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Re: i^iさん、せっかくの議論版ですので、再度論じていただけませんか?この問題は致命的に大事なものですから。
投稿者 夢の中でランデブー 日時 2006 年 11 月 22 日 19:25:30: g.74HMK5rhQXg

(回答先: WTCとは別のビル爆破計画のことでしょ 投稿者 i^i 日時 2006 年 11 月 21 日 23:32:51)


“The bill I have proposed will ensure that suspected terrorists will receive full and fair trials, without revealing to them our nation's sensitive intelligence secrets. As soon as Congress acts on this bill, the man our intelligence agencies believe helped orchestrate the 9/11 attacks can face justice.(第6段落)

The bill would also provide clear rules for our personnel involved in detaining and questioning captured terrorists. The information that the Central Intelligence Agency has obtained by questioning men like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has provided valuable information and has helped disrupt terrorist plots, including strikes within the United States.(第7段落)

For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping.”(第8段落)
まず アレックス=ジョーンズやrense.com


A. http://www.rumormillnews.com/

大統領自身が、この9月15日の記者会見で、WTCに爆弾が仕掛けられていたことを認めた(admit)という情報を第一に掲載したのは、上の@です。このサイトの編集人は、直接の該当部分(第8段落)をビデオクリップから、音声クリップにして、以下のような独立のファイルにしました。ファイル名を見ての通り、編集者は、この部分を以て、大統領が、自ら ビルに爆弾が仕掛けられていたことを認めた、という意味、つまり bushadmitbomb という名を当てています。




"There you have it. President Bush had admitted what the eyewitnesses reported on 9/11; that there were bombs inside the World Trade Towers.
"Of course, Bush pins the blame for the bombs on Al Qaeda, which is sort of accurate when you consider that most of Al Qaeda is a creation of U.S. and Israeli intelligence.
"But in trying to explain away the eyewitness reports of bombs, Bush has dug himself into a deeper logic hole. How did these "Al Qaeda" bombers manage to spend at least a week (according to witnesses who heard and saw them) working inside the buildings under the noses of Bush's cousin and brother, who were in charge of security for the World Trade Center? Security at the towers was tight following the 1993 attempted bombing. You could not simply walk into an elevator unless you could document employment or a meeting. Yet as one can tell from the tell-tale marks left by the cutter charges, these preparations took a great deal of time and materials to carry out.
"Why did these "Al Qaeda" bombers go to the extra effort to drop all three buildings straight down instead of toppling them sideways, maximizing the damage?
"If Al Qaeda succeeded in bombing the buildings, why bother with the airplanes? Why bother hiding the bombing itself, if it was truly the work of terrorists out to make a statement?
"In admitting the bombs, Bush has opened up the inquiry to include the very great amount of incriminating evidence found near the airplanes linking the attacks to Arab nations, versus the total absence of any such evidence near the bombs. This contrast is ONLY explained if the evidence left with the airplanes was planted, to frame someone.
"Why did it take 5 years for the government to admit what was obvious to everyone right from the start; that explosives were used to bring down the buildings, unless the original plan was not to admit to the bombs in the first place?
"Dubya, in his pathetic attempt to pin the blame for the now-admitted bombs on Al Qaeda, has created far more logical problems then he has solved."
The truth has a nasty habit of slipping our when least expected. No wonder more and more Americans now realize that the official 9/11 story is bogus.






As soon as Congress acts on this bill, the man our intelligence agencies believe helped orchestrate the 9/11 attacks can face justice.(第6段落)

このthe manはKhalid Sheikh Mohammedを具体的に指しています。米当局は、911の主犯・主催者をこの男、としています。


For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out.
the design としており、定冠詞のtheは,前後の文脈で、唯一無二のものとして、特定されています。つまり、WTCの攻撃計画のことです。もし、ここで 特定の攻撃プランを指すものではなく、一般的に米国領土内のいくつかの建物の攻撃計画を言うなら、the を使わず、designsするのではないでしょうか?(複数形に注意)。

He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping.”




このように、Khalid Sheikh Mohammedがあくまで、2006年9月11日のあのWTCビル攻撃について、具体的に爆弾の話を自白していることに大統領は言及しているのであって、何も、彼が今だ実行には至っていない、計画段階のビル攻撃について一般的にしゃべっている、と大統領が言っているわけではないのではないでしょうか?

As soon as Congress acts on this bill, the man our intelligence agencies believe helped orchestrate the 9/11 attacks can face justice.(第6段落)

この文章では、特別軍事法廷法が成立すれば、Khalid Sheikh Mohammedを直ちに、特別軍事法廷で起訴し、裁判かけることが出来ると言っています。この裁判の訴因は一体何なのでしょうか。米国領土内のビルを攻撃する一般計画を持っていたが、それを実行に移さなかった予備罪なのでしょうか。それとも、飛行機突入のみならず、さらに念入りにもっと大量殺人ができるよう、(実行行為として)爆弾を仕掛け、そこまで含めた実行をした、全体のことを含めて訴因としているのでしょうか。私は後者と思えるのですが。米当局は、テロリストたちは、飛行機をぶつけるだけでなく,爆弾まで使って逃げ道を破壊することで、極限的に大量殺人を行う、血も涙もない残忍極まりない連中だという構図や印象作りのため、このように構成したのではないでしょうか。(というか、もはや、爆弾説を否定することが難しくなった、話を少しずつ,ずらしていく他あるまいと考えたのが本音でしょう)

the man our intelligence agencies believe helped orchestrate the 9/11 attacks can face justice.(第6段落)




上のAのサイトにalex jones自身が発言を掲載したことがあり、また@の編集人を自分のサイトでゲストで呼んだこともありました。これら4つのサイトは,相互に参照し合っていますが、jones, renseで、この大統領発言を取り上げたことがありません。

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