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ロシア軍、グルジアでクラスター爆弾使用か 人権団体報告【AFPBB News】
投稿者 gataro 日時 2008 年 8 月 16 日 10:41:41: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw

http://ameblo.jp/warm-heart/entry-10127894886.html から転載。

2008-08-16 10:16:51

ロシア軍、グルジアでクラスター爆弾使用か 人権団体報告【AFPBB News】


ロシア軍、グルジアでクラスター爆弾使用か 人権団体報告(AFPBB News)
2008年08月15日 22:05 発信地:トビリシ/グルジア

グルジアの南オセチア(South Ossetia)自治州境界付近で、ロシア軍が投下したクラスター爆弾とみられる爆弾で負傷し、首都トビリシ(Tbilisi)の第5病院で治療を受けるグルジア軍兵士ら(2008年8月15日撮影)。(c)AFP /MARCO LONGARI

【8月15日 AFP】グルジア軍とロシア軍の激しい戦闘が起きたグルジア中部ゴリ(Gori)などで、ロシア軍機がクラスター爆弾を投下した証拠を入手したと、国際人権団体ヒューマン・ライツ・ウオッチ(Human Rights Watch)が15日発表した。

 ヒューマン・ライツ・ウオッチによると、少なくとも民間人11人が犠牲となり、中にはオランダ人ジャーナリスト1人も含まれていた。また負傷者も数十人に上った。同団体の調査チームが現地の医師団や被害者と話し、写真を検証した結果、ゴリおよび近距離にある南オセチア(South Ossetia)自治州のRuisiでクラスター爆弾が使用されたと確信するに至ったという。




ロシア軍による民間人へのクラスター弾使用を伝える“Human Rights Watch”の記事 ⇒


Georgia: Russian Cluster Bombs Kill Civilians
Stop Using Weapon Banned by 107 Nations

(Tbilisi, August 15, 2008) – Human Rights Watch researchers have uncovered evidence that Russian aircraft dropped cluster bombs in populated areas in Georgia, killing at least 11 civilians and injuring dozens, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch called upon Russia to immediately stop using cluster bombs, weapons so dangerous to civilians that more than 100 nations have agreed to ban their use.

“Cluster bombs are indiscriminate killers that most nations have agreed to outlaw,” said Marc Garlasco, senior military analyst at Human Rights Watch. “Russia’s use of this weapon is not only deadly to civilians, but also an insult to international efforts to avoid a global humanitarian disaster of the kind caused by landmines.”

Human Rights Watch said Russian aircraft dropped RBK-250 cluster bombs, each containing 30 PTAB 2.5M submunitions, on the town of Ruisi in the Kareli district of Georgia on August 12, 2008. Three civilians were killed and five wounded in the attack. On the same day, a cluster strike in the center of the town of Gori killed at least eight civilians and injured dozens, Human Rights Watch said. Dutch journalist Stan Storimans was among the dead. Israeli journalist Zadok Yehezkeli was seriously wounded and evacuated to Israel for treatment after surgery in Tbilisi. An armored vehicle from the Reuters news agency was perforated with shrapnel from the attack.

This is the first known use of cluster munitions since 2006, during Israel’s war with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Cluster munitions contain dozens or hundreds of smaller submunitions or bomblets. They cause unacceptable humanitarian harm in two ways. First, their broad-area effect kills and injures civilians indiscriminately during strikes. Second, many submunitions do not explode, becoming de facto landmines that cause civilian casualties for months or years to come. In May 2008, 107 nations agreed to a total ban on cluster munitions, but Russia did not participate in the talks.




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