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投稿者 gataro 日時 2008 年 2 月 14 日 10:04:37: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw

http://news.goo.ne.jp/article/ft/world/ft-20080213-01.html から転載。

(フィナンシャル・タイムズ 2008年2月7日 翻訳gooニュース) フィリップ・スティーブンズ




夏の党大会が終って本選への戦いが始まれば、性別と人種は間違いなく争点になるだろう。クリントン氏が予備選でオバマ氏よりも多く、女性票・白人票・ヒスパニック票を獲得しているというそのこと自体(そしてオバマ氏は男性と黒人の間で支持を伸ばしている)、昔ながらの偏見や贔屓(ひいき)意識は消えていないことの表れだ。黒人差別の亡霊を呼び起こしたのはよりによってほかでもない、ビル・クリントン氏だった。クリントン前大統領は、サウスカロライナ予備選でオバマ氏が多くの黒人票を獲得して圧勝したことについて、奥歯にものがはさまったような言い方で何かイヤなことを示唆したのだ (訳注 ビル・クリントン氏は同州予備選で84年と88年に黒人指導者ジェシー・ジャクソン師が勝利したことに言及し、「ジャクソンも2度勝ったし、同じくらいオバマもよくやった」とコメント。ジャクソン師は指名獲得しなかったし、両年の選挙で最終的に勝ったのは共和党)。

















フィナンシャル・タイムズ英文記事はこちら ⇒

A chance to redesign American politics
By Philip Stephens
Published: February 7 2008 17:54 | Last updated: February 7 2008 17:54

Sometimes we overlook the obvious. Like everyone else this week I have been mesmerised by the contest between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. I woke up in Washington on the morning after Super Tuesday certain that Mr Obama had stolen a lead. By lunchtime, it was evident that Mrs Clinton’s resilience gave her the edge. A few hours later, friends at dinner were flipping a coin. That was before the breaking news that Mrs Clinton was short of cash restored Mr Obama to pole position.

Lost in all the excitement are some extraordinary shifts in America’s political landscape. Look at the struggle for the Democratic nomination from another perspective: the politician with the best chance of becoming the 44th president of the US will be a woman or an African American. Try that again: a woman or an African American will most likely deliver next January’s presidential inaugural address.

Whether it is Mrs Clinton or Mr Obama who eventually emerges as the Democratic nominee, the primaries are changing the way America looks at itself and the way the world looks at America. With either of them in the White House, it would be another country. What makes this prospect all the more remarkable is that it is already beginning to seem, well, pretty unremarkable.

Gender and race will undoubtedly stir controversy once the general election gets under way after the summer conventions. The very fact that Mrs Clinton is ahead of Mr Obama among women, whites and Hispanics in the primaries – and that he is picking up more support among men and blacks – tells you that old allegiances and prejudices have not disappeared. Bill Clinton, of all people, raised the spectre when he intimated that Mr Obama’s strong primary showing among black voters in South Carolina might have an ugly flip side.

For all that, the walls of the white male citadel have been breached. Even if by some accident of politics the chosen Democratic nominee were to stumble against the Republican in November’s election, it is hard to see how the walls could now be rebuilt.

The change in the political terms of trade has also been profound on the Republican side. John McCain’s emergence this week as the strong favourite for his party’s nomination was widely predicted. It is no less of a political earthquake for that.

The maverick Mr McCain is the most electable of the Republican contenders in a country fed up with the bitter partisanship of recent years. His reputation for principled politics passes the character test applied by voters to all presidential candidates. No one could accuse him of being too chummy with George W. Bush.

If he can sew up the nomination while the Democrat contenders are still slugging it out – perhaps all the way to their Denver convention – Mr McCain can give time and energy to rebuilding Republican unity.

The sanguine analysis of Republican prospects ignores the bigger shift. The coalition that gave Mr Bush eight years in the White House is crumbling. Mr McCain’s success has crystallised that disintegration. War hero and fervent supporter of the Iraq war Mr McCain may be, but his politics offend many more conservatives than just the talk-radio hosts who fulminate against his ideological heresies.

His primary victories over Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee were rooted in an appeal to moderate Republicans and independents. Precious few of his supporters at the party’s convention will hail from the south. In the conservative heartlands, Mr McCain has not been forgiven for his opposition to tax cuts, his role in campaign finance reform and his backing of an amnesty for illegal immigrants.

By way of a short digression, I am tempted to propose here a new law of politics: the hegemony of a political party is doomed from the moment it is declared permanent. I well remember the fate of Margaret Thatcher’s Conservatives in Britain. On the very eve of her fall, conventional wisdom had it that she had given her party a freehold on power. It then went on to suffer three successive general election defeats.

Only a little more than three years ago, the Republicans were gripped by a similar hubris. Karl Rove, Mr Bush’s political strategist, was canonised as the architect of an indestructible majority. America was a culturally conservative nation, Mr Rove’s beguiling theory ran. All Mr Bush’s party had to do was mobilise its base, pick up the support of one or two other groups and its ascendancy was assured.

The strategy now lies in ruins, its temporary beneficiary – Mr Bush – treated as a non-person in his own party. The president’s ratings have fallen off the bottom of the scale. More than three-quarters of American voters say they want a change of political direction. Hence the success of Mr McCain’s calculated appeal to moderate Republicans and independents. That in turn, though, redoubles the rage of his party’s conservatives. Mr McCain has become the emblem of their impotence: were he to defy the odds and win the presidency in November it would be on his, not their, political ground.

There are those who say the ideological struggle now in prospect condemns Republicans to a generation in the wilderness. When you hear Mr McCain’s conservative critics proclaim that they would rather vote for Mrs Clinton than see him represent them in the White House you can understand why. But such political determinism is probably as foolish now as it was in those now forgotten days when Mr Rove was thought a strategic genius.

The Democratic race, of course, is throwing up its own divisions, reaching beyond those of ethnicity and gender mentioned above. Mrs Clinton, for example, claims the support of the over-60s, Mr Obama the 20-somethings. Blue collar workers gave Mrs Clinton her primary victories in states like New Jersey; Mr Obama claimed the affluent young liberals of Connecticut.

The difference is that such splits lack the ideological rancour of the infighting among Republicans. Months more of trench warfare will not help the party’s cause, but there is nothing of great substance to prevent Democrats uniting behind their candidate.

What all this says is that the party has a generational opportunity to do more than win the presidency. The Republicans’ disarray offers Democrats the chance to redesign the contours of American politics. But it will not just happen. It requires a leap of imagination, ambition and a national mood of excitement as well as a plan to fix healthcare. There lies Mr Obama’s strength.


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