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ベンジャミン・フルフォード 「小沢一郎の政治団体の家宅捜査−本当の狙いは?」他
投稿者 新世紀人 日時 2009 年 3 月 05 日 14:59:38: uj2zhYZWUUp16




Why are the police investigating opposition leader Ozawa in Japan?

The Tokyo prosecutors office is investigating a political group run by Ichiro Ozawa, the leader of Japan’s Democratic Party. I wonder why? While ruling Liberal Democratic Party politicians who have been bribed by the Americans will be purged during the upcoming elections, the same cannot be said for compromised DPJ politicians. That is why I handed a list of three names of bribed DPJ politicians to Japanese investigators. Those politicians should confess to their crimes and be forgiven before they are arrested.

Posted at 09:39 | Permalink | Comments (12) | TrackBack (0)

「暴かれた[9・11疑惑]の真相 」文庫化 発売



文庫 暴かれた[9・11疑惑]の真相 (扶桑社文庫)

Posted at 13:40 | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)







Should a world government be like a hunter-gatherer tribe?

The countries of the planet are now negotiating a world government. In that context, I believe we should heed the words of Lao Tzu: “Ruling a country is like cooking a small fish.” It took me a long time to figure that one out but I now believe it to be a fractal thing. In other words, it becomes a lot easier to understand countries and civilizations if you think of them as individuals. So if you think of the world as an island with 9 people living on it, complex international relations appear simple. These nine people have to come up with a minimum set of rules so they can live harmoniously on the small island. They also have to agree to teach each other and help each other if necessary.

The reason 9 makes sense is that if you look at human history, you will find that humanity lived for almost its entire existence as a species in hunter gatherer societies. Complex civilization only came into existence an eye-blink ago. If you look at hunter-gatherer societies you will find they live in small family groups of 6-12 individuals. US military experiments have also shown that groups of this size are most effective.

If you analyze the real power structures of big countries or corporations, you will also typically find a group of about 6-12 at the top of the power structure.

If you look at the world you can identify the cultural equivalents of about 9 people: Africa, China, India, the Muslim countries, North America, South America, Europe, the Buddhist countries and the minority peoples.

Hunter gatherer societies usually do not have a leader. Instead they have respected elders or parents. Their societies are very free and rules are minimal. Usually they settle disputes by discussing things and they help each other out.

For a world government the rules should be things like an agreement not to attack other countries but rather settle problems by discussion. Also, if other countries are suffering from starvation or the destruction of nature, you should agree to lend a hand.

Posted at 19:51 | Permalink | Comments (20) | TrackBack (0)






Why the US granted eminent domain to China

A lot of concerned readers forwarded this article to me:

It contains a mixture of truth and outright disinformation. The big lie is the part that says China wants to kill 200 million Americans and take over their continent. As a long term resident of Asia with knowledge of the psychology of Asian leaders I promise you there is no way that could be true. However, it would certainly not be beyond the rogue elements of the US secret government to want to kill their own citizens and blame it on China in order to keep power.

The other part is about how the US industrial base was deliberately moved to China as an act of sabotage. The truth is that US business leaders were so obsessed with maximizing profits that they forgot their patriotism. Japanese businesses also built vast amounts of factories in China but they also made sure their Japanese employees and the Japanese industrial base remained OK. That is because Japanese business leaders are patriotic.

As for the part about the US granting eminent domain to the Chinese, the fact of the matter is that China will no longer lend to the US unless it has collateral. They have seen through the Federal Reserve Board fiat money scam and will not accept worthless Fed paper. However, if the Chinese do end up taking over US companies, it would be in their interest to build up and improve their new acquisitions.

Nonetheless, the US will turn into a Chinese colony unless the American people bring their financial system in touch with reality. That might mean a sharp one off drop in your standard of living but it would be followed by a return to fast growth.

Posted at 19:28 | Permalink | Comments (28) | TrackBack (0)






The last desperate efforts of Japan’s colonial occupation slave regime to survive

Japan’s disgusting quisling regime of colonial traitors are preparing a desperate gamble to survive. Since opinion polls show the current occupation regime is going to be wiped out in a general election that has to be held by September there are plans being made to set up a new party. The foreign occupation regime and their Japanese flunkies are trying to steal money from the Japanese postal savings bank in order to finance this new party. They already have handed over most of Japanese savings to a foreign crime group. It is especially important to be keep a careful eye on Postal Savings assets that are being sold way below market prices to certain foreign securities companies. They are trying to steal this money in order to pump it into the Japanese corporate media so that they can fool the Japanese into voting for those traitors. However, the owners of the Japanese media conglomerates have been warned not to betray their people any longer.

Meanwhile the Japanese economy has shrunk by 20% in two months because Europeans and Americans are no longer allowed to buy Japanese products with worthless paper. The Japanese corporations are busy retooling their factories to supply goods for consumers in developing and medium income countries.

We have also handed over a list of members of the Democratic Party of Japan who have been bribed by the rogue elements of the US government to non-compromised party leaders. The Japanese people must save their future by shaking off the colonial regime. They need to hold an election, get rid of the traitors and mount a series of reforms bigger than those seen in the Meiji era. If they do this, Japan will be back to double digit growth in no time.

A newly independent, reformed Japan would be in a much better position to help developing as well as Western countries build or rebuild their manufacturing bases.

Posted at 18:19 | Permalink | Comments (36) | TrackBack (0)


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