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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2007/01/15
投稿者 white 日時 2007 年 1 月 16 日 22:12:30: QYBiAyr6jr5Ac

□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2007/01/15


Iraqi Resistance Report 765

Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 15 January 2007. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. www.freearabvoice.org

Monday, 15 January 2007.

Three US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in al-Khalidiyah.

Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in al-Hadithah.

Iraqi Baath denounces US-backed killings of Barzan at-Tikriti and ‘Awwad al-Bandar as-Sa‘dun, calls on Iraqis to strike US and Iranian occupiers, not allow themselves to be dragged into sectarianism, says at-Tikriti was beheaded in long period of torture, not hanged as puppet regime claimed.

Jaysh al-Mahdi, Badr Brigades reportedly form united 40,000-man Shi‘i sectarian “Baghdad Liberation Army” to purge Sunnis from Iraqi capital, facilitating partition of Iraq.

Resistance fighters battle US troops in Baghdad’s al-Yarmuk district late Monday afternoon.

Iraqi puppet “Defense Ministry” dismisses regimental commander who refused to take his troops into action against Resistance, calling it “suicide.”

Bodies of Barzan at-Tikriti, ‘Awwad al-Bandar as-Sa‘dun, murdered by US-installed puppet regime, buried just outside gravesite of Martyred Iraqi President Saddam Husayn.

Resistance bombs reportedly kill four Marines in al-Mushahadah Monday afternoon.

Al-Anbar Province.

Resistance forces blast puppet “Iraqi National Guards” in al-Karmah with heavy mortars.

In a dispatch posted at 5:51pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while earlier, Iraqi Resistance forces had fired five heavy 120mm mortar rounds into a headquarters of the puppet “Iraqi National Guard” in the al-Karmah area near al-Fallujah about 60km west of Baghdad.

The al-Fallujah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in the al-Hasiwat area near the headquarters as saying that the headquarters, located in the storehouse area took direct hits in the barrage, which sent plumes of smoke rising over the facility.

US closes junction leading to al-Fallujah Sunday in effort to reduce Resistance attacks.

In a dispatch posted at 6pm Makkah time Monday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US occupation forces closed a junction leading to one of the entrances to the city of al-Fallujah, 60km west of Baghdad on Sunday in an effort to cut down on Resistance attacks against US forces in the city.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of the al-Jaffah area near the Sadd al-Fallujah area as saying that the Americans closed off the junction in the area to all Iraqis, forcing them to go through the checkpoint to the west of the city which then leads to the southern, an-Nu ‘aymiyah entrance to the city. The result has been a huge traffic back up at the al-Halabisah checkpoint. Witnesses said that the puppet “Iraqi National Guards” who man the al-Halabisah checkpoint subject Iraqis trying to enter the city to “extremely bad treatment.”

The correspondent reported that the Americans closed the Sadd al-Fallujah approach to the city because Resistance attacks were taking place on average more than three times a day.


Three US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in al-Khalidiyah.

In a dispatch posted at 4:06pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column in the town of al-Khalidiyah, about 90km west of Baghdad on Monday morning.

The al-Khalidiyah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a bomb that had been planted by al-Khalidiyah Main Road went off wen a column of US military vehicles drove past. The explosion heavily damaged a Zeal troop transport, killing at least three US soldiers and wounding other American troops, according to eyewitnesses.


Resistance pounds US base west of ar-Ramadi with mortars Monday morning.

In a dispatch posted at 4pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven 82mm mortar rounds into the US al-Warrar base west of ar-Ramadi, about 110km west of Baghdad, at 8am local time Monday morning.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the intense barrage set off explosions that shook the base. Witnesses said they saw plumes of smoke and dust billowing into the sky as American helicopters flew in over the base and the surrounding territory.


Resistance blasts joint US-Iraqi puppet army base with Katyusha rockets.

In a dispatch posted at 3:38pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into a base jointly occupied by US and Iraqi puppet army forces in the middle of Hit, 165km northwest of Baghdad.

The Hit correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that they could hear the explosions of the two rockets as they blasted into the base, which has been set up in the former Hit Youth Center near the al-‘Ummal neighborhood. The explosions were so loud that they could be heard just about everywhere throughout the city and they sent plumes of smoke and flame rising into the sky.


Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in al-Hadithah.

In a dispatch posted at 2:46pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by US troops in the city of al-Hadithah, 236km northwest of Baghdad.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that a bomb that had been planted by the side of a road in the middle of the city went off by a passing American patrol, totally destroying a Humvee and killing two US troops who were aboard it. Another two US soldiers were wounded in that attack. The witnesses said that US forces opened fire indiscriminately after the attack, wounding two civilians who were taken to hospital for treatment.


Iraqi Baath denounces US-backed killings of Barzan at-Tikriti and ‘Awwad al-Bandar as-Sa‘dun, calls on Iraqis to strike US and Iranian occupiers, not allow themselves to be dragged into sectarianism, says at-Tikriti was beheaded in long period of torture.

The Iraqi Baath Party issued a statement on Monday denouncing the murder of Barzan at-Tikriti and ‘Awwad al-Bandar as-Sa‘dun by the US-installed puppet regime in Baghdad.

“Today the American occupation authorities carried out the verdict of assassination of the two heroic martyrs Barzan at-Tikriti and ‘Awwad al-Bandar as-Sa‘dun as a part of the series of assassinations that George Bush decreed in his latest plan,” the Baath statement said. Bush’s new plan for Iraq seeks to “broaden the sphere of destruction, ruin, and crime as an act of revenge against the people of Iraq and its leaders, and as a new attempt to spark sectarian conflict in the insane, feverish, and desperate hope of reversing the course of the armed revolution in order to divert it into Iraqi-Iraqi fighting ミ a course that the American Administration mistakenly believes will enable it to achieve its colonialist aim in Iraq.”

The statement noted that as was the case with the assassination of Iraqi President Saddam Husayn on 30 December 2006, the killing of Barzan at-Tirkiti and ‘Awwad al-Bandar was characterized by barbarity and infamy, so much so that “the head of the martyr Barzan was intentionally cut off in the course of a long period of torture to which he was subjected, leading to his martyrdom ミ which was not the result of the execution of the sentence of execution as was claimed.”

In view of the aims of the US, the Baath Party statement said that: “The basic task for the Party and the Resistance now is the liberation of Iraq and not to deviate from this goal at all no matter what the American occupiers or the Iranians do to drag Iraqis towards a civil war.”

“Therefore,” the statement said, “we call on the masses of our great Iraqi people to beware of the intrigues of the occupation and of Iran and to avoid being drawn into veiled sectarian calls to take revenge for the martyrs in response to the pro-Iranian sectarian crimes and provocations which stem from Persian ambitions, not from the Shi‘ism of ‘Ali. Those who assassinated our heroes were America and Iran, not any true Iraqi. Those who carried out the execution were the Iranian intelligence services and their agents whose Iranian origins are well known. Therefore our masses must be aware of this reality and focus all their attacks and responses on the American and Iranian occupiers and avoid all sectarian provocations, responding to them not by sectarian language, but by reaffirming the Arab national and patriotic links that bind all the people of Iraq ミ from the south to the north ミ together.”

Jaysh al-Mahdi, Badr Brigades reportedly form united 40,000-man Shi‘i sectarian “Baghdad Liberation Army” to purge Sunnis from Iraqi capital, facilitating partition of Iraq.

In a dispatch posted at 5:37pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Shi‘i sectarian militias the Jaysh al-Mahdi and Badr Brigades had held a series of high-level meetings forming a unified Shi‘i sectarian “Baghdad Liberation Army” with the aim of seizing Baghdad and purging it of Sunni residents in order to facilitate the partition of Iraq.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported an officer in the puppet “Iraqi Intelligence Service” that is supervised directly by the US occupation and has not be turned over to the puppet Nuri al-Maliki regime disclosed that a series of meetings were held in the Shi‘i holy cities of an-Najaf and Karbala’ lasting five days under the supervision of leading members of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) led by ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Hakim and the as-Sadr Movement lead by Shi‘i sectarian cleric, Muqtada as-Sadr.

The source explained that the meetings ended with the declaration of the formation of a Baghdad Liberation Army, to be made up of 40,000 men drawn from the Jaysh al-Mahdi militia of Muqtada as-Sadr and the Badr Brigades ミ the armed wing of the SCIRI. The command of the sectarian Baghdad Liberation Army is to be in the hands of three men: Dhu Nun Husayn al-Bahadili of the Sadr Movement ミ a former soldier in the old Iraqi army; Ja‘far ‘Ali as-Sukkar of the Badr Brigades; and Shahid az-Zubaydi, a cousin of the former puppet “Interior Minister” Bayan Baqir Sulagh az-Zubaydi who was notorious for his involvement with Shi‘i sectarian death squads before being transferred to the post of “Finance Minister” in the current puppet government of Nuri al-Maliki. Shahid az-Zubaydi was formerly a geography teacher in the al-Karamah Secondary School in al-‘Amarah in southern Iraq.

The Iraqi puppet “Intelligence Agency” source said that the formation of the Shi‘i sectarian “Baghdad Liberation Army” was being carried out with the blessings of Shi‘i religious authority ‘Ali as-Sistani and Bashir an-Najafi, another Shi‘i cleric.

The sectarian clerics’ support for the so-called “Baghdad Liberation Army” came in the form of a document headed “In the name of God” followed by the slogan “The Shi‘ah of ‘Ali are the Vanquishers.” The document, which was signed by more than 60 well known sectarian personalities, contains 16 points, not one of which suggests fighting or attacking the US occupation, but rather speak of purging specific districts of Baghdad of all Sunni residents by using various methods such as slipping threatening letters under doorways, and coordinating with the armed forces of the puppet al-Maliki regime in order to launch joint attacks on Sunni areas.

The source said that the document also refers to using Sunnis’ concern for the safety of their families as a means to force them to get out, such as by kidnapping a Sunni resident’s daughter, wife, or sister for use as a hostage in order to secure the Sunni’s departure from Baghdad.

The source said that the so-called “Baghdad Liberation Army” had set up headquarters in several parts of Baghdad: near the Egyptian eastern textile exhibit on 20 Street in the Baghdad district of al-Bayya‘; near the pill factory in ash-Shu‘lah; by the College of Economy and Management in al-Mustansiriyah University in at-Talibiyah; in the al-Mintaka region by the Buratha Shi‘i mosque in ar-Rahmaniyah; in the al-Jawadir area of Madinat as-Sadr; and in the former home of a Baath Party Member Ayf Shandakh.

According to the source, the Shi‘i sectarian Baghdad Liberation Army” had designated a time for attacking several priority Sunni areas as targets for their “vital missions”: Hayfa Street, as-Salikh, al-Hurriyah, al-Jihad, al-‘Amil, al-Ghazaliyah next to ash-Shu‘lah, and as-Sayyidiyah. Last Friday, 12 January was designated a day for a trial run of the attacks in order to determine how quickly the sectarian “Army” forces could assemble and how they would proceed to the predominantly Sunni target areas with such speed that neither the Iraqi Resistance nor local residents would have time to mobilize in self-defense.

According to the source, the “Baghdad Liberation Army” is equipped with the latest Iranian-made weapons and is under Iran’s total military supervision. According to the source, the plan is to try to avoid any direct combat with the Iraqi Resistance by carrying out attacks with such surprise and speed that the Resistance would have no time to get involved.

The source added that the “Baghdad Liberation Army” was only supposed to be the beginning of a larger force to be organized in various predominantly Shi ‘ parts of Iraq. The Jaysh al-Mahdi has reportedly resorted to instituting a compulsory draft of Shi‘i males aged 15 to 45 into the “Baghdad Liberation Army.”

The Shi‘i sectarian Jaysh al-Mahdi militia, run by Muqtada as-Sadr, a Shi‘i cleric loyal to Iran’s “conservatives,” is seeking to extend Iranian regional hegemony into Iraq and step into the shoes of the American occupation as it leaves the country under the blows of the Iraqi Resistance. Since its invasion of Iraq in the spring of 2003, the US has made use of Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigade militia of the SCIRI, which is close to Iran’s pro-western “liberals” to prop up the American occupation.

Now that the US is searching for a way out of Iraq, however, the two Shi‘i sectarian clerical wings have moved closer together in an effort to facilitate the partition of Iraq and the establishment of a Shi‘i theocratic authority there which would be tied to Iran.

To forestall Iran’s attempt to replace America as colonial power in Iraq, the Iraqi Resistance continues its battle against pro-Iranian as well as US and pro-US groups and facilities.

Resistance blasts US base at Saddam International Airport with Katyusha rockets Monday afternoon.

In a dispatch posted at 5:55pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that minutes earlier Iraqi Resistance forces fired four rockets into Saddam International Airport.

The al-‘Amiriyah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the rockets slammed into the airport, sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky from inside. Resistance sources said that the rockets were Katyushas.

Saddam International Airport is not only a major airbase for the US occupation forces, it is also the site of one of the most important American-run prison camps in the country.

Resistance fighters battle US troops in Baghdad’s al-Yarmuk district late Monday afternoon.

In a dispatch posted at 5:52pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while earlier fierce fighting broke out between Iraqi Resistance forces and US occupation troops in Baghdad’s al-Yarmuk district.

The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that at the time of reporting, the Resistance fighters were battling US Marnies and Iraqi puppet troops around Qahtan Square in al-Yarmuk. A puppet army vehicle was on fire in the middle of the street there as Resistance men continued to fire on US troops who called in air support from helicopter gun ships early in the battle.

Iraqi puppet “Defense Ministry” dismisses regimental commander who refused to take his troops into action against Resistance, calling it “suicide.”

In a dispatch posted at 4:02pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the puppet “Iraqi Defense Ministry” dismissed Staff Colonel Sabah ‘Abbas al-Kannani, the commander of the Second Regiment of the Fifth Division of the puppet army on charges that he disobeyed orders.

The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported sources close to al-Kannani a saying that the dismissal came after al-Kannani had refused to carry out an order from the puppet “Defense Ministry” to move his Second Regiment to the town of al-Karmah near al-Fallujah.

The sources said that al-Kannani refused to carry out the order because, as he said, the troops in his unit were not up to battling the Iraqi Resistance fighters. The sources said that al-Kannani ignored the order for a week, calling it “suicide” for his troops. The “Ministry” therefore dismissed al-Kannani and appointed Colonel Fadil as-Sa‘idi in his place in charge of the Second Regiment and as-Sa‘idi was to proceed to al-Karmah on Tuesday in accordance with the puppet “Defense Ministry” orders.

Sadr Movement receives bodies of 80 of its Jaysh al-Mahdi fighters killed in past two days in Resistance attacks in Baghdad.

In a dispatch posted at 2:50pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the puppet regime’s Forensic Medical Department had turned over 80 bodies to the pro-Iranian Muqtada as-Sadr movement and a committee from the puppet “Ministry of Health” (which is controlled by the as-Sadr movement) for burial in the Shi‘i holy city of Karbala’.

The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Forensic Medicine Department issued a statement saying that the Sadr Movement and the committee from the puppet “Ministry of Health” received 80 bodies. Following the publication of the statement, a medical source explained that the bodies were those of Jaysh al-Mahdi militiamen ミ the armed wing of the Muqtada as-Sadr movement ミ who had been killed in attacks in various parts of Baghdad during the previous two days.

US, Iraqi puppet forces carry out night-time searches in south Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah.

In a dispatch posted at 1:18pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US occupation troops and Iraqi puppet forces carried out raids and searches in southern Baghdad beginning on Sunday night.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that a joint force of US and Iraqi puppet troops launched their operations late on Sunday night under cover from US warplanes. The force raided the neighborhoods of at-Tu‘mah, as-Sihhah, Asiya, al-Mu‘allimin, and al-Mahdiyah in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah in an operation that lasted until Monday morning.

The US and Iraqi puppet forces did not close all the main roads in the area, however, and allowed people to come and go from their houses. It was not known for certain whether any arrests were made.

Resistance bomb kills three puppet policemen in southeaster Baghdad Monday morning.

In a dispatch posted at 2:33pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a by a puppet police patrol in the southeastern Baghdad district of ar-Rustamiyah at 9am local time on Monday morning.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a puppet police source as saying that the bomb, which was planted in the ar-Rustamiyah area went off by a passing patrol, completely destroying a patrol vehicle and killing three puppet policemen and wounding two more of them ミ both of those later being taken to hospital for treatment.

Salah ad-Din Province.

Bodies of Barzan at-Tikriti, ‘Awwad al-Bandar as-Sa‘dun, murdered by US-installed puppet regime, buried just outside gravesite of Martyred Iraqi President Saddam Husayn.

In a dispatch posted at 11:44pm Makkah time Monday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the bodies of Barzan at-Tikriti and ‘Awwad Hamad al-Bandar as-Sa‘dun, were laid to rest near the grave of Martyred Iraqi President Saddam Husayn in al-‘Awjah near Tikrit after the sunset prayer on Monday.

The Tikrit correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that 10 puppet police cars and four US Humvees brought the puppet “Governor” Salah ad-Din Province Hamad al-Qaysi and his deputy ‘Abdallah Jabbarah as well as Shaykh ‘Ali an-Nida ミ the head of the al-Bu Nasir tribe to the town amidst extremely tight security measures.

The correspondent reported that the body of Barzan at-Tikriti was taken out of one of the vehicles in a white, blood-stained shroud, his head placed by his right hip. Al-Bandar’s body was also wrapped in a shroud but his feet were exposed, hanging out the bottom.

The correspondent, who attended the burial, reported that religious leaders and relatives of Barzan and Bandar decided to bury the two martyred Iraqi leaders outside the hall in which Iraqi President Saddam Husayn was laid to rest following his assassination on 30 December 2006. The opted to bury them outside because the hall in which the President was buried was relatively small and large numbers of mourners from throughout the country still flock to the gravesite every day, around the clock, making additional burials there impractical.

Accordingly, Barzan and Bandar were buried to the right of the doorway leading to the burial site of Saddam Husayn. The two martyred leaders were laid to rest following funerary prayers Monday evening.

Evidence of torture, abuse of body. . .

In a dispatch posted at 11:54pm Makkah time Monday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Shaykh ‘Ali an-Nida had said in an exclusive interview that the two bodies had been handed over to the al-Bu Nasir tribe by A US military base in Baghdad and that they were not killed in a location under the control of the Iraqi puppet regime as the press had reported.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that American occupation troops in Tikrit prohibited anyone from taking photographs during the burial and then, when they left, the Americans instructed the Iraqi puppet police not to allow any photographs be taken.

Witnesses who watched the handover of the body of Barzan said that his head appeared to have been severed from his body by a dull knife. They added that the mark of kicks on the body, inflicted after his death, were clearly visible. There were bloody boot prints on Barzan’s abdomen and face, indicating that whoever made them had stepped in the blood that flowed from Barzan’s beheading. The witnesses added that Barzan’s body had suffered other damage as well: the bones in his nose were broken, as were ribs and his left foot. They said that Barzan’s mouth was taped shut before he was killed and no one had shut his eyes after death.

Barzan at-Tikriti presided over the execution of Colonel Najib Khasravi, an officer in the Iranian Intelligence in 1981, the correspondent reported. That execution was carried out near the site of the Iraqi Tammuz nuclear reactor that Zionist airplanes bombed. At the time, Iraq accused Iran of having given the Zionists information facilitating their attack on the Tammuz reactor. It was believed that one of the reasons for the particular hostility to Barzan at-Tikriti evinced by the pro-Iranian sectarians in the US-installed puppet regime ミ many of whom have links with Iranian intelligence ミ stemmed from his role in that incident.

In a dispatch posted at 11:59pm Makkah time Monday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that hundreds of residents of al-‘Awjah took part in the burial of martyred Iraqi leaders Barzan at-Tikriti and ‘Awwad al-Bandar as-Sa‘dun.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that local mourners fired weapons into the area and chanted denunciations of the puppet Shi‘i sectarian regime. One mourner noted “the Bedouin Arab will live for 40 years and not forget to avenge a crime.” He added, “There will be no forsaking vengeance for this crime!”


Resistance bombs reportedly kill four Marines in al-Mushahadah Monday afternoon.

In a dispatch posted at 6:12pm Makkah time Monday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by US troops in the al-Mushahadah area, about 35km north of Baghdad on Monday afternoon.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in the northern Baghdad suburb of at-Taji reported residents of al-Mushahadah as saying that the blast killed four American Marines. The explosion was so powerful that one of the Americans was blown 10 meters through the air.

Puppet police sources said that a second bomb exploded near the area where the first one went off. That bomb went off by a convoy hauling fuel to the US base in the area. That blast destroyed one fuel truck and killed its driver.

Diyala Province.
Balad Ruz.

US, puppet army forces arrest 50 in Balad Ruz.

In a dispatch posted at 1:21pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi puppet forces accompanied by US occupation troops arrested 50 Iraqis during a campaign of raids, searches, and arrests in Balad Ruz, about 65km northeast of Baghdad.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that an Iraqi puppet army force backed up by Americans surrounded the entire area and then began house-to-house searches. Fifty local youths and men were arrested in the sweep ミ individuals who the Americans said were suspected of carrying out Resistance attacks against the occupation forces and the puppet troops.


Resistance forces assault puppet army camp near al-Miqdadiyah Monday morning.

In a dispatch posted at 1:19pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked an Iraqi puppet army camp in the al0-Miqdadiyah area, about 85km northeast of Baghdad on Monday morning.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a puppet police source as saying that Resistance men armed with light and medium machine guns attacked an Iraqi puppet army base in the Dalli ‘Abbas area north of al-Miqdadiyah, killing three puppet troops and wounding two more of them.


Four puppet “Shock Troops” killed in Sunday afternoon battle in al-Mada’in.

In a dispatch posted at 2:24pm Makkah time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked puppet “Iraqi Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir)” in the city of al-Mada’in, about 25km southeast of Baghdad after noon on Sunday.

The al-Mada’in correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a puppet police source as saying that a violent battle that lasted for more than half an hour followed the Resistance attack. Light and medium weapons were used in the clash, which left four puppet “Shock Troops” dead.


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