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投稿者 鷹眼乃見物 日時 2010 年 1 月 05 日 16:50:46: YqqS.BdzuYk56




『ドイツ最高峰、ズークスピッツェ/from the cable car on top of Germany's highest peak, the Zugspitze, also in Bavaria. 』・・・



『仙台近郊の冬景色』(2010.1.3 、撮影)







Lara Fabian - La Différence/N'oubliez Pas Les Paroles 2010)

Lara Fabian  A Göttingen -Les annees bonheur

<注記>『A Göttingen』は反戦・平和の歌です(参照、下記◆)。

◆2009-11-16toxandoriaの日記/ たまにはララ・ファビアンが“はんなり”歌うA Göttingen(反戦・平和の歌)はいかがですか?、http://d.hatena.ne.jp/toxandoria/20091114


ノーベル平和賞授賞式(ノルウェー・オスロ(Oslo)で2009年12月10日に開かれた2009年ノーベル平和賞の授賞式)での“オバマ大統領の変容ぶり”を恰も懸念するかのように、しかしながら、そこには僅かの期待をも込めつつ、ララ・ファビアンが『La Différence』(N'oubliez Pas Les Paroles 2010)を“はんなり”と爽やかに歌っています(関連参照、以下英文)

・・・And he (Obama)reminded the world that, whatever mistakes we've made, the U.S. has shed its blood and spent its treasure to promote peace and prosperity around the world. There is much about Obama's administration to criticize. But at certain moments, the president articulates our problems in ways that elevate us beyond our pettier differences.




同じく2010.1.5付・日本経済新聞のコラム記事『一目均衡』では、短期収益を過剰に求め過ぎたことへの反省から、今や世界の資本市場は「忍耐強い資本」と「社会企業」や「慈善」など、従来は市場外にあると思われてきた価値観(新たな外部経済)へ接近する動きがあることを紹介しているが、日本を代表する経営トップの年頭所感は、これらの方向へ一切無関心のように見えるのはなぜなのか? 同時に、以下のようにまことに悲惨な国内経済の実態(▼=財界と長期自民党政権下における政官癒着の賜物)が報じられているというにもかかわらず・・・。


それに気づかぬ(筈はないのだが!)現代日本の多くの経営者らのあやふやで無責任で近視眼的な経営感覚は、まさに“迷い子になったグローバルな田舎人(いなかびと)”の立場(errant global villager/詳細、後述)に甘んじていることに他ならない。到底、これでは、ララ・ファビアンが“はんなり”歌う『La Différence / N'oubliez Pas Les Paroles 2010』の呼びかけの意味なども理解できぬことであろう。

▼35歳平均年収300万円台 12年で200万円減少に衝撃、http://news.nifty.com/cs/technology/techalldetail/ameba-20100103-53684/1.htm


▼日本の自殺者数:12年連続3万人 長引く不況、前年上回る恐れも(情報源、http://mainichi.jp/select/wadai/news/20091226ddm012040002000c.html


▼各国の非正規雇用就業者数の割合(対全就業者)・・・EU15の平均 は「1990年=10.4%→14.0%」 へ拡大したが、1999年の<有期労働の均等待遇EU指令>によって、この程度に抑制された。一方、日本は疾うに30%を超えて40%へ向かいつつある。「小泉・竹中ネオリベ改革」の罪は重い!(情報源、http://d.hatena.ne.jp/toxandoria/20090412

▼賃金減で保険財政厳しく 健保や年金、介護など 【日経新聞 2009/08/10】(情報源、http://fukuokaunion.blog7.fc2.com/blog-entry-3861.html

▼親の貧困で子供の食事代等が負担できない!/小・中、就学援助対象143万人 増加傾向続く(情報源、http://www.shijyukukai.jp/news/?id=1128






Speech shows Obama's transformation as leader、Kathleen Parker • December 13, 2009 、Opinion(Statesman Jouranal.com)、http://www.statesmanjournal.com/article/20091213/OPINION/912130321/Speech-shows-Obama%5C-s-transformation-as-leaderより・・・部分抽出・・・

かつて、ラインホールト・ニーバー(オバマが傾倒した米国のプロテスタント神学者/Reinhold Niebuhr/ 1892‐1971)はこう言った、“我われの人生では完璧に実行されるべき価値のあるものは何もない(だからこそ、我われは希望によって救われなければならない)=Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime.( ; therefore we must be saved by hope.)”と。この言葉は、巧みにオバマの演説に取りこまれている。つまり、それはオバマの"We must begin by acknowledging the hard truth: We will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes. There will be times when nations -- acting individually or in concert -- will find the use of force not only necessary but morally justified."という言説だ。

つまり、ここ(=どんな立派な人士でも人間のできることには限界がある、だからこそ希望と理想に救済されねばならないということ)から“平和の実現のために必要な戦争もあり得る”というオバマのオスロにおける詭弁演説(オバマのオスロ演説の原文はコチラ → http://www.47news.jp/47topics/e/137314.php)の論理が生まれたのだ(参照、以下英文)

"For make no mistake: Evil does exist in the world. A nonviolent movement could not have halted Hitler's armies. Negotiations cannot convince al-Qaeda's leaders to lay down their arms. To say that force may sometimes be necessary is not a call to cynicism ― it is a recognition of history, the imperfections of man and the limits of reason."



With those words, Obama aligned himself with conservatives, who believe in both the fallibility of human nature and in an enduring moral order. Like Niebuhr, who during World War II abandoned his pacifist-liberal roots to become an advocate for war, Obama has left the comfortable world of consensus-building to become a war president, recently deciding to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan. His journey undoubtedly has been painful as he arrived at this unfamiliar destination: "Some will kill. Some will be killed."





・・・Blackwater carried out CIA "Snatch and Grab" Operations、http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/4789446-blackwater-carried-out-cia-snatch-and-grab-operations

結局、“Kathleen Parker(December 13, 2009 、Opinion / Statesman Jouranal.com”流に言うならば、今やアメリカのオバマ大統領も再び“ほんの些細なボタンの掛け違い(pettier differences)の過ち”を犯す寸前まで追い詰められているが、オバマのアメリカには、ほんの僅かながらも未だ期待がある。

一方、現在の日本の政治家や財界トップらの “新たな記憶に無感応な認知症にも似た特異な脳内環境”には大いなる疑問符が付く。なぜなら、“資本主義の新たな方向性(レギュラシオン理論(Théorie de la Régulation)、アルテルモンディアリスム(Altermondialisme)など)、経済学が本来果たすべき二つの役割(“政治権力のツール”、“国民主権への奉仕”)、あるいは平和・人権・格差問題などに関わる、そのほんの僅かなボタンの掛け違い(pettier differences)などについての重要な意味”に気づかぬ彼らのお陰で、今や日本全体が世界の市民社会の潮流から完全に取り残されており、いわば彼らは“迷い子になったグローバルな田舎人”の立場(errant global villager)に日本国民を追いこんでいるからである。






●2009-12-26付toxandoriaの日記/ 自治・連帯型「国民皆保険」のEU、「市場型医療」が深化する米国、「過剰市場型医療」修正の中国、「国民皆保険」を軽視する日本(日本は何処へ向かうべきか?)、http://d.hatena.ne.jp/toxandoria/20091226

●Speech shows Obama's transformation as leader、Kathleen Parker • December 13, 2009 、Opinion(Statesman Jouranal.com)―全文―

WASHINGTON ― After Obama's Nobel Peace Prize speech, anyone still questioning whether he is really a Christian, rather than a Muslim aligned with fanaticism, needs to seek therapy forthwith.Anyone still unconvinced that Obama is really an American committed to his nation's values should probably surrender to the asylum.

Obama's speech was both a Judeo-Christian epistle, conceding the moral necessity of war, and a meditation on U.S. exceptionalism. He was, in other words, the unapologetic president of the United States and not some errant global villager seeking affirmation.
The speech was a signal moment in the evolution and maturation of Obama, from ambivalent aspirant to reluctant leader.

Rising to the occasion, he managed to redeem himself at a low point in his popularity by reminding Americans of what is best about themselves.Paying homage to champions of nonviolence, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi, he nonetheless acknowledged that as commander in chief charged with protecting a nation, he couldn't follow their examples alone.

"For make no mistake: Evil does exist in the world. A nonviolent movement could not have halted Hitler's armies. Negotiations cannot convince al-Qaeda's leaders to lay down their arms. To say that force may sometimes be necessary is not a call to cynicism ― it is a recognition of history, the imperfections of man and the limits of reason."

With those words, Obama aligned himself with conservatives, who believe in both the fallibility of human nature and in an enduring moral order. At the same time, he left room for moral conundrum: the difficulty of reconciling two seemingly irreconcilable truths ― "that war is sometimes necessary, and war at some level is an expression of human folly."

Obama didn't mention his favorite philosopher, Reinhold Niebuhr, but Niebuhr's thoughts were woven throughout. In one example, Obama said, "We must begin by acknowledging the hard truth: We will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes." Niebuhr said, "Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime."

Like Niebuhr, who during World War II abandoned his pacifist-liberal roots to become an advocate for war, Obama has left the comfortable world of consensus-building to become a war president, recently deciding to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan. His journey undoubtedly has been painful as he arrived at this unfamiliar destination: "Some will kill. Some will be killed."

Though the Oslo speech follows others that have inspired even his critics, this was Obama's most presidential. This one marked the moment when Obama became a leader, defined as an individual who chooses the hard road because he believes it is the right one.

Some of the machinations of Obama's own justifications were evident in the text. He made a point, for example, of implying that his Afghanistan war is more justified than George W. Bush's Iraq war.And he reminded the world that, whatever mistakes we've made, the U.S. has shed its blood and spent its treasure to promote peace and prosperity around the world.

There is much about Obama's administration to criticize. But at certain moments, the president articulates our problems in ways that elevate us beyond our pettier differences.



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