution payments that go to Israel from Germany.

"From 1953 to 1965," Herf points out, "?he Federal Republic delivered to the state of Israel goods such as ships, machine tools, trains, autos, medical equipment, and telephone technology that were crucial for the construction of infrastructure. The West German deliveries amounted to between 10 and 15 percent of annual Israeli imports."74

What is interesting here is that this financial relationship between Germany and Israel serves as an example of the Marxist theory of economic exploitation.

Political philosopher Roger Scruton explains the function of "ideology" in Marxist theories: "[I]deology denotes any set of ideas and values which has the social function of consolidating a particular economic order, and which is explained by that fact alone, and not by its inherent truth or reasonableness...deology wins support for class rule, by persuading oppressed classes to accept the description of reality which render their subordination 'Natural.' It therefore has three principal functions: to legitimate, to mystify, and to console."75

The contradictions, absurdities, and outright falsities in the Holocaust ideology are legion.76 The promotion of the Holocaust ideology in Germany is not be explained because of its inherent truth or reasonableness. Rather, its dominance is largely explained by the fact that it serves to "justify" and "legitimate" the exploitative economic relationship, imposed upon a prostrate Germany by the victorious Allies, between the Israeli and German people. The Holocaust ideology "persuades" the German masses that their financial subordination to Israel is "wholly morally correct and natural."

Yet, the Holocaust doctrine and the sociopolitical status quo that it "justifies" contain with it the seeds of its own destruction. The more the German national identity is assaulted with Holocaust falsehoods, the more the German people are financially exploited by this, so to will more and more Germans come to reject the Holocaust doctrine and the sociopolitical order that is associated with it.

If the current German rulers are truly interesting in building a stable democratic society, they would allow freedom of debate on the Holocaust issue, and attempt to get at the whole truth. Basing political systems upon demonstrable falsehoods that degrade and exploit the German people makes for a very politically unstable and volatile situation.77

X. The Holocaust Ideology and Jewish Identity

The Holocaust doctrine is part and parcel of the entire ideological package that forms Jewish identity, and Holocaust revisionism is perceived as a grave threat to this identity.

Dr. Robert Jan van Pelt perceives Holocaust revisionism as an evil assault upon the Jewish self-image and identity. In a frank and honest discussion, he admitted that when he read Holocaust revisionist literature, he "had come face to face with a dangerous personal abyss." His implicit conclusion is that this is one of the main reasons why Holocaust revisionism should be attacked and destroyed.78

Professor van Pelt then quotes Jewish writer Erika Apfelbaum as to why Holocaust revisionism is "so evil" and why it should be attacked and refuted. She stated: "Current Jewish history is deeply rooted in Auschwitz as the general symbol of the destruction of the Jewish people during the Holocaust. For someone whose past is rooted in Auschwitz, the experience of reading through the revisionists tortured logic and documentation is similar to the psychologically disorienting experience of sensory deprivation experiments or solitary confinement in prison, where one loses touch with reality. The insidious effect of reading this [Holocaust revisionist] literature is to lose one's identity as a survivor and, more generally, as a Jew. Therefore, the revisionist allegations serve to dispossess the Jews from their history and in doing so, in seeking to destroy a people's history, a symbolic genocide replaces a physical one."79

Eventually, the world Jewish community is going to have to face up to the lies and exaggerations in the Holocaust story, and rebuild their religious/ethnic identity on something other than Holocaust falsehoods. This will be a major challenge for Jews in the future.

XI. Closing Statement: What is to be done?

The Holocaust ideology plays an enormous political, social and economic role in world affairs. It is as if the whole emotional, intellectual, and institutional set-up of the post World War II world has been built around it. It serves as an ideological "justification" for the sociopolitical arrangements in many parts of the world today. Despite the fact that it is a demonstrably weak and flimsy ideology, it has amazing resiliency. The reason for this is plain to see. There are powerful Jewish and non-Jewish interests behind it.

One of the best demonstrations of the Holocaust doctrine's weakness is the fact that it is surrounded with strictly enforced taboos, prison sentences, and threats of career destruction to protect it from rational criticism. This alone should tell people how weak and flimsy it really is. A belief that rests on good reason and solid evidence does not need legal restrictions and extra-legal, underhanded tactics to protect it.

The world sociopolitical status quo that the Holocaust ideology "justifies" and "legitimizes" is threatened with collapse. In this world of endless war and violence, it is the duty of the intellectuals and scholars to attempt to come up with peaceful resolutions to the problems humanity faces. It is now up to the powerful Jewish and non-Jewish interests that are behind the Holocaust ideology to engage its opponents, the revisionists, in free and democratic debate so we may get at the truth about the fate of the Jews during World War II. In this way, we can help to build a more rational and humane world order.

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