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「Swim at your own risk」に関連して、「ブット氏が暗殺されたのは彼女の無防備のせい」との投稿
投稿者 sunshine 日時 2008 年 1 月 02 日 19:32:46: 8eKosSXRCbtsg

こげばんさんが書いていた「Swim at your own risk」にまつわる話が、ABCのブログに書かれていたので投稿を。



ムシャラフがサンルーフから頭を出しているのを皆さんは見たことがあるか? いやどんな選挙立候補者でも、サンルーフから顔を出しているのを見たことがあるか?

ブッシュ大統領は2,3年前にパキスタンを訪問した。この時、彼はサンルーフから頭を出していたか? まず最初に「エアフォース・ワン」は、夜間に到着した。次に彼は飛行機の下部の扉から出てきた(通常セレモニー用に使う階段ではない)。三番目に、アメリカの情報機関はブッシュの背後にある装置を仕掛けた(もし2004年の討論の様子を見るならば、彼の襟の後ろからそれが出ているのがはっきりと見える)。その装置はサテライトにつながっており、何か異変が起きたら無人の”地獄の業火”ミサイルが、ブッシュのかなりの至近距離まで飛んで行って、彼を守ることができるようになっている(ブッシュを傷つけることなく)。




It's easy to blame people when something like this happen and because the victim himself is not around, it's hard to blame her. But I blame Benazir for her death. Have you ever seen Musharraf himself riding around with his head popping out of a sunroof of his vehicle? Have you seen any of the political candidates doing the same? President Bush visited Pakistan a couple of years ago; Did you see him riding around a vehicle popping his head out the sunroof? First of all: Airforce One landed at night, Secondly Bush came out of the plane using the underneath door and not the ceremonial walking down the steps, Thirdly US Intelligence placed a device behind Bush'd back (If you watched the debates in 2004, you will see it sticking out of the back of his neck collar) a device that is tracked by a satellite, that satellite is connected to a drone flying above wherever Bush was armed with a 'hellfire' missile to take out anything that comes within a certain proximity of the President's device (Without harming the President) Now who in his right mind, after seeing what Musharraf has to go through to stay alive in his own country and after seeing what it took to protect President Bush when he went there, and after receiving a million warnings that someone is going to kill her, who in their right mind would stick their head out an SUV? Only a stupid, power hungry vindictive woman who was bent on grabbing power in order to avenge his father's death but stubborn enough to ignore all the warnings directed towards possible plots against her life.


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