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日本の没個性なネズミ色に少しずつ変化が 自民党総裁選へ――フィナンシャル・タイムズ
投稿者 gataro 日時 2008 年 9 月 10 日 09:20:11: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw

http://news.goo.ne.jp/article/ft/politics/ft-20080907-01.html から転載。

日本の没個性なネズミ色に少しずつ変化が 自民党総裁選へ――フィナンシャル・タイムズ

(フィナンシャル・タイムズ 2008年9月3日初出 翻訳gooニュース) アジア編集長デビッド・ピリング

あれは鳥か、飛行機か? いや、奈落の底に墜落していったネズミ色のものは、あれは日本の総理大臣だ。もう何人にもなる。首相ナンバー11(1990年から数えて。いちいち名前を挙げて読者を退屈させるまでもない)は9月1日、就任1年未満で辞任した。首相ナンバー10は、国民のプライドを復活させようと壮大な野望を掲げておいて、就任からちょうど12カ月になるまで職にしがみついていた。













投稿者 クマのプーさん 日時 2008 年 9 月 05 日 17:40:55: twUjz/PjYItws


Japan changes to more of the same(FT.com)
Published: September 1 2008 19:17 | Last updated: September 1 2008 19:17


フィナンシャル・タイムズ紙の該当英文記事はこちら ⇒


A glimpse of a new shade of grey in Japan
By David Pilling
Published: September 3 2008 18:38 | Last updated: September 3 2008 18:38

Was it a bird? Was it a plane? No, that grey smudge streaking into the abyss was just another Japanese prime minister. PM Number 11* – I’m counting from 1990 and don’t want to bore you with the names – quit on Monday less than a year into office. PM Number 10**, toting grand ambition to restore national pride, held on for 12 months to the day.

Since 1990, only PM Number 9 – let’s call him Junichiro Koizumi – lasted much over two years. Wildly popular, he actually stayed for nearly six. Mr Koizumi, if you recall, was the tousle-haired maverick who was supposed to have transformed Japan by wresting power from the bureaucrats and pushing a radical free-market agenda. Now, politics has reverted to its faceless norm. Reform is a bad word. (It was always a misleading one.) And almost everyone in the frame these days, including PMs Number 10 and 11, as well as Taro Aso, the likely Number 12, are the sons or grandsons of previous incumbents.

The economy, too, after six years of continuous – if hardly riveting – growth is back in familiar mode: pause. In his final act last week, PM Number 11 even unveiled a stimulus package, a throwback to the 1990s if ever there was one. With all this nostalgia about, it would be tempting to conclude, as so many do, that nothing ever changes in Japan.

Japan is certainly not changing at warp speed. But it has adapted to its chastened circumstances better than most allow. Many of the perpetually disappointed had unrealistic expectations. Those who thought a crisis-ridden Japan would embrace a red-clawed version of capitalism where active shareholders would reshape the corporate landscape have been let down. Yet many of those left sulking on the sidelines are confusing a lousy investment with a lousy country.

Much cash remains trapped inside Japanese companies. Equity prices are still below half their 1990 levels. Japan’s planners, eschewing radical solutions such as mass immigration, have little ambition for the economy to grow much above 1.5 or 2 per cent a year. That puts Japan second to last in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development table, just above Switzerland.

But business has undergone wrenching change. The keiretsu system, under which strong and weak companies alike moved in tandem under the benevolent eye of a main bank, has all but vanished. Cross-shareholdings are about 20 per cent of total equity compared with nearly 50 per cent in the go-go 1980s. Foreign ownership of Japanese shares, just 4.7 per cent in 1990, is above 27 per cent.

Japanese businesses have paid down debt, funding investments through retained earnings. They have got rid of spare capacity and moved labour-intensive production abroad while keeping snazzy technology at home. They have forced painful changes in what has become a flexible labour market. Even mergers and acquisitions are on the rise, though foreign raids remain unwelcome.

In other ways, too, Japan is not the country it was. Jeff Kingston, professor of Asian studies at Tokyo’s Temple University, has charted what he sees as the transformation of society. He cites better information disclosure and sweeping reforms of the legal system, including the start of jury trials, as evidence of a strengthening of civil society. Though women are still scandalously underrepresented in business and public life, there are tentative signs Japan is doing more to unlock its greatest untapped talent.

Some of these changes have little to do with government. Many have been precipitated by the private sector or private citizens. The sense of national drift owes partly to the fact that Japan’s political system is in a netherworld between the certainties of “one-party democracy” and the uncertainties of what comes next.

The Liberal Democratic party, absent from office for just 11 months since 1955, no longer has the money to assure perpetuity in power. Partly thanks to Mr Koizumi, the electoral map has been transformed, forcing the party of pork to court fickle urban voters with coherent policies. Its failure to do so is the reason for its revolving-door predicament. The LDP may yet continue to defy gravity by finagling power for years to come. But the opposition, which last year seized the upper house, has at least a plausible shot at taking over.

For the first time, a woman may also seek to become LDP leader. Yuriko Koike will almost certainly fail this time round. But the very fact that she is mentioned shows there is more to Japan than grey suits.



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