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米民主党有志はブッシュらが石油横取り目的で秘密裏に911計画の回答項目設定 投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2002 年 4 月 25 日 21:32:52:






 "We Believe Cynthia!" campaign、「シンシアを信ずるキャンペーン」への賛同を求めている・・・米民主党そのものなのかは不明のdemocrats.com(munity)を名乗る電網宝庫情報が、独立系の転載で広がっている。


 本日(2002/04/25)、上記のdemocrats.com(munity)を直接訪問し、本物のアメリカ民主党の有志が自主的に運営しているらしいことを確かめることができた。しかし、その情報は後回しにして、まずは、このcommunityが、ブッシュに抗議するAnti-Bush Protestsの主旨のアンケートを行っていることを紹介する。


「(1) 絶対に違う! アメリカを憎むイスラムのテロリストによる奇襲だ」から、

「(6) 絶対に知っていた! 彼ら(ブッシュら)は、政治資金の提供者である石油会社のために、中央アジアの石油を横取りする目的で、秘密裏にあの攻撃を計画したのだ」に至るまで、




Anti-Bush Protests
On 4/24, protest Bush in Sioux Falls, SD.

Democrats.com Poll: Did the Bush Administration Know About the September 11 Attack in Advance?

When the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's Web poll reported 46% said "I think officials knew it was coming," they scrubbed their own poll and called Cynthia McKinney "nutty." What do you think?

(1) Absolutely not! It was an unprovoked surprise attack by Islamic terrorists who hate America.

(2) Not really. There were warning signs, but no one connected the dots because we never expected an attack anything like this.

(3) They should have known, but they prevented the FBI from investigating Saudi Arabian support for terrorism to protect their rich oil buddies.

(4) Sort of. They didn't know the exact kind of attack, but they knew some kind of attack was coming.

(5) Yeah. They knew something was coming, and they didn't try to stop it because they wanted an excuse to take control of Central Asian oil.

(6) Absolutely! They secretly planned the attack to justify a takeover of Central Asian oil for their oil company donors.


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altmedka:Alternative Medium by KIMURA Aiji
Big big name, ah, ah, ah........


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