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投稿者 gataro 日時 2008 年 3 月 16 日 21:31:32: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw



(フィナンシャル・タイムズ 2008年3月13日初出 翻訳gooニュース)


ドルが下がり続けている。 大胆な金利引き下げに加え、米国納税者はこれから国内の銀行救済に資金注入しなくてはならないだろうという懸念も合わさっているからだ。2つの要因は共に米インフレ悪化の可能性を高めるし、FRBが昨年9月に金利を引き下げて以来、外国投資家が米市場を信頼しなくなり、資産を手放し、ドル離れのきっかけを作るのではないかというリスクも続いている。








フィナンシャル・タイムズの英文記事はこちら ⇒

Intervene to slow the dollar’s decline
Published: March 13 2008 19:41 | Last updated: March 13 2008 19:41

Selling the dollar is now close to a one-way bet. So great is concern about the health of the US financial system that the dollar traded below Y100 on Thursday, and above $1.56 against the euro. The danger of a dollar rout is rising, and the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank and Japan’s Ministry of Fi­nance should co-ordinate intervention to slow the greenback’s fall.

Aggressive rate cuts and fears that US taxpayers will have to bail out their banks are undermining the dollar. Both make a surge in US inflation more likely, and since the Fed first cut rates last September the risk has been that foreign investors lose confidence, dump assets and trigger a run on the dollar.

The dollar’s decline is accelerating. It fell by 10.4 per cent against the euro in 2007 and appeared to stabilise in December and January, but in the last month it has dropped by a further 6.5 per cent. In trade-weighted terms the dollar has fallen about 3 per cent so far in 2008.

A weaker dollar is an essential tool to stimulate the US economy, but a collapsing dollar benefits nobody. If investors start to dump dollar bonds then the Fed could lose control of long-term interest rates, so rendering monetary policy ineffective. Europe and Japan, meanwhile, would suffer a savage adjustment in their export sectors.

It would be pointless, foolish and wrong to try and fix the dollar at its current level. Markets are the best way to determine exchange rates, and on a trade-weighted basis it is far from clear that the dollar has overshot its fair value. But what intervention might do is slow the decline, by putting fear in the minds of momentum investors who are selling short on margin.

Limited objectives are one pre­requisite for a successful intervention. Another is co-ordination. On past form Japan must be close to unilateral action but a joint move with the ECB and the Fed would be better and more likely to succeed.

A third prerequisite is the co-operation, if not the active aid, of Asian nations that manage their cur­rencies against the dollar. Their central banks could take the other side of an intervention trade in order to diversify their reserves out of dollars and into euros and yen. Instead, they should now allow, and the G7 should press for, faster appreciation of their currencies.

Intervention is never ideal – some of today’s problems stem from past manipulations – and there are large risks, most notably that central banks fail and lose credibility. But if the above conditions can be met, some action to stabilise the dollar would be a sensible part of the response to global financial turmoil.


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