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投稿者 小沢内閣待望論 日時 2009 年 11 月 28 日 15:25:12: 4sIKljvd9SgGs


日本の売国奴お爺さん達はまた色々と企んでいる(Benjamin Fulford)
投稿者 Orion星人 日時 2009 年 11 月 28 日 13:30:14: ccPhv3kJVUPSc

日本の売国奴お爺さん達は日本国民から大量のお金を盗み、また犯罪組織である米連銀に渡そうとしている。黒龍会など複数の情報によると、今回の企みはケネディの銀と金に裏付けられた米国債を換金しようとしている。今回の企みに絡んでいるのは、中曽根元総理と彼の息子、小泉元総理、武藤敏郎日銀元副総裁、福井俊彦日銀元総裁、竹中平蔵元財務大臣、西川善文元住友三井銀行頭取などのようだ。日本の警察に報告してあるので 、お爺さん達は刑務所に行きたくなければ再び優雅な引退生活に戻るべきだ。




The old traitors and Nazis just don’t get it, do they?

The traitorous Nazi stooges in Japan have been trying everything in their power to steal money from the Japanese people in order to hand it to the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate. According to Black Dragon Society members the traitors trying this are: former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone and his son, former Prime Minister Koizumi, former BOJ vice president Toshiro Muto, former BOJ governor Fukui, former Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka, and Yoshifumi Nishikawa, ex-president of the Sumitomo-Mitsui Banking group. They are trying to cash Kennedy silver and gold-backed bonds. The Japanese police and yakuza have been informed and we strongly recommend to these traitors that they resume their lives of retired gentlemen of leisure instead of going to jail.

On a different front, although it is still not fully confirmed, we have reason to believe George Bush Senior and his wife Barbara have been killed. That means the new Nazi leadership consists of Henry (Heinz) Kissinger, Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Ben (deputy Fuhrer) Bernanke and that whole crowd of neo-con neo-Nazis. If I were them, I would be very scared right now.

When Paul Wolfowitz came to the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan, I asked him the following question: “In the Plan for a New American Century you called for a huge military build-up despite the end of the cold war. Shouldn’t that money have been better spent say, ending poverty and stopping environmental destruction?”

The entire assembled press and diplomatic corps issued a loud nervous giggle on hearing this question while Wolfowitz for a second displayed an expression of sheer terror. Wolfowitz later used 911 and the “war on terror,” as his excuse but that look on his face told me what I need to know. He knows he is being a very bad boy. I would like to tell you Wolfowitz that you had better surrender before it is too late. You can surrender now and appear before a truth committee in exchange for amnesty or you can wait until the wheels of justice slowly but inevitably grind their way towards you and you get the death penalty. The same goes for all of you Nazis. Surrender now with dignity or end up like Mussolini or worse.  





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