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ベンジャミン・フルフォード  「オバマの身の振り方を決める会議が近日中に開かれる予定だ」等。
投稿者 新世紀人 日時 2009 年 6 月 25 日 16:03:37: uj2zhYZWUUp16




There will be some crucial meetings over the coming days to decide Obama’s fate

Since the United States Corporation is bankrupt, there will be some serious meetings over the coming days to determine the fate of Obama and the entire gang of crooks in Washington D.C. Obama is suffering from severe megalomania and may have to be removed from the scene before he becomes dangerous. If the crooks try to cling to power any longer the United States will disintegrate into anarchy and they will eventually find themselves at the mercy of a lynch mob. The Skull and Bones consists of only 600 people and their names have become public knowledge. We offer an amnesty and protection to all Skull and Bones members who wish to defect before it is too late.

Posted at 11:28 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)


ベンジャミン・フルフォード新刊『仕組まれたアメリカ解体の真実 −そして道連れになる日本−』が明日発売になります。宜しくお願いします。



Posted at 09:19 | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
About the $134.5 billion bonds found in Italy and the secret financial system
There is a lot of confusion these days among people who still believe the Zionist web of lies formerly known as the “mainstream consensus.” The story about the $134.5 billion in bonds found in Italy is adding to that confusion. Perhaps a bit of background information will help clarify the situation somewhat.

First of all people need to realize that there are two sets of books used in global finance: the “official” data put out by government agencies etc. and the secret financial arrangements used between sovereign entities (countries as well as organizations). When members of the British and Japanese royal families first contacted me and started talking about thousands of trillions of dollars, I thought they were bonkers. Officially world GDP is $55 trillion so their numbers seemed impossible. However, after meeting multiple sources ranging from freemasons, to yakuza, to MI6 to Japanese security police, to CIA etc. I can now confirm there is a secret financial system whose total worth is “quintillions of dollars.” I think the numbers got this big as a result of some sort of ridiculous contest to see who had the largest penis among the folk who control the printing presses for dollars and euros etc.

In any case, the bonds found in Italy are connected to a massive operation that took place in the Far East before and during WW2. Part of that involved the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. When the Japanese invaded Manchuria in 1931 the owners of the Federal Reserve Board contacted the Chinese emperor and said “the Japanese are about to steal the treasure you have in Manchuria. How about we take that treasure to the Philippines for safe keeping? In exchange we will give you 70-year US government bonds that you can use to buy stuff from around the world.”

The emperor agreed to the deal and the Americans started issuing huge numbers of bonds backed by the emperor’s gold. To keep these shenanigans out of the US public eye, they printed the bonds in the Philippines. Some of these bonds are the ones the two Japanese were carrying in Italy.

This whole thing also ties into 911 big time. When the emperor made his deal with the Feds he asked them what would happen when the bonds came due and the Feds refused to pay back the principal. He was told US criminal authorities would take action.

The owners of the Fed thought they would never have to pay back the money because they thought the last emperor died as a gardener in communist China. What they did not realize was that the man in China was a double and that the real emperor escaped to Taiwan. His grandson, the current emperor, is now the dean of a University (I know his name and what university but to protect him I cannot tell).

The grandson had many other treasures in addition to the one taken to the Philippines and so he sued the Feds using top lawyers. A giant investigation was set up in the US involving the Treasury police, the Naval Office of Investigations, the FBI and Cantor Fitzgerald Securities. When first bonds came due for redemption on September 12, 2001, they were set to move against the Feds.

Well by lucky coincidence on September 11, 2001 “Al CIADA” bombed the Naval Office of Investigations, etc. out of existence and the investigation was temporarily blocked as the US was turned into a fascist dictatorship (if you do not understand this find a copy of the Nazi laws and compare them to the patriot act).

There is now a secret war going on between the royal families who have real treasure (the British, the Chinese, the Thai etc.) and the aristocratic families who own dollar and Euro printing presses. At stake is the future of this planet. The owners of the real treasure want to start a new financial system backed by metals and start a campaign to permanently end war, poverty and environmental destruction. The owners of the money printing presses want to continue their cycle of perpetual war and terror in order to keep control over humanity.

The Japanese arrested in Italy were part of that secret war and they were released immediately and sent on their way with their bonds. There is so much contradictory information from the Italian Treasury Police, MI6 and Japanese military intelligence sources that I cannot say whose side these guys were on. I am just glad the astronomical numbers released to the corporate media created congnitive dissonance among the still brain washed.

Posted at 08:36 | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)




世界の裏金融を理解するために改めて説明するが、裏の金融の数字は表の金融の数字と桁が三つ以上違う。英国王室からの情報によると、同じ様な箱が数千存在するので合計の金額が〔米〕 100万の3乗; 〔英〕 100万の5乗になるそうだ。アメリカ人はこれらの債権をフィリピンと共に作ったが、アメリカがフィリピンから去った際に元の印版と紙を残したためにフィリピンで大量の良質な偽物が作られた。いずれにしても米連銀の連中は現在完全に孤立状態だ。彼らは権力を近いうちに失うことを理解している。新しい光の時代を怖がる必要がないと彼らに伝えたい。

The Japanese arrested with bonds in Italy claim to be fighting the Feds

According to the Italian secret service, the Japanese arrested in Italy last week with 134.5 billion $ worth of US government bonds claim they were part of a joint operation between Japanese military intelligence and Chinese military intelligence against the Federal Reserve Board. The Chinese will be sending a delegation to Italy soon to try to sort this matter out. Meanwhile we have contradictory intelligence stating that the arrested men are with a Chinese faction that wants to restore Ming dynastic rule and works with a Fed linked CIA outfit known as Mayflower. We are still trying to figure out what is really going on. The Bonds they carried are a combination of 1934 Roosevelt Bonds and silver backed certificates issued by President Kennedy. To confirm if the boxes are genuine or not, it is necessary to examine the box that contains them, according to an MI6 source. The other thing people who are unfamiliar with the secret world of finance is that they always talk in numbers with at least 3 more digits than what is discussed in the open world of finance. Our source says there are thousands of boxes of that sort worth a total of “quintillions of dollars.” The Americans manufactured these boxes in the Philippines and when they left, they left the original printing blocks and paper so the Philippinos have used them to create countless high-quality forgeries.

Posted at 10:23 | Permalink | Comments (19) | TrackBack (0)



現在世界で10億人が食糧難に苦しんでいる。もし早くこの状態が改善されなければ金やBasel 3にも関わらずこの悪質な家族群れは狙われるだろう。

The US dollar is now back on the gold standard but Federal Reserve dollars are not

Large amounts of gold once stored in South-East Asia have been shipped around the world to provide physical backing for US dollars, meaning the dollar has been secretly put back on the gold standard. However, all dollars created by the Federal Reserve Board since September 2008 are not being accepted outside of the United States. This means the banking families that own the BIS have made a deal with the secret society. However, there are now 1 billion people going hungry world-wide and if something is not done about that situation ASAP, then heads will start to roll regardless of Basel 3 and the gold-backed currencies.

Posted at 10:22 | Permalink | Comments (16) | TrackBack (0)




Financial stalemate may drag on until September before final collapse

The US financial system may not collapse until September 30th of this year, according to our latest intelligence. A new, precious-metals backed system is in place but a split at the highest levels of the US secret government in preventing its implementation. The politicians and generals bribed by the Federal Reserve Board are too greedy to give up their gravy train even though they are leading the US to disaster and collapse. The return of the US to constitutional law and government may also be delayed as a result. However, one source says that all US money center banks will be shut this Friday followed by an end to the Washington D.C. corporation. We shall see.

In Japan as well, the current slave government is delaying its inevitable collapse following elections must be held by September 11th. There will almost certainly be a truth and reconciliation committee formed after the change in government. The Japanese people will be shocked and disgusted by what it will reveal.

My advice is to rest up this summer and prepare for an exciting autumn.

Posted at 19:01 | Permalink | Comments (33) | TrackBack (0)



Virus mix-up by lab could have resulted in pandemic

Baxter has been caught red handed nearly triggering pandemic, they are also moving ahead, together with allied pharma companies, with supplying the "vaccine" for pandemics

the criminal charges I filed against Baxter and WHO with the Austrian police (in German) but with an English translation partially

The swine flu vaccine is designed to weaponize the H1N1 virus

A journalist in Austria has forwarded proof that the anti-swine flu vaccine they are trying to mandatorily make everyone take is actually designed to weaponize the H1N1 virus and kill billions of people. We issue a warning to all Medical associations and WHO staff: if you try to proceed with this plan you will be labeled as enemies of humanity and there will be a bounty placed on each of you.

Virus mix-up by lab could have resulted in pandemic

Baxter has been caught red handed nearly triggering pandemic, they are also moving ahead, together with allied pharma companies, with supplying the "vaccine" for pandemics

the criminal charges I filed against Baxter and WHO with the Austrian police (in German) but with an English translation partially

Posted at 12:32 | Permalink | Comments (51) | TrackBack (1)




The Japanese arrested in Italy with $134 billion were part of a CIA black-ops

The Japanese citizens arrested in Italy last week carrying bonds worth $134 billion were part of a CIA black-ops linked to the Nazi faction, according to high level intelligence sources. The CIA front behind this operation is known as Mayflower and is linked to a malevolent Chinese faction that wishes to restore dynastic rule in China. One of the Japanese arrested was probably a Mr. Fukushima, who works for the puppet emperor of Japan and the CIA and the Rothschilds. The operation is also linked to former Japanese Prime Minister and Bush slave Junichiro Koizumi as well as the current CIA-bribed traitor Prime Minister Taro Aso. They were hoping to use the money in part to operate a massive psy-ops in Japan designed to keep the current slave government in charge after elections that must be held by September 11th of this year. For the sake of humanity and the planet, they must not be allowed to redeem those bonds. We can also add that as a direct result of these arrests that faction has contacted us and proposed talks in Switzerland. We will accept.

Posted at 08:35 | Permalink | Comments (23) | TrackBack (0)





A global paradigm shift is getting closer

The tectonic plates of world power are shifting in ways that will be seen by many as being apocalyptic. Information from sources including senior Yakuza, the European illuminati, Asian royal families and the British Royal family make it clear some sort of climax is approaching.

The current main axes of secret power are: the Chinese secret societies, the Anglo-Saxon establishment, the Saiid family and the Agha Khan family (who control Islam), the Teutonic Knights (the Nazi Thule society and Skull and Bones), the Rothschild clan (who consider themselves to be the kings of the Jews even though 99% of Jews don’t know this), the European illuminati, and the super-secret Dragon clans.

At present the Chinese, the Anglo-Saxon establishment, the Dragon clans and the European illuminati agree on the need for an intensive campaign to develop forbidden technology, end poverty, stop environmental destruction etc. President Obama is on the phone with our side regularly now so hopefully he will soon be reading a happier new script on his teleprompter.

The Nazis and the Rothschilds are now desperately sucking up to the families that control Islam in a bid to keep power. They are likely to get short shrift. However, our group is still expecting to hear from Islamic representatives, Inshallah (Allah willing), to see where they stand. That is how things stand at present to the best of our knowledge.

Posted at 08:58 | Permalink | Comments (39) | TrackBack (0)


先日新しい地球運営を始める為にフリーメーソンの幹部であるLeo Zagami(リオ・ザガーミ)がローマ法王やマルタ騎士団などの代理として来日した。イルミナティが世界支配を諦めざるを得ない状況は理解しているが、彼らはかなり宗教的な“世紀末思想”に取りつかれている。


ベンジャミン・フルフォードとLeo Zagami(リオ・ザガーミ)は先日数時間にわたって交渉・情報交換をした。彼はフリーメーソン及びイルミナティの秘密を沢山教えてくれた。フリーメイソンの秘密、マフィアやローマ法王とイルミナティの関係、イルミナティの内戦、善悪のスイッチが逆になる“悪魔”を呼ぶ儀式(人間を殺したりなどが平気で出来るようになる)の全貌、トップ階級にだけ明かされる人類の“本当の歴史”、彼らが2012年に向けてたくらんでいる一信教の終わりについてなど。


テーマ: 「イルミナティ幹部との交渉」緊急報告、2012年に向けて

日時: 2009年6月27日(土) 18:30〜21:30(受付は18時からです)

場所: 千駄ヶ谷区民会館 2F (東京都渋谷区神宮前1−1−10)

アクセス: JR山の手線 原宿駅「竹下口」 徒歩6分 (地図)

費用:  3000円 (学生2000円)

申し込み方法: 氏名、連絡先 、参加人数、支払い方法(持参又は振込み)を明記の上、


お問い合わせ: ベンジャミンフルフォード事務所 (benjaminoffice88@gmail.com)




Posted at 15:33 | Permalink | Comments (12) | TrackBack (0)

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