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1345億ドル、お天道様は見てござる (Walk in the Spiritブログ)
投稿者 passenger 日時 2009 年 6 月 15 日 16:33:22: eZ/Nw96TErl1Y

(回答先: 13兆円の米債券持ち出し。主なレスを拾ってみました。 投稿者 kokopon 日時 2009 年 6 月 14 日 00:01:45)

1345億ドル、お天道様は見てござる (Walk in the Spiritブログ)

Walk in the Spirit
(1345億ドル、お天道様は見てござる (健康・ダイエット)楽天ブログ)

1345億ドル、お天道様は見てござる [ 世界情勢 ]




WASHINGTON-- The Treasury Department said it has about $134.5 billion left in itsfinancial-rescue fund, giving the Obama administration a cushion as itimplements expensive programs aimed at unlocking credit markets andboosting ailing industries."
Italy’sfinancial police (Guardia italiana di Finanza) has seized US bondsworth US 134.5 billion from two Japanese nationals at Chiasso (40 kmfrom Milan) on the border between Italy and Switzerland."

US government securities seized from Japanese nationals, not clear whether real or fake

What caught the policemen’s attention were the billion dollar securities. Such a large denomination is not available in regular financial and banking markets. Only states handle such amounts of money.

As soon as the seizure was made the US Embassy in Rome was informed. Italian and US secret services were called in to assist the Italian financial police.

Some important international financial newspapers had already reported on the existence of ‘funny money’ circulating on parallel, i.e. unofficial, financial markets.

About Those Bonds(http://zerohedge.blogspot.com/2009/06/about-those-bonds.html)
Also note that Japan's "unshakable" trust in Treasuries statementoccurred right after this happened. Also note that Yosuna's statementwas at the opening of a G8 finance ministers meeting being held in*Italy*.

Zero Hedge、Guardia di Finanza to [Bloomberg/Die Welt]: Bonds Probably [Fake/Real]
Greetings from Milan,

This letter must come to you as a big surprise, but I believe it is only a day that people meet and become great friends and business partners. I am Mr. Shoichi Nakagawa, former Finance Minister for a Group of 7 country. I write you this proposal in good faith, believing that I can trust you with the information I am about to reveal to you.

I have an urgent and very confidential business proposition for you. In February of this year an agent of a foreign power spiked my cold medicine with opiates causing me to nod off during an important press conference. I was subsequently forced to resign in disgrace.

As my termination loomed I took the chance to retain US DOLLARS 134 BILLION in negotiable bearer bonds I found forgotten in the dusty bottom drawer of the prime minister's desk. I have since, by the grace of God, deposited these documents with trusted associates in Italy.

As I am under constant surveillance I cannot directly deposit these bonds without the help of a foreigner and that is why I am contacting you for an assistance. My associates will travel to Switzerland by train to deliver the documents to the Swiss banking organization of your choice.

If you accept to work with me, I want you to state how you wish us to share the funds in percentage, so that both parties will be satisfied. If you are interested, contact me as soon as you receive this message so we can go over the details. Thanking you in advance and may God bless you. Please, treat with utmost confidentiality.

I wait your urgent response.


Mr. Shoichi Nakagawa



タイミング、そして場所、 天はすごいところで出てくる、


最終更新日 2009年06月14日 12時35分42秒


Zero Hedge

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Guardia di Finanza to [Bloomberg/Handelsblatt]: Bonds Probably [Fake/Real]
Posted by Marla Singer at 6:34 PM

Handelsblatt (June 13):
As for the authenticity of the "Kennedy-Bonds," we still have doubts, but the U.S. government bonds (worth/in denominations of ? ) some 358 million euros seem (credible/ believable). They are made of filigree paper of excellent quality," said [Colonel Rodolfo] Mecarelli.

Was die Echtheit der Kennedy-Bonds angeht, haben wir noch Zweifel, aber die US-Staatsanleihen im Wert von rund 358 Millionen Euro scheinen glaubwürdig. Sie sind aus Filigranpapier von ausgezeichneter Qualität“, so Mecarelli.


Bloomberg (June 12):
The bonds, with a face value of more than $134 billion, are probably forgeries, Colonel Rodolfo Mecarelli of the Guardia di Finanza in Como, Italy, said today.


What a difference... a day makes....

Apparently the Secret Service has been asked to authenticate the instruments. (Gee, that only took a week).

Tim Geithner was in Italy yesterday (http://www.reuters.com/article/usDollarRpt/idUSN1151467420090611) to chat with the Russians and the Japanese- both obviously big debt holders. Wonder why he didn't just cruise over to the border and check out the docs?

(video GdF:2009年06月04日)


From today's mail bag:
Greetings from Milan,

This letter must come to you as a big surprise, but I believe it is only a day that people meet and become great friends and business partners. I am Mr. Shoichi Nakagawa, former Finance Minister for a Group of 7 country. I write you this proposal in good faith, believing that I can trust you with the information I am about to reveal to you.

I have an urgent and very confidential business proposition for you. In February of this year an agent of a foreign power spiked my cold medicine with opiates causing me to nod off during an important press conference. I was subsequently forced to resign in disgrace.

As my termination loomed I took the chance to retain US DOLLARS 134 BILLION in negotiable bearer bonds I found forgotten in the dusty bottom drawer of the prime minister's desk. I have since, by the grace of God, deposited these documents with trusted associates in Italy.

As I am under constant surveillance I cannot directly deposit these bonds without the help of a foreigner and that is why I am contacting you for an assistance. My associates will travel to Switzerland by train to deliver the documents to the Swiss banking organization of your choice.

If you accept to work with me, I want you to state how you wish us to share the funds in percentage, so that both parties will be satisfied. If you are interested, contact me as soon as you receive this message so we can go over the details. Thanking you in advance and may God bless you. Please, treat with utmost confidentiality.

I wait your urgent response.

Mr. Shoichi Nakagawa



Schmuggel-Anleihen wahrscheinlich echt

Zumindest ein Teil der Anleihen im Wert von 96 Mrd. Euro, die zwei Männer über die italienische Grenze in die Schweiz schmuggeln wollten, ist wahrscheinlich echt. Die beschlagnahmten US-Staatsanleihen erschienen echt, so die Behörden am Samstag. Noch gibt es im Zusammengang mit dem mysteriösen Fund viele ungelöste Fragen.

Beamte des italienischen Zolls: Der Behörde ist ein dicker Fang gelungen. Quelle: ap

HB CHIASSO.Ein vom italienischen Zoll aufgedeckter Schmuggelfall könnte sich als unverhoffter Geldsegen für den italienischen Staat erweisen. Denn zumindest ein Teil der geschmuggelten US-Staatsanleihen im Wert von 96 Mrd. Euro, mit denen zwei Männer vor gut einer Woche an der italienischen Grenze zur Schweiz erwischt wurden, könnte echt sein. Das sagte Oberst Rodolfo Mecarelli von der italienischen Finanzpolizei Como am Samstag der Deutschen Presseagentur dpa. Bis zu 40 Prozent der Summe - im Höchstfall also etwa 38,5 Mrd. Euro - dürfte der italienische Staat als Strafe für sich einfordern. Zum Vergleich: Der italienische Verteidigungshaushalt 2008 belief sich auf rund 29 Mrd. Euro.

Entdeckt wurden zehn sogenannte Kennedy-Bonds zu je einer Milliarde Dollar (715 Mio. Euro) und 249 US-Staatsanleihen mit einem Nennwert von je 500 Mio. Dollar (rund 358 Mio. Euro). Die Männer der „Dogana Como-Chiasso“ fanden die wertvollen Papiere am 3. Juni im doppelten Boden eines Koffers. Die im Zug Richtung Schweiz reisenden Besitzer - den Angaben nach zwei Japaner über 50 - wurden vorläufig festgenommen. Es ist verboten, Beträge über 10 000 Euro in Nicht-EU-Länder auszuführen, ohne sie beim Zoll anzugeben.

„Was die Echtheit der Kennedy-Bonds angeht, haben wir noch Zweifel, aber die US-Staatsanleihen im Wert von rund 358 Mio. Euro scheinen glaubwürdig. Sie sind aus Filigranpapier von ausgezeichneter Qualität“, so Mecarelli. Außerdem liege den Papieren eine umfangreiche Bankdokumentation im Original bei. Die Echtheitsprüfung gehe aber weiter. Die „Guardia di Finanza“ ermittle zusammen mit dem amerikanischen Geheimdienst.

Der Schmuggelskandal gibt noch viele Rätsel auf. Zwar ertappen die Zöllner an der schweizerischen Grenze öfter Schmuggler mit gewaltigen Geldwerten. Geldkuriere mit versteckten Banknoten und selbst Goldbarren seien häufig, hieß es. Bei Wertpapieren in dieser Höhe zeige aber die Erfahrung, dass es sich meistens um Fälschungen handele. Die Gesamtsumme der beschlagnahmten US-Anleihen sei zudem einmalig hoch. Der italienische Zoll stöberte bisher gefälschte Wertpapiere mit maximal bis zu einer Milliarde Dollar Wert auf.

Geheimnisvoll ist auch die Rolle der beiden Asiaten. „Wir haben die beiden Männer verhört. Sie haben ihre Aussagen hinterlegt und sind im Moment wieder auf freiem Fuß“, erklärte Mecarelli. Mehr teilte der Oberst nicht mit - mit Verweis auf die noch laufenden Ermittlungen. Es ist jedoch nach italienischen Medienberichten eher ungewöhnlich, dass an der italienischen Grenze zur Schweiz japanische Schmuggler festgenommen werden.



Italian Police Ask SEC to Authenticate Seized U.S. Treasuries

   By Sonia Sirletti and John Glover
  Last Updated: June 12, 2009 10:37 EDT

June 12 (Bloomberg) -- Italy’s financial police said they asked the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to authenticate U.S. government bonds found in the false bottom of a suitcase carried by two Japanese travelers attempting to cross into Switzerland.

The bonds, with a face value of more than $134 billion, are probably forgeries, Colonel Rodolfo Mecarelli of the Guardia di Finanza in Como, Italy, said today. If the notes are genuine, the pair would be the U.S. government’s fourth-biggest creditor, ahead of the U.K. with $128 billion of U.S. debt and just behind Russia, which is owed $138 billion.

The seized notes include 249 securities with a face value of $500 million each and 10 additional bonds with a value of more than $1 billion, the police force said on its Web site. Such high denominations would not have existed in 1934, the purported issue date of the notes, Mecarelli said. Moreover, the “Kennedy” classification of the bonds doesn’t appear to exist, he said.

The bonds were seized in Chiasso, Italy. Mecarelli said he expects a determination from the SEC “within a few days.”

To contact the reporters on this story: Sonia Sirletti in Milan at ssirletti@bloomberg.netJohn Glover in London at johnglover@bloomberg.net
Last Updated: June 12, 2009 10:37 EDT



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