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投稿者 不動明王 日時 2007 年 4 月 28 日 22:32:09: Wge0l2yvbkAIg


WANTAGATE: 「猫の皮を剥ぐこと」: 第1部
VREELAND'S WARNING OF TWIN CITIES ATROCITY                       ブリーランドによる双子都市での残虐行為の予告
Sunday 22 April 2007 21:10
‘BLACK OPERATIONS’ BREAKING OUT ALL OVER                                        



WIVES OF PROMINENT FIGURES ASKING: WHERE IS MY HUSBAND?                                     

DECISIVE BLOW AGAINST THE WORLD REVOLUTION?                                             

By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: www.worldreports.org. Press NEWS and the ARCHIVE Button on the www.worldreports.org Home Page for 'Wantagate' reports since April 2006. [Note: The CLICK HERE panel is now: NEWS. A panel giving details of our latest publications, has been added].   

クリストファー物語FRSA、エディタと出版者、国際通貨レビュー、世界レポート社、ロンドンとニューヨークによって:www.worldreports.org。NEWSを押してください、そして、『Wantagate』のためのwww.worldreports.orgホームページのARCHIVE Buttonは2006年4月から報告します。[注:パネルが現在そうであるCLICK HERE:ニュース。我々の最新の出版物の詳細を伝えているパネルは、加えられました]。

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Exceptionally, this 'Wantagate' report has not been cleared with Ambassador Wanta and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., because it contains intelligence that is (unfortunately) almost exclusive to the Editor of International Currency Review, and because it addresses certain issues that are certainly relevant to the biggest financial corruption crisis in world history but which the Editor has not been able, given communications and other practical considerations, to present to and discuss with the Principals. The Editor therefore takes full responsibility for its content, but at the same time affirms its relevance to 'Wantagate' and the current dramatic 'unfolding of events'.                                                        
特記事項:例外的に、通信と他の実際的な考慮すべき問題があれば、それがほとんどインターナショナルCurrency ReviewのEditor専用である(残念なことに)知性を含むので、そして、それが確かに世界史で最も大きい財政的な腐敗危機に関連する、しかし、Editorが現れて、Principalsと議論することができなかった特定の問題に対処するので、この『Wantagate』報告はWanta大使とマイケルC.コットレル(M.S.)と消去されませんでした。Editorは、したがって、その内容に対する全責任をとるが、『イベントの展開し』て同時に、『Wantagate』へのその関連と劇的な流れを主張します。

THE GLORIOUS BEAUTY OF SPRINGTIME IS DECEPTIVE                                            
It is springtime in our beautiful garden deep in the English countryside. The cherry, pear and apple blossom have joined our continuing display of daffodils, tulips, grape hyacinths, primroses and scented shrubs in their magnificent annual display of the Lord’s wonderful works, made for our enjoyment and His pleasure. Truly, the English countryside is a place where He resides, vividly reminding us that although Lucifer has been ‘loosed for a season’, he is not the Author of any of this spectacular beauty, but exclusively of lies, confusion and death (which is his sole product). Lucifer, since his fall, has no knowledge of life and beauty, which is of course the Lord’s doing.                                                                

Because of this fundamental reality, all who walk in his foul ways discover that, sooner of later, the schemes they may devise with his assistance end in death, collapse, chaos and failure. For this reason, we can be 100% certain that the evil schemes that we have had to report in this space this past year, and have to elaborate further below, will likewise fail: and indeed are in the process of failing spectacularly. Despite appearances to the contrary, everything is starting to unravel.                         

Lucifer and his followers have indeed only one product: death, both spiritual and physical. And indeed, in the other United Kingdom, away from our beautiful countryside, Lucifer is having a ball: distributing drugs and contraceptives to schoolchildren; immersing them in yoga (mental ‘tabula rasa’ ‘therapy) at nursery school; murdering an estimated 50,000 people annually through drugs (distributed by cartels controlled by a corrupt ‘Black’ agency within MI6, labelled GO-2) while also destroying the lives of 400,000 more through drugs, compared with 5,000 in 1975; proposing drug liberalisation rather than the drastic curtailment of supply (1); decreeing from on high that children are no longer to be taught the difference between right and wrong (imposing Luciferian relativism); distributing endless officially authorised pornography to schools (2); diverting the population with a tawdry, amoral ‘celebrity culture’; failing to report the real news in favour of crass, dumbed-down reportage in the controlled broadcast media and press; undermining and blackmailing the British Monarchy (by means of a catalogue of externally-inspired and parallel ‘Black’ blackmail operations, including a dreadful scamming and blackmail operation against Prince Andrew run by the US Office of Naval Intelligence); destabilising and brainwashing UK institutions and society generally through a Psy-Ops operation calling itself ‘Common Purpose’ (3) controlled by our Bolshevik 'Deputy Prime Minister', John Prescott; ensuring that the stark spiritual desert cultivated by the decadent Church of England – presided over by an Archdruid of Canterbury and his odd priests and priestesses – continues to preach apostasy, homosexuality and ‘political correctness’ rather than the Word of Jesus Christ (who is hardly ever mentioned); and preventing good and serious people ever rising to the highest positions in the Government and elsewhere, in accordance with the modus operandi of the Illuminati as exposed by Professor John Robison of Edinburgh University in 1798 (4).   

魔王と彼の従動部は、本当に1つの製品だけを備えています:死(精神的で身体的な)。そして、本当に、その他のイギリスで、我々の美しい田園地方から離れて、魔王は楽しんでいます:薬と避妊具を児童に配布すること;保育所で彼らをヨガ(精神的な『白紙状態』『療法)に浸すこと;1975年の5,000と比較して、薬を通してもう400,000の命も奪う間薬(MI6内で不正な『ブラック』機関によって管理されて、GO-2とラベルをつけられるカルテルによって配布される)を通して毎年約50,000人を殺害すること;供給(1)の思い切った削減よりむしろ薬自由化を提案すること;子供たちが善と悪(Luciferian相対主義を押しつける)の違いをもはや教えられることになっていませんと上の方から定めること;終りのない公式に権威を持つポルノを学校(2)に配布すること;ケバケバしい、道徳意識のない『有名人文化』で人口を変えること;制御された放送メディアと新聞でひどい、沈黙する下のルポルタージュに賛成している本当のニュースを報告することができないこと;英国のMonarchy(外部的にひらめきのあって平行した『ブラック』のカタログによって、アンドルー王子に対するひどいscammingしているおよび恐喝活動を含む恐喝活動は、米国米海軍情報部によって運びます)を徐々にむしばんで、恐喝すること;それ自体を我々のボルシェビキ『副首相』(ジョンプレスコット)によって支配される『コモンPurpose』(3)と呼んでいるPsy-オプス活動を通して一般に英機関と社会を不安定にして、洗脳すること;それに頽廃的な英国国教会によって耕される殺風景な精神的な砂漠を保証すること – カンタベリーと彼の変わった聖職者と尼僧のArchdruidによって、統轄されます – イエスキリスト(その人は、めったに言及されません)のWordよりむしろ脱党、同性愛と『政治的適切さ』を説き続けます;そして、これまでに政府とどこか他の所で最も高い位置まで上がっているとても厳粛な人々を防ぐこと。(1798の(4)のエジンバラ大学のジョンロビソン教授によってむき出しのものとしてのIlluminatiのやり方に従う)

This ensures that only Illuminati agentur operatives, or flawed and compromised figures who have been trapped and brainwashed by them, ever get to hold a lease on power.                                                         
これは、Illuminati agentur熟練工だけまたは窮地に陥って、彼らによって洗脳された、傷のあって危殆化された数字だけがこれまでに力の賃貸契約期間を持つようになることを確実とします。

Now, being arrogant, deceitful and self-deluded, Lucifer and his followers have always assumed historically that they cannot be defeated and can never fail – even though everything they touch ends in death, destruction, catastrophe and failure in one way or another. Therefore, all who have been depressed by the course of events we have had to report here, should reflect that they may have allowed themselves to be brainwashed. For one of the ‘Dark Side’s’ tricks all along has been to make us believe that ‘these forces are too big for us, so there’s nothing we can do to stop them’. This is untrue, as will shortly be revealed: as usual, the Devil turns the truth upside down. For the reality is that, as stated above, all the schemes and devices of Lucifer and his followers end in death and confusion, and go no-where. What is the real meaning of the word ‘revolution’? The answer is: ‘going round and round in circles’.                                                                     
尊大で、欺瞞的で自己欺瞞に陥った今、魔王と彼の支持者は彼らが破られることができなくて、決して失敗することはありえないと歴史的に常に仮定しました – たとえすべてとしても、彼らは何らかの方法で死、破壊、大災害と失敗で端にさわります。したがって、我々がここで報告しなければならなかったイベントの進行によって落ち込んだ全員は、彼らが彼ら自身が洗脳されるのを許したかもしれないと思わなければなりません。『暗いSideのもの』トリックのうちの1つのために、進んでいる全ては、我々を『これらの軍隊は我々のためにあまりに大きいですので、我々が彼らを止めるためにすることができる何もありません』と思わせることになっていました。これは偽りです。そして、そのことはまもなく明らかにされます:通常通り、Devilはさかさまに真実を回します。現実のために、それはあります、上述の通り、魔王と彼の支持者の全ての計画と装置は死と混乱で終わって、どこにも動くというわけではありません。語『革命』の本当の意味は、何ですか?答えはそうです:『めぐっていて、円で丸い』

The World Revolution may appear to be ‘succeeding’, but that can decisively be stated to be an illusion. By definition, its perpetrators, being Workers of Darkness, sow the seeds of their own, and their World Revolution’s, destruction: and we are true witnesses to that reality right now, although few people yet realise what is happening. They soon will!                   

‘THE OTHER WAYS TO SKIN THE CAT’                                                

Following the police raids in Europe reported in our last posting, the secret offshore bank account coordinates of approximately 1,500+ operatives ‘inside the Beltway’, including key operatives at the highest levels of the US Government and structures, were exposed. It will be recalled that prior to that development, certain powerful people had visited the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to ask yet again (in vain, obviously), for the assistance of its now notoriously corrupted officials and Justices in procuring that the Wanta Settlement be finally implemented – almost one year after the May 2006 agreement was reached with Ambassador Wanta and signed off in bad faith at the highest conspiratorial levels of the US Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of the US Government.                                                                        
我々の最後の転勤で報告されるヨーロッパでの警察急襲の後で、ほぼ『ベルトウェイ内で』1,500+熟練工の秘密の沖合預金口座コーディネートは、米国政府と構造で最も高いレベルで重要な熟練工を含んで、露出しました。それは、その発展にとてもより前に思い出されます、強力な人々が再び尋ねる(無駄に、明らかに)ために国際司法裁判所(ICJ)を訪問したことを確信していて‖援助の現在そのそれにWanta Settlementを調達することでの悪名高く堕落する当局とJusticesが、最終的に実行されます – 2006年5月の合意の後のほぼ1年は、Wanta大使と達されて、米国政府の米国相談役、LegislativeとJudicialブランシェスで最も高い何か企んでいるときのレベルで、不実において締めました。

It will also be recalled that when, predictably, the ‘visitors’ to The Hague were given the brush-off, they shook the dust off the soles of their feet with the loaded comment that ‘there is more than one way to skin a cat’.                         

Shortly afterwards, the unreported, untaxed secret offshore bank accounts of the 1,500+ or so ‘operatives inside the Beltway’ were frozen. The cat had been well and truly skinned, to cite Lenin, ‘by other means’.                             

Let there be no mistake here. These accounts have not been frozen as a temporary measure, but ‘permanently’. The fiat untaxed fiat money generated through the illegal exploitation inter alia and primarily of Ambassador Wanta’s funds does not ‘belong’ to the perpetrators, but is the property of Leo Wanta, the sole Principal of the original funds.                             

As a consequence, it is a fact that some of these people suddenly found that they couldn’t meet utilities bills, and needed to borrow money from staffers to buy groceries. Of course, the problem such people face is that they cannot complain about this state of affairs to anyone at all, not least because their frozen offshore bank accounts should have been reported to the Internal Revenue Service (and to other national tax agencies) for taxation purposes, and weren’t.                                 


The IRS was busily squeezing tax yield out of ordinary Americans who report their tax obligations honestly (as they have been doing these past days), while letting these privileged tax evaders off the hook, even though (according to reliable information) the Federal tax authorities knew a great deal about what was happening.                                             

And, to repeat, what was the source of much of the fiat money created by means of untaxed high-yield investment programmes with corrupt foreign counterparties, stashed away in these secret offshore bank accounts belonging to the 1,500+ ‘operatives’, unreported to the IRS et al?

Answer: The funds originally aggregating $27.5+ trillion belonging to Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta, their sole Principal and owner, the most senior US paymaster and intelligence taskmaster whose achievements included the successful implementation of the Reagan Administration’s Financial Warfare offensive against the Soviet Union.                                      
答えます:当初、レオエーミールWanta大使、彼らの唯一のPrincipalと所有者が所有している$27.5+兆、最も上級米国の支払係と業績がソビエト連邦に対するレーガン政権のFinancial Warfare攻撃の成功した実現を含んだ諜報監督となっている資金。

SECRET ACCOUNTS WILL BE TAXED                                                         

We understand that the no longer so-secret, untaxed offshore bank accounts of which the 1,500+ operatives styled themselves or their trusts etc as beneficiaries, will now be taxed and penalised by the ‘metropolitan’ governments to which unpaid tax is said to be owed. Only after this process has been completed (and not the other way round) will the ‘beneficiaries’ then be required to divulge by what means these funds were accumulated, i.e. to disclose ‘source of funds’. Since the original funds were illicitly misdirected, largely from the Ambassador’s legitimate resources, they will be unable to do this; and the likelihood, therefore, is that 100% of these illicit ‘assets’ will be forfeit to the governments and jurisdictions concerned.                          


To complicate matters, and very much to the point at the present time, something close to a civil war may have broken out between ruthless competing cadres within the immense, corrupt US intelligence community, in the face of this global showdown, involving international police and judicial activity, over the Ambassador’s funds.                                

In earlier, necessarily simpler, analyses, we had indicated our general understanding that the co-conspiring accessories to the fact of these illicit financial operations, the banks, were actively supportive of the Wanta Settlement because the remaining original $23.0 trillion would then ostensibly be retained by the corrupt financial institutions, with the whole sordid mess promptly buried under a colossal carpet.                                                                   
それ以前、必然的に植物採集者、分析法では、巨大なカーペットの下にすぐに埋められる全部の不潔な混乱で、我々は残りの最初の23兆ドルがそれから表面上不正な金融機関によって保持されるので、これらの違法な財政的な活動(銀行)の事実への共同共謀しているアクセサリーがWanta Settlementで活発に支えとなったと思っている我々の将軍を指しました。

However the official perpetrators of this nexus of financial scams, which have frankly scandalised the entire international financial and political communities since June 2006 (notwithstanding the collaboration of many of the institutions concerned), could not ‘let go’ and have now grossly overplayed their hand, as a consequence of which they face losing ‘every red cent’ they stole and misappropriated: see above.                                                            

Furthermore, other parallel developments, some of which are revealed here and others of which may be forthcoming upon approval by the Principals in a future posting, will bring Wantagate, the biggest financial corruption crisis in world history, to its now inevitable conclusion amid much ‘wailing and gnashing of teeth’ and, in the near future, possible outbreaks of violence within the US official structures which are at last being held to account for their endless criminal behaviour.                     


FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AS CO-CONSPIRATORS                                                

As repeatedly explained in our earlier postings, leading financial institutions in Europe, the United States and elsewhere in the world, were, and remain, co-conspirators with corrupt US intelligence operatives, intermediaries and lawyers, and with appointed and elected current and former officials and holders of very high office, both in the United States and abroad, in the systematic diversion, misappropriation and exploitation of these funds – taking advantage of the carefully orchestrated, illegal ‘takedown’ of the Ambassador perpetrated on 7th July 1993 and sustained by the corrupt Wisconsin authorities (see posting in our Archive dated 20th March 2007). Extensive details and facsimiles showing the extent of Ambassador’s Wanta’s legal Title 18 USC Section 6 offshore bank accounts, authorised under President Reagan’s Executive Order 12333 and reported annually to the Government Accounting Office (5), were exclusively exposed in International Currency Review, Volume 31, 3 and 4, consisting of 480 pages of text and documents, published in late November 2006. [See this website for subscription and ordering details].              

これらの基金と#8211の系統的な転換、流用、および開発における繰り返して説明されて、私たちの以前の任命(ヨーロッパ、合衆国と世界のほかの場所の主な金融機関)があって、残っていて、不正な米国をもっている共謀者が諜報員と、仲介者と弁護士であり、指定していて選出された現在の、そして、元職員、および非常に高いオフィスと、合衆国と両方の、海外の所有者と共に; 1993年7月7日に犯されて、不正なウィスコンシン当局によって支えられた(私たちのアーカイブで時代遅れの2007年3月20日を掲示しながら、見ます)Ambassadorの慎重に調整されて、不法な‘分解'を利用します。 テキストとドキュメントの480ページから成って、大規模な詳細、レーガン大統領の大統領令12333の下で認可されて、毎年政府会計局(5)に報告されたUSCセクション6海外投資銀行アカウントが国際Currency Reviewで排他的に露出されたのをAmbassadorのWantaの法的なTitle18の範囲に案内するファクシミリ、Volume31、3、および4は11月の2006下旬に発表しました。 購読と詳細を注文するためにこのウェブサイトを見てください。   *ヤフー翻訳では「サーバーエラー」となる文節をエキサイト翻訳で訳出

When Leo Wanta ‘ceased to be dead’ with effect from 21st July 2005 [see e.g. our posting dated 20th March 2007], contrary to the lies perpetrated by the CIA to its deluded, compartmentalised cadres and to the receptive international financial community, the criminal cadres set about devising a plan to ‘address’ the serious problem that had suddenly arisen: how on earth to ‘make Ambassador Leo Wanta go away without 'compromising' the $27.5+ trillion, so that the banks and their co-conspirators could keep the illegally misapplied and diverted funds, with everything being conveniently brushed under the carpet’. That way, it would be ‘business as usual’ for everyone.                                                             

FOOLISH ATTEMPT TO DOUBLE-CROSS THE AMBASSADOR                                         

So, since these people do not understand the meaning of the word ‘integrity’, they negotiated with the Ambassador in bad faith. Now Leo Emil Wanta, you will also recall, was ‘taken down’ precisely because he is a man of his word, can be trusted at all times, and honours all his undertakings – a fact acknowledged in the world’s capitals, especially in London, Paris and Beijing, where Leo Wanta is remembered and well known as the only American intelligence officer who could ever be relied upon. In this respect, the highest-level Chinese, to this day, share the opinion of President Reagan, who, for good reason, felt comfortable with no-one in the US Federal Government structures – with the single, justified, exception of Leo Wanta, to whom the late President Ronald Reagan therefore entrusted the most sensitive US intelligence operations of all.                                      
それで、これらの人々が語『完全性』の意味を理解しない時から、彼らは不実において大使と交渉しました。現在、レオエーミールWantaは、正確に彼が彼のことばの男性であって、いつでも信用されることができて、全ての彼の仕事を守るので、『書きとめられました』と、あなたが思い出します – 特にロンドン、パリと北京で、世界で認められる事実は首都です、そこで、レオWantaは記憶されていて、よく、これまでに信頼されることができたただ一人のアメリカの情報将校として知られています。この点で、最も高水準中国人は、今日まで、レーガン大統領の意見を共有します。そして、その人は、正当な理由のために、米国連邦政府構築物でだれにも対して不安がないと感じませんでした – レオWanta(故ロナルドレーガン大統領がしたがって、全てで最も敏感な米国の知性事業を委任した)の一つの(もっともな)例外で。

Thus the Wanta Settlement agreement signed off in May 2006, to which the high-level signatories are being held, was viewed from the outset by the CIA officials who visited the Ambassador and devised it, as a ruse. These crooked people are incapable of dealing in a straightforward manner, but always engage in their tired ‘bait and switch’ behaviour: as on this occasion. For the Devil knows no new tricks, always playing creepy variations on the same sterile themes.                                    
このように、Wanta Settlement合意は2006年5月に締めました。そして、それにとって、計略として、高水準署名者は抱かれていて、大使を訪ねたCIA官僚によって初めから見られて、それを考案しました。これらのゆがんだ人々は直接の方法を扱うことができないが、常に彼らのつまらない『おとり販売』ふるまいに係わります:このときにのように。Devilのために、常に同じ無菌のテーマの上で気味悪いバリエーションをして、新しいトリックを知りません。

And no sooner had the accord been signed, than John Snow, who may have been out of his depth, was replaced by Mr Henry M. Paulson as US Treasury Secretary. Paulson evidently took over with instructions to hold on to the $4.5 trillion Settlement funds that the foreign banks had sent over to finance the agreement, and thus double-crossed the foreign banks. This accounts for the fact that he had handcuffs attached to his wrists when visiting Germany last December.                            


Collecting and transferring that $4.5 trillion to the United States generated a liquidity shortage in the banking system which was the underlying cause of the stock market wobbles that occurred in May and June 2006.                              

As the former Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs and Company, Mr Paulson had become interim de facto illegal 'custodian' of Leo Wanta’s $4.5 trillion; and when he moved to the Treasury, he corruptly retained sole signatory power over the account in question, prompting us to rename him Henry ‘Conflict-of-Interest’ Paulson – given that this official accordingly perpetrated, in open daylight, the most egregious conflict of interest in world financial history.                                 
ゴールドマンサックスと社の前経営最高責任者として、パールソン氏は、レオWantaの4兆5000億ドルの臨時の事実上の不法『管理人』になりました;そして、彼が財務省へ移ったとき、彼は問題の口座について不正に唯一の調印した大国を保持しました。そして、我々に彼をヘンリー『Interestの対立』パールソンと名前を変えることを促しました、 – それを与えられて、この当局者は、したがって、開いた昼間に、世界財政史上実に最もひどい利害対立を犯しました。

UNTAXED OFFSHORE ACCOUNTS PERMANENTLY FROZEN                                          

But that was ‘then’. Where we are now, since the European police raids, is that the secret offshore bank accounts of the 1,500+ ‘operatives’ have, as noted above, been frozen, all over the world: BY THE BANKS WHO WANT THIS CRISIS SETTLED. And nor is that all. Hedge fund accounts have been frozen too, as have the accounts of certain very large trusts. The institutions have simply inactivated the relevant accounts, so that the game for these co-conspirators is OVER.                        


Let us be specific: the perpetrators of these financial crimes and diversionary financial operations cannot trade, or make huge tax-free profits, as in the past. And they are furious. This, then, was indeed ‘another way to skin the cat’. Since senior officials and Justices at the International Court of Justice and the US Supreme Court had been bribed on the orders of Vice President Cheney and/or his colleagues, the cat had to be skinned by the only means that these criminalists understand: freezing their untaxed offshore bank accounts.                                                                   

No crocodile tears need be shed for these people. It is TEN MONTHS since the Wanta Settlement was confirmed. They have all had ample time to curb their excesses and to reach the necessary overdue conclusions. But their greed and their corrupt internationalist agenda blinded them to the reality they would be facing. Now, at long last, they are having to face it.          

空涙は、これらの人々のために落される必要はありません。Wanta Settlementが確かめられた時から、それはTEN MONTHSです。彼ら全員に、彼らの過剰を抑制して、必然的な遅くなった結論に達する十分な時間がありました。しかし、彼らの貪欲と彼らの不正な国際主義的な課題は、彼らに彼らが直面している現実を見失わせました。現在、とうとう、彼らはそれに向かっていなければなりません。

PROFOUND CONSEQUENCES FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER                                         
New World Orderにとっての深刻な結果

Again, make no mistake. These developments will have profound and probably irreversible consequences for all dimensions of the World Revolution that these brainwashed crooks have been trying, by all devious means at their disposal, to impose upon the rest of humanity without our agreement, while enriching themselves in the process.                                    


The carcases of the Illuminati structures, such as the parasitical European Union Collective, will continue functioning: but they will probably start to fall apart as the catastrophic financial reality, from the agentur’s perspective, progressively takes effect (unless the governments are stupid enough to use some of their taxed windfall funds to continue the World Revolution, rather than acting in their peoples' interests by taking the funds into their national Treasuries and using them for domestic purposes, sucha s reducting debta nd taxation burdens).                                                             
Illuminati構築物(例えばparasiticalな欧州連合Collective)の骨組は、機能し続けます:しかし、破滅的な財政的な現実が、agenturの展望から、次第に実施され(政府が彼らの国家Treasuriesに資金をとって、国内の目的(debta nd課税の負担をreductingしているsucha s)のために彼らを利用することによって彼らの民族の利益で行っているよりはむしろ、World革命を続けるために彼らの課税されたたなぼた資金のいくらかを使うために十分にばかでない限り)て、彼らは多分動揺し始めるでしょう。

And, all of a sudden, representatives of the small, self-interested, ruthless and opinionated cliques that have been forcing the evil New World Order down our throats these past decades, will begin to ‘change sides’. Indeed, certain of their number have been doing precisely that, according to certain anecdotal information conveyed to this Editor in recent weeks. They will start writing press articles suggesting, for example, that perhaps, maybe, after all, the European Union wasn’t such a bright idea, and that the enlightened nation state may even still be the best formula.                                             
そして、突然、これらの過去の10年我々ののどの下で凶悪なNew World Orderを強制していた小さくて、利己的で、冷酷で、独断的な排他的集団の代表は、『変化側』に始まります。本当に、ここ数週間にこのEditorに伝達される特定の逸話的な情報によれば、彼らの数の若干は、正確にそれをしていました。彼らは、たとえば、おそらく、多分、結局、欧州連合がそのような名案でなかっただろう、そして、開けた民族国家がまだ最高の公式でさえあるかもしれないことを示唆している新聞記事を書き始めます。

And the consequences for the United States are likely to be even more dramatic (see below). On Sunday 22nd April, wives of prominent people in the United States were reported to be phoning round asking what has happened to their husbands, according to early intelligence received.                                                       

It had of course been naively assumed by the criminalists and their co-conspirators that bringing over the $4.5 trillion last year under cover of the Settlement, negotiated in bad faith, would enable them to continue to play indefinitely with the full diverted $27.5 trillion, given that the $4.5 trillion forming part of that original aggregate amount remained under the sole signatory control of the US Treasury Secretary. With the ‘mainstream’ US media notoriously silenced on orders from Karl Rove, the presumption had been that this would be the end of the matter: the banks would keep the $23+ trillion and Paulson and his thieving cronies at the highest levels of the US structures could play with the Ambassador’s $4.5 trillion, so that the corrupt ‘colleagues’ would enjoy ‘the best of both worlds’ ad infinitum. And the Ambassador would be ignored.                                  

Fortunately, these fools miscalculated badly.                                                       幸いにも、これらの馬鹿は、ひどく誤算しました。

While the ‘sidestream’ media ignored Wantagate, an ‘end-run’ was performed around the media: so that the entire international community ‘that matters’ has been kept well informed, in general terms, of the criminal financial manoeuvres perpetrated against the Ambassador and his funds by these corrupt operatives and their financial sector co-conspirators. This was ‘never supposed to happen, you understand’. The criminalists thought they had everything under control, for ever.                       

CIA SENDS A HIGH-LEVEL OPERATIVE TO LONDON                                                

In an early sign of the criminalists’ new desperation, over the Easter weekend, a CIA operative was ordered to travel to London, with instructions to contact the Editor of this service. However, in contravention of the usual norms of civilised behaviour, the high-level operative in question did not contact this writer in person. Instead, a third party emailed the Editor with the very insistent suggestion that he should get in touch with this individual during his London visit.                                

The email in question dropped four names, including those of an author whose work we have published, a West Coast radio talk show host on whose show the Editor was featured many years ago, plus two other (obscure) contacts – the purpose, presumably, being to make it seem that this ‘visit’ represented a nice, friendly opportunity for the Editor to expand his range of US contacts ‘in the interests of further business’.                                                            
問題の電子メールは、我々が仕事を発表した著者、Editorが何年も前にフィーチャーされたショーの西海岸ラジオトークショーホストさらに2つのより別の(はっきりしない)接触のそれらを含む4つの名前を落としました – それをこの『訪問』がEditorが『更なるビジネスのために』米国の接触の彼の範囲を拡大する、素晴らしい、親しみやすい機会を意味したようにさせることになっている、おそらく、目的。

Naturally, we made certain enquiries, establishing that the ‘visitor – who was described as running a ‘training school in Florida and in France, where he owns a farm’ – was staying in Room 37 at the Gainsborough Hotel, 7-11 Queensbury Place, South Kensington, London SW7. It is well known that US operatives are ordered to book in at secondary hotels in order to curb expenses and to avoid being too conspicuous. This is a distinctly secondary hotel.                                             
当然、我々は特定の問い合わせを作りました。そして、それを確立することが『訪問客でした、 – 誰が、『フロリダの、そして、彼が農場を所有するフランスの訓練所』を走らせると言われましたか – とどまっていることは、ゲインズバラホテル、7-11のクイーンズベリープレイス、サウスケンジントン、ロンドンSW7の37号室でした。米国の熟練工が費用を抑制するために第二のホテルに予約して、あまりに顕著なことを避けるよう命令されることは、有名です。これは、明確に第二のホテルです。

When these blandishments, from several quarters, failed to yield the intended outcome, a further correspondent started emailing the Editor. This person actually revealed (quote) that ‘one friend of mine has CIA connections. I was told [that] a member of that organization was going to London to try to meet with you. This man is a ‘white’ operative’. However when we researched the matter, we found this ‘Florida training school proprietor’ to be associated with a curious website which has a black background, which is often a sign of Illuminati content. In any case, post-9/11, who in his right mind would have anything to do with a ‘Florida training school proprietor’?                                                                

Though cunning, it often transpires that these people are quite exceptionally stupid.                              

ずるいのですが、これらの人々が例外的にかなり愚かであることはしばしば蒸散します。 *エキサイト翻訳

If someone wishes to meet with this Editor, he or she is at liberty to send him an email, to leave a voicemail to that effect, or to write a letter. It is neither ‘intelligent’ nor polite to approach a target indirectly via four separate intermediaries. Naturally, rather than comply, your correspondent reported this matter to a contact at the highest level of MI6.                        

Why do we mention this? Because we learned a few days ago, prior to the Blacksburg atrocity (see below), that sudden deaths are ‘happening’. Specifically, a financial sector friend has reported that one of his contacts stated within the past week or so that two of his associates, who were alive and ‘doing business’ two weeks earlier, are now dead. Recall again not only that Lucifer is the author of lies and confusion, but also that he has only one product: death.                                    

THE WOLFOWITZ DIVERSION AT THE WORLD BANK                                                

Meanwhile the extraordinary situation surrounding the future of Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank and one of the instigators of the attack on Iraq, and Shaha Riza, his British-Libyan-Northern-Cypriot-Saudi girlfriend (depending on the source consulted), was quickly revealed to be nothing new. In fact the Daily Telegraph specifically went out of its way to point out that it had first reported the basic facts of this case three years earlier. Therefore, the story had nothing to do with the underlying situation, which, in part, involves the alleged complicity of the World Bank under Wolfowitz in the illegal diversion of the Ambassador’s funds.                                                                  

It is this Editor’s long-standing personal experience that the professional staffs at both the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, the Annual and Spring Meetings of which he has attended on and off since 1977, are usually of the highest intellectual and ethical calibre. Therefore, when the female representative of the World Bank’s staff association pointed out sharply during the 2007 Spring Meetings period that the matter of favoured pecuniary treatment for Wolfowitz’s girlfriend (motivated by the fact that he tried to compensate her for loss of her World Bank tax-free status while on secondment to the State Department), represented the tip of the iceberg in terms of Wolfowitz’s breaches of trust with the staff, those ‘in the know’ understood what she meant.   


Subsequent research revealed that Wolfowitz’s girlfriend was or is associated with a shadowy State Department-linked outfit calling itself The Foundation for the Future, which one of our informed sources has advised us, has been identified as a money-laundering operation.                                                                   

THE DIVERSIONARY ‘MK-ULTRA’ ATROCITIES IN BLACKSBURG                                       

On 16th April, we had another diversion, timed to coincide with Wantagate, in the form of the ‘Manchurian Candidate’ operation, riddled with ‘extraordinary’ anomalies, in which a ‘Monarch slave’ student murdered the geomasonically precise number of 32 victims, including a renowned Jewish Professor of Romanian background – before turning his gun on himself, to ‘complete’ the esoteric numeral of 33 deaths. The gunman, subsequently identified as 23-year-old Virginia Tech senior Cho Seung-Hui, of Korean extraction, took care to shoot each of his victims THREE times, and here’s why. Without going into any detail here about Luciferian mind-control programming practice (of Luciferian, Himmlerian, Tavistock Institute and Jesuit Illuminati origin in the modern context), it is a fact that Omega mind programming controlled inter alia by an Executive Control Board (Grand Druid Council) uses numeric codes for gaining forced access to traumatised and pre-programmed controlled ‘slave’ operatives within which the ‘trigger’ numeric code prompting the controlled operative-victim to commit murder is 3221456. Note that the first two numbers coincide with the number of Cho’s victims. The universal programming code for access to the ‘programmed internal computers’ of these intelligence sector controlled Monarch ‘slaves’ is 33123113211. Note also that the first two numerals coincide with the ‘completed’ number of dead, including the mass murderer himself, as well as 'triggering' him to shoot each victim THREE times. George Bush Sr., former Director of Central Intelligence and head of Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst in succession to Dr Henry Kissinger and Admiral Canaris (Samuel Randall Pittmann), ‘was’ a Monarch ‘slave’ handler.                        
4月16日に、我々は、『満州人Candidate』活動の形で、もう一つの迂回路(Wantagateと同時であるように調節される)を『並外れた』例外で穴だらけにしておきました。そこにおいて、『君主奴隷』学生はルーマニアの背景の有名なユダヤ人の教授を含むgeomasonicallyに正確な数の32人の犠牲者を殺害しました – 33の死の難解な数字を『完成させる』ために、彼の銃を彼自身に向ける前に。その後23才のヴァージニア工大上級Choスン-Huiと確認されて、韓国の抽出の銃撃者は、彼の犠牲者THREE時間の各々を撃つように注意しました、そして、ここにあります‖なぜ。Luciferianの心-統制プログラミング練習(Luciferian、Himmlerian、Tavistock研究所と現代の前後関係にイエズス会士Illuminati起源があることの)についてここのどんな詳細にでも立ち入ることなく、Omegaが相談役Control委員会(壮大なドルイド僧会議)によってとりわけコントロールされるプログラミングが制御された働いている犠牲者に殺人を犯すようプロンプトを出している『トリガー』数のコードが3221456である外傷を与えられて前もってプログラムされた制御された『奴隷の』熟練工との強制的接触を得るために数のコードを使用するように注意することは、事実です。最初の2番号がChoの犠牲者の数と同時である点に注意してください。これらの諜報セクター制御されたMonarch『奴隷』の『プログラムされた内蔵コンピュータ』へのアクセスのための一般的なプログラミングコードは、33123113211です。また、最初の2つの数字が彼自身、多勢の殺人者(各犠牲者THREE時間を撃つために彼を『起こす』ことと同様に)を含む死者の『完了された』数と同時である点に注意してください。ジョージブッシュ卿(中央Intelligenceの前ディレクターとヘンリーキッシンジャー博士とカナーリス提督(サミュエルランダルピットマン)の跡を継いだドイツVerteidigungs Dienstの上部)は、Monarch『奴隷』トレーナーで『した』。


On 3rd August 1977, Admiral Stansfield Turner (Office of Naval intelligence and Director of Central Intelligence (CIA)) told a US Senate hearing that the CIA had been conducting mental control and multiple-personality (‘split’ personality) manipulation operations on thousands of unsuspecting victims for decades, like Himmler, without their knowledge or consent. Turner confirmed that 185 scientists (many of German Nazi background) and over 80 US institutions, especially US GULAG prisons, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and 44 medical colleges and universities (including the Blacksburg campus) were involved in this satanic Himmlerian activity: and DCI Turner probably understated the true extent of the overall programme (abomination). The former Director of Central Intelligence also admitted that the notorious MK-ULTRA mind control research programme (one of a nexus of such CIA Nazi-inspired operations) had been squandering millions of dollars on the study of voodoo, witchcraft and ‘psychic’ phenomena (‘Black Arts’ code for the 'magickal' evocation of demonic spirits, which was what Professor Adam Weishaupt and his notorious Masonic sorcerer successor, and founder of the Palladian Rite, Albert Pike, specialised in).                   

1977年8月3日に — スタンズフィールドターナー提督(海軍知性の職と中央Intelligence(CIA)のディレクター)が、CIAが何十年も精神的な支配と何千もの用心していない犠牲者の多重人格(『割れられた』個性)操作手術を行っていたと聞いているUS上院に話した — 彼らの知識または同意なしで、ヒムラーが好きにしてください。ターナーはその185人の科学者(ドイツのナチ背景の多く)を確かめました、そして、80以上の米機関、特に米国のGULAG刑務所、製薬会社、病院と44の医学単科大学と総合大学(ブラックスバーグキャンパスを含む)はこの悪魔のHimmlerian活動に関与していました:そして、DCIターナーは、多分全体的なプログラム(憎悪)の本当の範囲を控えめに言ったでしょう。中央Intelligenceの前ディレクターも、悪名高いMKULTRAが対照研究プログラム(そのようなCIAナチの感化を受けた活動の結びつきのうちの1つ)が何百万ドルもブードゥー教、魔法と『心霊による』現象(なんとA・ワイスハウプト教授と彼の悪名高いフリーメーソンの魔法使い後継者(そして、パラディオ様式のRiteの創設者)が、あるだろう悪魔的な気分の『magickalな』喚起のための『ブラックArts』コード、そしてそれはアルバートパイク(中で特殊化される))の研究に浪費していたように注意すると認めました。

Luciferian (satanic) organisations engaged in mind control, 'slave', and personality modification (known by ‘insiders’ as ‘The Network’ of the ‘New World Order') include the following (asterisks denote US: some titles have successor names): Air Force Intelligence*, Army Intelligence*, Atomic Energy Commission*; the Bureau of Narcotics*; Bureau of Prisons*; Central Intelligence Agency*; Charismatic Movement; Church of Satan*; Church of Scientology*; the Country Music industry*; Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)*; Department of Justice*; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)*; Freemasonry, especially the Palladian Rite, the Thirty-third degree and all 'higher' degrees, the Quatuor Coronati Lodge and other affiliated Masonic organisations; German Intelligence (Shaback and Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, Dachau, or DVD); Hollywood*; the House of Saud; Illuminati (‘open’ elements thereof, including Le Cercle, Moriah, Gnostics, Luciferians, Golden Dawn, Ordo Templi Orientis, etc); Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)*; Ku Klux Klan (including other KKK groups)*; Mafia* and Mafiya; MI6; Modi’in; Mossad le Aliyah Beth; Mormon Church*; the US National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA)*; National Security Agency (NSA)*; National Programs Office*; National Science Foundation*; Neo-Nazi groups; Oddfellows; Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)*; Ordo Templi Orientis (of which there are four groups calling themselves OTO: see above also); P4 (an elite MI6 section); Palo Mayombe; Professional Baseball elements*; the Russian/Soviet Government and its intelligence community cadres, Cheka and its successors, GRU (Soviet Military Intelligence continuum); [Note: An earlier Soviet nexus called Spetsburo #1, known as ‘Kamera’ (Chamber) in Russian, carried out drug and hypnosis mind control research, and was responsible for Soviet assassinations]; Santaria (Voodoo derivative); Satanic Hubs; the Tavistock Institute, London; Temple of Power (Set)*; Umbanda; US Army*, especially Delta Forces and the 1st Earth Battalion, USAF; The Veterans’ Administration*; the Watchtower Society*; the Werewolf Order*; Witchcraft groups beyond Satanism and Moriah* (this list being of course incomplete and, given the scarcity of reliable sources, not up to date). Note also that ALL such (mind-manipulation) organisations self-interestedly styling themselves ‘The Order’, are ‘actives’ within ‘The Network’.                                                                    
支配、『奴隷』と個性修正(『New World Order』の『Network』として、『インサイダー』によってわかる)が以下を含みますという心に従事しているLuciferian(悪魔の)組織(星印は、USを意味します:いくらかのタイトルには、後継者名があります):空軍Intelligence*、軍Intelligence*、原子力Commission*;Narcotics*局;Prisons*局;中央諜報Agency*;カリスマ的な運動;Satan*教会;Scientology*教会;Country Music industry*;国防情報局(DIA)*;Justice*部;連邦捜査局(FBI)*;フリーメーソン団、特にパラディオ様式のRite、Thirty-第三度と全ての『より高い』程度(Quatuor Coronati Lodgeと他の提携されたフリーメーソンの組織);ドイツ情報部(ShabackとドイツVerteidigungs Dienst、ダッハウまたはDVD);Hollywood*;サウドの下院;啓蒙主義者(『開きます』ルCercleを含むその要素、Moriah、グノーシス派、Luciferians、ゴールデンドーン、Ordo Templi Orientis、その他);移民帰化局(INS)*;クークラックスクラン(他のKKKグループを含む)*;Mafia*とMafiya;MI6;Modi'in;モサドは、ルアリヤーベスです;モルモンChurch*;米国国立AeronauticとSpace政府(NASA)*;国家安全保障局(NSA)*;国家プログラムOffice*;国家科学Foundation*;ネオナチグループ;オッドフェロー;米海軍情報部(ONI)*;年間祭式規程書Templi Orientis(彼ら自身をOTOと呼んでいる4つのグループが、あります:また、上記参照);P4(選り抜きのMI6部);Palo Mayombe;専門のBaseball elements*;ロシア/ソ連政府とその情報機関関係者幹部、チェーカとその後継者(GRU(ソビエトMilitary Intelligence連続体));[注:Spetsburo #1(ロシア語の『Kamera』(部屋)として知られている)と呼ばれている以前のソビエト結びつきは、薬と催眠心支配研究を運び出して、ソビエト暗殺の原因となりました];Santaria(ブードゥー教派生物);悪魔のハブ;Tavistock研究所、ロンドン;力(セットされる)*の寺院;Umbanda;米Army*、特にデルタForcesと第1の地球Battalion(USAF);ベテランのAdministration*;Watchtower Society*;Werewolf Order*;悪魔崇拝とMoriah*(もちろん不完全で、信頼できる筋の不足を与えられて、最新でないこのリスト)を越えた魔法グループ。そのような(心-操作)組織が自家受粉させるそのALLをまた、注意します-『勲位』で彼ら自身を興味をもって呼びます、『現役』は『Network』の中でいます。


As with 9/11 (6) and other such ‘MK-ULTRA'-derived controlled 'Black Ops' atrocities, such tell-tale numerological signs of Himmlerian CIA Psy-Ops behaviour by planted, controlled assets who can be triggered at any time by their Agency handlers – in this case, inserted to terrorise scholarship-level students destined in many cases for the military – are NEVER ‘coincidences’, but are INVARIABLY contrived in order to signal to those 'actives' whom Lenin called ‘the interested’, the true satanic (intelligence) origin of the Illuminati atrocity in question. The Madrid atrocities, for instance, took place 911 days after 911. There will be more to say about a future intended '9/11' shortly.                                                        
9/11(6)と他と同様に、そのような『MKULTRA'-派生制御されたブラックオプス』極悪さ(植えられるものによるHimmlerian CIA Psy-オプスふるまいのそのような隠しおおせないnumerologicalな徴候)は、彼らのAgencyハンドラーによっていつでも引き起こされることができる資産をコントロールしました – この場合、多くの場合軍隊に行くことになる学問レベル学生を脅迫するために挿入されます – NEVER『偶然の一致』であって、しかし、レーニンが『興味を持ったもの』(問題のIlluminati極悪さの本当の悪魔の(知性)起源)と呼んだそれらの『現役』に合図するために目論まれるINVARIABLYである。マドリード極悪さは、たとえば、911の911日後に起こりました。より多くが、まもなく将来の意図された『9/11』について言うためにあります。

For this esoteric information is included here for a critical reason that will become clearer below, and as a necessary reminder that numerology, astrology, goofy hand-signals, peculiar emblems, corporate logos and symbology play an exaggerated role as signalling mechanisms among the demented ranks of the dark underworld of global Masonic Illuminism which is clearly exposing itself through these serial controlled and preplanned abominations, which are perpetrated by the Luciferian intelligence ‘services’. The Iranian President and known 'Savak' intelligence operative and satanist, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has been photographed performing the 'devil' hand-signal, which requires the conscious act of pressing the second and third fingers onto the palm of the left hand while extending its first and fourth fingers – an image that has been displayed by the analyst Henry Mackow alongside a photograph of President George W. Bush Jr. performing the identical satanic 'hook-'em horns' signal at his second Inauguration Ball. To serious analysts, this confirms that the current Iranian scenario is false, and is scripted by 'The Network'.                     
これのために、難解な情報はこれらの連続物を通して明らかに露出している世界的なフリーメーソンのIlluminismの暗い裏の世界の発狂した列の間でメカニズムに合図することが憎悪をおさえて、事前に計画したので、数理神秘学、占星術、まぬけな手-信号、独特なエンブレム、会社ロゴと象徴学が誇張された役割を演ずるという必要な注意の下で、そして、としてより明白になる重大な理由のためにここで含まれます。そして、それはLuciferian知性『サービス』によって犯されます。イラン人の大統領、そして、知られている『Savak』知性熟練工、そして、極悪人(マームドAhmadinejad)はその最初で4本目の指を伸ばしている間、左手の掌の上へ第2と薬指を押すことの意識的な行為を必要とする『悪魔』手-信号を実行していて写真に撮る – 彼の第2のInauguration Ballで同一の悪魔の『hook-'emホーン』合図をしているジョージブッシュJr大統領の写真と一緒にアナリストヘンリーMackowによって示されたイメージ。厳粛なアナリストにとって、これは現在のイランのシナリオが間違っていて、『Network』によってスクリプトを書かれることを確認します。

Within 48 hours, Virginia Tech had somehow organised the mass distribution of candles and candle-holders to all the students on the Blacksburg campus, had laid on an orchestrated Nazi-style mind-bending ‘memorial’ event attended by the President of the United States, and had rolled out the sequel to the atrocities like a military operation (which is what it was). When journalists discovered that the perpetrator of the atrocity had a sister who had graduated from Princeton in 2004 and who now works in the State Department, one among their number researched the home addresses of the two, discovered them to be the same, and travelled with press colleagues to the family home in Centreville, VA – only to discover that the entire family had been abruptly moved from the location beforehand. And by Thursday 19th April 2007, the University’s website could suddenly no longer be accessed. Blacksburg is conveniently located 'a mere' 215 miles from Richmond, VA, where one or more US intelligence multi-tasking Psy-Ops asset handlers who are believed by this service and others to have diverted funds belonging to the Ambassador, reside. In terms of US distances, this is ‘next door’: hence the choice of this Virginia University for the timed mass Psy-Ops abomination.                                                                          
48時間以内に、ヴァージニア工大はどうにか、ブラックスバーグキャンパスで全ての学生にロウソクと燭台の大規模な配布を組織して、アメリカ合衆国大統領が参加する組織化されたナチスタイルの幻覚性の『記念』イベントを用意して、作戦(それは、それがそうであったことです)のような極悪さの結果を延ばしました。ジャーナリストが極悪さの犯人には2004年にプリンストンを卒業した、そして、現在国務省で働く姉妹がいるということを発見したとき、彼らの数の間の人は2つの自宅の住所を研究して、彼らが同じことであるとわかって、センターヴィルの住居にプレスの同僚と旅行しました、VA、 – 全家族が前もって場所から急に動かされたということを発見するだけであること。そして、2007年4月19日木曜日までに、大学のウェブサイトは、突然もはやアクセスされることができませんでした。ブラックスバーグは、リッチモンド(VA)から、215マイル、このサービスその他によって大使が所有している資金を流用したと思われている一人以上の米国の諜報マルチタスクPsy-オプス遺産ハンドラーが住む便利に位置する『部分』です。米国の距離に関して、これは『次のドア』です:それゆえに、時限大量のPsy-オプス憎悪のためのこのヴァージニア大学の選択。

The sister, Sun-Kyung Cho, an economics major who ‘interned’ at the (drug-running) US Embassy in Bangkok, was revealed by The Daily Princetonian on 17th April 2007 to be employed these days as a ‘State Department contractor’ – just like Mr Wolfowitz’s girlfriend, Shaha Riza, even though, when repeatedly questioned about that mysterious, shadowy ‘Foundation for the Future’, officials at the State Department seemed to have little knowledge of it, with one spokesman saying flatly that ‘my understanding is that she (Riza) is an individual seconded by the World Bank as an adviser to the Foundation for the Future’.               

姉妹、日曜-Kyung Cho、バンコクの(麻薬密輸)米国大使館で『インターンになった』経済学専攻学生は、2007年4月17日にデイリーPrincetonianによって、この頃『国務省契約者』として使用されることを明らかにされました – たとえ国務省の(繰り返しその不可解な、暗い『Futureに対する根拠』について尋ねられる)当局が、『私の理解は、彼女(リザー)がFutureのための財団の顧問として世界銀行のそばで後援される個人であるということです』ときっぱりと言っている1人のスポークスマンと、それについてのほとんど知識がないようだったとしても、ちょっとウォルフォウィッツ氏のガールフレンド(シャーハーリザー)が好きにしてください。


Not surprisingly, there are signs that, at long last, elements of the US ‘mainstream’ media are no longer prepared to accept pre-packaged ‘official’ explanations of these successive Himmlerian US intelligence community abominations, even when masked by staged Presidential public prayers (deliberately preceded by an ‘in-your-face’ ‘reading’ from the Koran).                
もっともなことだが、行われた大統領の一般の祈り(故意に、コーランから『押しが強く』『読む』ことの後に)によって覆い隠されるときでも、とうとう、米国『主流』メディアの要素がもはやこれらの連続したHimmlerian US情報機関関係者憎悪の包装済みの『公式』説明を受け入れる準備ができていないという徴候があります。

It should be understood that the orchestrators of such weird behaviour are out of their minds, and in the mind of the Evil One, and vice versa (a concept that your typically cynical pressman cannot easily grasp). They are all certifiably mad. Understanding the unquestionable relevance of outward numerological 'Black Ops' clues such as that of the number of victims at Blacksburg (32, then 33), with each of them being shot THREE times, is a necessary component of any objective arms'-length study of these Works of Darkness – which, however, can ONLY be undertaken safely provided that the serious researcher, however much he or she may obviously be a sinner in the Christian sense, gives glory to the Lord of Lords and King of Kings first, and at all times. Such investigations are NOT therefore ever to be embarked upon out of idle curiosity.                            

そのような怪しいふるまいのorchestratorsが彼らの心の外に、そして、悪魔王とその逆(あなたの典型的に冷笑的な記者が簡単に握ることができない概念)の心の中にあると思われなければなりません。彼ら全員は、certifiablyに狂っています。ブラックスバーグ(32、そして33)で犠牲者の数のそれのような外向きのnumerologicalな『ブラックオプス』手掛かりの疑いのない関連を理解することは、THREE時間を投げかけられる彼らの各々で、どんな客観的な武器でもの必要な構成要素です-DarknessのこれらのWorksの長さ研究 – しかし、どれ‖ONLYが、彼または彼女がどんなに非常に明らかに、キリスト教の感覚の罪人であるかもしれなくても厳粛な研究者が最初に、そして、いつでもKingsの上院とキングのロードに栄光を与えるならば、問題なく引き受けることができる。そのような調査は、無益な好奇心から乗り出されるために、これまでにしたがって、NOTです。 

This explains why the Editor began this posting with a simple description of the beauty of the English countryside this spring, attributing this beauty to its Author.                                  




And it also explains why we have left until now the following warning which the Editor now feels compelled to publicise, in the light of current events. In October 2004, the Editor of this service was a guest in a certain part of the United States, when he became aware that an attempt was being made to contact him by Delmart ‘Mike’ Vreeland, the Office of Naval Intelligence operative credited with accurately predicting 9/11 in August 2001, and who had met the Editor in May 2003 following the first report we published in International Currency Review on what has become Wantagate (7). The mundane circumstances of this second attempted contact by Vreeland are not of any special interest; but they have been recorded in 'sanitised' detail, notarised, reported to relevant US authorities, and are held in multiple locations for safekeeping.                                   
それも、時事に照らして、我々がこれまで、Editorが現在強要されると感じる以下の警告を残した理由が公表すると説明するここに翻訳したい文章を入力してください。And。2004年10月に、このサービスのEditorはアメリカ合衆国の特定の部分の客でした。そのとき、彼は試みがDelmart『マイク』ブリーランドによって彼と連絡をとらせられていることに気づきましたと、米海軍情報部熟練工が2001年8月に正確に9/11を予測することで信じました、そして、誰が我々がWantagate(7)になったことに関してインターナショナルCurrency Reviewで発表した最初のレポートの後で、2003年5月にEditorに会いましたか。ブリーランドによるこの第2の未遂の接触のありふれた状況は、少しの特別利益もではありません;しかし、彼らは『きれいにされた』詳細で記録されて、公証されて、関連した米当局に届け出られて、保管の複数の場所で抱かれました。

Vreeland advised a US party on 21st October 2004 that he had information to the effect that the TWIN cities of Minneapolis-St Paul had been targeted for a devastating attack. On 22nd October 2004, Lt. Vreeland and his ‘young male companion’ were discovered, upon investigation, to be incarcerated in Hardin Country Jail, a small county jail near Eldora, Iowa. The administrator of that facility confirmed that a ‘Barry Stevens’, one of Vreeland’s many aliases, and a ‘Shane’, had been picked up and were under indictment.                                                                       
ブリーランドは、ミネアポリス聖ポールのTWIN都市が破壊的な攻撃のために目標とされたという趣旨で、彼には情報があった2004年10月21日に、米党に忠告しました。2004年10月22日に、ブリーランド大尉と彼の『若い男性の仲間』は、調査と同時に、ハーディンCountry Jail、Eldoraの近くの小さな郡刑務所、アイオワで閉じ込められるとわかられました。その施設の管理者は、『ベアリースティブンス』(ブリーランドの多くの別名のうちの1つと『シェーン』)が拾われたことを確認して、告発中でいました。

The ONI operative, reported many months ago to be allegedly incarcerated in Denver, claimed to another party on 21st October 2004 that he possessed a document that he wished to hand-deliver to this Editor. As indicated above, the Editor had met Vreeland in May 2003 in Canada, in the course of his normal financial journalism investigative activity, which we are obliged to undertake so that International Currency Review can remain sharply differentiated from all other published financial sources. Incredibly, it transpired that Lt. Vreeland wished the Editor to physically transport this unknown document to Boston. The Editor was not scheduled to travel anywhere near Boston and in any case could not possibly have entertained any such activity as was being suggested; and so, rather than engage in any way with Lt. Vreeland, the matter was immediately reported both to the Minneapolis-St Paul Sherriff’s Office and to the staffers of a US Congressman and a US Senator. The Editor at once wrote, notarised and filed a detailed account of these events, as stated above.                                                  
ONI熟練工(伝えられるところではデンバーで閉じ込められるために何ヵ月も前多くであると報じられている)は、2004年10月21日にもう一つの党に、彼が彼がこのEditorに手渡ししたかった文書を所有すると主張しました。上で示されるように、彼の通常の財政的なジャーナリズム調査の活動の間に、Editorはカナダで2003年5月にブリーランドに会いました。そして、インターナショナルCurrency Reviewが他の全ての出版された財政的な源と鋭く差別化されるままであることができるように、我々はそれを引き受けなければならないです。信じられないことに、ブリーランド大尉がEditorが身体的にこの未知の文書をボストンへ輸送することを望んだことは、蒸発しました。提案されていたので、Editorは全然ボストンに近い旅行に予定されていなくて、いずれにせよおそらくそのようないかなる活動も受け入れることができませんでした;そして、どんな形であれブリーランド大尉とつき合うよりはむしろ、問題はミネアポリス聖ポールシェリフのオフィスに、そして、米国の連邦議会議員と米国の上院議員のスタッフにすぐに報告されました。上述の通り、Editorはすぐにこれらのイベントの詳細な説明を書いて、公証して、ファイルしました。

Just as the cold blooded, programmed and triggered murder of 32 students in Blacksburg provides a significant esoteric-numerological clue, for those who ‘understand’, that the latest US campus atrocity was ‘not an accident’, and just as 911 happens to be the number one calls in an emergency in the United States, the choice of the TWIN Towers for that ‘Reichstag Fire’ operation on 9/11 has special signalling significance for these hideous US Himmlerian Luciferians who are in temporary control of the US Government. These Luciferians have a hang-up about TWINS. One of the several background factors here is their parallel Masonic preoccupation with ‘Jachin’ and ‘Boaz’, the TWIN pillars of their imaginary esoteric ‘Solomon’s Temple’.          
ブラックスバーグの32人の学生の冷たい純血種で、プログラムされて引き起こされる殺人がかなりの難解なnumerologicalな手掛かりを提供するちょうどその時、最新の米国のキャンパス極悪さが『事故でない』であったと『思う』人々のために、そして、911が偶然緊急時にはアメリカ合衆国での一番の呼び出しであるののちょうどその時、9/11の上のその『国会Fire』活動のためのTWIN Towersの選択は米国政府の一時的な制御においてあるこれらの恐ろしい米Himmlerian Luciferiansのために特別な合図している重要性を持ちます。これらのLuciferiansには、TWINSに関する支障があります。ここのいくつかの背景要因のうちの1つは、『Jachin』と『ボアズ』(彼らの想像上の難解な『ソロモンのテンプル』のTWIN柱)への彼らの平行したフリーメーソンののめりこみです。

Furthermore, twins are extensively exploited as 'research fodder' in Himmlerian 'MK-ULTRA'-type personality modification and 'slave' operations.                                                                     

The first day of the 2008 Republican National Convention will, on present plans, be held in the TWIN Cities of Minneapolis-St Paul from 1st to 4th September 2008. On the basis of the cited Babylonian numerological method into which the mind-controlled Black cadres are indoctrinated, the first date of this Convention devolves to 9/11: 9 (September) and 1 (first day of the Convention) +2 + 8 (2008) = 11 (9/11).                                                                   
2008年の共和党全国大会の初日は、現在の計画に関して、第1から2008年9月4日までミネアポリス聖ポールのTWIN Citiesで持たれます。心に制御されたブラック幹部が教化されるあげられたバビロニアのnumerologicalな方法に基づいて、この大会の最初の日取りは、9/11に移ります:9(9月)て、そして、1(慣例の1日目)+2 + 8(2008) = 11の(9/11)。

Vreeland informed a party on the West Coast that four nuclear weapons would be exploded in the TWN Cities of Minneapolis-St Paul. Facts are facts. The Editor rushed immediately to prepare his notarised report in New York in October 2004 on the mistaken assumption that Lt. Vreeland’s statement referred to an event that was then imminent, and in order that it could subsequently be demonstrated that the appropriate authorities had been informed in advance. As noted, the threat was properly reported at once by others to relevant authorities, at the time – as any responsible and patriotic person with the appropriate moral orientation would be bound to do.                                                                          
ブリーランドは、4つの核兵器がミネアポリス聖ポールのTWN Citiesで爆発することを西海岸で党に知らせました。事実は、事実です。Editorは、ブリーランド大尉の声明がそれから差し迫っていたイベントに言及したという誤った仮定に関して、そして、適当な当局が前もって知らされたことをその後証明されることができたという命令で2004年10月にニューヨークで彼の公証されたレポートを準備するために、すぐに急ぎました。前述のように、その時に、脅威は関連した当局に他によってすぐにきちんと報告されました – 適当な教訓をもつどんな信頼できて愛国的な人としてでも、オリエンテーションはするにちがいないです。


When the atrocity did not of course take place, the Editor simply reflected that he had wasted two days of his trip compiling his report and having it notarised, but he nevertheless returned to the United Kingdom relieved that this appeared to be the only ‘damage’ that had so far been inflicted.                                                         

But in the aftermath of Blacksburg, this historical record has been subjected to further review. The first interim conclusion we have reached is as follows.                                                                  

Quite clearly, the Workers of Darkness within the corrupt and Luciferian components of the US intelligence structures remain prepared, at any time, to employ merciless and ruthless methods without regard for the consequences, in pursuit of their demonised objectives – on this occasion, obfuscation of the biggest financial corruption crisis in world history, a.k.a. Wantagate, and the numerous consequences thereof that are liable to ‘break out’ at any moment.                                  

全く明らかに、彼らのdemonisedされた目的の追求において、米国の諜報活動構造の不正なおよびLuciferian構成要素の範囲内のDarknessのWorkersは、いつでも、結果にかまわず情け容赦なくて冷酷な方法を使用する用意ができているままです – このときに、世界史で最も大きい財政的な腐敗危機の混乱、一名Wantagateとその多数の結果は、とてもいつ何時『起こり』やすいです。

For instance, measures were to begin on Monday 23rd April 2007 to convene a US Grand Jury investigation and separately, to commence the predicted Federal R.I.C.O. action against evidently criminal operatives inside the Wisconsin State structures. And the involvement of Interpol, Europol and any number of national police forces in concurrent international ‘Wantagate’ investigations has seriously destabilised the mental equilibrium of these reprobate criminal intelligence cadres, who arrogantly believe that they are immune from the consequences of their criminal behaviour under the terms inter alia of the 1947 National Security Act, also known as a criminals’ charter under which their serial crimes and abominations are mysteriously ‘permitted’  
たとえば、案は米国のグランドジュリー調査を召集する2007年4月23日月曜日に、そして、別に始まることになっていました。そして、ウィスコンシン州構築物内で明らかに犯罪の熟練工に対する予測されたFederal R.I.C.O.訴訟を始めました。そして、並列の国際的な『Wantagate』調査のインターポール、ユーロポルと多くの全国警察の参加はこれらの堕落した犯罪の知性幹部の精神的な平衡を深刻に不安定にしました。そして、その人は彼らがとりわけ1947年の国家安全保障法(別名彼らの連続犯罪と憎悪が不思議なほど『許される』犯人の憲章)の条件の下で彼らの犯罪的なふるまいの結果を免れると傲慢に思っています。

CATASTROPHE PLANNED AS PRETEXT FOR U.S. DICTATORSHIP                                      

In the light of all the above, we believe and hereby warn as follows:                                        

1. An abominable atrocity has been preplanned to coincide with the US Republican National Convention in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St Paul on 1st September 2008. Such atrocities are typically prepared many years in advance: for instance, operatives associated with the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City revealed their foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks back in 1995.                                                                        

2. The purpose of the planned abomination in the Twin Cities on the next ‘9/11’ will have been to scrap the US Constitution and to install the intended (Nazi) dictatorship, in conformity with the long-range strategy pursued by Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), based at Dachau, the Black ‘Nazi Continuum’ counterintelligence strategic centre, to ‘Build the Thousand-Year Reich on the Ruins of the United States’ – as exposed in documents from the Madrid-based German Geopolitical Centre captured after World War II and reported by this service in earlier postings on this website.                                   
2.ドイツVerteidigungs Dienst(DVD)によって続行される長期の戦略と一致して、次の『9/11』の上のツインシティーズの計画的な憎悪の目的は米国憲法を廃棄することになっていて、意図された(ナチ)独裁をインストールすることになっていました。そして、ダッハウで基礎を形成されました。そして、ブラック『ナチContinuum』防諜活動が重要なセンターでした。そして、『アメリカ合衆国のRuinsの上に、Thousand-Yearライヒを築き上げました』、 – 第二次世界大戦の後、占領されて、このウェブサイトで以前の転勤でこのサービスによって報告されるマドリードに拠点を置くドイツのGeopoliticalセンターから文書で露出して。

3. Following exposure here of this intended crime against humanity, we have every expectation that this diabolical ‘Reichstag Fire to end all Reichstag Fires’ will be/has been aborted.                                                

Significantly, a US intelligence corporation engaged in the recovery of nuclear materials and which was known to have ‘lost’ certain materials at the time of the warning by Vreeland described above, subsequently ‘found’ them, some months later – in Boston. This was the same destination to which Vreeland was reported to have wanted the Editor to convey certain documents – an indirect offer (or trap) which was emphatically refused and disregarded.                                    
かなり、数ヵ月後で、会社が核物質の回復においてひいた、そして、上述のブリーランドによって警告の時点で特定の材料を『失った』ことが知られていた米情報部は、その後彼らを『発見しました』 – ボストンで。これは、ブリーランドはEditorが特定の文書を運ぶことを望んだことが報告された同じ目的地でした – 断固として拒否されて、無視された間接的な申し込み(または罠)。

At this stage of our knowledge, we are uncertain as to whether the planned atrocity mentioned above can be construed as a foreign operation against the United States, a foreign operation facilitated by domestic US intelligence cadres, a purely domestic planned abomination, or an operation of the international cabal trying vainly to establish its ‘New Underworld Order’.               
我々の知識のこのステージで、我々は上で言及される予定の残虐行為がアメリカ合衆国か、国内の米知性中核によって容易にされる海外事業か、全く国内の計画的な憎悪か無駄にその『新しいUnderworld Order』を確立しようとしている国際的秘密グループの活動に対する海外事業として解釈されることができるかどうかに関して不確かです。

But judging by the now immense domestic and international support that Ambassador Leo Wanta and his colleague, Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., have recently acquired in the course of their epic struggle to do what is right for the United States in accordance with the Wanta Plan provided for under the May 2006 Settlement, we are very confident that this diabolical plan will be aborted and that the United States will not succumb to the planned dictatorship any time soon.                               
今のものによって巨大な国内で国際的な支持をそのレオWanta大使と彼の同僚と判断すること以外の、マイケルC.コットレル(M.S.)が彼らの叙事詩の間2006年5月のSettlementの下でに対して用意されているWanta Planに従ってアメリカ合衆国にとって正しいことをする努力を最近得たこと、我々はこの悪魔のような計画が中止される、そして、アメリカ合衆国が近いうちに予定の独裁に屈しないと非常に確信しています。

DECISIVE BLOW TO THE WORLD REVOLUTION                                                   

Our other reason for believing that the planned abomination in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St Paul, intended to provide the pretext for the imposition of the dictatorship and to scrap the 2008 General Election, will not take place as planned, is that the New Underworld Order conspiracy has just been decisively derailed – thanks to ‘Wantagate’.                           
計画されて、ミネアポリス聖ポール(口実を独裁の強制に提供して、2008年の総選挙を廃棄することを目的とする)のツインシティーズの計画的な憎悪が起こらないと思っているための我々の他の理由は、New Underworld Order陰謀がちょうど今決定的に狂ったということです – 『Wantagate』に感謝します。

This is because offshore accounts consisting of untaxed fiat money, not just in the United States but around the world, have been frozen (permanently, according to sensitive sources: see above).                                          

Furthermore, the severely compromised International Court of Justice, which is said to be engaged in a belated ‘housecleaning’ operation, is now, all of a sudden, insisting that the frozen fiat money must be taxed in the countries from which the funds have been hidden, and where tax is due.                                                             

In other words, the relevant components of the offshore financial system that have been financing the World Revolution fronted by the agentur of 'The Network' have been closed down because the funds held in the secret accounts in question represent illegal fiat money, and because of the tax evasion – ensuring that the Governments that have been deceived by these crooks will impose whatever percentage they charge on such balances, plus (no doubt) massive punitive penalties where applicable, including jail terms in accordance with local jurisdictional legislation.                                                
言い換えると、『Network』のagenturに面するWorld革命に融資していた沖合金融システムの関連した構成要素は、問題の秘密の口座において持たれる資金が違法な名目貨幣を代表するからの下で、そして、脱税のため、閉じられました – それにこれらのペテン師によってだまされたGovernmentsを保証することは彼らが該当する場合、そのような残高さらに(疑いでない)大きい懲罰的な罰に負わせるどんなパーセンテージでも強要します。そして、ローカル司法権利上の法律に従って刑期を含みます。

Since the imposition of the New Underworld Order was being financed by this fiat money, it can well and truly be said that the World Revolution has been, or will shortly be, severely compromised and that the long-term Illuminati conspiracy to destroy our nation states is in jeopardy.                                                                 
New Underworld Orderの強制がこの名目貨幣によって融資されていたので、World革命がまもなくひどく妥協して解決されたか、妥協して解決される、そして、我々の民族国家を破壊する長期のIlluminati陰謀が危うくなっているとまったく言われることができます。

For this magnificent prospective outcome, the world will have two US heroes to thank: Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta, who has borne his long suffering with extraordinary persistence, determination, courage, faith and patience since his illegal and unjust ‘takedown’ on 7th July 1993; and Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., the Executive Vice President and Treasurer of the Ambassador’s Commonwealth of Virginia-based corporation, AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. – who has stuck to his guns in the face of years of relentless pressure that would have destroyed most lesser men, while insisting all along that the US securities and taxation regulations must be applied with rigorous impartiality, and refusing to succumb to numerous enticing offers from criminal parties seeking to distract and entice him away from the objectives that he knows to be in the best interests of US and global financial probity and stability. The Ambassador was right to place his faith in this 100% trustworthy financial expert.                                        
この素晴らしい将来の結果のために、世界は感謝する2人の米国の英雄を持っています:1993年7月7日に彼の違法で不当な『テークダウン』以来並外れた持続、決心、勇気、信頼と忍耐で彼の長い苦しみに耐えたレオエーミールWanta大使;そして、ヴァージニアに拠点を置く会社、AmeriTrust Groupe、会社の大使の連邦のマイケルC.コットレル、M.S.、取締役副社長とTreasurer。 – 米国証券と課税規則が厳しい公平で適用されなければならないとずっと主張していて、彼が米国で世界的な財政的清廉潔白と安定性のためであるために知っている目的から離れて彼を気を散らして、誘惑しようとしている犯罪の党から多数の魅惑的な申し込みまで屈することを拒否している間、大部分のより小さい男性を滅ぼした長年の厳しい圧力に直面して意見を曲げませんでした。大使が、この100%の信頼できる財政的専門家に対する彼の信頼を置くのは正しかったです。


The Governments of the Group of Seven powers (excluding the reprobate United States) and the Chinese Government, have been pressing for and expecting the necessary paperwork confirming economic receipt to the Ambassador for the Leo Wanta Settlement to be presented to them at their ongoing meetings behind closed doors, by way of confirmation that the $4.5 trillion hitherto illegally diverted these past ten months has at last been properly deposited with the Securities Account of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., with Morgan Stanley, New York, as should have happened back in the summer of 2006 – so that this sordid and disgraceful chapter in the United States’ financial history can begin to be brought to a delayed conclusion; and so that the deceived people of the United States can finally begin to benefit from the Wanta Plan, which will transform the present and future prospects for the US financial economy, reversing the United States’ sterile, corrosive and century-old deficit-spending orgy, thereby not only ‘refinancing’ the United States generally, but stabilising the entire world financial economy for the benefit of the whole of humanity.           
先進7カ国蔵相会議力(無頼漢アメリカ合衆国を除外する)と中国政府のGovernmentsは、密室で彼らの進行中の会議で彼らに示されるためにレオWanta Settlementのために大使に経済レシートを確かめている必要な文書業務を迫っていて、予想していました、4兆5000億ドルが今まで不法に変えた確認としてこれらの過去10ヵ月がついにきちんと沈澱されたこと証券モルガンスタンレー(ニューヨーク)によるAmeriTrust Groupe(会社)のAccount 2006年夏に起こらなければなりませんでした – アメリカ合衆国の財政的歴史のこの不潔で不名誉な章が遅れる結論に至り始めることができるように;アメリカ合衆国のだまされた人々が最終的に、それによって一般にアメリカ合衆国の『財政を立て直すだけでなく』て、人類の全体のために全世界財政的な経済も安定させて、アメリカ合衆国の無菌で、腐食性で世紀前の赤字財政支出パーティーを逆にしてWanta Plan(それは米国の財政的な経済の現在で将来の見通しを変えます)から利益を得始めることができるように、そして。

In this connection, although we have heard this kind of thing before, and the whole world has learned that no high-level undertaking by the United States can be relied upon, we understand that the President of the United States has signed papers ordering the Wanta Settlement payment to be implemented. This appears to have met with the usual resistance at the highest level, prompting what we believe to be grave developments that were unfolding as this report had to be posted.                        

この点について、我々がこの種のものを聞いたけれども、そして、全世界はアメリカ合衆国による高水準仕事が頼られることができないということを知りました、我々はアメリカ合衆国大統領がWanta Settlement支払いに実行されるよう命令している書類に署名したと思います。これは最高レベルで普通の抵抗を受けたように見えます。そして、このレポートが送られなければならなかったので、我々が展開していた重大な情勢であると思っているものを促します。

Any further trickery, chicanery and delay, evidence of which was again leaking out this weekend, will probably have catastrophic consequences. And we’re not just referring to R.I.C.O. and a Grand Jury investigation. For there are indeed many ways to skin a cat, and all of them are unpleasant.                                                            

Notes and References:                                           

(1) Drugs are unlike any other commodity, in that demand for them depends upon supply. If the supply is withdrawn, demand declines, assuming that alternative suppliers do not replace the withdrawn supply. By contrast, demand for, say, oranges, is driven by demand for this pleasing natural fruit and food. In the case of narcotics, however, the demand (created by the supply) is artificial, because it is a consequence of chemical addiction. This addiction is fed by the supply that would otherwise not exist, because if the demand for drugs were not driven by addiction, there would be no demand for them at all. This equation makes it clear that the correct solution to the drug scourge is to throttle the supply chains. The reason that this is not happening is that corrupt intelligence cadres, including Britain’s filthy GO-2 operation buried inside MI6, are engaged in this lucrative and reprobate ‘Black’ activity. It is quite possible that the permanent freezing of certain offshore accounts may ‘interfere’ with these evil operations. The wayward Luciferian Governments concerned should immediately withdraw from this immoral activity, representing an ongoing crime against humanity, or face ever increasing pressure from exposures such as this posting.                             
(1)彼らのための需要が供給に依存するという点で、薬は他のどの必需品もと違っています。供給が取り下げられるならば、需要は落ちます。そして、代わりの供給元が回収された電源を交換しないと仮定します。対照的に、オレンジのための需要は、まあ、この気持ちの良い自然の果物と食物のために需要によってドライブされます。麻薬の場合、しかし、それが化学中毒の結果であるので、要求(供給によってつくられる)は人工的です。この中毒はさもなければ存在しない供給によって供給されます、薬を求める要求が中毒によってドライブされないので、彼らを求める要求がまったくないでしょう。この方程式は、薬災いの正しい解決がサプライチェーンを抑えることであることを明らかにします。これが起こっていない理由は、汚職知性幹部(MI6に埋められる英国の不潔なGO-2活動を含む)がこの有利で堕落した『黒い』活動に携わっているということです。特定のオフショア勘定を永久に凍らせることがこれらの凶悪な活動の『じゃまをするかもしれない』ことは、全くあり得ます。関係するわがままなLuciferian Governmentsはこの不道徳な活動からすぐに引き下がらなければなりません。そして、これまでに進行中の人道に反する罪または面目が圧力を露出時間(例えばこの転勤)から増やしていることを表します。

For further insights into this ‘supply’ characteristic of the drug trade, see ‘Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West’, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass Jr., edited by this Editor, available from Edward Harle Limited (on this website).                


(2) The distribution of pornography to schools has been sponsored by the British Government for at least two decades. Back in the 1980s, the late Commander Michael Blake, an intrepid activist, put on his old jeans and a gardening sweater, appeared at an address in central London from which a certain ‘sex guide’ for children was being distributed by the so-called Health Education Authority, and expressed great interest in helping them distribute this document. The agency's staff handed him several hundred of these corrupting publications, which he then brought round in a taxi to this Editor’s office. We spent the rest of the day selecting names and addressed of the ‘Great and the Good’, starting with the Archbishop of Canterbury, senior UK Government figures in the House of Commons and the House of Lords, and prominent people throughout the Kingdom. We prepared an expression of outrage, printed out several hundred copies, labelled the envelopes and mailed the package to these people immediately. As a consequence, a woman called Virginia Bottomley MP, who was a relevant Minister at the time, announced in the House a few weeks afterwards that this document had been withdrawn. Six months later we discovered that the Health Education Authority, an official body, had transferred the rights to a large publishing house, which then proceeded to distribute the pornography to schools as originally intended.                                                                      
(2)学校へのポルノの配布は、少なくとも20年の間英国政府が後援しました。1980年代に、故マイケルブレーク司令官(勇敢な活動家)は、彼の古いジーンズと庭造りセーターを着て、子供たちのための特定の『性的ガイド』がいわゆるHealth Education Authorityによって配布されていた中部ロンドンにアドレスで現れて、彼らがこの文書を配布するのを援助することに対する大きな関心を表しました。機関のスタッフは彼にこれらの出版物を腐敗させる数百を手渡しました。そして、それを彼はそれからこのEditorのオフィスにタクシーで持って来ました。我々は名前を選んでいて、『すばらしい、そして、よくやった』こと申し出られる残りの日を過ごしました。そして、カンタベリー大司教、下院と上院の年上の英国政府人物とキングダムを通した著名な人々から始めました。我々は非道行為の表現力を準備して、数百コピーを印刷して、封筒にラベルをつけて、すぐにパッケージをこれらの人々にメールしました。結果として、女性はバージニアボトムリー議員に電話をしました‖誰‖その時に、2、3週その後この文書が引っ込められた下院で発表されて、関連する大臣。6ヵ月後に、我々はHealth Education Authority(公式本体)が権利を大きな出版社へ移したということを発見しました。そして、それはそれから、当初意味されて、ポルノを学校に配布し始めました。

(3) For details of this revolutionary operation, hitherto financed by untaxed, illegal fiat money, to brainwash targeted cadres of the UK official structures, industry and society, please review the second posting in this series (Archive: 3rd March 2006). It is now to be hoped that, following the permanent freezing of fiat money accounts worldwide revealed in this and the preceding posting on this website, the financing of this destructive and subversive Bolshevik-Nazi mind-manipulation revolutionary operation run by the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, may start to dry up.                                             

(4) ‘Proofs of a Conspiracy’, by Professor John Robison, of Edinburgh University, 1798, is one of two classic authoritative contemporary exposures of the modern Illuminati cult. It focuses on the operations of Professor Adam Weishaupt, the Jesuit-educated, Jesuit-loathing necromancer and self-confessed sorcerer and ghost-raiser, who ‘reorganised’ the structures and modus operandi of the Illuminati as a ‘parasite’ sitting inside and on the back of Freemasonry, and in other parallel worldly formats. Weishaupt openly modelled the updated Illuminati structures upon Jesuit practice, starting with the obligation that all members are required secretly to spy on each other and upon everyone else. This reprobate behaviour is inculcated into bewildered novices from the outset.                                                                           

Evil preoccupations of the agentur include the 'devouring of widow’s houses’ [their estates: see Matthew, Chapter 23, at verse 14; Mark, Chapter 12, verse 40; and Luke, Chapter 20, verse 47: revealing that Jesus Christ condemned the practice of ripping-off dying widows, specialised in by the scribes (lawyers) and Pharisees (Jesuits)], providing for a member of the high agentur to be positioned alongside every targeted influential figure or holder of power, and inserting agentur into the highest positions at all times, so that any prospect of normal, honest, serious people rising to the highest levels is uniformly precluded.                  


This 'Black' modus operandi, which explains the Illuminati’s temporary grip on world affairs today, is extensively elaborated in the Editor’s new work, The New Underworld Order [see the intelligence books section of this website for ordering details]. Concerning the targeting of widows’ estates, a preoccupation of the Jesuits, this is an age-old scandalous activity to which specialist elements of US criminal intelligence give the highest priority to this day (e.g. AARP; aspartame, a 'Black' product of CBW research notoriously promoted in past years by Donald Rumsfeld, which has the effect of procuring that as many Americans as possible contract Alzheimer’s Disease, thereby facilitating the stealing of the dying individuals' estates by agents for members of the agentur or corrupt 'actives'. Similar operations are routine among the Indianapolis-based US insurance community.                  
この『黒い』やり方(それは今日世界情勢のIlluminatiの一時的な把握を説明します)は、Editorの新しい仕事(New Underworld Order[詳細を命じることについてこのウェブサイトの知性本区画を参照します])で、広範囲に念入りに作られます。未亡人の財産(イエズス会士の没頭)を目標とすることを心配させます、これは米犯罪の情報部の専門要素が今日まで最も高いプライオリティーを与える長年の恥ずべき活動です(例えばAARP;アスパルテーム(ドナルドラムズフェルドによって先年に悪名高く昇進するCBW研究の『黒い』製品)、それに、それによってagenturまたは堕落した『現役』のメンバーの代理人によって瀕死の個人の財産の盗みを容易にして、可能な契約アルツハイマー病と同じくらい多くのアメリカ人を調達する影響を持ちます。類似した活動は、インディアナポリスに基づく米国の保険コミュニティの間のルーチンです。

The fact that Jesus’ warning against and condemnation of this foul practice appears no less than three times in the Gospels indicates how grave the problem was 2000 years ago, as remains the case today. Wherever such a warning appears in the Gospels three times, it is a grave warning indeed. Another example is Christ's condemnation of and warning to those who corrupt children.  

Christ's specific warning against lawyers who steal 'widow's houses' (estates) is expressed in Luke, Chapter 20, as follows: 'Then, in the audience of all the people, he said unto his disciples, Beware of the scribes (= lawyers), which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts; Which devour widows' houses, and for a show make long prayers; the same shall receive greater damnation'.                                  

In other contexts, the Lord says of such people: 'Verily I say unto you, they have their reward'.
Luke, Chapter 20, verses 45-47.                                                             

(5) Now the General Accountability Office, following a Bush II Administration semantic change which of course implies something completely different from ‘General Accounting Office’ – devaluing the accounting dimension and thereby enlarging the scope for obfuscatory official verbiage designed to divert attention from fraud and malfeasance.                             
(5)もちろん完全に『会計検査院』と異なる何かを意味するブッシュII政府意味論的な変化の後で、現在Accountability事務所将軍 – 会計局面の価値を下げて、それによって詐欺と不正行為から注意をそらすようになっているobfuscatory当局者饒舌の機会を大きくすること。 

(6) 9th September 2001 was (a) the birthday of Feliks Dzerzhinsky, founder of the Cheka Illuminati and mass mind trauma bloodbath specialists, precursors of the KGB (of which Mikhail Gorbachev has remained the top-secret chief, at least until 2005); (b) precisely the 20th anniversary of the commencement of construction work on the Twin Towers; (c) the 25th anniversary of the death of Nikita Sergeyevich (Salomon) Khrushchev (Perlmutter); and (d) the same as the 911 emergency telephone number used in the United States. For these demented Luciferians, numerology is interchangeable with ‘internal computer’ numerical programming ‘technology’.                                                                         
(6)2001年9月9日に、(a)はフェリックスジェルジンスキーの誕生日、チェーカIlluminatiと多勢の心精神的外傷大虐殺スペシャリストの創始者、KGB(それの、少なくとも2005年までは、ミハイルゴルバチョフは最高機密のチーフのままでした)の前駆でした;(b)正確にTwin Towersの上の建設工事の学位授与式の20回目の記念日;(c)ニキータSergeyevich(サロモン)フルシチョフ(パールミュッター)の25回目の命日;そして、911緊急電話番号と同じように、アメリカ合衆国で使われます。(d)これらの発狂したLuciferiansのために、数理神秘学は『内蔵コンピュータ』数のプログラミング『技術』で交換可能です。

(7) International Currency Review, Volume 28, Number 4, published in March 2003. Our timing on that occasion was less than perfect because the appearance of this issue, which the Editor calls his ‘first take’ on Wantagate, was immediately swamped by the invasion of Iraq. In early May, US Navy Lieutenant Delmart ‘Mike’ Vreeland, a medicated, controlled Office of Naval Intelligence operative (as extensively revealed in other sources) contacted the Editor and asserted that he wished to discuss matters arising from the financial corruption revelations contained in that issue of our financial/currency journal. On that occasion, the Editor decided, contrary to his usual practice, to investigate this intelligence operative further, and accordingly travelled to New York and then to Niagara Falls, Canada, for this purpose. He was financially scammed by Vreeland throughout the trip, and found on his return to London that a further £1,600 had been stolen from his Visa Card which Vreeland had either removed from the Editor’s billfold while he was not looking, or (more likely) had read upside down while the Editor was paying the hotel bill (which wound up including that for Lieutenant Vreeland and his young male ‘companion’).                                      
(7)インターナショナルCurrency Review、第28巻(ナンバー4)は2003年3月に公表しました。この問題(Editorはそれを彼のものがWantagateの上で『最初に、とります』と叫びます)の様子がイラクの侵入によってすぐに浸されたので、我々のタイミングはそのときに少しも完璧ではありませんでした。5月(米国の海軍Delmart『マイク』ブリーランド中尉)の初めに、医薬用、制御された米海軍情報部熟練工(広範囲に他の源で現されて)は、Editorに連絡して、彼が我々の財政的な/通貨ジャーナルのその号に含まれる財政的な腐敗意外な事実に起因している問題を議論したいと主張しました。そのときに、Editorは、彼の一般の慣例に反して、更なるこの諜報熟練工を調査することに決めて、したがって、このために、ニューヨークに、それから、ナイアガラの滝(カナダ)に旅行しました。彼は旅行を通してブリーランドによって財政的にscammedされて、彼が見ないか、Editorが宿泊費(それは、ブリーランド中尉と彼の若い男性の『仲間』のためにそれを含んで終わりました)を払う間さかさまに読まない(よりありそうな)間、ロンドンへの彼の帰還に関して、更なる£1,600がブリーランドがEditorの札入れからも取り外した彼のビザカードから盗まれたとわかりました。

While Vreeland’s behaviour was criminal, and he may be ‘fortunate’ that this Editor had mercy on him in this regard, his intelligent understanding of pertinent public domain geopolitical issues was to this Editor’s detailed background knowledge very sound, focused and accurate, although this dimension cannot be elaborated here. We parted on friendly terms, but while on the Amtrak train back to New York, Vreeland ‘ordered’ the Editor off the train and demanded his return to Niagara Falls. When the Editor refused, he uttered death threats against the Editor.                                                  

For the sake of good order, we reproduce again the list of Statutes etc. of which the officials and institutions in question remain in breach. This list shows to what extent the Bush II Administration condones one Rule of Law for the Rest of Us, and total contempt for domestic and international law for the officials and bankers who are illegally diverting and exploiting Ambassador Wanta’s funds: 




US laws breached by President Bush Jr., Richard Cheney, Henry M. Paulson, Robert M. Kimmitt, Michael Chertoff, other officials previously named in these reports, all members of G. W. Bush's Cabinet, and the Boards of Directors of Goldman Sachs and Co, Bank of America, Citibank Group, Wachovia Bank, JPMorganChase, Bank of Nova Scotia, Chemical Bank, First Union Bank and other US and foreign institutions, including the Bank of England, which have been illegally exploiting Ambassador Wanta’s tagged and earmarked $4.5 trillion Settlement money, always intended for the benefit of the American people and for the paying down of the US Treasury’s background debt:
ブッシュJr.大統領によって破られた米国の法律、リチャードチェイニー、ヘンリーM.パールソン、ロバートM. Kimmitt、マイケルチャートフ、以前これらのレポート、G. W.ブッシュの内閣の全てのメンバーとゴールドマンサックスとCoの取締役会で名をつけられる他の当局、Bank of America、シティバンクGroup、Wachovia銀行、JPMorganChase、ノヴァスコシア銀行、Chemical銀行、Firstユニオン銀行とイングランド銀行(それはWanta大使のタグを付けられて取っておかれた4兆5000億ドルのSettlement金を不法に利用していました)を含む他の米で外国の機関は、常に米国民のために、そして、米国財務省の背景負債で減少して払うために向けようとしました:

• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC]
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions
being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [FISA]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war                                                                                  
• • Annunzio-Wylie反資金洗浄行為
• 反薬物濫用行為
• 適用できる国際的な資金洗浄規制銀行Secrecy法
• 犯罪(Provisions将軍)Accessory Afterが、Factです[タイトル18、USC]
• 行為を報告している通貨と外国の業務
• 経済スパイ法
• ホッブス法
• 与えているまたはConveying False Information[タイトル18、USC]
• マロニー法
• 重罪[タイトル18、USC]資金洗浄支配行為の軽蔑
• 資金洗浄抑制行為
• 1970の組織犯罪支配行為
• 個人的で犯罪の罰をうけて保護されている個人的な商取引に関連する準備[H.R. 3723]
• 外国の当局[FISA] Racketeer InfluencedとCorrupt Organizations法を買収することを禁止している準備[R.I.C.O。]
• 証券法1933
• 証券法1934
• テロリズム防止行為
• 反逆罪法律(特に戦争時の)

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001                   
レオエーミールWanta大使:外交のPassport Numbers 04362と12535は、フランクB.イングラム[FBI](セクターV)SA32NVで一名す;そして、一名リックレノルズ(SA233MS)。アメリトラストGroupe、Inc:連邦EINナンバー20-3866855;ヴァージニア州社識別番号:0617454-4;ヴァージニア州課税識別番号省:30203866855F001

• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or the earlier Wanta Crisis reports. We are a private intelligence publishing house. Subscriptions to our services may be entered by pressing SUBSCRIBE against the selected publication title, and following the ultra-safe web payment procedure. We have no subventions apart from our subscriptions and books income, and cannot spend unproductive time on Internet discussions. If you would like to enter into formal consultation arrangements with the Editor on a fee-paying basis, you need to go, in the first instance, to the Global Analysis Limited section of this website and send us details about your requirements. We charge for our time and cannot provide free advice on any of these issues. This has been a straightforward business operation since 1963, and has nothing to do with any outside sponsorship.                                                            
• インターナショナルCurrency ReviewのEditorがこれに関連した電子メール通信を始めることができないことをお知らせ致します、あるいは、以前のWanta Crisisは報告します。我々は、民間の知性出版社です。我々のサービスへの会費は、選ばれた出版タイトルに対して、そして、超安全なウェブ支払い手順の後でSUBSCRIBEを押すことによって入れられるかもしれません。我々は我々の会費と本収入は別として助成金を持っていなくて、インターネット議論で非生産的な時間を過ごすことができません。あなたが授業料をとる基礎の上でEditorとの正式な協議取り決めを結びたいと思うならば、あなたは、まず第一に、このウェブサイトのGlobal Analysis社区画に行って、あなたの必要について我々に詳細を送る必要があります。我々は我々の時間の間課金して、これらの問題の何についてもの無料アドバイスを提供することができません。これは1963年以降直接の営業であって、どんな外側の後援とも無関係です。

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