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アメリカ・ペロシ下院議長は「新世界秩序」を強く支持(The John Birch Society)
投稿者 こげぱん 日時 2007 年 1 月 14 日 13:44:42: okIfuH5uFf.Lk

アメリカ真正保守派The John Birch SocietyのHPより。



Speaker Pelosi Pushes "New Order of the Centuries"

By John F. McManus
Created 2007-01-08 22:50


In her speech accepting appointment as House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi
(D-Calif.) innocuously referred to "Novus Ordo Seclorum," one portion of the
Great Seal of the United States. What does this symbol, with its
accompanying uncapped pyramid and all-seeing eye, really mean?

*Follow this link to the source article:* "_Text of Nancy Pelosi's speech_ [2]"


Speaker Pelosi translated "Novus Ordo Seclorum" to mean "new order for the
centuries" and she praised our nation's Founders for their commitment to
"liberty, opportunity, and justice." A literal translation of the phrase
would be "new order of the ages," and a correct spelling would show that
"saeculorum" is more accurate. This Latin phrase has been frequently
employed and translated in the last century as a "New World Order," a phrase
President George H.W. Bush used so often as he led the nation into the first
war against Iraq with United Nations authorization.

"Novus Ordo Seclorum" does appear in the reverse side of the Great Seal, the
creation of a small committee charged in 1782 to produce it by the
Continental Congress. It has almost unanimously been looked upon as an
indication of occult, even conspiratorial, design and was customarily
shunned by the few who knew of its existence for the first 150 years of our
nation's life. But in 1935, at the prompting of then-Secretary of
Agriculture Henry Wallace, the entire Great Seal was placed on the back of
the dollar bill.

Historian Arthur Schlesinger noted that Secretary of the Treasury Henry
Morgenthau, who had acceded to Wallace's urging, was then for years "beset
by people" who concluded that Morgenthau's affinity for the symbol signified
his "attachment to some esoteric fellowship." But Wallace, the originator of
the plan to use the Seal, was an extreme Leftist who was looked upon by many
as an outright communist. In 1948, he was the presidential candidate of the
Progressive Party, a thinly disguised political front for the communist
movement in America.

The John Birch Society has long held that the conspiracy of the Illuminati,
founded by Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria in 1776, is the predecessor of a
modern-day conspiracy warring against our country and civilization.
Weishaupt and his followers definitely employed the familiar all-seeing eye
and they operated with a pyramid-like organizational structure. Many have
also believed that the Illuminati employed the slogan "Novus Ordo Seclorum."

President George Washington is only one of several of the Founders who
warned about the Illuminati's presence and determined effort to capture our
country during its early years. He, John Adams and several others largely
thwarted the attempt to bring America under control of murderous plotters,
and the nation was initially spared the fate that befell France during the
French Revolution.

How much awareness Ms. Pelosi has about the history behind the phrase she
chose to employ in her very first speech as House Speaker isn't known. But
her commitment to increased socialism and to the United Nations (whose goal
is world government) will fit in tidily with the twin goals of those who,
throughout several centuries, have worked to create their New World Order.

▼参考リンク- ペロシ下院議長スピーチ

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