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投稿者 佐藤雅彦 日時 2000 年 9 月 23 日 17:39:29:





●送電線に関しては初めて知った理論だったのですが、すでにコンピュータ関係の健康障害では、これと似たことが知られています。 「VDTアクネ」――アクメじゃないよ――って言うらしいんですが、パソコンのVDT(ヴィジュアル・ディスプレイ・ターミナルつまり表示用ブラウン管)が発生する電磁場が、周囲のほこりを凄い勢いで吸い付けるわけですね。 そして、VDTのまえでカブリつきで仕事をしているコンピュータ・オペレータの顔面にも、そうしたほこりが容赦なく吸い付く。 ほこりには当然、雑菌がついているので、オペレータの顔はバイキンだらけになる。その結果、コンピュータ労働をしていると、ニキビや吹き出物が異常に発生しやすくなるというわけ。 ためしにテレビのブラウン管を布きれで拭いてごらんなさい。 フフフ……真っ黒に汚れているはずですよ。

●ニキビや吹き出物は洗顔で防止できるでしょうが、大気中に浮遊している発癌物質が電荷を帯びて肺にへばりつく、となれば、これは無視できない問題でしょうな。 とりわけ、ディーゼル・エンジンが排出する刺激性有害粒子なんかが、こうした「帯電エアロゾル」になって周辺住民を襲っているとしたら、あまりいい気持ちはしませんな……。


● http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_933000/933678.stm

Thursday, 21 September, 2000, 00:37 GMT 01:37 UK

Cancer rise linked to power lines

【写真:The pylon debate has raged for decades】

By Alex Kirby, BBC News Online environment correspondent and presenter of Costing the Earth (アレックス・カービー:BBCニュースオンライン・「犠牲になるのは地球」の記者兼プレゼンター))

●UK researchers claim to have found sharply higher cancer rates in people living close to overhead power lines.

●If their findings apply nationally, it would suggest premature deaths on the scale of the annual road accident toll.

●The researchers say the excess cancers are found only in people living downwind of the lines.

●And they say this is strong evidence to support one theory of how electric fields may damage health.

●But their work, described in BBC Radio Four's environment programme Costing the Earth, has been rejected by the National Grid, the company that operates the power lines.

●●Ionising effect

●The research appears to vindicate a theory developed by Professor Denis Henshaw, of the physics department at Bristol University in the west of England.

●He has found that a power line ionises the surrounding air, and believes this makes wind-borne pollution much more dangerous.

【写真:Professor Denis Henshaw put forward the aerosol hypothesis】

●"It splits the air up into positive and negative electrical charges, which are blown away from the power line by the wind," he says.
(「送電線が生み出す電場が、周囲の空気をプラスイオンとマイナスイオンの二通りに変えてしまう。これら電 荷を帯びたガスは、風に吹かれて風下に運ばれていく」――彼はそう説明する。)

●"They attach themselves to particles of pollution in the air and put an electrical charge on to them. When you inhale these small particles, they have a much higher probability of sticking in the lung."
( 「この電荷を帯びた気体は空気中の汚染粒子を引きつけ、今度は汚染粒子に電荷を与える。 風下の住民は、この電荷を帯びた汚染粒子を吸い込むことになるわけだが、電荷を帯びているせいで肺にへばりつく可能性が格段に高くなっている。)

●Professor Henshaw stresses that his work deals with the electrical effects of power lines, not their magnetic fields. It is experimental and so far unproven.
(ヘンショー教授は、この仮説は送電線が生み出す電場には当てはまるが、磁場には当てはまらない、とクギを刺した。 それにこれはまだ実験段階の説にすぎず、実際に立証されたとはいえない。)

●But the new research findings appear to bear him out. The head of the research team is Dr Alan Preece, an epidemiologist in the oncology department of Bristol University medical centre.

●●Large excess

●Dr Preece told the programme: "We're assessing the relative cancer risk within 400 metres of the lines. We looked at the postcodes of all the diagnoses of the different sorts of cancer for the whole of South West England.

●"We found an excess, particularly of lung cancer, in that group of people who had been living within 400m of a line at the time of diagnosis.

【写真:The industry says the balance of evidence has yet to show the cables are a cancer risk】(電力業界は、さまざまな“証拠”をすり合わせたかぎりでは「送電線が発癌の危険をもたらす」ことを明確に示すとはまだ言えない、と反論しているが……)

●"You are likelier to get cancer there, but only if you live downwind, which is almost proof, or very strong supporting evidence, for the effect of the aerosols driven by the wind."

●Dr Preece's own work is yet to be published officially. But a conference in Germany earlier this year of the Bioelectromagnetics Society heard that it suggested an average increase in the cancer risk of 29% over the expected rate.

●Across the country, this could mean more than 3,000 premature deaths annually, roughly the number of people killed every year on the UK's roads.

●Asked how confident he was of his findings, Dr Preece said: "I'm amazed at how robust they appear to be.

●"Being cautious, I would love to repeat the study in another area of England, to see if we've got the same effect. It would be very easy to do."
(慎重を期すために、イングランドの別の地域を対象に追試を行ないたいと考 えています。それで同じような結果が出るかどうか確かめるわけです。これはたやすく実施できるでしょう」)

●●Sceptical note

●Studies of electricity industry workers in Canada and elsewhere support the hypothesis that electric fields are involved in the cancer process as a tumour promoter.

●But the National Grid, which owns the UK's power lines, says it is "sympathetic but unconvinced" by Professor Henshaw and Dr Preece.

●The Grid's scientific adviser, and spokesman for the UK Electricity Association, Dr John Swanson, said the industry had spent perhaps half a billion dollars worldwide over the last 20 years researching the effects of power lines.

●"We have never said in a categorical way that power lines are safe," he said.

"What we have always said is that when you look at the totality of studies, then you come to the conclusion that the balance of evidence is that power lines and the fields they produce do not have an effect on health."

●●Costing the Earth is broadcast on BBC Radio Four at 2100 BST on 21 September.

Search BBC News Online

See also:

03 Dec 99 | Health
Pylons safe, says 'definitive' research
03 Dec 99 | Health
Battle lines drawn in pylon debate
02 Dec 99 | Health
Pylons 'treble cancer particles'
24 Sep 98 | Health
Power line cancer claims 'alarmist'
Internet links:

National Grid
Electricity Association
Bristol University Physics Department
Bioelectromagnetics Society

The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

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