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投稿者 SOBA 日時 2009 年 8 月 25 日 10:47:30: LVbi13XrOLj/s

(回答先: Re: テスト 投稿者 SOBA 日時 2009 年 8 月 25 日 10:43:35)

「日本首相が『低所得層は結婚しないほうが良い』」 を次々報じる外国メディア。こんな国辱麻生を日本の若者は放っておくのか。





Japan PM in gaffe on poor couples【BBC】
By Roland Buerk
BBC News, Tokyo

Japanese Prime Minster Taro Aso campaigining ahead of this week's general election
Taro Aso's Liberal Democratic Party is heading for defeat, say pollsters

Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso has advised young people who are poor in his country not to get married.

He made the remark while out and about in Tokyo campaigning for Sunday's general election.

Opinion polls show his Liberal Democratic Party is heading for defeat, partly due to concerns over unemployment levels.

Job security is very much at the core of this election, with many angry about the rise of short-term job contracts.

Mr Aso was asked whether poverty was making people marry later, contributing to Japan's low birth rate.

His response was: ''Young people had better not get married with little money."

He added it was difficult for him to see how someone without pay could be seen as an object of respect.

It was an unfortunate remark because a lack of job security, along with the large number of people on short-term job contracts is of prime concern to many in this election.

The rise in use of short-term contracts is due in part to labour reforms introduced by Mr Aso's Liberal Democratic Party.

The prime minister is famous for his gaffes. He once upset Japan's doctors by saying they lacked common sense.

On another occasion, apparently thinking he was addressing a teacher's group, rather than a gathering of parents, he said it was mothers and fathers who needed scolding instead of their children.

Japan's PM makes poor marriage gaffe【ABC】(BBC→ABC:オーストラリア放送)

Posted 4 hours 36 minutes ago
Updated 4 hours 37 minutes ago

In what is being described as his latest campaign gaffe, Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso has advised poor young people not to marry.

He said he found it hard to believe that someone with no pay could be seen as worthy of respect.

Mr Aso comes from a wealthy family and his critics have accused him of being insensitive.

Mr Aso and his Liberal Democratic Party are struggling in the polls and are widely expected to be voted out of office at next week's general election.


Aso on the defensive again with gaffe ahead of vote【AFP】

2 hours ago
TOKYO ― Japan's Prime Minister Taro Aso was on the defensive again
over another verbal gaffe Monday, six days before a general election
widely expected to oust his conservative party from power.

you don't have money, you'd better not get married," Aso said at a
meeting with students late Sunday, according to Japanese media. "It
seems rather difficult to me for someone without means to win people's

Aso, whose slips of the tongue and policy flip-flops
have contributed to his sagging popularity since he took office a year
ago, had been asked whether a lack of funds made it difficult for young
people to start a family.

His latest remark was seen as too blunt
at a time when Japan's youth faces difficulty in finding steady jobs
amid the economic downturn.

Opposition leaders erupted in a chorus of disapproval.

Okada, secretary general of the main opposition Democratic Party of
Japan, slammed Aso for "failing to understand the reality... Nobody
accepts low income out of choice."

Social Democratic Party chief Mizuho Fukushima called Aso "too insensitive and too short of awareness about human rights."

expression was rather direct," Aso's right-hand man, Chief Cabinet
Secretary Takeo Kawamura, admitted at a daily press briefing Monday.

"But I think it reflected his feelings that he must go ahead with measures concerning young people's employment."

month, Kawamura told his support group that Aso sometimes "may fall a
bit short" in clearly expressing what he means. At that time, the
premier was under fire for saying "elderly people have no talent other
than working."

When he dissolved the lower house last month for
the August 30 election, Aso apologised to his Liberal Democratic Party
saying his comments and policy positions had led the people to "worry
about and grow distrustful of politics."

Aug 24, 2009
Aso on the defensive again【STRAITSTIMES】(AFP→STRAITSTIMES:シンガポールの新聞)

Mr Aso's latest remark was seen as too blunt at a time when Japan's youth faces difficulty in finding steady jobs amid the economic downturn. -- PHOTO: AFP

TOKYO - JAPAN'S Prime Minister Taro Aso was on the defensive again over another verbal gaffe on Monday, six days before a general election widely expected to oust his conservative party from power.

'If you don't have money, you'd better not get married,' he said at a meeting with students late Sunday, according to Japanese media. 'It seems rather difficult to me for someone without means to win people's respect.'

Mr Aso, whose slips of the tongue and policy flip-flops have contributed to his sagging popularity since he took office a year ago, had been asked whether a lack of funds made it difficult for young people to start a family.

His latest remark was seen as too blunt at a time when Japan's youth faces difficulty in finding steady jobs amid the economic downturn.

'The expression was rather direct,' Mr Aso's right-hand man, Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura, told a daily press briefing on Monday.

'But I think it reflected his feelings that he must go ahead with measures concerning young people's employment.'

Last month, Mr Kawamura told his support group that Mr Aso sometimes 'may fall a bit short' in clearly expressing what he means. At that time, the premier was under fire for saying 'elderly people have no talent other than working'.

When he dissolved the lower house last month for the August 30 election, Mr Aso apologised to his Liberal Democratic Party saying his comments and policy positions had led the people to 'worry about and grow distrustful of politics.' -- AFP

衆院選 投票日まであと6日 各党代表の言動に国民の目が集まる【FNN】


(08/25 00:35)



お勧め⇒ 自民党大惨敗させよの世論 総選挙巡る本紙記者座談会【長周新聞】
小泉・安倍政治への審判 2009年7月13日付




 F 貧困の問題としては、自殺者が年間3万人以上が11年続いている。10年間で30数万人が自殺するのだから、すごいことだ。日中戦争で太平洋戦争開戦までに死んだ人の数が18万人ということを考えても、大戦争をやっているのと同じだ。自殺という名の殺人であるし、すさまじい“殺人政治”だ。強烈な搾取・収奪がやられ貧困が深刻になっているなかで、いつ戦争が始まってもおかしくないところまでもってきている。

 D 小泉になってから、異様な殺人事件が頻発するようになった。攻撃的な自己中心主義人間が培養されている。無差別殺戮とか「だれでもよかった」とか。教育とセットで兵隊づくりがやられてきた結果だ。アメリカでは07年代のベトナム戦争時期に、ゆとり教育と低学力づくりを熱心にやったおかげで、教育荒廃が顕著になった。愚民化で意図的にバカをつくって、貧民を兵隊として徴用した。批判が高まって是正していく過程で、今度は失敗した政策を日本に輸入してやらせていった経緯がある。日本の教育者たちは「なぜアメリカで失敗したものを日本に学べといってやらせるのか!」という思いを持っていた。学力が高かった日本にわざわざバカづくり政策をやらせるからだ。90年の湾岸戦争で「人もカネも出せ」と迫られるなかで同時進行だった。

 C 要するにアメリカが日本に兵隊づくりをやらせている。英語教育もそれにつながっている。自衛隊は米軍再編で米軍の指揮下に置かれ、戦争屋の安倍が教育再生を叫ぶ。戦争と教育は不可分の関係だからだ。わざと失敗した政策を持ち込んでくる。現代の軍国主義教育はアメリカ万歳、自由万歳型であり、野獣的な自由主義に特徴がある。アメリカは徴兵制を敷いていないのに、貧乏人が食っていくために志願する。そのようなシカケが日本でもつくられている。職はないし、やむなく軍隊に入っていく。民主主義の体裁をした徴兵制だ。「経済徴兵制」と指摘する研究者もいる。培養されるイデオロギーは攻撃的自己中。米兵みたいな野獣人間だ。戦争体験者たちが語るが、軍艦が沈められて泳いで逃げているのを機銃掃射で撃ってニタニタ笑っているような精神だ。


お勧め⇒ 「貧乏にして戦争やる」が公約【長周新聞】
米国の為戦争やる国作り 自公政府の売国政治 2009年7月22日付

国民欺き先制攻撃体制 小泉以来の具体化
食えなくさせて肉弾に 予算は米国に貢ぐ
露骨な自衛隊への勧誘 失業者や高校生狙い


投稿者 SOBA 日時 2009 年 8 月 23 日 13:57:23: LVbi13XrOLj/s



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