★阿修羅♪  戦争10
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米上院に9.11.真相究明の請願の中の知る人ぞ知る疑惑パイプライン企業UNOCAL 投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2002 年 3 月 16 日 21:41:40:








★阿修羅♪  戦争10  
【もう黙っていられないと、米上院に真相究明の請願を始めた人たち】 投稿者 シナリオ通りってことで 日時 2002 年 3 月 09 日 23:03:25:

(回答先: 【NYテロ:自作自演を疑う声は、米加国境まで迫っている。何も知らない無知蒙昧は、米国人と日本人だけ。】 投稿者 シナリオ通りってことで 日時 2002 年 3 月 09 日 20:22:51)




2.911の直前にWTCを通じて1億ドル以上の電子取引がなされた件 (なんのこっちゃ?)


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To: The U.S. Senate

Petition to the Senate to Investigate Oddities Involving 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

We, the undersigned, do hereby petition the Senate of the United States of America to thoroughly investigate the events surrounding the acts of terrorism that transpired in the United States on September 11, 2001. Such an investigation would include research into the following peculiarities relating to the terrorist attacks on the United States on 9/11:

1.) Thousands of put stock options that were purchased on United and American airlines immediately prior to 9/11/01

2.) Financial transactions totaling more than 100 million dollars that electronically passed through the World Trade Center immediately prior to its destruction on 9/11

3.) Black-box recordings from the four planes which crashed on 9/11

4.) Cell phone calls made by passengers on hijacked flights on 9/11 which never emerged on their cell-phone bills

5.) Interviews of any air-traffic controllers on duty on 9/11

6.) Eyewitness accounts detailing Flight 93's explosion prior to its crashing

7.) Aircraft debris strewn approximately seven miles from the crash site of Flight 93

8.) Unocal's role in its quest to build an oil pipeline across Afghanistan, plans implemented prior to 2001

9.) Carlyle Corporation's role in overseeing Unocal's quest to have an oil pipeline built across Afghanistan, plans implemented prior to 2001

10.) Role of remote-control software technology implemented in 9/11 hijackings and crashes

11.) George W. Bush's possible foreknowledge of the terrorist attacks on 9/11

12.) Role of the Northern Alliance in explosive growth of opium production in Afghanistan after U.S. military intervention

We respectfully petition the Senate to make public the results of this investigation.


The Undersigned

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The Petition to the Senate to Investigate Oddities Involving 9/11 Terrorist Attacks Petition to The U.S. Senate was created by Falloutshelternews and written by Lori R. Price. This petition is hosted here at www.PetitionOnline.com as a public service. There is no express or implied endorsement of this petition by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors. The petition scripts are created by Mike Wheeler at Artifice, Inc. For Technical Support please use our simple Petition Help form.

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アフガニスタン戦争と石油利権  2001.10.31 北沢洋子 >PARC

中央アジアにおける天然ガス・パイプラインプロジェクトへの参加について 1997.10.27


Estimated cost of the project is US$1.9 billion for the segment to Pakistan, and an additional US$600 million for the extension to India. >Unocal

・ 1998.2.12 アメリカ下院公聴会会議録 中央アジア=資源とビジネスチャンス:米国の食欲

[議長]…Stated U.S. policy goals regarding energy resources in this region include fostering the independence of the States and their ties to the West; breaking Russia's monopoly over oil and gas transport routes; promoting Western energy security through diversified suppliers; encouraging the construction of east-west pipelines that do not transit Iran; and denying Iran dangerous leverage over the Central Asian economies. In addition, as has been noted by Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, the United States seeks to discourage any one country from gaining control over the region, but rather urges all responsible States to cooperate in the exploitation of regional oil and other resources. Central Asia would seem to offer significant new investment opportunities for a broad range of American companies which, in turn, will serve as a valuable stimulus to the economic development of the region.

Japan, Turkey, Iran, Western Europe, and China are all pursuing economic development opportunities and challenging Russian dominance in the
region. It is essential that U.S. policymakers understand the stakes involved in Central Asia as we seek to craft a policy that serves the interests of the United States and U.S. business.


Mr. ROHRABACHER [議員]. Well, it's one thing to say nobody has a clean civil rights record or human rights record and then just to ignore the fact that half of the people you are talking about totally obliterate the human rights of half of the population. I mean in the non-Taliban areas, there are some violations of human rights, but it's sort of spread out, and in the Taliban areas, half of the population-that's women-have no rights at all. …

Mr. MARESCA [Unocal社代表]. Congressman, I am not here to defend the Taliban. That is not my role. We are a company that is trying to build a
pipeline across this country.

Mr. ROHRABACHER. OK. Let me just note that I have seen a lot of people talking to a lot of countries around Afghanistan, but there are very few
people that have tried at all to use the democratic or go for the democratic option, because it always means that they have to argue with people who hold Kabul.

This Congressman sees no reason in the world why the people of Afghanistan or any other country are incapable of some kind of an election to determine their own destiny. Just because there are a lot of people with guns over there doesn't mean that they aren't willing to put those guns down if they were guaranteed some type of democratic process. For the record, the Taliban, all they would have to do is to reach out to their fellow Afghans and say we will hold an election 18 months from now or whatever it was that is internationally supervised, and that whole conflict would probably be over.

But they have not done that. They hold Kabul now, and their ability to do that and no other faction has the ability to do that. So if they are not willing to make that kind of commitment, I would be very hesitant to move forward on a $2.5-billion investment because without that commitment, I don't think there is going to be any tranquility in that land.

Mr. MARESCA. We are hesitant too,




altmedka:Alternative Medium by KIMURA Aiji
Big big name, ah, ah, ah........


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