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投稿者 佐藤雅彦 日時 2001 年 11 月 02 日 05:09:59:




Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum

Possibly the real reason for WTC

Posted By: tenavision
Date: Tuesday, 30 October 2001, 9:42 p.m.

First, read this, explaining that there really isn't any Caspian oil. Even though this page is from a few years ago, it shows how long it has been known that there is little oil near the Caspian sea.


Why did the conspirators had to act now ?
Message #113973 from May 23, 1999, exposes why is NATO sending more ground troops to the Balkans - only a coverup for a full scale nuclear strike, since the NATO mercenaries aren't willing to die for the KLA and the public opinion isn't ready to accept those their sons to die for the staged "humanitarian" cause.
But one question remains : why is the strategy of NATO what's stated in conclusion 2 of the referred message (Kosovo is the end game) ?
NATO uses now daily, against Yugoslavia, 11 million gallons (40 million liters) fuel a day. If you believe the big lie that "oil reserves still last for at least another 100 years" then this is irrelevant.
But the two facts below explain the two major political questions today :
why the conspirators couldn't wait any longer - Fact #1 makes it clear : any serious disruption of the oil supply would bring the G-7 economy to collapse like a castle of cards ...
what the END game really is now - ... so the strategic goal isn't any longer the control of the oil supply. It's too late for that. The END GAME is destroying Russia's deterrent capacity and (threatening) to launch a full scale nuclear strike.
Both facts help you also understand that NATO wouldn't be using those 11 million gallons a day bombing if Kosovo wasn't part of the end game.
#1: G-7 and NATO - oil reserves are almost gone
Oil reserves still left in the G-7 countries today : 29.0 billion barrels, i.e. finished until 2004.
Source : Report of the Congressional Research Service from 1995
US - 23.0 / Canada - 5.0 / UK - 12.0, which gives a G-7 total in 1995 of 40.0
Other NATO countries : Norway 9.4.
Since 1995 (4.5 years), assuming the production levels of 1995, 20.4 of them are gone, i.e. (2.3 United States + 0.64 Canada + 0.91 Norway + 0.91 United Kingdom) * 4.5
#2: Caspian Sea oil - the dream is gone
A major factor to explain the dramatical acceleration in the course of events in Kosovo are the latest results of prospection in the Caspian Sea : the expectations it would be a (reborn) Eldorado proved to be wrong. Western Oil consortiums are leaving the area after gigantic investments with no return.
After 1994, as the first consortium, AIOC, was created, fifteen more followed afterwards. Some facts about the current situation :

the Pennzoil lead consortium decided, January 1999, to stop its activities, after the three drills, specified in the contract, failed.
three failed drills are the results of the BP Amoco lead Consortium. Their retreat has also been already decided.
the only consortium producing at the moment is AIOC, but using the fields already producing at the Soviet Union period.
currently only one consortium is prospect drilling.
Azerbaijan produced in 1998, 9 million tons of crude (less than in 1991).
"Why did the conspirators need to act now ?", was posted the first time to the CNN board, May 23, 1999 - start at http://cnnplus.cnn.com/WebX?13@@.ee6b2b1/113990.


Incredible facts about a page with incredible facts
The two key political questions of this end of the millennium, which is also the end of the second (hopefully not the last) stage in the History of Mankind are :
what is the strategy of NATO (answered, among other pages, in the plot page)
why did NATO had to act now (the tactical issue, answered worldwide, as far as I know, only in this page)
Can you imagine that
the lines above ("why did the conspirators had to act now?") were posted several times to the CNN Board "Kosovo" in late May and in June 1999. One of these postings (#8, June 22) happened to be part of the very first page of the third board, a page easy to access (with the fast rewind button). Remark : not only message #8 but all the messages of this first page were deleted in late August, 99.
searching Altavista for "+Caspian +sea +oil +reserves" would return it in the first page of search results. Altavista, the last widely used search engine still escaping the control. This page was immediately deleted from its index. Update March 2001: altavista seems to be no more censoring. The reason could be that it isn't reaching many people any longer.
to understand its data you only need to be able to read, multiply and add;
hardly anybody visited it, mentioned it or linked to it ?
This is yet another example of a key feature of our times : to what extent people gave up the capacity to use their basic asset, thinking.
December 1, 1999


Central Asia - Oil Reserves, Geostrategy - updates
The recent developments didn't change anything in the fundamentals. No miracle for the conspirators. Anyway these are just details. because it really is too late for miracles.
May, 2000 - new reserves found (estimated on the range between 5 and 30 billion barrels, what would make it the largest finding in the last 20 years), in Kasachstan ...
August 2000 - ... but Putin destroys the last hopes for the US-Turkish pipeline project Baku-Ceyhan, signing :
with Kasachstan's president a treaty for the export of the oil through russian pipelines
with president Nijasow a treaty for the transport of Turkmenistan's gas. Nijasow cancelead a few days before a 1999 pre-contract with a US oil consortium.
August 2000 - Remark that Uzbekistan has also just clearly aligned with Russia, in a surprise shift, joining Tajikistan. Uzbekistan's president Karimov cancelead a meeting with NATO's George Robertson and met several times with Putin. The main reason : the CIA & Pakistan financed Afghanistan's Taliban is intensifying the support for the moslem terrorists in Uzbekistan, after they did it massively in the Fergana Valley in Tajikistan.
August 27, 2000 - a few days after these developments the "Kursk" was destroyed in the Sea of Barents.


drilling 1 mile deep ... World's largest Oil Rig sinks

Signs of God and the fall of the system
Nothing really important is difficult to understand. To measure how desperate the G-7 was in 1997 to discover new oil fields you only needed to look at the oil platforms, that were being built.
World's largest Oil Rig Sinks Off Brazil's Coast
The signs of God about the fall of the system are clear : this happens as "Dow enters bear territory" and "Space station MIR counts last hours in space".
Japan, the G-7 country more dependant on non renewable ressources, is the first G-7 country to fall.
March 18, 2001

Then, read this page, detailing the discussion about the Japanese banks insolvency which could have brought down the whole planet's economy..it (the economy) was saved by the WTC!


The Japanese banks and government and the fall of the system
We are now living the last days of a system that has lasted for thousands of years.
They teached you that the curve of the system was cyclical. In fact it is an exponential curve - limited in time.
Facts that any child can understand make it clear, that IF the system would not be finished by the BIG BANG, THEN JAPAN would be the first to fall.
The fact that Japan is the G-7 country more dependant on non-renewable natural resources is the main factor. There is a second factor. Like in any exponential system, this second factor accelerates the fall. It was explained below, by JasonR, today, March 14, 2001.

The big japanese banks and the fall of the Nikkei
There is no mystery about what is going on. The Nikkei, the japanese stock index, has collapsed to 11400, down from as high as ~21000 about a year ago, and a middling range of 16-18000 for several years past. The big japanese banks have never owned up to or liquidated their losses running all the way back to the late 80s, early 90s "bubble" economy period there, when the nikkei was as high as 37000. It is now 70% below that peak, and down a third in the past year from its average price level.
Why does this matter? Because the japanese banks own shares in other japanese companies. These shares form a part of their capital. As all banks do, they then lend out several times the size of their total capital. The capital is the cushion against losses on bad loans. It enables a bank to repay depositers and lenders, even if the people it lends to, do not repay the bank. But only to the amount of the capital the bank has. Well, since the shares are part of the capital, you can figure out at what level of the nikkei, the banks have enough to cover their deposits and their other borrowings. That is the point where the capital hits "zero". It is estimated to be around 14000 on the nikkei.

In other words, as the japanese stock market falls, the japanese banks become insolvent. They cannot repay their debts, to their depositors and to other banks. Shares are not allowed to be included in bank capital in the U.S. for precisely this sort of reason. But it is commonplace in foreign banking systems. Banks do it because in good times, the shares pay better. Heads the stocks go up and the bank owners make money. Tails the stocks go down and the depositors lose money. Well, its "tails".

Despite 10s of billions in public money spent on bailouts, and a few high-profile liquidations in the past couple years, the japanese banking system is still underwater. Why do others continue to lend to them, when this is notorious? Because the depositors expect the government to protect them from losses, and other lenders expect bailouts. Everybody is pretending the japanese government will pay off everybody. In the meantime, because of the risk, loans to japanese banks in dollars pay more than loans to other banks. Incidentally, all of the above problems continue despite interest rates in japan that have been zero for years.

The big japanese banks and the other international bankers
Today, U.S. bank stocks fell sharply. The trigger was a report from Fitch, a credit agency, reducing the credit rating of a number of japanese banks. This is obvious but the report reminded people of it, brought it to the attention of people who did not have it on their radar screen, as the saying goes, and such-like. The U.S. banks fell because they have lent money to the japanese banks. Which are broke at this level of the nikkei.
The policies - another proof that the system was not meant to last past 2000
Japan should have allowed these broken banks to fail long ago. It didn't. It did everything to avoid the reckoning, simply hoping that something would turn up, improve the situation, revive their stock market, and put the banks "above water" again. "Let's pretend" as financial policy. The government pursued all sorts of nonsense Keynesian economics schemes, like boondoogle public works projects and zero interest rates - to try to "boost" the economy. But they would not let the banks fail, and release the grip they have on the real assets of japan, both capital and indirectly, labor.
These banks are not providing useful services to the japanese economy. They are continually forcing misallocations of capital in an effort to cover up past mistakes and fool people about what actually happened. What actually happened is the managers of corporate japan made a lot of crazy bets and lost a lot of real value, and the money that was risked was not their own, but the depositors'. If all of these banks had been closed gradually over the intervening decade, and new banks allowed to take their place, then the problem would be not so explosive.

Instead they rigged their stock market and gambled on their currency and played foreign markets.

So whatever gambles were being tried to save their bank manager's tails, didn't work. And the banks are bust, and just about everybody in the financial world knows it. The only thing propping them up right now, is everyone willingly speculating, aka hoping, that someone the sugar daddy japanese government will pay everyone and make everybody whole, no matter how stupid their previous economic decisions and loans. Or in other words, they all expect to make money not by making sound loans, but by the japanese government exerting its taxation power, for their benefit.

The discussion Nikkei - the exponential curve on the move started July 2001. By September 10 it was clear that the international bankers couldn't intervene massively much longer in Wall Street.
Wall Street didn't crash. It didn't open. The towers crashed. May God have mercy on the souls of the victims. May Mankind understand the signs of God.


Under the picture is part of the message that you cannot see which reads:

The discussion Nikkei

the exponential curve on the move started July 2001.
By September 10 it was clear that the international
bankers couldn't intervene massively much longer
in Wall Street. Wall Street didn't crash. It didn't open.
The towers crashed. May God have mercy on the souls of
the victims. May Mankind understand the signs of God.

then, this link:


which seems to offer 2 choices: either One world government or nuclear holocaust - the strategy, and also explains the power politics behind the things going on right now.

The exponential curve they are referring to must be the point where HYPERINFLATION comes into being, what the Chinese termed "flying money," which is the last major event before the bubble completely bursts in a paper H bomb that will destroy all nations economies, and millions of people. I understand that Greenspan has had the printing presses rolling full tilt for months.

Now, if there really isn't much oil in the Caspian sea region, why is there a war going on there? Is it because war is good for the economy of some internationalist banksters? And also, a war that close to Russia might be too close for defensive measures from Russia...just a thought. I understand that Russia has a LOT of oil in (hold your breath) Chechnya (sp) and I thought the muslims fighting there were being supported in some manner by Amerikan monies and such? Does anyone else remember these things?

Also, the WTC destruction, didn't it destroy the COMEX (metals market) and delay the derivatives bubble bursting upon us all? That derivatives bubble where their investments ratio turned out to be over $600 dollars to $1 dollar invested?

Please, somebody, wake me from this NIGHTMARE!




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