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投稿者 いさむ 日時 2010 年 3 月 05 日 14:51:09: 4a1.KLUBdoI16

Richardkoshimizu`s blog
作成日時 : 2010/03/05 13:02




●米軍との激戦地で出生異常多発=最新式兵器が原因? −イラク 3月4日18時22分配信 時事通信




阿修羅における水爆説否定派の人物も、WTCの地震波の波形に「極めて短時間の顕著な変化(スパイク)」があることを認めており、ビル倒壊のによるパンケーキ 崩壊では「説明できない」ものであることを認めている。だが、あえて、核爆発との関係には言及を避けている様子だが。 同氏によると、公式見解もこの地震波のデータを無視しているという。無視せざるを得ないことを、彼らがしでかしたということである。ブッシュの背後の黒幕が。

●ロシア軍部が「米の対イラク核兵器使用可能性」を懸念 [読売新聞]

投稿者 あっしら 日時 2003 年 2 月 03 日 19:59:10:

【モスクワ=古本朗】ロシア軍の核部門担当者らは、米軍がイラク攻撃を決行した場合、敵の大量破壊兵器を撃滅して完勝を期すため、低威力の核兵器を使用するのではないかとの懸念を強めている。露紙「独立新聞」(30日付)によると、露軍参謀本部戦略研究センターのワルフォロメイ・コロブシン大将は最近、米軍がイラクの地下の化学・生物兵器貯蔵庫を破壊する目的で、地層突入型核爆弾B61―11といった兵器を使用する可能性があることに言及した。B61―11は航空機から投下され、地下7―40メートルまで突入して爆発し、地震波で地下目標を破壊する。 爆発エネルギーの大きさを、0・3―80キロ・トンの範囲で選択でき、核兵器としては低威力だが、同紙は、地層が爆発で覆されて放射能が地表に噴き出し、深刻な汚染をもたらすのは必至だとしている。
また、米英が現在、現地に結集させつつある兵力は15万人未満で、湾岸戦争当時の多国籍軍(約70万人)に比べて格段に少ないにもかかわらず、今回は「国家としてのイラクを完敗させ、完全に支配する」という多国籍軍よりも困難な任務を遂行しなければならない点にも着目。同紙は、露軍専門家らの見方を踏まえ、この状況下で米軍がイラクの抗戦意思をくじき、早急に降伏させるための「唯一の解決策」として「少数の核兵器による攻撃」を選択する可能性があると報じた。 同紙はまた、イラクでの核使用には、他の「米国への潜在敵対勢力」を震え上がらせ、大量破壊兵器製造の意思を放棄させる効用があるとも伝えている。 (2月3日19:26)

2003年2月4日  田中 宇

Detonations And Deceit

The USA has already used Nuclear Weapons in GWI and Afghanistan, and is duping us as it prepares to use them again in GWII

アフガニスタンで小型戦術核が使われた形跡。戦死した兵士の持つライフルが溶解していた。生存者は、しばらくして死亡した。米軍は、アフガニスタンで、新開発のサーモバリック爆弾(thermbaric bombs)の使用を示唆しているが、戦術核バンカーバスターの使用を隠蔽するための言い訳と思われる。サーモバリックでは、ライフルは溶けない。

博士は、OKCビルの現場から帰還した軍の科学捜査チームの5人の健康診断を担当した。ひとりが、精子の検査を求めた。 今後子供が作れるかどうか、確かめておきたい由。手足と胸の発疹を博士に見せて、放射線によるものだと説明した。OKCビルの壁の支柱にFBIとATFの特殊ユニットによってマイクロニュークが仕掛けられ爆発した。5人は、ビルの破壊されなかった支柱に装着されていた、爆発しなかったソフトボールのサイズのマイクロニュークとC4パイナップルボンブを回収しに中に入った。

Micronuclear Devices Used in OKC Bombing: Explosives Placed by
Dr. Bill Deagle MD | September 8 2004
"There were micronuclear bombs placed on support pillars in the walls of the Federal Building, by special units of the ATF and FBI. They were paged out not to enter the building on the morning of the detonation, and the Federal Judge was warned to cancel court that day. We removed to undetonated softball sized micronuclear bombs, and one C4 pineapple bomb, attached to the pillars of the remaining building."


Zionists Nuke Downtown Beirut - Again!
In a desperate attempt to slow down their forthcoming defeat in Palestine, Jewish Special Forces micro-nuke former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, then instruct western media outlets to falsely blame the atrocity on Syria Devoted husband Rafik Hariri in happier days with wife Nazek, flanked on the left and right by photographs of ground zero in Beirut, filmed before and after the micro-nuke was detonated by remote control in an underground sewage conduit. A large very clear image of the complete crater profile is shown further down
this page.
On 18 April 1983, Zionists bombed the American Embassy in Beirut, killing 63 people. Then on 23 October the same year, Jewish 'Special Forces' war criminals detonated two Dimona micro-nukes outside the American and French marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241 and 58 soldiers respectively. As with the murder of Rafik Hariri in 2005, western media outlets tried to 'false flag' Hezbollah and Syria for the atrocities. Ground Zero in Beirut after micro-nuke detonation on Monday. Crater diameter is 32 feet, and judging by
the angle of its exposed sides, has a total depth of between 12 and 14 feet. The flat light grey matter in the center of the crater is actually flotsam floating on seawater.

Bali Micro Nuke - Lack of Radiation Confuses "Experts"

October 14, 2002
'We saw a fireball ten storeys high'
from tim johnston in kuta, bali
The first explosion looked "like a car with a flame up through the middle of it", said survivors. "Then we saw the fireball, and it was incredibly wide and probably about ten storeys high just in flames alone. It was a mushroom cloud of flames," said Allen Joseph, who was taking a taxi back to his hotel after dinner with his partner when they became snarled in traffic less than 200 metres from the epicentre of the blast.

●バリ島の爆発は小型核爆弾と断定 【警察当局】 投稿者 バリ本部 日時 2002 年 10 月 16 日 15:09:59:

目撃者によると、爆発直後には巨大なキノコ雲が立ち、爆発による火災が2時間以上も続いたという。 ディスコ前の爆心地には直径5メートル深さ2メートルの巨大なクレーターができ、水がたまっていた。 軍事関係者によると「通常爆弾では、クレーターはそれほど広がらないはずだ。極めて小型の強力な爆発があった証拠だ」と語った。 【バリ現地新聞より】

Detonations And Deceit
After sending these musings to some friends, and people on my lists, one of them wrote me back saying:
My brother is an ex-Marine (I know - no such thing). He told me months ago (rather casually, I'm afraid) - when we were arguing over the phone about Bush possibly using nukes on Iraq - that these were just low- grade depleted uranium nukes they were talking about using - NOT the mushroom-cloud generating nukes that we traditionally think of when we talk about nukes - e.g., the ones that were used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki... Besides, he told me - the US had ALREADY used many of these low-grade depleted uranium
nukes in Iraq, during the FIRST Persian Gulf war, back in the early 90's. He seemed to believe that this
was common knowledge amongst the military, and most ex-military personnel. He said the only difference between Bush I and Bush II was that Bush II was being straight up front about the use of these weapons (as if that was something to commend him for...!!!).
So - I'm very inclined to believe this piece of scoop."
To which I replied:
"Thank you for sharing with us this insight of a man on the spot.
Please thank your brother too.
I am quite certain that your brother has had solid information that nuclear weapons were used, especially in the landings on the Kuwaiti shore, see below.
"However, I believe your brother was referring to a LOW-YIELD Nuclear Weapon, rather than a LOW-GRADE weapon?
"It is almost impossible to get a fission reaction going with U-238 except under immense neutron flux, it being, under normal conditions, a FISSIONABLE material, but NOT a FISSILE material, the latter class being capable of spontaneous fission under certain quantitative and kinetic material density increases and other considerations, as is possible with the traditional U-235 and Plutonium-239.
"However, U-238 or so-called "Depleted Uranium", i.e., U-238 fairly leached of its fissile U-235 content, IS fissionable under heavy neutron flux, which jumps it up into Plutonium 239 when it is deliberately used for the casing on the FUSION aggregate of a thermonulear weapon (Hydrogen Bomb). "What I believe your brother meant, are LOW-YIELD nuclear weapons, i.e., of (relatively) low energy output, (between a few tons' and a few hundred tons' TNT-equivalent) which, due to clever design, such as the use of Red Mercury or Mercuric-Stibic Heptoxide (Hg2Sb2O7) as carrier and tamper for Pu-239 incorporated into its crystalline structure, combined with electromagnetic implosion using heavy fields generated by FCGs (Flux-Compression (explosive) Generators), can make even relatively miniscule amounts of Pu-239 fission, and are also much more efficient in the percentage of fissile material they manage to fission when they are initiated, so fallout is low, and the "Neutron Bomb" which is something like a very small nuke, produces a high-density neutron flux which can penetrate armor and also underground facilities and killed, most likely, the Iraqi soldiers in their dugouts in Kuwait, before they were bulldozed over.

アフガニスタンで小型戦術核が使われた形跡。戦死した兵士の持つライフルが溶解していた。生存者は、しばらくして死亡した。米軍は、アフガニスタンで、新開発のサーモバリック爆弾(thermbaric bombs)の使用を示唆しているが、戦術核バンカーバスターの使用を隠蔽するための言い訳と思われる。サーモバリックでは、ライフルは解けない。

"Dear Editor,
I recently received an unconfirmable report of weapons used by the USA in Afghanistan, which melted rifles
in the hands of dead soldiers:
Perpetual Death From America
By Mohammed Daud Miraki, MA, MA, PhD
Afghan-American Freelance Academic
Mdmiraki@ameritech.net  2-24-3
Many survivors died within a short time thereafter.
Having once been interested in these sorts of things, I know the duration and energy output of a fuel-air or "thermobaric" bomb produces far too low an energy density for this phenomenon to occur.
As America's intention to use thermbaric bombs was announced some days in advance of their actual application, I pondered at the time if this were not a cover-story, much as the cover-story to the first Alamogordo test, to explain away in advance actual testing of tactical nuclear bunker-busters in Afghanistan.
Since the reports of melted weapons have surfaced, I urge you please, to push this theme, as, if it were exposed as being a fact, the adverse publicity would discredit the United States and Britain, and also prevent further usage of these weapons, should the war against the hapless population of Iraq go ahead.
Thank you for your attention,
George Paxinos"




01. 2010年3月05日 17:46:49

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