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ベンジャミン・フルフォード  世界の「金」のエリートと「紙」のエリートとの対立 他。
投稿者 新世紀人 日時 2009 年 2 月 25 日 16:03:31: uj2zhYZWUUp16



国際金融資本家達の間で、大きな決裂がかなり昔から存在している。紙幣を印刷するだけで「富」を作る権利を得ていた人達と、金の現物を大量に持っている人達との間で対立があった。ロスチャイルドなどは紙を印刷するだけで世界の「富」の多くを持つことが出来た。大量の金の現物を持っている人達(例えばタイの王室)の一部はその金を売ることを禁止されていた。なぜならその国際資本貴族以外の人達がその金を国際金融システムに入れると、国際権力構造が変わるからだ。Black Goldもしくは闇金がそのために発生した。その闇金は大量に存在するにも関わらず、指定された精錬所の印鑑がなければ使えない。その闇金を表の金に変えるために様々な方法(たとえば偽鉱山会社を作ったり)が用いられたが、相変わらず大量の金の現物は眠っている。


The financial elite have been divided between gold and paper factions

Apparently there has long existed a big schism amongst the financial elite. The group around the Rothschilds who began creating fiat money (out of thin air) were able to accumulate enormous wealth. To keep themselves in power, they prevented certain parties (for example the Thai royal family) from selling their vast physical gold holdings. This created what is known as “black gold” that is real but does not have the stamp from a “recognized refinery” that allows it to become part of the international financial system. The story we have all heard about “all the gold that was ever mined since the dawn of civilization would fit in an Olympic sized swimming pool” is apparently a lie. Some of the numbers I have been hearing are astronomical and I have also been shown pictures of what appear to be vast amounts of gold. The holders of this gold are pushing for a new gold-backed international financial system. Personally, I think money should be backed by a basket of real things (like grain). However, it is a pretty safe bet the “black gold” will be allowed into the financial system and that precious metals would form a vital part of any basket of commodities.

Posted at 14:27 | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)



彼らは三つの原則によって社会を管理してきた:火薬、金、ペン。要するに暗殺、賄賂、プロパガンダの組み合わせだ。現代彼らは三つの小さな独立都市から世界を支配している。先ず「火薬」である戦争の担当はアメリカから独立をしている都市Washington D.C.。そして「金」である賄賂担当は独立都市であるロンドン。最後に「ペン」であるプロパガンダ担当はバチカン帝国だ。



About the committee of 300

A member of the committee of 300 has provided additional information about it. They can trace their history in Europe back to the Medici family in Venice 800 years ago although the real roots almost certainly trace back to ancient Babylon. They made their first fortune as intermediaries in trade between Europe and the Orient. Over time they shifted their headquarters to Amsterdam so they could by-pass their Byzantine intermediaries and trade directly with Asia via the Dutch East Indies Company. They learned to control society with powder, gold and the pen. That is to say by a combination of murder (gun powder), bribery and propaganda. Now their headquarters can be found in three independent city states. The gun-powder or military capital is the independent city state of Washington D.C. The gold or bribery capital is the independent city of London. The pen or propaganda capital is the independent Vatican city state.

The members of the committee are satan worshippers. According to this member they regularly ritually sacrifice humans. He says Queen Elizabeth has bi-annual orgies at Balmoral Castle where a young woman is sacrificed. A good approximation of their membership can be found by looking at the members of the Knights of the Garter, the Knights of Malta and the Knights Templar.

They are now asking for forgiveness. Do you think they should be forgiven?

Posted at 19:42 | Permalink | Comments (40) | TrackBack (0)







What was behind the bizarre Russian sinking of a Chinese ship?

The KGB linked site of Sorcha Faalhttp://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1209.htm

says Russia was forced to sink the Chinese ship because it might have been carrying a stolen Russian nuclear missile. The Sorcha Faal site is known to contain a mixture of disinformation, speculation and truth but in this case the official Chinese government Xinhua news site also confirms the Russians sank a Chinese ship.

The site claims the Nazis in control of the US government are desperate to use a nuclear false flag attack to impose martial law before the US has a revolution.

If you still cannot imagine a revolution in the US then you should take a look at this video clip: we have traders on the Chicago exchange calling for a new Boston tea party and you have an MSNBC opinion poll showing 92% of Americans favor a revolution.

If the new financial system is not announced soon the social fabric of the US and possibly Europe too will disintegrate and the illuminati will be hung from lamp-posts.

Posted at 12:24 | Permalink | Comments (22) | TrackBack (0)






Japanese Russian relations headed for major thaw

Both Russia and Japan share in common the fact that they have been heavily influenced both by Asian and Western culture, meaning they should be friends. For a long time the Americans have prevented Japan from settling the issue of 4 disputed, Russian held islands in the North. The Japanese and Russians are now talking about an out of the box solution. Here is one suggestion: have the Russians immediately return two of the islands (as they have promised already) and turn the other two into a special joint-sovereignty free trade zone. Putin is a Judo expert and a Japanophile so mending relations should be easy in theory.

The Russians have interesting technology in addition to natural resources and would make a good fit with Japan. Japan, Korea, India and China should, in addition, mount a win-win mega-project to develop Siberia. Damming the Amur river and supplying water to thirsty Northern China would be a good start.

In non-related Russian news, the following video on U-tube filmed in Russia seems to be evidence of project blue-beam.

The Russians have also announced flying saucer technology for commercial development.

s something funky being planned?

Posted at 11:21 | Permalink | Comments (20) | TrackBack (0)



アメリカの外交戦略や欧米の闇の政権の伝統的な戦略の観点からすると、歴代総理大臣や財務大臣、外務大臣の全ては銀か鉛(賄賂か暗殺)のどちらかを選択せざるを得ない。賄賂を選んだ方はその後その賄賂を理由に脅迫される。そのために汚染されている政治家の長老は非常に多い。しかし民主党は権力から離れていたため、汚染されているのはほんの一部(上を中心に)だけだ。但しMr. Oが昔アーミテージ大使との第一湾岸戦争関連の「黒い付き合い」について国民に告白をし許しを得ない限り、アメリカの呪縛からは解放されない。




The coming purge of American puppets in Japan

Japan is headed for a major purge of its body politic. The vast majority of politicians who have been bribed and blackmailed into submission by the Americans are expected to be kicked out of office in the lower house election that must be held by September of this year. Support for Prime Minister Taro Aso is now in the single digits. We can guess with high certainty, based on American post-war policy, that most former Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers and Finance Ministers were given a choice by the Americans between lead and silver (a bribe or assassination). Most of the compromised politicians are in the ruling party. The Democratic Party of Japan is much less compromised although a few (senior) members of the party have been. It is important for Mr. O to confess to the Japanese public about his dirty past relationship with Ambassador Armitage during the first gulf war if he wants to escape from US control. He will certainly be forgiven if he does.

By some estimates Japanese GDP is now plunging at an annualized rate of 20%. Japan needs to quickly hold an election and purge the American puppets from its system. Once the bureaucracy is cleared of its puppets and the Japanese members of the trilateral commission are dealt with Japan can reboot its economy with incredible speed. The Rothschild family must also return their Bank of Japan shares to the Japanese people ASAP. We know where all your Japanese operations are located.

A newly independent Japan can then begin to develop technologies that have been hitherto suppressed and carry out massive reforms to ensure a return to double digit economic growth.

Finally, no matter how much Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sucks up to the Japanese, as long as the Americans refuse to confess their sins, they are unlikely to be forgiven. Sure, it is true the Americans gave chocolate to some Japanese in the post-war era but any sense of gratitude they may have earned has been wiped out by their horrendous policies towards Japan ever since the Reagan (Papa Bush) era. If the Americans do not apologize for their bad behavior, starting with war crimes like the nuclear and fire bombing and ending with countless assassinations, they can expect relations with Japan to cool significantly under the new regime.

Also, members of the ruling party are hereby urged to quit the party before the general election if they wish to remain in office.

Finally, for English speaking readers please be aware the Japanese people know the difference between the rogue elements of the US government and the American people. They think of Americans as naïve and friendly and likable and would like to help the Americans rebuild their country.

Posted at 12:32 | Permalink | Comments (15) | TrackBack (0)

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