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ホワイトハウス午前3時 電話をとるのは…ジョン・マケインか――フィナンシャル・タイムズ
投稿者 gataro 日時 2008 年 3 月 16 日 19:56:47: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw


ホワイトハウス午前3時 電話をとるのは…ジョン・マケインか――フィナンシャル・タイムズ

(フィナンシャル・タイムズ 2008年3月6日初出 翻訳gooニュース) フィリップ・スティーブンズ





















英フィナンシャル・タイムズ紙の英文記事はこちら ⇒

3am in the White House: McCain takes the call
By Philip Stephens
Published: March 6 2008 19:14 | Last updated: March 6 2008 19:14

Best not forget John McCain. He might just win in November. Hillary Clinton has been showing him how.

The world is mesmerised by the fight for the Democratic nomination between Mrs Clinton and Barack Obama. The subliminal thought is that whoever emerges victorious from this struggle is assured the key to the White House. It is worth remembering that the voters could decide otherwise.

There are plenty of serious people in Washington, Democrats as well as Republicans, who believe the 71-year- old senator from Arizona could pull it off. The longer and more acrimonious the stand-off between Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton, the more their numbers are likely to swell. Whatever else can be said of this election, we should have learnt by now that it is one in which the improbable likes to trump the inevitable.

There was an obvious awkwardness about Mr McCain’s appearance at the White House this week after he had sealed the Republican nomination. The enmity with George W. Bush has roots. The character assassination that destroyed his bid for the nomination in 2000 prompted Mr McCain to say there would be “a special place in hell” for the Bush supporters who had defamed him.

The two men have since clashed over everything from the administration’s gross incompetence in Iraq, Guantánamo and the sanctioning of torture of detainees to US policy on climate change and tax cuts for the rich.

There is also one thing of which we can be sure: neither of the two main candidates will campaign in the general election as heir to the most unpopular president in living memory. To have any chance of winning, Mr McCain, as much as Mrs Clinton or Mr Obama, needs somehow to promise a break with the Bush years.

This week their interests coincided. Mr McCain, almost as reviled as Mrs Clinton among the conservative talk radio crowd, needs to make peace with his party’s base. Mr Bush can help. The underlying tension, though, showed itself in Mr McCain’s careful choice of words as the two stood side by side at the White House. He would, of course, welcome Mr Bush’s help on the campaign trail, but “in keeping with the president’s heavy schedule”.

For his part, Mr Bush can scarcely have missed the central paradox of Mr McCain’s candidacy. The nominee is scorned by conservatives (and embraced by independents) as a moderate Republican. Yet on the issue that matters most to Mr Bush, he is anything but. Sure, Mr McCain has excoriated the administration’s handling of the war in Iraq, but he promises to fight harder than anyone else to salvage something from the wreckage that is Mr Bush’s legacy.

Outside the US, the mood music of Mr McCain’s campaign has seemed to say something else. After all, he has promised to rebuild respect for America’s values, repair its alliances, listen to its friends, restore Washington’s observance of the Geneva conventions and commit the US to the global fight against climate change. He knows the world.

Yet this apparent testimony to an instinctively moderate pragmatism tells only half the story. It is the resolve of the former Vietnam veteran to keep fighting in Iraq and to wage a still fiercer war against al-Qaeda that better defines Mr McCain’s foreign policy for American voters.

To his mind, the only thing wrong with Mr Bush’s surge in American forces in Iraq last year was that it did not go far enough. As for Iran’s nuclear ambitions, the candidate’s refrain could scarcely be clearer: the one outcome more dangerous than war would be a nuclear-armed Iran.

There are some fairly obvious snags here. Even if Iraq has drifted off the front pages, the polls show that the war remains deeply unpopular. As the Obama campaign never fails to point out, the so-called “success” of the surge is strictly relative. Certainly, fewer Americans are being killed than in 2006, but the casualty rate is little changed relative to 2005.

Nor is Iraq closer to a political settlement. The US has secured the present relative calm by arming the Sunni militias it had spent three years fighting in the aftermath of the invasion. If the Sunnis have now turned against their erstwhile al-Qaeda allies, their accommodation with the Americans represents an uneasy truce rather than anything resembling a peace. There is precious little sign either of a Sunni reconciliation with the Shia-led government of Nouri Maliki.

Mr McCain says he would stay in Iraq for 100 years if that is what it takes. I wonder for how long most Americans are willing to go on losing a US soldier every day. The opinion polls may show that many believe the surge has worked; most, though, still want the troops brought home sooner rather than later.

There are flaws too in Mr McCain’s assessment of the wider challenge to America’s security. His, like that of Mr Bush, is a Manichean view of the world in which everything is swept up into one all-embracing threat. Iraq, Afghanistan, al-Qaeda, Iran, Hamas and Hizbollah are all on the other side of a single struggle between liberty and Islamist extremism. In this, Mr McCain is making the same mistake as Mr Bush by giving a cohesion to America’s enemies that otherwise would not exist and thus inviting them to make common cause.

None of the above will blunt Mr McCain’s determination to fight a national security election. The only way he can win is by casting the election as a choice between commanders-in-chief at a time of continuing peril. And lest anyone wonders how he will do it, Ms Clinton has conveniently provided a preview in the television advertisements she has been running against Mr Obama.

The 3am-in-the-White House advert shows the nation’s children sleeping soundly as a wide awake and presidential-looking Ms Clinton picks up the telephone in the face of some new global crisis. The manifest question: could America really entrust that task to the callow Mr Obama?

There is nothing new in any of this: Walter Mondale used precisely the same imagery, and to powerful effect, against Gary Hart in the 1984 Democratic contest. But now Mrs Clinton has invited Mr McCain to deploy it against Mr Obama – or, with equal effect, against her should she somehow secure the nomination. Picture the telephone in the hand of a decorated war hero and former prisoner of war; and then think about the untested Mrs Clinton.

This to my mind is the really striking thing about this election. Above anything else, the Iraq war has given the Democrats the chance to seize the White House. But they, as much as the Republicans, walk fearfully in its shadow.


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