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サダムの処刑:西側世界の反戦運動は帝国主義の左足なのか?(Global Research)全対訳
投稿者 バルセロナより愛を込めて 日時 2007 年 1 月 02 日 09:51:15: SO0fHq1bYvRzo

サダムの処刑:西側世界の反戦運動は帝国主義の左足なのか?(Global Research)全対訳

2007年1月1日付のGlobal Researchの記事です。






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Saddam's Execution : The Western Anti-war Movement - the Left Boot of Imperialism?

by Kola Odetola

Global Research, January 1, 2007
MediaLens Message Board - 2006-12-30

Posted by Kola on December 30, 2006, 12:51 am User logged in as: Kola Odetola

The silence of the western antiwar movement on the lynching of Saddam Hussein is deafening and is increasingly beginning to prove what a lot of discerning people have suspected all along – that the mainstream anti-war movement (including large parts of its left wing) in the west is the well concealed left boot of western imperialism, the conscience of the conqueror. The main reason given by western radicals – including many on this board for ignoring the assassination of the deposed Iraqi president is the crimes against humanity he has allegedly committed. How many of these ‘left’ activists then would welcome a Chinese invasion of the British Isles, the sacking of British cities, the incarceration and torture of tens of thousands of English youths in concentration camps scattered along the Yorkshire Dales, the murder of a million British citizens (the equivalent of the Iraq dead) if the reason Beijing gave for the invasion was to arrest, try and execute Tony Blair for the limitless war crimes he has directly and indirectly carried out in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine over the last three years – killing in Iraq alone (in 3 years) more than Saddam killed in 35.

西側世界の反戦運動によるサダム・フセインへのリンチに対する沈黙は耳をつんざくばかりになっており、そして多くの明敏な人々がずっと疑い続けてきたことを証明し始めている。それは、西側世界の反戦運動の主流派(その左翼の大部分を含む)は十分に包み隠された西側帝国主義の左足、征服者の罪の意識である、ということなのだ。西側のラディカルたち――このボード【訳注:Global Researchを指すか?】の多くの者を含むのだが――が取り除かれたイラク大統領の殺害を無視するの理由として挙げられた主要なものは、彼が犯したとされる人道に対する罪である。それでは、もし中国がブリテン諸島を侵略し英国の都市を襲いYorkshire Dalesに沿って点在する強制収用所に英国の多くの若者を収監して拷問し百万人(イラクでの死者に等しい)の英国国民を殺し、もし北京政府がその侵略の理由として上げることが、この3年間にわたってイラクとレバノンとパレスチナで直接的・間接的に実行された際限の無い戦争犯罪によって、トニー・ブレアーを逮捕し処刑するためであったということなら、どれほど多くのこれら「左翼」の活動家達がそれを歓迎するというのだろうか。イラクだけでも(この3年間に)サダムが35年間に行ったよりももっと多くの殺害が行われているのだが。

Saddam Hussein has not been tried; he has been executed by the west’s leaders, while their ‘radical’ sons look the other way. If a serial killer was brought to trial in the UK and during the trial three of his defence lawyers were kidnapped, tortured and murdered, (clearly by state agents) the media lens message board for one will be heaving with anger and righteous fury, but now there is only silence.

サダム・フセインは裁かれたのではなかった。彼は西側指導者によって抹殺されたのである。一方でその「ラディカルな」息子達はもう片方の現れ方をしている。もし英国の中で、連続殺人犯が法廷に連れてこられ、裁判の最中にその弁護士の中の3名が誘拐されて拷問されて殺されたのなら(明らかに国のエージェントによって)、the media lens message board for one【訳注:うまく訳せない。おそらくTVやインターネットの掲示板などを指すと思われる。】が怒りと正義感に満ちて盛り上がることだろう。しかし今回は単に沈黙があるのみである。

Saddam Hussein was a tyrant, but as president of Iraq, he represented something which nobody ever talks about these days, the sovereignty of his nation, by his judicial murder by a foreign invader the sovereignty of every poor third world nation has just been executed. The reason why the left in the west cares so little about that is because the sovereignty of poor nations is as much a threat to them as it is to their ruling circles.


The multi billion pound human rights/NGO industry for one (the new missionaries) are as dominant in the third world as any multinational, and in many ways even more powerful, since they seduce the minds of the natives buying up activists by the barrel load, feeding them with inconsequential facetious drivel about ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’ all the better to cement the west’s moral and ideological supremacy over the natives.


Trade unions from the west struggle to organise in the third world to ensure the starving do not go beyond the level of loyal opposition to the western banks and companies that impose the crucifix of hunger on their children. Even the far left get in on the act with an assortment of ‘Mac’Trotskyist groups fighting for the ‘world revolution’ creating so called internationals - a global franchise they dress up as fraternity. The headquarters of the ‘world revolution’ sharing its capital with that of world finance.


The primary contradiction for the last 500 years has not been between classes but between nations, the poor and the rich ones. It has been a struggle by the west to dominate and control the rest of humanity. While the ordinary people in the west do not participate in the oppression willingly, many of them share the same patronising and superior attitudes of their leaders. Thus even when they support the struggles of the oppressed in the poor world it is with conditions and qualifications that are never applied to them when they face similar circumstances.


It is this ingrained and unconscious superiority that made then overlook the humiliation of Saddam – checking his hair on camera for lice, something they would have baulked at if it had probably been done on the German Herman Goring – who was treated with great personal dignity – in full uniform and well groomed throughout the trial at Nuremberg as was Slobodan Milosevic another ‘northern tyrant.


People fighting against imperialist enslavement in the poor world should accept the support of western radicals whenever it is forthcoming but should not subordinate the narrative of their struggle to the ‘friends of the people’



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