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米国の対キューバ制裁解除決議、国連総会で17年連続採択【AFPBB News】
投稿者 gataro 日時 2008 年 10 月 31 日 08:12:47: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw


2008-10-31 07:34:03

米国の対キューバ制裁解除決議、国連総会で17年連続採択【AFPBB News】






米国の対キューバ制裁解除決議、国連総会で17年連続採択(AFPBB News)
2008年10月30日 13:02 発信地:ニューヨーク/米国

米ニューヨーク(New York)の国連(UN)本部で行われた国連総会(UN General Assembly)で、米国によるキューバへの禁輸措置の解除を求める決議が採択され、喜び合うキューバ政府代表団(2008年10月29日撮影)。(c)AFP/Getty Images/Spencer Platt

【10月30日 AFP】国連総会(UN General Assembly)は29日、46年にわたって続けられている米国によるキューバへの禁輸措置の解除を求める決議を、賛成185、反対3、棄権2の圧倒的多数で採択した。決議が採択されるのは17年連続。

 決議は「国連憲章(Charter of the United Nations)や国際法に基づき、すべての国に対し(米国による対キューバ禁輸措置のような)法令を推進・承認しないように求める」と述べている。


 キューバ政府は、次期米政権での両国間の関係改善を期待している。(c)AFP/Gerard Aziakou




The useless Cuba embargo
America's economic sanctions on Cuba, now 50 years old, are a failure.
October 29, 2008

Among New York's rites of autumn -- the marathon, the rainbow of leaves in Central Park, the sudden profusion of wool overcoats -- a new one has emerged at the United Nations. In each of the last 16 years, the General Assembly has voted to condemn the United States for its embargo of Cuba. This year's ceremonial vote takes place today, and if it's anything like last year’s, it will be overwhelming. Only Israel, the Marshall Islands and Palau stood with the U.S. in the 184-4 tally last October.

Washington doesn't and shouldn't design its laws around U.N. opinion, but it's instructive to learn what even this country's closest allies think of the Cuban embargo. Colombia, one of only a handful of Latin American countries whose government remains firmly pro-U.S., stated in a U.N. report on the issue that it "thinks this kind of action should stop and that member states should move ahead with building relations of friendship." In the same report, the European Union said that it and its member nations "have been clearly expressing their opposition to the extraterritorial extension of the United States embargo."

More astonishing than our willingness to raise the ire of nearly the entire world with our embargo is that it has survived this long in the face of overwhelming evidence of its failure. For 50 years, this country has been trying to produce regime change on the island by strangling it economically. Last we checked, a Castro was still in power, and even the economic devastation wrought by the two worst hurricanes in Cuba's history weren't spurring mass popular uprisings. U.S. sanctions worsen poverty and its attendant ills but only strengthen the Castro regime, which can blame all of the country's problems on Washington rather than addressing their true cause -- Havana's misguided economic policies.

The presidential election offers a rare opportunity for change. John McCain favors business as usual with Cuba, but Barack Obama believes that Cuban Americans should have unrestricted rights to travel to the island and send remittances. It is absurdly contradictory to allow Americans to travel freely to Iran and Venezuela, which are genuine security and economic threats, but not to Cuba, which poses no threat at all. U.S. ideals would be more influential if Cubans were more frequently exposed to them by American visitors; our interference with remittances, meanwhile, hurts only the poor.

Cuba is an anti-democratic country with little respect for human rights, and its leaders must be held to account. But targeted sanctions that punish the regime without punishing the people would be far more effective than the blunt instrument of an embargo. Obama's proposals don't go far enough, but they're a good start.



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