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Indipendent記事の翻訳 投稿者 Bird EyeBugEye 日時 2002 年 2 月 21 日 17:37:00:

(回答先: 米国防総省、外国世論への働きかけ強化を検討[ニューヨーク19日ロイター] 投稿者 FP親衛隊国家保安本部 日時 2002 年 2 月 19 日 22:00:59)

20 February 2002 13:22 GMT

Revealed: Pentagon's new black propaganda unit

By Rupert Cornwell in Washington

The Pentagon is developing a major covert news and disinformation campaign to help Washington win the propaganda war against terrorism in the Islamic world.

The plan, worrying to some US defence officials, is being elaborated by the Office of Strategic Influence (OSI), a recently created unit funded from an extra $10bn (?7m) of emergency funds voted by Congress to the Pentagon after 11 September. The main target is the Islamic countries of the Middle East and Asia, but the campaign may also be directed at Western Europe, where criticism has mounted in recent weeks of the Bush administration's strategy to fight terrorism.

戦略影響局(OSI)については、それが空軍長官であるBrigadier General Simon Wordenに率いられていることや、強い影響力を持つワシントンのコミュニケーションコンサルタントthe Rendon Groupからアドバイスを受けていること以外には、ほとんど知られていない。コンサルタント会社のthe Rendは以前にCIAや、クウェート政府、およびイラクの国会の反対勢力のために仕事をした過去があり、また昨日、戦略影響局(OSI)の存在を明るみに出したニューヨークタイムズによれば、月におよそ10万ドルの支払いを現在も受け続けている。
Little is known of the OSI other than that it is headed by an air force general, Brigadier General Simon Worden, and is being advised by a powerful Washington communications consultancy, the Rendon Group. Its budget and staffing is unknown. Rendon has previously worked for the CIA, the Kuwaiti government and the Iraqi National Congress opposition group, and is being paid fees of about $100,000 a month, according to The New York Times, which disclosed the existence of the OSI yesterday.

The blueprint for the propaganda offensive is being studied by the Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld, and by Pentagon lawyers, and has not yet been formally approved by President Bush. But Mr Rumsfeld is said broadly to back the idea, and Rendon's background is further evidence of how Mr Bush intends to ratchet up the pressure on Saddam Hussein and achieve "regime change" in Iraq.

None the less there are misgivings within the Pentagon at its seemingly imminent venture into an area traditionally the preserve of the CIA and the State Department. The main fear is that by feeding slanted and possibly false information to foreign government officials and the international media, the OSI might undermine the credibility of the Pentagon's official press department.

One Defence Department official said: "We shouldn't be in that business. Leave the propaganda leaks to the CIA, the spooks. If we get the reputation for spreading false information, then what is anyone to believe and not believe that comes out of this building?" Other officials fear the initiative, once revealed, might weaken support for the US among its allies.

ペンタゴンの公式プレス・スポークスマンのVictoria Clarkeは、彼女の部局は戦略影響局(OSI)と関わりを持っていないと述べ、戦略影響局(OSI)のことを「まだ作成中の仕事」と呼んでいた。ペンタゴンはこれまでも戦争に関する情報については物惜しみせず提供するという姿からはかけ離れた状況であったが、ラムズフェルトも、少なくとも一般的には、レポーターたちに嘘をいわないことを誓ってきたし、微妙な問題を掘り下げようとするリポーターたちに対してしばしば「わかっている、しかし君には言えない」と述べてきた。ニューヨークタイムズは、もしこの計画が承認されれば、“黒い(悪意を持った)”偽りの情報や、提出されたニュースをよりいっそう確からしくするためのその他の秘密活動がその計画の中で進められるに違いないと述べている。その主要な要素は、その本来の出自を隠すために外部のソースから流される電子メールになる公算が高く、それによって合衆国の政策を後押ししたり、あるいは非友好的な政府への攻撃が意図されるのである。
Victoria Clarke, the official Pentagon press spokeswoman, said her department was not involved with the OSI, calling it "a work in progress". Though the Pentagon has been far from generous with information about the war, Mr Rumsfeld has more or less kept his promise not to lie to reporters, often telling reporters investigating sensitive issues: "I know, but I won't tell you." The New York Times said the plan, if approved, would embrace "black" disinformation and other covert activities in addition to accurate news releases. It would feature e-mail messages, distributed by an outside source to conceal their origin, which would promote US policies and attack unfriendly governments.

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