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投稿者 gataro 日時 2009 年 7 月 24 日 08:48:12: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw

http://ameblo.jp/warm-heart/entry-10306163337.html から転載。

2009-07-24 08:12:43






ベルルスコーニ伊首相、深まる買春疑惑 新たな録音テープ公開(AFPBB News)


> 音声の公開を受けて、ベルルスコーニ氏の支持率は4%下落。2008年の就任以来初の50%割れとなっている。

> エスプレッソ傘下のレプブリカ(Repubblica)紙が実施した世論調査では、ベルルスコーニ氏の支持率は49%となった。これは、1994年以降の3期のベルルスコーニ政権で最低の支持率となる。

> この結果について、レプブリカ紙は、被災地ラクイラ(L'aquila)での主要国(G8)首脳会議(サミット)の成功が「もっとひどい結果になってもおかしくなかった支持率の下落を緩やかにしたとみられる」と伝えた。

> 一方、買春疑惑は、イタリアの経済的苦境から目をそらさせる効果があったとの見方もある。イタリアの09年の国内総生産(GDP)は、前年比5.2%減と予測されている。



ベルルスコーニ伊首相と売春婦との会話テープか、伊有力誌が公開【AFPBB News】


AFP通信の英文記事はこちら ⇒

'I'm not a saint': Italy's Berlusconi
Wed Jul 22, 4:55 pm ET

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi
makes a speech during the Economic and
Financial Forum for the Mediterranean
in Milan on July 20.

ROME (AFP) – Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said Wednesday that he was "not a saint" as he faced increasing pressure over a series of alleged sex scandals, ANSA news agency reported.

"I'm not a saint," the billionaire leader said at the inauguration of a highway construction project in northern Brescia.

"You understand that, and let's hope the people at La Repubblica understand that," he added, referring to the left-leaning daily that has carried a stream of reports on the prime minister's alleged peccadilloes since late April.

The series began with an unexplained relationship between the 72-year-old prime minister and an 18-year-old aspiring model who calls him "Daddy," sparking divorce proceedings from second wife Veronica Lario.

The scandal moved on to compromising photos taken at Berlusconi's luxury villa in Sardinia, published by the Spanish daily El Pais, before dwelling at length on the prime minister's alleged night with call girl Patrizia D'Addario, 42.

On Monday and Tuesday the weekly L'Espresso -- which owns La Repubblica -- posted audio clips on its website seemingly proving the liaison.

La Repubblica followed up Wednesday with excerpts from the pair's supposed breakfast the next morning.

D'Addario is at the centre of a corruption investigation into southern entrepreneur Gianpaolo Tarantini, who allegedly arranged the tryst.

She has said she records all her conversations with clients and has handed over recordings of those with Berlusconi to the corruption probe.

D'Addario has said she filmed Berlusconi's bedroom with her mobile phone as well as the bedside table with a framed photograph of Lario.

Berlusconi said later Wednesday that visitors to his homes were never asked to surrender their phones.

"We let people keep their mobile phones because, at least when I am there, no inelegant situations can arise," Berlusconi told a meeting of his People of Freedom party, "because I am a person of good taste, culture and elegance."

He added: "Not only starlets come to my home, but also heads of state and government."

Last month Berlusconi said would not change and claimed Italians wanted him as he was.

"I am like that and I will not change. People want me the way I am," he told a news conference. "They want me because I am good, generous, sincere, loyal and I carry out my promises."

Also Wednesday Berlusconi questioned the latest opinion survey published by La Repubblica that put his popularity at 49 percent.

It was the first time the figure has dipped below 50 percent since Berlusconi's election in April 2008.

The newspaper Il Giornale, owned by the Berlusconi family, published a poll Wednesday giving the prime minister between 68 and 69 percent of popular support.



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