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投稿者 忍 日時 2009 年 4 月 07 日 10:15:31: wSkXaMWcMRZGI





Many mysteries still surround the G20 but it appears to be a major defeat for the illuminati

A careful read of the G20 statement and of comments by various world leaders seem to indicate the illuminati have suffered a major defeat. The most important point to note is the $1.1 trillion given to the IMF. It includes $250 billion worth of Special Drawing Rights meaning the ability to create a new global currency has been taken away from the Federal Reserve Board and given to an IMF that is going to be largely under the control of poor countries and non-Europeans.

The other point is the promise to lend $5 trillion to the ordinary peoples of the world. Is that $5 trillion the money the Bush/Clinton crime group stole from the rest of the world? Have they been forced to give it back; too early to tell for sure.

The other big change was the clear determination of world leaders to shut down offshore banking secret tax havens. By saying the “era of banking secrecy is over” the world leaders seem determined to bring the giant, world-controlling shadow banking system under their control.

However, there are still many unanswered questions. For example, why wasn’t a solution to the $1500 trillion derivative question offered? Also, what did Obama agree to during his secret meeting with the 13 bankers representing the 13 illuminati blood lines? What is going to happen to them and their Federal Reserve Board?

The G20 statement is also quite vague and that means it is possible many loopholes will find their way into the detailed agreements that have yet to be worked out. We still have to wait and see and keep vigilant until the beast is truly brought to heel.


もう一つの問題は世界の全ての金融機関がFinancial Supervisory Boardという団体に管理されるようになる。このFSBという機関は、どこの国のどの政府も全く管轄をしてない民間団体であるBISそのものだ。 ロスチャイルドの焼け太りになる。


このことを理解するにはアメリカ株式の存在を知る必要がある。1933年にアメリカ株式会社がワシントンD.C.で設立された。この会社がアメリカ国民の労働力を管理している。アメリカ国民は生まれた際に番号を貰う(Social Security Number)。そしてその人の一生の労働力を担保に債券が発行される。



Was the G20 just another Zionist power grab and was the US sold to China?

A closer inspection of the declaration put out by the leaders of the G20 after their April 2, 2009 summit makes it clear it was a global Zionist power grab. The first worrying point is that the IMF was granted the right to create, out of thin air, a new global currency. While clearly the world needs a new currency to replace the US dollar the problem with granting this power to the IMF is that it is an unelected body controlled by Zionists. The promise to grant more voting rights to developing countries in the governing structure of the IMF is just a promise that does not have to be implemented until 2011. In the meantime, this Zionist organization that has caused untold misery to peoples around the planet will be given $1.1 trillion and a money printing press and will probably be called in to restructure the US and UK economies.

The second big problem is the granting of huge power over all of the world’s financial institutions to a Financial Supervisory Board. This unelected FSB is just the privately owned BIS in disguise.

In the meantime, nothing has been done about the $1500 trillion (or whatever humongous number they now think it is) derivatives mess.

The other big problem is that the Federal Reserve crime syndicate has given the Chinese $2 trillion of worthless paper and now they are promising to back it up with US slave labor and property. Remember, the US is not bankrupt; the privately owned Federal Reserve Board is bankrupt.

For those of you who still have not heard this, let me explain that in 1933 a United Sates of America Corporation was formed and headquartered in Washington D.C. which is not part of the US. Every time a US citizen is born, they are assigned a number (social security) by that corporation and a bond backed by that person’s life of labor is issued. The Feds are now planning to share control over this slave labor with the Chinese.

There is an alternative group that is in possession of astronomical quantities of gold and will pay off US and UK debt with gold but they will not accept payment in Fed fiat dollars. This group wants to use their gold to kick-start an entirely new financial system that is actually controlled by the people of the planet and not a secret, in-bred cabal.



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