ベネズエラからブッシュへのメッセージ 投稿者 ドメル将軍 日時 2002 年 4 月 22 日 17:22:25:

(回答先: チャベス大統領暗殺の恐れ 投稿者 ドメル将軍 日時 2002 年 4 月 20 日 16:09:06)

Message from Venezuela to Bush:This Ain't Florida, Gringo!

The New York Times sent out two special e-mail bulletins when Chavez Frias was temporarily driven from power but for some reason didn't seem to feel that the reversal of a US-backed coup, the day after it took place, was worthy of special notice.
All the US cable networks and Sunday morning network news shows fixated on Colin Powell's this morning because they wouldn't have had time to cover his meeting with Arafat and reverse all the lies that they disseminated concerning Venezuela.
Nationalist procurement deviser Condasleeza Rice did tell NBC resident asskiss Tim Russert that Chavez has "been given another chance to right his ship."
No need to worry there Sleeza, it is much easier to keep ships on course when they are divested of mutineers.
It must be very scary for Rice to see collaborators brought to justice.
In just a sentence Rice told a lie big enough to spend a lifetime analyzing and refuting.
Her implication was that Chavez was given his chance by the United States and implied that he was somehow put on notice by the scurrilous attempt to subvert Venezuelan democracy.
The truth is that Rice and Bush and the rest of the slime that infests the executive branch of the US government are the ones with a lesson to learn here.
They made their move and it failed in spectacular fashion.
Chavez Frias was supposed to be in jail or dead for representing the will of the people rather than kowtowing to the greed of corporate riffraff.
Instead the traitors will go on trial and Venezuelan democracy is stronger than ever.
Bush hasn't failed this badly since the last time he took a breathalizer.
Chavez Frias knows his "chance" emanates from the same source that made him president of Venezuela in the first place -- the people.
They stood up to US covert imperialism, they told the devil he's a liar and they deep-sixed the corporate junta that took illegal control of their country.
As an American I must say I am deeply impressed by the Venezuelan people, not to mention humbled.
The US made a big mistake in Venezuela -- it planted lies and distortions in the US corporate media meant to besmirch Chavez Frias but it failed to remember that very few people in Venezuela read the New York Times to find out what is happening in their own country.
So despite Wolf Blitzer's best insights, the people knew that they were being robbed and they defended what was theirs and routed the intruders.
The Court-appointed Bush Administration got its smarmy ass kicked by a country that will not allow the illegitimate leader of the USA to impose an equally bogus president upon them.
This is a great, great, great day.
Just tremendous.
You lose, Bush.
You lose CIA.
But I repeat myself.
And now that the cards are on the table, Venezuela's chances are great to remain an autonomous democracy controlled by its people.
The US has tipped its bloody hand and it's now clear that lies and prefab insurrection, constructed in Langley and assembled in Caracas, aren't enough to drive democracy from Venezuela.
This gritty sovereign state is lead by a man who owes the people everything and they are the only special interest he must service.
The wealth of its natural resources will enrich the nation rather than a few privileged quislings.
A wonderful precedent has been set.
The people of the USA are so politically illiterate that they cannot understand that the words "leftist" and "democracy" go together.
The truth Americans need to learn from Venezuela is simple -- democracy means that the will of the people must be respected.
The average person in the world is poor so the average person in the world is naturally going to favor the idea that there is a need for redistribution of wealth.
So if the world were truly democratic, like Venezuela, there would be a lot more redistribution of wealth.
This does not mean people want Stalinist police state aberrations of socialism, it means they just want to be paid a living wage for their labor and have basic human rights like health care, good nutrition, literacy, a clean environment, public transportation and decent housing.
It means they do not want to live in squalor so that parasitic fat cats can engorge themselves on their very lives.
In other words, everyone should get a home before anyone gets a summer home.
If that seems like a dangerous idea to you, then you better watch yourself, Fat Cat, because a big dog just moved into the neighborhood.
Viva Chavez!
Viva Democratic Venezuela!


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