★阿修羅♪ > 政治・選挙・NHK43 > 547.html
投稿者 JAXVN 日時 2007 年 10 月 25 日 08:26:47: fSuEJ1ZfVg3Og

(回答先: 年次改革要望書 「郵政民営化」部分の訳-民営化というリフォーム詐欺(とむ丸の夢)-これでは「要望書」ではく「命令書」だ 投稿者 JAXVN 日時 2007 年 10 月 24 日 12:31:26)

「D.   透明性


1. 郵政民営化委員会など日本政府が開催する委員会または構成要素が、民間部門に影響を及ぼす可能性のある問題について議論する場合には、米国系企業および他の外国企業を含む民間の利害関係者が積極的に貢献する有意義な機会が提供されるよう確保する。

2. 市場への影響について、また新たな日本郵政企業体と民間企業の間の競争条件への対応度についてすべての利害関係者が意見を述べる機会を提供することを含めて、日本郵政改革の実施に関しては定期的(すなわち年1回)な公開レビューを行い、また日本郵政企業体のコンプライアンスについて透明性のある検証をするために、現在民間企業に適用されているのと同じ法規を提供する。

3. 民間企業に影響を及ぼす日本郵政株式会社の改革について、民間の利害関係者に関係職員と意見交換をする有意義で時宜を得た機会を提供する。

4. 日本郵政株式会社の改革にかかわる事項について整備される施行規則、ガイドライン、政令、実施計画およびその他の措置について、パブリックコメント手続、並びにそのほかの手段によって一般の意見を求める。また、それらが最終決定される前に、それらの意見が十分考慮され、適切であれば措置案に確かに盛り込まれるようにする。

5. 政府が開催する検討会に関連する資料や議事録など、日本郵政改革の計画と実施に関する情報を、引き続きウェブサイト、記者会見その他の手段で適時一般に公開する。


「年次改革要望書中の「郵政改革」最後の項目「D」の訳を、「年次改革要望書 『郵政民営化』部分の訳」にアップしました。これで郵政民営化関係は終わりです。







 なお、この「利害関係者」には、当然、米国系企業も含まれています。俺たちにも口出しさせろ! それも、十分どころか、十二分に! というわけです。






「 今年の年次改革要望書にでていた、アームスレングスということが、何だろうなと思って今朝の日経を読んでいたら、31面の経済教室の田尻某という人の解説には「グループ内の取引慣行や経営活動を通じ不当な利益を供与していないか」となっていますね。三事業一体ではなく分割させたあげく、株式持ち合いの効果をそぐというのが狙いでしょうね」。



I. Privatization of Public Corporations. As Japan implements the restructuring and privatization of public corporations, the United States urges Japan to create a level playing field for all market participants. The United States also recommends that such steps be undertaken in a transparent manner, including by ensuring domestic and foreign private sector entities are given meaningful opportunities to provide input and express views on matters affecting the market.

II. Japan Post Reforms. The United States recognizes the potential benefits for the Japanese economy of a market-oriented reform of Japan Post which, if implemented vigorously, should stimulate competition and lead to a more productive use of resources. The implementation of a fully market-oriented reform is also necessary to eliminate long-standing advantages that the postal institutions have been accorded over U.S., Japanese, and other private companies and to ensure that new advantages are not created. As the implementation of these reforms progresses, it is important that all necessary measures are taken to ensure the legislation’s principle of establishing equivalent conditions of competition between the new Japan Post entities and the private sector.

A. Level Playing Field for Postal Savings and Insurance and Financial System Stability.
The United States welcomes confirmation by Japan that Japan Post Bank and Japan Post Insurance, from the outset of the privatization process in October 2007, will cease offering products that carry government guarantees and will be required to meet the same tax, legal, and regulatory obligations and, along with Japan Post Holdings, be subject to the same supervision and disclosure standards as private sector companies. The United States is also encouraged by Japan’s commitment that measures shall be implemented to ensure that the privatized postal financial institutions, in practice, objectively meet the same licensing, disclosing and supervisory requirements as private sector financial institutions. The United States also welcomes confirmation that relationships among the new postal companies with capital relationships will be ensured on an arms-length basis and that no schemes exist to allow for cross-subsidization (and thus also transfer of risks) between and among the new entities created under related laws. As the sole authority over the supervision and inspection of Japan Post Bank and Japan Post Insurance under the Banking Law and Insurance Business Law, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) will play a critical role in assuring they develop and exercise effective risk management so as not to jeopardize financial system stability. In addition to fully implementing the above-mentioned measures, the United States urges Japan to also take the following steps to help meet the Japan Post Privatization Law’s aim to achieve equal conditions of competition between the new Japan Post entities and private firms:

1. Product Distribution and Sales Channels. Ensure private firms are given equal and transparent access to compete for distribution of financial products through Japan Post Network consistent with industry best practices and, consistent with the arms-length rule, ensure that the Japan Post Holding’s relationships with Japan Post Bank and Japan Post Insurance are undertaken on a truly market basis. Furthermore, ensure that Japan Post Network, including its employees, is and will be subject to FSA supervision when acting as an agent or intermediary for any financial transactions such as taking deposits, lending, exchange transaction and selling insurance products.

2. Deposit and Reinsurance Relationships. With respect to deposit and reinsurance contracts the Incorporated Administrative Agency Management Organization for Postal Savings Postal Life Insurance (Public Successor Corporation) enters with Japan Post Bank and Japan Post Insurance, respectively, contain all necessary measures to:
  a. Ensure full and complete separation of pre-existing accounts and contracts (those held prior to October 2007) from accounts and contracts concluded beginning October 2007 so as to ensure a full separation of risk, and ensure that the Deposit Insurance Corporation and insurance Policyholder Protection Corporations will not be liable for pre-existing accounts and contracts;
  b. Ensure deposit and reinsurance contracts are on a fully arm’s length basis and, as such, will not allow for cross-subsidization of the new postal financial institutions through such arrangements. With respect to transparency, make public the method used for determining the reinsurance fees; and
  c. Ensure the Public Successor Corporation’s financial condition, including surpluses and/or deficits, and reinsurance transactions are publicly disclosed and accounted for in a manner that meets generally accepted corporate accounting rules/standards in Japan.

3. Implicit Government Guarantee. Including until such time that Japan Post Holdings is fully divested from its shares of the postal financial institutions, take meaningful steps to ensure that consumers and the marketplace are aware that products issued from October 2007 will not be backed by the Government. In addition, prior to expanding the scope of Japan Post Bank and Japan Post Insurance businesses and on a periodic basis thereafter, carefully monitor actual sales practices and enforce related laws to ensure accounts and contracts from October 2007 are not misrepresented as having a Government guarantee, as well as to ensure the postal financial institutions do not leverage their relationship with the Government to provide them an advantage over their competitors in the marketplace.

4. Antimonopoly Act Enforcement. Ensure through appropriate Japan Fair Trade Commission studies and other steps that the privatization and reform of Japan Post is undertaken in a manner that promotes free competition, transparency and arms-length business practices, effective enforcement of competition policy and regulatory reform.

5. Regional Social Contribution Fund. Ensure that the Fund is administered transparently (including sufficient and periodic public disclosure of the cost allocation methodology, cost and revenue data used to make such calculations, and the distributions of funds) and include measures such as internal controls and transparent, precise disbursement criteria to prevent benefits from unfairly accruing to the postal financial service suppliers but not to other domestic and foreign service suppliers.

6. Asset Valuation. Ensure that independent auditors undertake a full valuation of the assets, liabilities, and reserves of the Incorporated Administrative Agency Management Organization for Postal Savings and Postal Life Insurance (Public Successor Corporation), and that this valuation is fully disclosed to the public.

7. Cross-subsidization. To ensure transparency in the independent operations of Japan Post Holding’s subsidiaries, request that independent auditors of the subsidiaries report an opinion on the measures put in place to eliminate cross-subsidization, as well as those measures’ effectiveness.

8. Ensuring FSA Resources. The United States welcomes news the FSA has reserved personnel to review the new Japan Post entities’ compliance with relevant financial laws and regulations and urges Japan to ensure that sufficient personnel and other resources from among FSA’s regular supervisory staff are provided so that the FSA can properly regulate the postal financial entities under all regulations applicable to private sector firms on a national treatment basis with other market participants.

B. Conditions of Competition and the Introduction of Products.
The United States urges Japan to ensure that a level playing field is actually created between the postal financial institutions and private financial institutions before the postal financial institutions are permitted to introduce new lending services, new or altered insurance products underwritten by Japan Post Insurance, and the origination of non-principal-guaranteed investment products by Japan Post Bank. The United States welcomes confirmation that the FSA will apply the same standards as private sector financial institutions to Japan Post Bank and Japan Post Insurance under the Banking Law and Insurance Business Law when engaging in sales and distribution of their financial services or insurance products. The United States also welcomes Postal Services Privatization Commission (PSPC) review of new product applications to ensure that new or altered products do not create market distortions. Achieving a level playing field also includes requiring the postal entities to meet objectively on a national treatment basis the same obligations that other companies must meet, including when introducing new products or riders. Thus, the United States urges Japan to ensure effective monitoring and compliance of the postal financial institutions with laws and regulations in the same manner as its private sector peers, and that the reform process and its implementation are consistent with Japan's WTO obligations, particularly the national treatment principle of GATS.

C. Level Playing Field for Express Carrier Services.
The United States continues to urge Japan to take all necessary steps to fully ensure that ‘equivalent conditions of competition,’ as called for under Article 2 of the Japan Post Privatization Law, are established between the new Japan Post companies and private express carrier companies. In this regard, the United States urges Japan to take the following steps to help create a fully level playing field:

1. Apply customs clearance procedures for mail and packages handled by Japan Post Service Company equivalent to those applied to private express carriers for similar actions. In particular, the United States urges Japan to ensure that mail delivered under express mail service (EMS) follows the “duty declaration” system and not the “duty assessment” system that Japanese regulations currently apply to EMS.

2. Require Japan Post Service to pay equal costs for customs clearance for similar processes, including NACCS charges and the costs for application document preparation.

3. Apply all safety and security laws and regulations to Japan Post items in the same manner as to those carried by private express carriers.

4. Take all necessary measures to make public disclosures of the Japan Post Service Company’s business, including transactions involving Japan Post Holdings and its subsidiaries, sufficient to demonstrate that cross-subsidization among the Company’s businesses and with other Japan Post entities does not occur, including requiring disclosures of separate business areas to the same standards required of other private companies.

5. Ensure that supervision by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT) of the new Japan Post entities and their related operations is undertaken according to the same standards as those applied to private companies.

6. Make draft regulations available for public review and implement in a timely fashion final regulations that subject the logistics and postal services operation of Japan Post Service to the same taxes as private corporations and make such subject to the same aviation safety and security regulations; and ensure EMS services are governed by MLIT under the same transportation laws and regulations and, with respect to postal services, supervise related operations according to freight transportation laws and ordinances.

D. Transparency.
The United States urges that all necessary measures are taken by Japan to ensure the implementation of these reforms is fully transparent, including providing ample opportunity for the views of interested parties to be considered before final decisions are made. This is particularly important during decision-making processes where the final decision may impact the competitive environment and thus the businesses of Japan Post’s private sector competitors in both the financial services and express delivery sectors. Specifically, the United Stated urges the following measures be taken by Japan:

1. Ensure meaningful opportunities are provided to interested private sector parties, including U.S. and other foreign companies, to actively contribute to deliberations by committees or components of such convened by the Government of Japan, including the Postal Services Privatization Committee, on issues that may impact the private sector;

2. Conduct regular (i.e. annual) public reviews of the implementation of the Japan Post reforms, including by providing meaningful opportunities for all interested parties to express their views on the impact of the reforms on markets and on the degree of equivalence of competitive conditions of competition between the new Japan Post entities and the private sector, and also provide for transparent verification of the compliance of these entities with the same laws and regulations that currently apply to the private sector.

3. Provide meaningful and timely opportunities for private sector interested parties to exchange views with relevant Government of Japan officials on matters pertaining to Japan Post reforms that may affect the private sector;

4. Seek public input through the use of Public Comment Procedures and other methods with respect to implementing regulations, guidelines, Cabinet and other orders, implementation plans, and other measures established for matters pertaining to Japan Post reforms, and also ensure that input is fully considered and, where appropriate, incorporated into draft measures before they are finalized; and

5. Ensure that information relating to the planning and implementation of Japan Post reforms, including the discussion materials and minutes of related government-convened advisory groups, is made public in a timely way by continued use of web postings, press conferences, and other tools.」



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