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投稿者 佐藤雅彦 日時 2003 年 10 月 03 日 11:51:12:FnBfYmHiv1JFs

●米国の世論調査会社ゾグビー( http://www.zogby.com/ )が9月30日に
 公表した世論調査結果によれば、 「国民の59%」が「米国は国際世論
 を無視して身勝手に行動する帝国主義国家 である」(their country
 is an imperialist power that acts on its own, regardless of world




 全体としては、米国の単独主義への批判的な見方が多く、地球温暖化防止のための京都議定書に「参加すべきだ」との回答は44%で、「参加すべきでない」の22%の倍になった。 (時事通信)








Released: September 30, 2003

"Americans and the World Around Them" a study by Zogby International for the Foreign Policy Association

Majority calls America a friend to people who enjoy freedom,
but also says US is an Imperialist nation

Zogby polls Americans on wide range of international Issues
for Foreign Policy Association

A majority of those polled characterize America as a benevolent force in world affairs, yet a substantial number raise doubts about America’s role in the world.

The concept that America is a “good friend and ally of people who desire freedom and individual human rights” is considered by 93% to be somewhat or very accurate.

On the other hand, Americans feel that their country is an imperialist power that acts on its own, regardless of world opinion. Nearly three in five (59%) say this statement is somewhat or very accurate, while two in five (40%) disagree not accurate.

The poll of 1,000 likely voters done by Zogby International for the Foreign Policy Association was conducted from September 5-9, 2003, and has a margin of error of +/- 3.2%. Slight weights were added to region, party, age, race, religion, and gender to more accurately reflect the voting population. Error margins are higher in sub-groups.

Perhaps part of the aftermath of the conflict with Iraq which did not have United Nations participation, Americans are three times more likely to say that the issues of nuclear weapons development in North Korea and securing the peace in Iraq should involve participation of the United Nations rather than alone.

Americans are also at least twice as likely to agree than disagree that the U.S. should participate in the International Criminal Court (53% - 22%) and in the Kyoto Protocol (44% - 22%).

Other portions of the survey asked participants to rate whether certain countries are considered a good ally, a so-so ally, or not an ally of the United States on most issues. Countries earning favorable ratings with likely voters included:

・ United Kingdom 90%

・ Canada 73%

・ Israel 57%

・ Mexico 56%

The ‘non-ally’ list included China (51%), Saudi Arabia (46%), and France (40%). Americans are particularly sour on France. A significant majority says that France has never been a good U.S. ally, and that the Bush administration was wise to act in the Iraq situation without France’s help (57% agree).

Americans are split in their opinion of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), now in effect for a decade. While 37% say it has benefited the U.S., 34% say it has been bad. On the subject of ending the embargo on Cuba, 56% favor ending it, while 12% oppose the idea.

"The findings of the poll reveal an overall willingness among the American public to engage with the world in addressing issues of security and other issues of global importance," said Robert Nolan, Online Editor of the Foreign Policy Association. "What remains to be seen is whether or not the challenges facing American foreign policy in places like Iraq, Iran and

North Korea can be solved through cooperative efforts, or will remain largely the responsibility of the United States alone

The Foreign Policy Association is headquartered at 470 Park Avenue South, New York City.


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