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投稿者 不動明王 日時 2007 年 5 月 19 日 00:19:34: Wge0l2yvbkAIg


May 17, 2007
Rebellion By US Forces In Iraq Prompts ‘Rapid’ Pentagon Crackdown

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Sorcha Faalによる、そして彼女の西側の契約者に報告されたように

Reports from Russian Military Analysts are describing what they term as a ‘rapidly declining will-to-fight” among American Soldiers fighting in Iraq, with the greatest concern being placed upon US Soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division who reportedly this past week refused orders to ‘take to field’ against their Iraqi insurgent enemies.

According to these reports, the unprecedented rebellion against their Commanders by these US Soldiers was prompted by an Iraqi insurgent attack upon their fellow Soldiers wherein 4 of their comrades were killed and 3 captured by the enemy forces, and which many of these Soldiers believed could have been prevented if they had had more support.

Echoing the mounting concerns of these US Soldiers was one of their Commanders, General Benjamin R. Mixon, who this past week urged Americas War Leaders to send more troops to Iraq to battle the mounting opposition to the US occupation of that Middle Eastern Nation.

The concerns of the US Soldiers in Iraq, that they do not have the resources they need to fight their enemy, were further stated by Russian photojournalist Dmitry Chebotayev prior to his being killed while on patrol with US Forces Iraq, and which he further documented the growing disillusionment with the war by ordinary American Soldiers.

Adding to the growing rebellion by these US Soldiers against their War Leaders was the Pentagons recent orders extending the tours of their forces in their war zones, and which, according to the Time Magazine News Service, is destroying the lives of these Soldiers, and those of their families, and as we can read:
これらの米軍兵士たちの彼らの戦争指導者たちに対する発達する反乱に火を注いだのは、彼らが戦場に派遣されている期間を延長することを決定した国防総省の最近の命令でした。それは、Time Magazine News Serviceによれば、これらの兵士たちと彼らの家族の命を奪ってしまう決定です。Time Magazine News Serviceはこう伝えています:

"[T]he Pentagon announced, on April 11, that the standard Army deployment in Afghanistan and Iraq would now be 15 months rather than the previous 12-month stint.

Soldiers deploying abroad have always had to contend with missing a child's birth, a sibling's wedding or a parent's death. They face fatigue and frustration no matter the duration of stay.

Their spouses suffer at home, and marriages fall apart under the strain of separation. And the stress of deployment in a hostile combat zone has a corrosive effect on discipline. Three more months may not seem that long to a civilian, but to a soldier already on the ground, it's another 90 days in which a lot could go wrong.
彼らの配偶者は自宅で苦しみます。そして、結婚は分離の重圧の下でばらばらになります。そして、敵対的な戦闘地域への配備のストレスは、規律に腐食性の影響を及ぼします。もう3ヵ月は一般人にはそんなに長いようではないかもしれません。しかし、すでに配備された兵士にとっては、多くがうまくいかなくなることができるもう 90日です。

"It's like running a race," says Chaplain Doug Weaver, of the 3-71. "The longer it is, the more people fall out."
「それは、レースを行うようです」と、Chaplain Doug Weaver(3-71の)が言います。「それがより長いほど、人々はより争います。」

Though unprecedented in the United States current war against the Muslim peoples, American Soldiers, and when faced with fighting a losing war, have previously resorted to refusing the orders of their Commanders, and as we can read as exampled from the US Soldiers who fought in the Vietnam War:

"Where soldiers refused to obey orders this became known as a "combat refusal". In a report for Pacifica Radio, journalist Richard Boyle went to the base to interview a dozen "grunts" from the First Cavalry Division. The GI's had been ordered on a nighttime combat mission the previous night. Six of the men had refused to go and several others had objected to the order.
「兵士が命令に従うことを拒否した所で、これは「拒絶と戦わ」として知られていました。パシフィカラジオのためのレポートでは、ジャーナリストリチャードボイルは、First騎兵部隊から1のダースの「うなり声」と面談するために、基地に行きました。GIは、前の夜、夜間戦闘任務を命じられました。男のうちの 6人は行くことを拒否しました。そして、数人の他の人は命令に反対しました。

"They'll have to court-martial the whole company," one soldier told Boyle. "I say right away they can start typing up my court-martial."

The GI's told Boyle they objected not only to what they saw as a suicidal mission but to the war effort itself. Their commanding officer wouldn't let them wear t-shirts with peace symbols, they complained. "He calls us hypocrites if we wear a peace sign," one GI said. "[As if] we wanted to come over here and fight. Like we can't believe in peace, man, because we're carrying [an M-16] out there."
GIは 彼らが自殺的な任務とみなしたものに反対しただけでなく、戦争努力そのものにも反対していたとボイルに語りました。彼らの指揮官は彼らに平和印のTシャツを着させませんと、彼らは不平を言いました。「我々がピースサインを着るなら、彼は我々を偽善者と呼びます」と、1人のGIが言いました。「我々は、ここにやって来て、戦いたかったです[もしもとして]。我々が静かに信じることができなく、我々が向こうに持ち運んでいる[M-16]ので、人を配置してください。」

Unlike their counterparts in the Vietnam War, however, present day US Soldiers had begun to communicate their rebellious feelings against their War Leaders through the use of the Internet, to include posting thousands of videos and blogs which ran counter to the ‘positive’ message of the war being given by the United States media organs.

This will no longer be the case as the Pentagon, in a ‘rapid’ response to the growing rebellion of its Soldiers fighting the United States wars, has immediately denied Internet access for all its fighting forces in an attempt to bring them back under ‘control’.

Not content with just censoring their Soldiers ability to communicate with the World, and each other, outside of their War Zones, the Pentagon has taken the further step of ordering the Iraqi government to not allow any filming of the massive bombings taking place in that country on an, almost, hourly basis, and as we can read as reported by the Associated Press News Service:
ちょうど世界と彼らの戦争Zonesの外で、別の各々と通信する彼らのSoldiersの能力を検閲することをペンタゴンはイラク政府に命じる更なるステップをとりました。そのため、その国の場所を引き受けている大きな爆破のどんな映画撮影でも許しません。ほとんど1時間ごとの基礎、そして、AP通信 News Serviceによって報告されるように我々が読むことができて:

"Police prevented press photographers and camera operators from filming the scene of a bombing yesterday under a new policy limiting coverage of the devastating explosions that have become a hallmark of the violence in the country.

To enforce an order that a group of Iraqi journalists leave Tayaran Square, where the bombing occurred, police fired several shots in the air, reporters said.

Brig. Gen. Abdel Karim Khalaf, the operations director at the Interior Ministry, said this weekend that Iraq's government has decided to bar press photographers and cameramen from the scene of bombings."

The actions of the United States War Leaders in suppressing the growing rebellion of their Soldiers to their wars, along with the American publics growing concern for their husbands, wives, sons and daughters fighting and dying daily, is eerily reminiscent of the Soviets war in Afghanistan in the way it is being ‘managed’ by the American government.

But, like the Soviet war in Afghanistan clearly showed, when a country loses 15,000 of its children to death in war, along with over 500,000 wounded, even the most tightly controlled media propaganda effort fails to contain the growing outrage of a Nation burying its war dead on a daily basis.

Even more instructive, perhaps, for the American people themselves in looking at the Soviet-Afghanistan war was its aftermath which toppled the former Soviet Empire from its Super-Power state to that of a Nation more resembling a Third-World Nation, of which only now the Russian people are emerging from.

Sadly, there is no evidence that the American people have learned these hard lessons, even more sadly, their cost for failing to heed the warnings of history, including their own, could very well see them sharing the same fate as the once mighty Soviet Empire….a Nation that when all is said and done will simply, and quickly, cease to exist.

© May 17, 2007 EU and US all rights reserved.
© EUと米国のすべて権利が確保した2007年5月17日。

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