Re: 沈黙の兵器のドキュメントか? TM-SW7905.1


[ フォローアップ ] [ フォローアップを投稿 ] [ ★阿修羅♪ Ψ空耳の丘Ψ11 ]

投稿者 サイエントロジスト 日時 2000 年 10 月 26 日 23:33:51:

回答先: Re: 沈黙の兵器のドキュメントか? TM-SW7905.1 投稿者 サイエントロジスト 日時 2000 年 10 月 26 日 23:32:15:

P. 39


Economic amplifiers are the active components of economic
engineering. The basic characteristic of any amplifier (mechanical,
electrical, or economic) is that it receives an input control signal and
delivers energy from an independent energy source to a specified output
terminal in a predictable relationship to that input control signal.
The simplest form of economic amplifier is a device called
If a person is spoken to by a T.V. advertiser as if he were a twelve
year old, then, due to suggestibility, he will, with a certain
probability, respond or react to that suggestion with the uncritical
response of a twelve year old and will reach into his economic reservoir
and deliver its energy to buy that product on impulse when he passes it in
the store.
An economic amplifier may have several inputs and outputs. Its
response might be instantaneous or delayed. Its circuit symbol might be a
rotary switch if its options are exclusive, qualitative, 'go' or 'no go',
or it might have its parametric input/output relationships specified by a
matrix with internal energy sources represented.
Whatever its form might be, its purpose is to govern the flow of
energy from a source to an output sink in direct relationships to an input
control signal. For this reason, it is called an active circuit element
or component.
Economic Amplifiers fall into classes called strategies, and, in
comparison with electronic amplifiers, the specific internal functions of
an economic amplifier are called logistical instead of electrical.
Therefore, economic amplifiers not only deliver power gain, but also,
in effect, are used to cause changes in the economic circuitry.
In the design of an economic amplifier we must have some idea of at
least five functions, which are

(1) the available input signals,
(2) the desired output control objectives,

P. 41

(3) the strategic objective,
(4) the available economic power sources,
(5) the logistical options.

The process of defining and evaluating these factors and
incorporating the economic amplifier into an economic system has been
popularly called game theory.
The design of an economic amplifier begins with a specification of
the power level of the output, which can range from personal to national.
The second condition is accuracy of response, i.e., how accurately the
output action is a function of the input commands. High gain combined
with strong feedback helps to deliver the required precision. Most of the
error will be in the input data signal. Personal input data tends to be
specific, while national input data tends to be statis tical.


Questions to be answered:

(1) what (3) where (5) why
(2) when (4) how (6) who

General sources of information:

(1) telephone taps (3) analysis of garbage
(2) surveillance (4) behavior or children in school

Standard of living by:

(1) food (3) shelter
(2) clothing (4) transportation

Social contacts:

(1) telephone - itemized record of calls
(2) family - marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc.
(3) friends, associates, etc.
(4) memberships in organizations
(5) political affiliation

P. 42


Personal buying habits, i.e.,
Personal consumer preferences:

(1) checking accounts
(2) credit card purchases
(3) 'tagged' credit card purchases - the credit card purchase of products
bearing the U.P.C. (Universal Product Code)


(1) checking accounts (5) automobile, etc.
(2) savings accounts (6) safety deposit at bank
(3) real estate (7) stock market
(4) business


(1) creditors (3) loans
(2) enemies (see - legal) (4) consumer credit

Government sources (ploys)*:

(1) Welfare (4) doles
(2) Social Security (5) grants
(3) U.S.D.A. surplus food (6) subsidies

Government sources (via intimidation)

(1) Internal Revenue Service
(2) OSHA
(3) Census
(4) etc.

* Principle of this ploy - the citizen will almost always make the
collection of information easy if he can operate on the 'free sandwich
principle' of 'eat now, and pay later'.

Other Government sources - surveillance of U.S. Mail

P. 43


Strength and weaknesses:

(1) activities (sports, hobbies, etc.)
(2) see 'legal' (fear, anger, etc. - crime record)
(3) hospital records (drug sensitivities, reaction to pain, etc.)
(4) psychiatric records (fears, angers, disgusts, adaptability,
reactions to stimuli, violence, suggestibility or hypnosis, pain,
pleasure, love, and sex)

Methods of coping - of adaptability - behavior:

(1) consumption of alcohol (5) other methods of escaping from
(2) consumption of drugs
(3) entertainment
(4) religious factors influencing behavior

Payment modus operandi (MO) - pay on time, etc.,

(1) payment of telephone bills
(2) energy purchases (electric, gas,....)
(3) water purchases
(4) repayment of loans
(5) house payments
(6) automobile payments
(7) payments on credit cards

Political sensitivity:

(1) beliefs (3) position (5) projects/activities
(2) contacts (4) strengths/weaknesses

Legal inputs - behavior control
(Excuses for investigation, search, arrest, or employment of force to
modify behavior.)

(1) court records (4) reports made to police
(2) police records - NCIC (5) insurance information
(3) driving record (6) anti-establishment acquaintances

P. 44


Business sources (via I.R.S., etc..):

(1) prices of commodities
(2) sales
(3) investments in
(a) stocks/inventory
(b) production tools and machinery
(c) buildings and improvements
(d) the stock market

Banks and credit bureaus:

(1) credit information
(2) payment information

Miscellaneous sources:

(1) polls and surveys
(2) publications
(3) telephone records
(4) energy and utility purchase

P. 45


Outputs - create controlled situations.
--- manipulation of the economy, hence society.
--- control by control of compensation and income.

(1) allocates opportunities
(2) destroys opportunities
(3) controls the economic environment
(4) controls the availability of raw materials
(5) controls capital
(6) controls bank rates
(7) controls the inflation of the currency
(8) controls the possession of property
(9) controls industrial capacity
(10) controls manufacturing
(11) controls the availability of goods (commodities)
(12) controls the prices of commodities
(13) controls services, the labor force, etc..
(14) controls payments to government officials
(15) controls the legal functions
(16) controls the personal data files - uncorrectable by the party
(17) controls advertising
(18) controls media content
(19) controls material available for T.V. viewing
(20) disengages attention from real issues
(21) engages emotions
(22) creates disorder, chaos, and insanity
(23) controls design of more probing tax forms
(24) controls surveillance
(25) controls the storage of information
(26) develops psychological analyses and profiles of individuals
(27) controls legal functions (repeat of 15)
(28) controls sociological factors
(29) controls health options
(30) prays on weaknesses
(31) cripples strengths
(32) leaches wealth and substance

P. 46


Keep public ignorant. | less public organization
Access to control points | required reaction to outputs for
(prices, sales) | feedback
Create preoccupation. | lower defenses
------------------- ----------------|-------------------------------------
Attack the family unit. | control of the education of the
| young
Give them less cash and more | more self-indulgence and more data
credit and doles |
Attack the privacy of the church. | destroy faith in this sort of
| government
social conformity | computer programming simplicity
Minimize the tax protest. | maximum economic data
| minimum enforcement problems
Stabilize the consent coefficients | simplicity
tight control of variables | simpler computer input data --
| greater predictability
Establish boundary conditions | problem simplicity
| solution of differential and
| difference equations.
proper timing | less data shift and blurring.
minimum resistance to control | maximum control
maximize control | ultimate objective
collapse of currency | destroy the faith of the American
| people in each other
| END |

[Ultimate objective --- New World Order -- WC]

P. 47


Experience has proven that the simplest method of securing a silent
weapon and gaining control of the public is to keep the public
undisciplined and ignorant of basic systems principles on the one hand,
while keeping them confused, disorganized, and distracted with matters of
no real importance on the other hand.
This is achieved by:

(1) disengaging their minds, sabotaging their mental activities, by
providing a low quality program of public education in mathematics,
logic, systems design, and economics, and by discouraging technical
(2) engaging their emotions, increasing their self-indulgence and their
indulgence in emotional and physical activities, by:
(a) unrelenting emotional affrontations and attacks (mental and
emotional rape) by way of a constant barrage of sex, violence,
and wars in the media - especially the T.V. and the newspapers.
(b) giving them what they desire - in excess -- 'junk food for
thought' -- and depriving them of what they really need.
(3) rewriting history and law and subjecting the public to the deviant
creation, thus being able to shift their thinking from personal needs
to highly fabricated outside priorities.

These preclude their interest in and discovery of the silent weapons
of social automation technology.
The general rule is that there is profit in confusion; the more
confusion, the more profit. Therefore, the best approach is to create
problems and then offer the solutions.

P. 48


MEDIA: Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real
social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance.

SCHOOLS: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real
economics, real law, and real history.

ENTERTAINMENT: Keep the public entertainment below a sixth grade level.

WORK: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; back on the
farm with the other animals.


A silent weapon system operates upon data obtained from a docile
public by legal (but not always lawful) force. Much information is made
available to silent weapon systems programmers through the Internal
Revenue Service. (See Studies in the Structure of the American Economy for
an I.R.S. source list.) This information consists of the enforced
delivery of well organized data contained in federal and state tax forms
collected, assembled, and submitted by slave labor provided by taxpayers
and employers. Furthermore, the number of such forms submitted to the
I.R.S. is a useful indicator of public consent, and important factor in
strategic decision making. Other data sources are given in the Short List
of Inputs.

Consent Coefficients - numerical feedback indicating victory status.
Psychological basis:
When the government is able to collect tax and seize private property
without just compensation, it is an indication that the public is ripe for
surrender and is consenting to enslavement and legal encroachment. A good
and easily quantified indicator of harvest time is the number of public
citizens who pay income tax despite an obvious lack of reciprocal or
honest service from . . .

[Last line missing]

P. 49


The next step in the process of designing an economic amplifier is
discovering the energy sources. The energy sources which support any
primitive economic system are, of course, a supply of raw materials, and
the consent of the people to labor and consequently assume a certain rank,
position, level, or class in the social structure; i.e., to provide labor
at various levels in the pecking order.
Each class, in guaranteeing its own level of income, controls the
class immediately below it, hence preserves the class structure. This
provides stability and security, but also government from the top.
As time goes on and communication and education improve, the lower
class elements of the social labor structure become knowledgeable and
envious of the good things that the upper class members have. They also
begin to attain a knowledge of energy systems and the ability to enforce
their rise through the class structure.
This threatens the sovereignty of the elite.
If this rise of the lower classes can be postponed long enough, the
elite can achieve energy dominance, and labor by consent no longer will
hold a position of an essential economic energy source.
Until such energy dominance is absolutely established, the consent of
the people to labor and let others handle their affairs must be taken into
consideration, since failure to do so could cause the people to interfere
in the final transfer of energy sources to the control of the elite.
It is essential to recognize that at this time, public consent is
still an essential key to the release of energy in the process of economic
Therefore, consent as an energy release mechanism will now be

P. 50


The successful application of a strategy requires a careful study of
inputs, outputs, the strategy connecting the inputs and the outputs, and
the available energy sources to fuel the strategy. This study is called
A logistical problem is studied at the elementary level first, and
then levels of greater complexity are studied as a synthesis of elementary
This means that a given system is analyzed, i.e., broken down into
its sub-systems, and these in turn are analyzed, until, by this process,
one arrives at the logistical 'atom', the individual.
This is where the process of synthesis properly begins, and at the
time of the birth of the individual.


From the time a person leaves its mother's womb, its every effort is
directed toward building, maintaining, and withdrawing into artificial
wombs, various sorts of substitute protective devices or shells.
The objective of these artificial wombs is to provide a stable
environment for both stable and unstable activity; to provide a shelter
for the evolutionary processes of growth, and maturity - i.e., survival;
to provide security for freedom and to provide defensive protection for
offensive activity.
This is equally true of both the general public and the elite.
However, there is a definite difference in the way each of these classes
go about the solution of problems.


The primary reason why the individual citizens of a country creates a
political structure is a subconscious wish or desire to perpetuate their
own dependency relationship of childhood.
Simply put, they want a human god to eliminate all risk from their
life, pat them on the head, kiss their bruises, put a chicken on every
dinner table, clothe their bodies, tuck them into bed at night, and tell
them that everything will be alright when they wake up in the morning.
This public demand is incredible, so the human god, the politician,
meets incredibility with incredibility by promising the world and
delivering nothing. So who is the bigger liar?, the public?, or the
This public behavior is surrender born of fear, laziness, and
expediency. It is the basis of the welfare state as a strategic weapon,
useful against a disgusting public.


Most people want to be able to subdue and/or kill other human beings
which disturb their daily lives, but they do not want to have to cope with
the moral and religious issues which such an overt act on their part might
raise. Therefore, they assign the dirty work to others (including their
own children) so as to keep the blood off their own hands. They rave
about the humane treatment of animals and then sit down to a delicious
hamburger from a whitewashed slaughterhouse down the street and out of
sight. But even more hypocritical, they pay taxes to finance a
professional association of hit men collectively called politicians, and
then complain about corruption in government.

RESPONSIBILITY --------------

Again, most people want to be free to do things (to explore, etc.)
but they are afraid to fail.
The fear of failure is manifested in irresponsibility, and especially
in delegating those personal responsibilities to others where success is
uncertain or carries possible or created liabilities (law) which the
person is not prepared to accept.
They want authority (root word - 'author'), but they will not accept
responsibility or liability.

[(At this point three lines of text were missing from the original text we

P. 52

So, they hire politicians to face reality for them.


The people hire the politicians so that the people can:

(1) obtain security without managing it.
(2) obtain action without thinking about it.
(3) inflict theft, injury, and death upon others without having to
contemplate either life or death.
(4) avoid responsibility for their own intentions.
(5) obtain the benefits of reality and science without exerting themselves
in the discipline of facing or learning either of these things.

They give the politicians the power to create and manage a war
machine to:

(1) provide for the survival of the NATION/WOMB.
(2) prevent encroachment of anything upon the NATION/WOMB.
(3) destroy the enemy who threatens the NATION/WOMB.
(4) destroy those citizens of their own country who do not conform for the
sake of stability of the NATION/WOMB.

Politicians hold many quasi-military jobs, the lowest being the
police which are soldiers, the attorneys and the C.P.A.s next who are
spies and saboteurs (licensed), and the judges who shout the orders and
run the closed union military shop for whatever the market will bear. The
generals are industrialists. The 'presidential' level of
commander-in-chief is shared by the international bankers. The people
know that they have created this farce and financed it with their own
taxes (consent), but they would rather knuckle under than be the
Thus, a nation becomes divided into two very distinct parts, a DOCILE
SUB-NATION [great silent majority -- WC] and a POLITICAL SUB-NATION. The
political sub-nation remains attached to the docile sub-nation, tolerates
it, and leaches its substance until it grows strong enough to detach
itself and devour its parent.

P. 53


In order to make meaningful computerized economic decisions about
war, the primary economic flywheel, it is necessary to assign concrete
logistical values to each element of the war structure - personnel and
material alike.
this process begins with a clear and candid description of the
sub-systems of such a structure.

(As military service.)

Few efforts of human behavior modification are more remarkable or
more effective than that of the socio-military institution known as the
draft. A primary purpose of a draft or other such institution is to
instill, by intimidation, in the young males of a society the uncritical
conviction that the government is omnipotent. [The truth is the opposite,
as government exists only with the consent of the people -- WC] He is
soon taught that a prayer is slow to reverse what a bullet can do in an
instant. Thus, a man trained in a religious environment for eighteen
years of his life can, by this instrument of the government, be broken
down, be purged of his fantasies and delusions in a matter of mere months.
Once that conviction is instilled, all else becomes easy to instill.
Even more interesting is the process by which a young man's parents,
who purportedly love him, can be induced to send him off to war to his
death. Although the scope of this work will not allow this matter to be
expanded in full detail, nevertheless, a coarse overview will be possible
and can serve to reveal those factors which must be included in some
numerical form in a computer analysis of social and war systems.
We begin with tentative a definition of the draft.

The draft (selective service, etc.) is an institution of compulsory
collective sacrifice and slavery, devised by the middle aged and the
elderly for the purpose of pressing the young

P. 54 - 55

into doing the public dirty work. It further serves to make the youth as
guilty as the elders, thus making criticism of the elders by the youth
less likely (Generational Stabilizer). It is marketed and sold to the
public under the label of "patriotic*national" service.

Once a candid economic definition of the draft is achieved, that
definition is used to outline the boundaries of a structure called a Human
Value System, which in turn is translated into the terms of game theory.
The value of such a slave laborer is given in a Table of Human Values, a
table broken down into categories by intellect, experience, post service
job demand, etc..
Some of these categories are ordinary and can be tentatively
evaluated in terms of the value of certain jobs for which a known fee
exists. Some jobs are harder to value because they are unique to the
demands of social subversion, for an extreme example: the value of a
mother's instruction to her daughter causing that daughter to put certain
behavioral demands upon a future husband, ten or fifteen years hence,
thus, by suppressing his resistance to a perversion of a government,
making it easier for a banking cartel to buy the State of New York in,
say, twenty years.
Such a problem leans heavily upo n the observations and data of
wartime espionage and many types of psychological testing. But crude
mathematical models (algorithms, etc.) can be devised, if not to predict,
at least to predetermine these events with maximum certainty. What does
not exist by natural cooperation is thus enhanced by calculated
compulsion. Human beings are machines, levers which may be grasped and
turned, and there is little real difference between automating a society
and automating a shoe factory.
These derived values are variable. (It is necessary to use a current
Table of Human Values for computer analysis.) These values are given in
true measure rather than U.S. dollars, since the latter is unstable, being
presently inflated beyond the production of national goods and services so
as to give the economy a false kinetic energy ('paper' inductance).
The silver value is stable, it being possible to buy the same amount
with a gram of silver today as could be bought in 1920. Human value
measured in silver units changes slightly due to changes in production


As in every social system approach, stability is achieved only by
understanding and accounting for human nature (action/reaction patterns).
A failure to do so can be, and usually is, disastrous.
As in other human social schemes, one form or another of intimidation
(or incentive) is essential to the success of the draft. Physical
principles of action and reactions must be applied to both internal and
external sub-systems.
To secure the draft, individual brainwashing/programming and both the
family unit and the peer group must be engaged and brought under control.

The man of the household must be house-broken to ensure that junior
will grow up with the right social training and attitudes. The
advertising media, etc., are engaged to see to it that father-to-be is
pussy-whipped before or by the time he is married. He is taught that he
either conforms to the social nitch cut out for him or his sex life will
be hobbled and his tender companionship will be zero. He is made to see
that women demand security more than logical, principled, or honorable
behavior. By the time his son must go to war, father (with jelly for a
back bone) will slam a gun into junior's hand before father will risk the
censure of his peers, or make a hypocrite of himself by crossing the
investment he has in his own personal opinion or self-esteem. Junior will
go to war or father will be embarrassed. So junior will go to war, the
true purpose of the war notwithstanding.

P. 56

The female element of human society is ruled by emotion first and
logic second. In the battle between logic and imagination, imagination< br>always wins, fantasy prevails, maternal instinct dominates so that the
child comes first and the future comes second. A woman with a newborn
baby is too starry-eyed to see a wealthy man's cannon fodder or a cheap
source of slave labor. A woman must, however, be conditioned to accept
the transition to "reality" when it comes, or sooner.
As the transition becomes more difficult to manage, the family unit
must be carefully disintegrated, and state controlled public education and
state operated child care centers must become more common and legally
enforced so as to begin the detachment of the child from the mother and
father at an earlier age. Inoculation of behavioral drugs can speed the
transition for the child (mandatory). CAUTION: A woman's impulsive anger



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