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「日本軍がいなければ集団自決は起こらなかった」 78歳の牧師、金城重明氏が語る【NYTimes】(どこへ行く、日本。)
投稿者 gataro 日時 2007 年 10 月 09 日 20:22:00: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw

「日本軍がいなければ集団自決は起こらなかった」 78歳の牧師、金城重明氏が語る【NYTimes】




金城重明(きんじょう・しげあき) 1929年、沖縄県渡嘉敷島に生まれる。55年、青山学院大学文学部キリスト教学科卒業。60年、ユニオン神学大学(ニューヨーク)修士課程卒業(M.DIV.)。日本キリスト教団糸満教会(1955〜58)並びに同首里教会牧師(1960〜75)。沖縄キリスト教短期大学創設(1957)以来、94年3月定年まで、講師・教授として教鞭をとる。キリスト教学を担当。その間に理事・副理事長・宗教部長・学長1期(1975〜79)を務める。


金城重明著 1,800円 高文研
四六判・253ページ 1995年6月発行
ISBN4-87498-161-5 C0036


以上は http://www.koubunken.co.jp/0175/0161.html から抜粋。



金城氏「軍命出た」 岩波「集団自決」訴訟(琉球新報)

> 沖縄戦中、渡嘉敷・座間味両島で起きた「集団自決」(強制集団死)をめぐり、岩波新書「沖縄ノート」などで日本軍の隊長命令だったと記述され、名誉を傷つけられたとして、戦隊長だった梅澤裕氏(90)らが岩波書店と作家の大江健三郎氏に出版差し止めなどを求めている訴訟で、大阪地裁(深見敏正裁判長)は10日午後、福岡高裁那覇支部で所在尋問(出張法廷)を行った。渡嘉敷島で「集団自決」を体験し、生き延びた金城重明沖縄キリスト教短期大学名誉教授(78)が岩波側の証人として出廷。「(島に駐留していた)赤松嘉次隊長が指揮する軍の命令なしに『集団自決』は起こり得なかった」として、日本軍の強制を証言した。

















Okinawans Protest Japan’s Plan to Revise Bitter Chapter of World War II(The New York Times)

Published: October 7, 2007

GINOWAN, Japan, Sept. 30 — Already 78 years old and in failing health, the Rev. Shigeaki Kinjo no longer wanted to talk about that fateful day 62 years ago toward the end of World War II when he beat to death his mother, younger brother and sister.

Brainwashed by Japanese Imperial Army soldiers into believing that victorious American troops would rape all the local women and run over the men with their tanks, Mr. Kinjo and others in his village here in Okinawa thought that suicide was their only choice. A week before American troops landed and initiated the Battle of Okinawa in March 1945, Japanese soldiers stationed in his village gave the men two hand grenades each, with instructions to hurl one at the Americans and then to kill themselves with the other.

Most of the grenades failed to explode. After watching a former district chief break off a tree branch and use it to kill his wife and children, Mr. Kinjo and his older brother followed suit.

“My older brother and I struck to death the mother who had given birth to us,” Mr. Kinjo said in an interview at the Naha Central Church, where he is the senior minister. “I was wailing of course. We also struck to death our younger brother and sister.”

Mr. Kinjo agreed to tell his story again because the Japanese government is now denying, in new high school textbooks, that Okinawans had been coerced by Imperial troops into committing mass suicide.

The proposed changes to the school textbooks — the deletion of a subject, the change to the passive voice — amounted to just a couple of words among hundreds of pages. But the seemingly minor grammatical alterations have led to swelling anger in the Okinawa islands in Japan, cresting recently in the biggest protest here in at least 35 years and stunning the Japanese government.

For the past quarter of a century, Japan’s high school textbooks had included the accepted historical fact that that Okinawans had been coerced into mass suicides by Imperial Army soldiers.

But six months ago, the Education Ministry said that next year’s government-endorsed textbooks would eliminate all references to Japan’s soldiers. According to the revised passages, the Okinawans simply committed mass suicide or felt compelled to do so. But by whom?

“If Japanese soldiers had not been there, the mass suicides would have never occurred,” said Mr. Kinjo, who said he decided not to kill himself after he saw that Japanese soldiers were not committing suicide.

The ministry said that it “is not clear that the Japanese Army coerced or ordered the mass suicides” but cited no fresh evidence to explain its change in policy. What was clear, though, was the timing of the announcement, which came a few months after the Japanese government passed a new law emphasizing “patriotism” in public schools.

In fact, for at least the past decade, nationalist scholars and politicians, like former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, had fought to cleanse textbooks of passages on crimes committed by Japanese soldiers. If the deletion of passages on wartime sex slaves or massacres angered Asian nations in recent years, this was the first time that the government’s whitewashing of the past had caused this kind of anger in Japan.

The uproar presents a serious challenge for the new government of Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, who needs Okinawa’s consent to carry out the reconfiguration of United States military bases here. A moderate, Mr. Fukuda has signaled that he is seeking a compromise on the new textbooks, which are scheduled to go the publishers in November and be introduced into classrooms with the start of the new school year next April.

But Mr. Fukuda is in a difficult position. Abruptly overturning the revisions would anger his party’s powerful right wing; it would also belie the government’s longstanding assertion that the school textbooks are free of political interference.

Okinawa, which suffered the only battle on Japanese soil involving civilians during World War II, was an independent kingdom with its own culture and language until it was officially annexed by Japan in the late 19th century. During the war, Japanese soldiers distrusted Okinawans and feared that they would act as spies for the Americans.



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