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投稿者 gataro 日時 2008 年 3 月 27 日 23:04:27: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw

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(フィナンシャル・タイムズ 2008年3月25日初出 翻訳gooニュース) 東京=グウェン・ロビンソン、メアリー・コーベット













ホワイティング氏によると、 トップ・プレイヤーたちのメジャー流出のせいで、国内のプロ野球の観客動員数や視聴率が落ち込んでいる。日本プロ野球の収益と選手報酬は米国の6分の1で、ホワイティング氏によると西武ライオンズの観客数は松坂の昨年のメジャー入り以降、2割も減った。日本の ファンは、松坂の米国での活躍を追いかける手段として、あっさり衛星放送とインターネットに切り替えたのだ。




フィナンシャル・タイムズの英文記事はこちら ⇒

Japanese flock to Major League sales pitch
By Gwen Robinson and Mary Corbett in Tokyo
Published: March 25 2008 01:35 | Last updated: March 25 2008 01:35

Over the next two nights, more than 100,000 Japanese fans are expected to pack the Tokyo Dome to see the Boston Red Sox play the Oakland Athletics in a two-game series opening the US Major League Baseball season.

While the Red Sox are baseball’s reigning World Series champions, for most Japanese fans the real drawcards are the Boston pitchers Daisuke Matsuzaka and Hideki Okajima.

Dice-K, as Matsuzaka is known in the US, triggered a media frenzy last year when the Red Sox paid $103m (€67m, £52m) for his pitching services for six years. Japanese media covered his every pitch in spring training and tens of thousands of fans have travelled to Boston to see a “Matsuzaka game”.

Although his debut season performance and sponsorship deals did not live up to expectations, Matsuzaka’s economic impact on Boston – and on Major League Baseball as a whole – has been significant, not least in terms of Japanese tourism and investment interest in Boston, and sales of MLB merchandise and television rights in Japan.

The move to ship teams to Tokyo is part of MLB’s strategy to expand its international market, particularly in Asia. The two-game opening series, mainly paid for by Yomiuri, Japan’s largest-circulation newspaper and owner of its baseball team the Yomiuri Giants, is expected to generate millions of dollars in revenue for MLB from marketing, television and sponsorship rights. “This is about as big as it gets,” said Jim Small, managing director of MLB Japan.

Japan adopted baseball in the early 20th century and built it into a national sport. Through sponsorship, television rights and licensing, MLB’s Japan business has tripled in the past five years to more than $70m a year and now accounts for 60 to 70 per cent of the league’s international revenue.

Western sports organisations have been jostling to tap Asia’s rising affluence and sporting aspirations. Mr Small, for example, is working on plans for Chinese “baseball academies” and programmes to give away bats and gloves.

English Premier League soccer, American football, US basketball and even Australian rules football are also working the lucrative Asian market. Some sports have used celebrity players to promote their Asian profiles, while the US National Basketball Association has used Chinese players to put itself on the map in the world’s most populous country.

Baseball’s rise in Japan, says Mr Small, is linked to the fact that it “perfectly suits” the Japanese mentality. “There is a timelessness, a feeling of sacrifice – the team over individual players; gaman [perseverance] and all that,” he said.

Matsuzaka is among about 15 compatriots playing in the US major leagues following on from Hideo Nomo, the pioneer of trans-Pacific transfers who paved the way in the mid-1990s for superstars such as Hideki Matsui and Ichiro Suzuki.

In the eyes of some critics, however, there is irony in the way Japanese stars are being used to promote the cause of US professional baseball in Japan – to the detriment, they argue, of the domestic game.

Most Japanese fans feel “a great sense of national pride and identification” with homegrown major league stars, says Robert Whiting, author of You Gotta Have Wa . He calls the trend “heartbreaking” and largely blames the MLB “machine” for a “hollowing out” of Japanese baseball.

The exodus of top players is hitting game attendance and television ratings, notes Mr Whiting. League revenues and player salaries in Japan are a sixth of those in the US and Mr Whiting says attendance at Seibu Lions games dropped 20 per cent after Matsuzaka’s departure last year. Japanese fans simply shifted to satellite television and the internet to follow his progress in the US.

NHK and other broadcasters report nightly on Japanese players who have joined major league teams.

Part of the domestic league’s problem is the arcane way in which Japanese baseball is managed, Mr Whiting says. “Teams are owned by corporations that see them as PR vehicles.”


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